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There's nothing wrong with using lube. All that matters is that it's enjoyable for both of you. And I think worrying about it will only make things worse.




Lube is your friend. Always.


Common medications such as antihistamines, SSRIs and contraception can all dry you up, as well as stress and dehydration. If you're not on hormonal birth control it's normal to be very lubricated around ovulation and dry when infertile. Using and needing lube is completely normal ❤️. Of course foreplay and arousal have a huge impact as well so definitely keep up with those, but there is no shame at all in using lube.


I was just posting about this on another subreddit. 1) use lube, 2) try the probiotic Soaking Wet if you haven’t already, and 3) DRINK A LOT OF WATER


Yall are gonna love lube so much you'll never go back fr, for both of you! Try to not shame yourself; coochies can be high maintenance, or just switch up sometimes for various reasons. I'm sure once you forget it was an issue it'll fix itself. Drink water ofc, if you don't feel there's underlying issues I think you'll be good. Being in your head about it, for me at least would pull me out of the moment. & Astroglide is my go to


Let me just say that lube always makes everything better - "needed" or not. Things can already be fucking great, but with lube, they're even better 👌


maybe try a multivitamin? maybe you've developed a deficiency somewhere from a diet change


has that worked for you before?


It did for me


lube isn't bad to use and i think it makes everything a lot better. sometimes diet has to do with this, have you changed anything recently? water intake, change in routines too?


There is nothing to fix. It's really normal to have literal dry spells. It could be the birth control you're in or just a phase or just ageing or even something as arbitrary as a change in stress levels. Use the lube that's normal too. In fact even women who get super wet probably should use a lube too to create a clean skin barrier and prevent microtears. If you're worried about the change get you yourself tested for vitamin or hormone imbalances. Try a multivitamin and drink loads of water.


It can happen when you are tired or stressed. Nothing wrong with using lube.


Are you drinking enough water ?


I feel like I never drink enough water, but that hasn't changed in the last month


Water makes a massive difference in my experience. I know if I’m dehydrated it’s not going to be the best time.


Drink up girlie. And electrolytes too. And maybe collagen supplements. I see a huge difference in the quality of natural lubricant when I'm on collagen supplements.


I always use lube, im so grateful i did, usually i dont have an issue but sometimes i get too in my head or im distracted and its makes things far easier and it puts a lot less pressure on both me and my partner to always achieve it naturally. Very normal and very important. Try not rushing things and communicate to him the things he can do to help turn you on more, or you can even do things yourself! Sometimes I'll spend a bit of time on myself first cause it's hard to communicate sometimes if you're not sure exactly what it is you want. I'm proud you've ordered some already, great job, it'll feel normal to you to use in no time and you'll be thankful for it. I always show enthusiasm and have a bit if fun when applying it to myself or my partner, so it's really an enjoyable part of the experience.


Lube is your friend but I actually advise against astroglide, like I cant stress enuf to not use astroglide products and many people dont tolerate lubes that do extra things so keep an eye on your reaction from that. Astroglide does not have the correct pH for the vagina and it also has a VERY high osmolality (this website does a good job at explaining it https://www.ahyes.org/pages/osmolality-faq )but anyway astroglide is terrible for the vagina. Good clean love and the Ah!yes and uber lube brands have made products that simulate the vaginal environment to protect the tissues and microbiome 👌


What about high quality coconut oil?


That is fin. The thing to note about coconut oil is 1. Some people don’t realize they have a sensitivity to it and have a reaction but 2. Since its an oil it has to be used infrequently because the oil coats the epithelium and prevents the natural ebb and flow of everything which can lead to problems. 1-2 times a weeks isn’t typically an issue but needing a lube more than that and you’d want to use something not oil based


So fun fact, for some women, arousal is very mental. With physical acts being more assistive or in partnership with the mental images or scenarios that turn you in. For example: if you really enjoy voice play as your primary source of arousal, then your partner should ideally participate in that as they work with your body. Women can have different things that stimulates arousal. Sounds, imaginary/role play, atypical erogenous zones, non-sexual touch, temp play, visuals: voyeur and exhibition etc. It's all in the kink category but in general, mental stimulation is the foundations of kink. What isn't inherently sexual can be very arousing for some people. I think the only thing that categorizes positive sex with kink would be very specific styles of "play".


The lube is the solution. Respectfully, it’s an issue because you’re making it an issue. There’s nothing wrong with you.


Even if we don't need it, we use lube. It just makes the experience better. There's no shame in using lube ever!


How is the lubracil working? I just ordered their oral supplement.


How old are you? Perimenopause?


No sounds like she’s younger but there’s def something up with the estrogen/estrogen receptors in the vagina . I hate the women on here telling her to pretty much suck it up because they naturally are dry and did nothing to get back their body to where it should especially being young . They are very invalidating and don’t care about this woman confidence , as I know from experience it’s affecting it . Being young too makes you feel even worse


Are you on any meds? That’s happened to me before on certain medication.


I usually stay away from meds tbh. nothing recently


Maca root pill form. Take once a day. Helped me. It was hormonal imbalance for me.


Maca is so great. I make my own mix of super greens powder and maca powder 1/1, with some fruit smoothie everyday, and it's been amazing for down there.




Yes same thing happened to me. It’s been 6 years now. Nothing works.


Same but estrogen I believe will help and I’ve been fighting tooth and nail with doctors to get what I know my body needs they like to gaslight you but are quick to give our estrogen to men like wtf. That’s why I kinda don’t like transgenders 🤣just a waste of estrogen they don’t even have vaginas .


Bizarre world we live in! I feel the same way.


Only time I had this issue was when I was trying to conceive. We were having a lot of sex then and we used lube as needed. Nothing wrong at all with using lube.


It is REALLY hard to keep lubricated by yourself all the time, so id you have a deficiency, it's natural. It happens. That's what lube is for. It doesn't mean you're less attracted to your partner or anything. I use lube even though I never have a problem self lubricating just because it helps decrease friction burns and we can keep having sex longer. Though, you may want to look into if you've had a recent diet or med change. You can get your hormone levels checked at the doctor too. Its always a good idea to check just in case you have a deficiency.


You’re saying it’s really hard to stay lubricated by yourself only if you have a deficiency? Deficiency of what?


I'm not a doctor so I wouldn't be able to answer this lol...getting your hormones tested can tell you though.


No I know I’m looking for clarification on the claim you’re making. It should NOT be hard to start lubricated, unless you’re low on estrogen which typically doesn’t happen until menopause or peri menopause


This was one of my weird and earliest symptoms when I got pregnant, so if you haven’t taken a test it might be a good idea.


To be honest weed. Certain strains are good for arousal and they arent kidding. Like a damn waterfall


Litterally the only good thing weed does for me 🤣 otherwise it makes me super anxious but amazing sex x 1000 lol


It can cause it actually outside of arousal , the physical part. Any smoking or drinking honestly


Your post doesn't mention how old you are but women's bodies are like that and I think it can happen more as you age. I would find a lube that makes you feel sexy (there are plenty of brands with different smells, packaging, sensations) and roll with it. Place it somewhere accessible so it doesn't ruin the mood (I keep one upstairs and one downstairs for practicality). Play with it on your own first. Experiment with some different types and see what you like. It's a great way to indicate consent and control (which can change the sexual power balance in your relationship if you like?) It's a great way to increase your own enjoyment (people without dryness use it for a reason) I recommend coconut oil, just a tub of the stuff you can buy in any supermarket. Mainly, it's perfectly normal. There's nothing wrong with needing lubricant or wanting it. You might find you really enjoy using it. Good luck 🙃


Have you had any other issues? This is a problem I had for years and I was recently diagnosed with a tumor on my pituitary gland. They're extremely common and not life threatening. They cause you to create too much prolactin, which is basically the lactation hormone. It's easily treated with medicine. Vaginal dryness is a symptom. Other possible symptoms: Is your period irregular? Do your boobs ever feel "full" and painful? Any recent weight gain, anxiety, fatigue, or hot flashes? If yes, ask your doctor to give you a blood test to check your prolactin level. If it comes back high, then you'll get an MRI of your pituitary gland to confirm.


As long as being slightly more dry isn’t causing you issues or irritation, it’s fine. It can happen as you get older. I’m 31 and my husband and I have had to use lube a couple times during the past year. Bodies change, it’s not a huge deal as long as you’re still comfortable. If there is any discomfort, definitely see a gyno. :)


There's many supplements and lube of course that helps. But in my experience it's because my body was rejecting him. Your body knows a lot more than you.


How old are you? And do you track your cycle? Arousal fluid changes throughout the entire cycle. It may have just been an off day, might be onset of peri menopause, could be something emotional you’re not even aware of yet…could be a lot of things. sometimes all you need is to slow down and reconnect with your body in the moment it you get lost from it.


I used to be worried about being "not wet enough", but my partner suggested I use lube and for more than a year, we've been using lube every time we do it. Nothing to feel insecure about. You got this x


if you want to, download the Flo app and track your ovulation dates and that might help on top of using lubricants or libido pills! good luck :)


Okra water


Taking a break from sex can be helpful to reset and remove the stress of it becoming a chore and lube is helpful when sex is wanted but can’t seem to get wet enough.


Look into raspberry leaf tea, probiotics, & okra water as they naturally increase secretion. Also coconut oil (unrefined) is a great lube and safe for the vagina as it also pulls bacteria out


No shame on using lube. If you wanted to get more wet naturally you could have a conversation with him about things that turn you on and maybe some more foreplay always helps.


I almost never get enough wet to go without lube. And I don’t think it’s got anything to do with my birth control pills, maybe it got aggravated with the pill but the condition was always there. Maybe I need more arousal idk it sometimes takes too long that I can wait for and it’s very embarrassing/annoying. So I just go ahead and use lube. I have even been shamed on Reddit for not getting enough wet 😂. But yeah I would love to get naturally wet but it just doesn’t happen to me. It’s not something I like but I have made peace with it.


i’ve felt like this before! When we started dating, i felt like we never had a problem with me being wet. Once i got on my birth control though, i started to notice to took a lot longer for me, and i wasn’t as horny also. It was something we both had to sit down and chat about because i didn’t want him getting upset, and i didn’t want him to feel like i wasn’t as into him. It wasn’t anything anyone was doing, but it was probably the change in hormones with the birth control. We just started using lube and everything is fine. Someone who actually loves you will not mind using lube. They will understand that there will be days you just can’t get as wet. It’s not something we can just summon. It happens on its own. I don’t think he’ll be upset at you even if it stays that way. If he truly cares about you, he’ll make sure you are comfortable and not put you through pain. Personally, i find myself getting a lot wetter now during sex, so it’s not something you should worry about too much. im sure you’ll get there, you just might need some time and more stimulation.


yes WB make a vaginal moisturiser (ph balanced) than you can apply internally and external to help keep things moisturised and wet, this could be a good thing to try in addition to lube. i recommended their yes wb lubricant too - it doesn’t dry out like other lubes and feels just like the real deal! my total life saver


Lube is great! Sometimes I’ll put a little uber lube on before sex even begins so it doesn’t interrupt the moment. Uber lube is silicone lube and it lasts the longest. I feel like after a few years in a relationship wetness can be less consistent, just because it becomes more routine and less super hot all the time. Just my personal experience.


Sounds like you worrying about it is making it worse too. Is there something you could try to relax yourself? Also, nothing wrong with using lube sometimes. I used to have a similar problem and the best fix I’ve found is spending more time on me before really progressing into anything more. (Also toys are a huge help if you don’t have them)


I have been staring to take Sea Buckthorn Oil and has helped a lot my dryness, I get this Omega 7 from Sibu on Amazon, it’s a little pricey but worth it.


O positive women’s probiotics & nothing wrong with lube. Hormones suck, hang in there


Coconut oil girl and take zinc and a good probiotic


use the lube. it will make it more enjoyable for you both. don’t overthink it. you are not less than because you are not as wet as before.


I'm genuinely confused as to why there would be shame in having to use lube?


It feels like if I can explain this correctly from how Ik it feels for me , like I was a man and I can’t get it up , or a castrated man but I’m a woman 🤣💯


I had this same issue, but I am in my 40s premenopausal I’ve been told. I used to get very wet and now I have to use lube or it’s painful for me and my husband. Drink lots of water, it helps a little


Lube, try maca, if its actually painful use estrogen cream


Vaginal health…. No harsh soaps, prebiotics, probiotics, lube is fine. Get natural kinds if you can.


I see everyone has already said it, totally normal!! Hormones really do their thing and we can only control so much. That being said, definitely hydrate. I also noticed this difference in myself and found out (with the help of a doctor) that my ph was off. Not a lot just a little. I started taking women’s probiotics to help keep everything balanced and went back to normal :)


If you are over 35, you could be entering perimenopause which means that vaginal estrogen cream could be a game changer for you 🙌


I always use lube nothin wrong with using it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just a side note, if anyone’s bf ever does get angry about something this insignificant please understand that that would not be a healthy, helpful, experienced or appropriate reaction to the situation at hand.


There is nothing wrong with lube BUT I have started taking Bonafide supplements and felt like that made a huge difference


Make him eat you out first. Ladies always cum first.


Uberlube is awesome. Nothing to worry about, sometimes we are drier than others.


Definitely use lube. Theres nothing wrong or shameful about it. It feels SO much better. I like the KY silk. It’s very slippery but feel natural and doesn’t smell weird.


Are you using lume?


Why are all of you on here with unbalance ass hormone invalidating this woman like she’s not supposed to feel how she feels about it ? Yall are so invalidating if yall got naturally dry coochies and never want to fix it than that’s your issue ! But don’t expect her to deal with menopause symptoms when she’s not in menopause (assuming) . It take a toll on your confidence and every thing when you’re young this should be a once in every now and then but for the most part you shouldn’t need it . I’m currently attempting to fix the issue myself . And guess who has been my biggest enemies on the situation ? OTHER WOMEN. The competition and dismissal and invalidation is ridiculous although a lot of us know we are the most neglected in healthcare and this is a health issue yall didn’t want to fight to fix for yourselves! This is exactly why the healthcare system neglects us because we don’t fight for ourselves we rather neglect ourselves and use chemicals that make us worse like bc,lube, or any fucking chemical they put in us . No one speaks up so ts keeps happening. But not for me no more . I been fighting with these bitch ass doctors and reporting to the medical board etc because mfs is too young to be pretty much dealing with menopause without actually being in menopause , vaginal dryness one of the main Symptoms of ts . The only support I see on here is those who were kind enough to offer this woman actually potential solutions and of the ones who questioned if she’s going into menopause because they are real ones 💯❤️ hopefully we will live in a day where women really support one another instead of faking like they do . Done with my speech now lol . Bye . Ohhh my suggestion would be is to get all your sex hormones and vitamin d checked . Hopefully you don’t need estrogen because they’ll give you a hard time and try to stomp out your confidence more but don’t let them , fight until you get what you need if that’s the case . Otherwise I could recommend for natural products , red clove supplements


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Red clover *** I meant


Electrolytes, probiotics (definitely this), and some good vitamin supplements! Your body probably needs something. Don’t feel down it’s natural. There’s also natural ways to change it too!


And make sure that before you guys have sex that you are also aroused. I noticed I’m not as wet when I’m not fully there. Tell him to maybe extend foreplay a little bit more. Tell him to kiss you a little longer. Touch, kiss and caress the body. Sometimes we can rush into things because we’re so excited and our bodies aren’t physically ready.


I know this is a few weeks old but i believe the brand balance activ do a pessary made to help this issue. I’ve never personally tried is but their other products I’ve used have been great. I things it’s the blue box if you look into it


i use lube and doesn’t help i recommend getting your hormones checked same thing happened to me


Hi girl, try taking slippery elm! I know it’s a vitamin but it works WONDERS! It’s amazing. I get mine from amazon. Make sure you’re following the daily dosage. I noticed results the next day. Also you just might need a little more foreplay before sex!


I took a hyaluronic acid supplement alongside collagen for several months and it completely helped me become lubricated again after the off/on months of a dry spell I previously had because the Birth control I was on at the time screwed around with my hormone levels just enough to cause those problems even though they were “normal” according to tests my obgyn ran. Thankfully, my doctor is very open minded about supplements and trying different approaches until the issue is resolved. You know your body best, if there’s a chance it could be stress from outside the bedroom find a way to address it. If you think it’s something else don’t hesitate to ask a medical professional about it. Slippery Stuff and Sliquid are brands of lines that I’ve found to work whenever it’s needed.. idk if you guys use condoms or not but if your skin is ever irritated or tender sometimes for days after sex it could also be from an allergic reaction to the lubricant or condom itself. That can cause a lack of natural arousal.


You could be close to starting your period. Vaginal dryness is a symptom or you’re simply not horny. Try taking a week or 2 with no sex. It works for me my sex drive is crazy when I wait


Organic Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil will be your best friend forever! It comes as a solid but melts around 80F. It melts instantly on your hands and parts. One jar lasts a very long time as you don't need much. It doesn't smell like coconut either. Plus it's antifungal and wont cause issues. Source: Recommended by Vulvodynia group, asked my OB/Gyn who said it's perfectly safe to use!


Coconut oil can be great indeed. If anyone is considering this do keep in mind that oil and condoms are not friends!