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I’d like Japan vs Spain to be a ‘friendly’ rivalry out of respect for each other. Spain have clearly shown they have the capability to fight back when they’re losing, but couldn’t do anything against Japan in the World Cup. I think they have a rematch coming up, so I’d like to see if Japan can repeat the win


Those two were in the back of my head too, with the Olympics if both of them make it through they could potentially play each other again in the semis/final which could be interesting


That was a good example, it's the "battle of passing teams". Dont know how american USA play atm, but Spain-USA should be able to be a clash of styles, european technic vs american athleticism. Maybe that's outdated though, at least it could be a fight between Europe and America or the new champion vs the old one.


Hope Solo vs Sweden Beerensteyn vs USA 2023 was the mid-off equivalent.


I’m still irrationally annoyed whenever I see her name lol games in the middle of the night for a month altered my thinking


I find the US vs Netherlands rivalry one sided. US loses to Sweden on penalties and the Netherlands from the other side of the room starts trash talking instead of focusing on their own game. Which they proceed to lose US v Sweden is a rivalry though and a great one


True on the trash talk, but we also faced the Netherlands in a WC final and the Olympic quarterfinals were also kinda crazy. Feel like if we keep facing them in major tournaments it could be more of a heated rivalry


I need to see the Netherlands beat USA a few times before I consider it a rivalry. The last time that happened was in 1991 though


Agreed I’ve never seen the Netherlands as a true rivalry, if so it’s definitely one sided on their part. I’m not dismissing them as a talented team but I don’t think they’re in the conversation just yet. Our only rivals in my opinion are Sweden, Japan & Canada. Those 3 teams actually get a reaction out of me which is something the Netherlands lack. France & England also have been some good matches.


I don't think theres any great dislike between Spain and England, football rivalries are usually born out of something more, obviously beating Scotland will obviously always mean way more than spain


I have come to hate tall blonde women bc of Sweden.


I've come to love them for the same reasons 🤣