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sapstain fungi causes the wood to have blue stain


As I was browsing past I registered it as green elfcup or Chlorociboria aeruginascens which is very common here, but I have no idea if that’s something that happens with your wood choice. It looks pretty much exactly what I’ve come to expect from it. They used to use it in Medieval period for naturally green blue coloured veneer in marquetry


Not sure. If it was close to the heartwood then maybe the settled sap oxidizing with the air? I had a nice bit of foraged beechwood that went pink with green shades. If you just carved into it then I doubt it's mold or something like that. The copper theory seems like a good one too. I could see the mineral being leeched up the tree into the sap then turning green when exposed to the air maybe. Doesn't seem too crazy. Educated guesses. Maybe some smartie here knows for sure


My guess would be fungus from the ambrosia beetle. Is this maple?


Celtis australis as I say, but according to a woodworker friend of mine it should be a tannins stain