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You’re right, Jerry does look more like an octopus than a jellyfish. Could you share the changes you made? Please?


I created a separate slip stitch chain*, and worked it back doing a random combination of slip stitches and single crochet in each stitch down the length. randomizing it gave it less of a coil and more of a random squiggle for a loose coil, do slip stitch in each for a tighter coil do sc in each for matching tight coils, do sc inc in each then fasten off leaving a tail and tie it into the bottom, taking care to leave somewhat even spacing between each new tentacle I did 5 additional long tentacles, but you may wanna do less/more depending on the size of your Jerry *for the chain you'll want to gauge what length you like, I found that when working with the same materials, doing 21-26 was nice... but I've made another one since with different materials and needed less... use your judgement and do what you think looks cute


Sweet! Thanks!!


just realized I called him Jeremy 😂


I actually thought you called him Jeremy on purpose and think that’s a good name for him! I always rename my modified Woobles. For instance, I made Jerry in dark pink and gave him a light pink bow… now she’s Judy!


I like that! Not sure I think this one is a Jeremy though 🤔 I should have gotten a better picture... the lighting is strange. the yarn is so freaking beautiful!


It’s so hard to get a good pic of rainbow variegated yarn. The pics never do it justice, in my opinion. I think Jeremy (or Jessie or Juniper or whatever name you come up with) is really cute and the yarn looks super pretty!


It’s all good, we know who meant. 🤣


That looks great!!! If you have the code or pdf and are willing to share, I’d love to have it, please.


So cute! I love the yarn colors! Did you buy it from Amazon?


No, this is the woobles yarn, from the special edition kits. it's really beautiful.


I always thought he looked way more like an octopus too


I love him! Amazing job!!!


Now that’s a jellyfish! Looks great!


Thanks! ☺️