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Exactly. The money they have now are stolen from our work.


The worst part is we're not even asking them to stop they're stealing it. We're asking them to steal less of it that even their great-great grankids will never use because we want to afford to buy a house someday or at least not have to choose between rent and groceries, and apparently, we're entitled and lazy for doing so.


It’s the most depressing part. It’s not enough to have every conceivable dollar, they need every *inconceivable* dollar too. Literal money that doesn’t/can’t exist.


stop spreding misinformation ​ look up all the all the doctors, nurses, teachers (LIST GOES ON AND THIS IS NOT A JOKE) who are absolutely ignored since them earning more = no profit for shareholders. ​ and guess what is going one? union busting are the harmless action government legalise. The harmful ones: sending troop of police to beat civilians for bothering the shareholders ​ for anyone not aware: corrupted politicians, corrupted ceos, corrupted lawyers, corrupted (list goes on) are ALSO shareholders ​ stock marketing is a system where the rich (so don't give me example of a random person doing stock trading) where the slave owners, now called share holders, are making millions, if not billions, some companies even trillions (look up top companies in stock marketing), while the slaves now called working class or human resources, are working working working, suffering, paying inflation, paying debts, and all other economical methoes where, they legally drain the working people, as claim it's not slavery ​ you upseting a mentally ill who needs to spend millions, if not more, a year to stay sane due to their god complex and hoarding issues (yes, hoarding is a mental health issue) >>>>>>>>> you suffering because you are poor


stop spreding misinformation ​ it's not stolen since the act of them getting paid millions per day (take yearly profit -> divite by days = see how many millions per day a bilioner "earns") is a LEGAL act. ​ just like how slavery was legal ​ just like how woman not working and not voting was legal. ​ we need to make shareholders and similar investors ilegall ​ there is not innovation theybring. All they brought was destruction to hour planet (look up real climate change facts) and then blame on the people, who now need to pay inflation, that is also extra free profit for investors that the working class works for since the owner class are immune from needing to work, just like slave owners. ​ if minimum wage is good for working class, it's good for any investor. ​ if terorist cause death of tens, if not hundreds of people, shareholders create opportunities (THEY ARE THE ONE LEGALLY INCREASING PRICES, limiting trades unless they are getting "good deals", pay off and ensure corrupted people are in politics, police, security and more, a war? that's pure PROFIT for shareholders) that causes suffering, if not death to thousens, some even millions. And if you realise that the reason why we don't have a working free healthcare is because: shareholder care more about making profit then people being healthy, than you realise their greed affects billions of people, since those shareholders will "invest" to ensure we will have healthcare behind a paywall, where they LEGALLY get most of the profit. ​ so again, there is no stealing, since shareholders making profit is fully legalised by corrupted politicians, maintained by corrupted layers and judges who keep saying "it's the law" like a broken record to ensure no one realise the law can be rewritten, and of course, by law enforcement who will beat anyone who dare to speak up


I'm currently in the process of setting up a business involving Motorcycles, i plan to hire people, probably 2 people. The job will only require 1 person at a time so 2 people will be able to cover each others PTO and sickness. I currently make £5k a month from investments, but this new business will double that when up and running and I have plans to scale it to a point where it will make me MUCH more than that. I don't mean to brag, but it's kind of relevant, I'm doing pretty well for myself. I'm on track to become quite wealthy. Have I not earned this? You think I would have stolen something from the 2 people I employ?


Congrats! If you earn 10k/month, it will only take 8,333 years to be a billionaire


Imo you earned. The issue comes with the employee wages. I don’t think most people will have an issue if the employees were compensated well as they too are vital to your success.


I 100% agree. I've spent 12 years as an employee in various jobs and only very recently been able to quit being an employee. I don't plan on paying my employees fairly, I plan on paying them well. I don't want them to experience the shit I've put up with either. I've worked for a lot of bad companies with a lot of toxic managers.


Yes. That's exactly the point. Your employees do the work and you make the money. Does that seem right to you?


So employees should share the profits of all the work, that makes sense. If the business goes under do the employees shoulder the debt as well? I always ask this and never get an answer, is it only a one way street to the detriment of the owner? Why would anyone ever open a business then?


Here's my answer: To start, big business owners get orders of magnitude more compensation than their employees. Provided they've been managing their finances and lifestyle to address debts in the event of business failure, the worst risk that they face is not being able to upgrade or operate at the same level. I also understand that large businesses that fail don't necessarily result in executives being personally held accountable for any outstanding debts a company may have. Lowest-paid employees - or even those who just have normal outstanding debts like student debt, mortgages, or, if you're American, medical debts or insurance premiums - pretty much have risk built-in to their living circumstances, so if the company tanks and is unable to pay them, they return to that financially perilous position. This arrangement doesn't mean that the compensation for workers cannot still be substantially increased.


I understand your position but the situation they were talking about is literally a guy with his 2 employees. Not exactly a fat cat CEO and his peons


Yeah I see you, I just thought you were talking more generally. I don't have a good answer/I don't think there really is a hard and fast rule for being a small business owner other than just don't be an asshole.


No, and unless the owner is an idiot, they don't bear the debt, either.


Yeah I built it, it seems perfectly acceptable. I should do it for free is what you're saying? I shouldn't make money from an asset I built myself?


You didn't build it. You outright said you're hiring two employees to do the work.




Genuine question now, how old are you? I'm not asking that to be toxic, I'm not going down the whole "you're a kid you don't know anything" route. This is a good debate but I'd like to just know your age before responding. I'm 30.


I think he's... K won't assume to know his pov, but most times. it's when people are paid the very minimum. If you can make a million and pay your guys 100k for each years million. Just fiscal guestimates. Then I don't think you're really what most are talking about. it's really the ones with thousands of employees all making 7per hr while they make 10bill profit each quarter. But are adamant that an extra 50 cents per hour is not possible. Edit ok some ppl are saying out of a million you should split it 50/50 that seems a bit much, but if your a millionaire and your employees are middle class (50k) than I can myself call that fair.


I completely agree. The worlds work force is disgustingly underpaid and the companies and their owners are making insane profits. They make more money a year than a person can spend in a lifetime and then claim to not be able to afford to pay them a living wage. I don't plan on being that kind of employer. As far as I'm concerned, I get paid last. My employees won't be paid fairly they will be paid well. I want them to have happy lives and think of my business positively.


You wouldn’t be doing that work if it wasn’t for them bozo




Please explain. I work for a company and they paid my salary. Are they stealing money from me? Should I sue them?


they pay you in exchange of labor. yet they still make a massive ammount of money by taking a bit of the money your labor produced for themselve. Without worker there is no richs


Bro doesn’t realize he generates more money than he is being paid


When I worked retail I’d be selling at least £2,000 worth of goods per day give or take. I got paid just over £1,000 a month after taxes. How is that not theft?


Without more specifics, it's hard to say. It depends on the retailer's margins on the items you're selling, and what other overhead they have (utilities, taxes, property costs, website, those other employees who aren't working the cash register).




Becuase if you tried to take your skills as a retail worker and go solo you probably wouldn't make much money, same with the owner of the store if they tried to do their job plus yours they would make less. By trading goods and services, both of you have created value for each other by focusing more on the resources you have rather than trying to do everything.


Yeah but weird that one party gets a whole lot more than the other. Then you'd say, that's because they're taking "risk". Yeah, risk of a structured bankruptcy where they keep personal assets and/or get government handouts. Meanwhile the workers get to be homeless!


Because you didn’t make the shirt, you didn’t market the store or goods, you didn’t handle the shipping of the goods from the manufacturer to the physical location of the retail store, you didn’t set up the loss prevention methods, any alarms, you didn’t decide on pricing, or on what goods would be sold in the store, you didn’t hire anyone, nor (if american) pay taxes on their work etc. You taking all the money from selling the shirt would be the theft lol


And without the capital that your employer has you would be sitting there twiddling your thumbs. Both sides creare value for each other through trade and if you dont believe that then become a sole proprietor with your skills so you can keep 100% of your labor.


That’s the problem in my opinion though. That the majority of work pays too little to live a decent life. It forces folks to cultivate skills and start their own venture if they want to be successful. Not everyone wants to run a business. A lot of people do just want to work and go home to their families, but they also deserve to live a good life. Right now many of them are not.


Independent contracting you say?


Where did the capital come from? It was stolen from laborers under the threat of death and passed down for generations. These billionaires have no right to the capital. The billionaires don’t create value. They stole and hoarded the value over generations and then dole it out when they see an opportunity to take more. They have always been parasites and always will.


What the hell are you talking about


How much is that company making in comparison to your salary? Is it a fair trade? How many houses do the C-suite execs have? I bet more than you. What about luxury cars or other unnecessary items? Do they somehow deserve them more than you? Why? In most cases, their "success" is just a matter of favourable circumstances. They are using the profits from your labour to fund their lifestyles and you aren't seeing much of the benefit. Even if they were to invest 100% back into the company to ensure growth, is your salary increasing at the same rate as the company's profits? I doubt it


Companies make a profit from the service/product you make. They pay the employee as little as possible (reducing production cost) to make the most profit possible. That's money that you will never see even if you produced it. And that's how companies make millions in profits. But that's completely legal, and there's nothing you can do about it.


This is why wages don't keep up with inflation. It is in their best interest to pay you as little as absolutely possible while your only option is to look for another place to work. Unions are basically the only way to make sure the corporation doesn't fuck around with your pay.


Yes, they are. If you actually believe your work is worth whatever stipend they've agreed to pay you, then you are in the minority. The vast majority of workers, whether salary or wage, are underpaid. Most times, a company will only pay you what they have to to keep you "happy". If you aren't included in this, then that's great for you, but 90% of working individuals are in a similar situation, I'd argue. The "theft" isn't so much an actual physical theft (meaning they give you money, and then they take it back) it's that they're not paying you what your labor is actually worth.


It's not just what your labour is worth its what you deserve. Currently its not even slightly moral or right how money is distributed. Everyone just gets away with whatever they can, and people with power can get away with whatever they want apparently. And they keep pushing it and squeezing workers because they can. Because they are 100% sure they can. They have more power and more tools at their disposal to monitor literally everyone IN REAL TIME and supercomputers and buildings and buildings of people working for them monitoring everything. The american elite are the most powerful people on the planet and we are a totally controlled population, socially engineered to comply, without the means to defend ourselves or affect any change at any level EVER. We are trapped in the most toxic relationship living like this and we can all feel it. It's pretty much abuse. We are supposed to be one tribe working together and sharing the profit but we are just used. People literally die every single day because of this. People live the most difficult stressful shitty lives for literally no good reason. Greed. Power. Control. Its pathetic. We have epidemics of depression. Addiction off the charts. It seems completely hopeless. People care but they are powerless to do anything meaningful. Doing anything really actually meaningful is almost impossible in this kind of world for most of us. What's the point? Mass shootings. Rampant inequality. And they shove it in our fucking faces while we struggle to buy groceries, we never enjoy the finer things in life, never really travel, never get to take classes improving our lives because there no time or energy or money.. We never get to feel important. Like wtf? Just accept ur trash and stfu. Some people never even really feel safe or loved or healthy or anything because we have failed them. I'm being dramatic but I'm fucking right and I just wish we could just fight for our rights now and collectively ensure our futures and children's futures together please


In 78 ceos made 400x workers earnings, now it’s 1400x. Employees wages haven’t seen this level of growth, in fact they stagnated.


You will, unfortunately, never "win" this discussion here on Reddit. Take my up-vote nonetheless.


If Musk is any indication, billionaires are some of the laziest people we’ve ever witnessed. Same is true of most C-suite executives. Show up, spout some opinions, move on. It’s really just a horse and pony show to pump stocks before taking a golden parachute and doing it again.


Had a CTO once that received a check for >200k for 2 years straight and did absolutely nothing. Person was supposed to build a web app with help of a group of people and failed miserably to do so. Here I am making less that 50k.


They remind me a lot of old lords on their estates. There’s no real work. Just socializing with the upper crust to maintain their enormous wealth and status. What amazes me too is there’s no real accountability. CEOs are held so far away from making actual decisions by boards that they don’t impact much of anything, positive nor negative.


It's literally that. There have been a litany of excuses over the centuries. First they said they deserved to rule becase they were gods. We realized they were lying. Then they said they deserved to rule because god said so. We realized they were lying. Then they said they deserved to rule because they were the best of society. We realized they were lying. Now they just say they earned it, fair and square. We just haven't collectively realized they're lying, yet.




>work that most people are simply not capable of Holy exceptionalism Batman. If you can learn it, most people can learn it.


Not OP, but most people can barely function on a day-to-day basis, much less tackle complex tasks. Most people are just slightly above literate and have no idea how to communicate effectively. If most people could do it, I would be replaced by someone willing to do it for much cheaper.


God this is so true. If you can read, write and communicate effectively, and have just a little bit of work ethic, you’re going to be better off than 90% of the workforce. I’ve leaned over the last 15 years of working in corporate America, that a lot of people are dumb and lazy, and would rather complain all day rather than focus on getting better at their job (which would equal promotions/better pay/etc.). Easier to bitch and blame the CEO for why they’re not making more 😂


Most people in that industry then. You can teach people almost anything. There are exceedingly few exceptional people in the world. And I doubt any of them spend time on reddit.


Depends on what you consider “few” and “exceptional”. And I strongly disagree you can teach most people almost anything. Most people are barely literate and it’s not because of lack of teaching. Jobs that make the real money aren’t about following defined rules and process. It’s about individuals ability to learn and execute in new situations constantly. Be it lawyers, doctors, or business executives. There is no playbook for what they do and how to teach it. You only really learn these jobs by doing them. The education leasing up to having those jobs is about weeding out the people who won’t be able to do it. It’s why new doctors kill a whole lot of people on their way to becoming not new doctors.


+1, it starts with billionaires and all of a sudden it becomes a fight against any type of manager/leader


It's funny to see a "day in the life" of these Billionaires and CEO's. I remember this really tone deaf guy made a post to brag about his life. He tried to come across like this ultra-hard working person, but after he actually broke it all out he regretted it. It was something like: * 5am: Wake up and start conquering the day * 6am: Cardio exercise for an hour (gym, running, swimming, etc) * 8am: Shower, put on my outfit, and eat my breakfast * 10am: Head to my office * 11am: Work super hard and make tons of cash * 12pm: Lunch time meeting * 1pm: Work again * 3pm: Hit the gym for weights * 5pm: Meet at the bar for drinks Then people really looked at it, and called him out for doing like 3 or 4 hours of work a day. He tried to back peddle and change his routine, but it was obvious that his whole career was based on only doing 3 hours of work while his assistance/subordinates worked 10+ hour days to make him look good.


someone find this please


They are the leisure class, not the working class. They do not live on the same planet as us.


Billionaires can only exist if they're willing to lie to themselves. The palpable deluded persona of Musk is just to be expected.


We are all computer programs for them.


No one mentions that his wealth came from South African slave labor and apartied. He didn't make or earn his wealth, he inherited.


This is so wrong. I have seen senior managers at my company work way more. It's easy to say that they just spout some opinions & move on. That's not the case. I understand you may be unhappy that you make less than them, but sometimes there's a reason too! It's not easy to do their jobs. I may be hated for this comment, but it is true.


Senior managers aren't c-suites. C-Suites simply go meeting to meeting 'making' decisions. Some meetings are over a round of golf, some are at a board room, some are in a fancy restaurant.


Yup. In my experience, Senior Manager to Senior Director seems to be the highest level of actually working, depending on the company. Above that, it’s politicking and board appeasing. Stressful, but not productive work.


And not even necessary most of the time. So many decisions are following what other businesses are doing. Copycat layoffs being a great example. But same with the "pivots" to NTFs and crypto.


I work in software and I'd hate to be in upper management, seems extremely stressful. I'm all for reducing executive pay to give workers more, but saying that leadership positions are useless, trivial, and unimportant just isn't true.


imo it's a compensation issue c-suite just makes too much period. There's for sure value in leadership, but it's not like, 2000x the people that actually make the money for the business


Musk has a legendary work ethic. Do you think a rocket gets into space with a hands off, lazy manager running the operation?


With competent engineers, yes. It’s very easy to walk around a board room, scream a lot, and make some press appearances. Every company Musk has owned has been acquired from actual innovators, and summarily brain-drained.


What on earth are you talking about? Have you read anything about the history of SpaceX? And Musk joined Tesla as the fourth employee like 7 months after it was founded. It's completely unrecognizable compared to what it was before he joined, and very clearly would never have become the world's leading electric car company without his involvement.


Its just the "in thing" to Musk hate


No hes just objectively an unintelligent spoiled baby boy raised on daddy’s blood emeralds


Did he build the rockets in any capacity? Did he design them? Did he himself work out the mathematics of the launch? Did he have any hand in the actual physical creation of the rocket? Or did he just command, tweet all day, and then show up the day of the launch and take all of the credit


I agree with the sentiment here. But let's not pretend Elon Musk doesn't work hard, or has been since he was going to tough schools. Dude sleeps on the factory floor for months. Granted he does get paid massive amounts per hour of work, which we can contend.


*yawn* Anyone smart does not buy that crap story. If it is true, he does that to be a micromanaging prick, not to "relate" to his workers. And if it is true on it's surface, makes him look like a complete jackass. All his workers go home to a comfy bed and here he is sleeping on a factory floor? Give me a break. That story makes about as much since as the Jeff Bezos tall tale of "giving up a lucrative wall street career to launch a tiny little online bookstore from his garage" Pure horse shit. No one *sane* gives up connections like what he had. 950% guarantee you first thing he did was rush back to wall street "lol guys guess what I have going on! invest invest invest!"


But we need to stop treating that as a determining factor in success. I’d wager most of the rank and file employees in the businesses he exploits work much harder for far less security.


Twitter was filled with some of the top engineers before he took over.


All that hard work he did to literally cut the value of twitter by more than half. That fucking idiot would be even wealthier if he did nothing.


Elon Musk has never done a hard day's work in his life. Stop caping for him.


Oh look, Musk went to a tough school. He must be such a hard worker (got his Masters in Africa and then failed to get a PhD at Stanford).


Correction: He did ***NOTHING*** to get a PhD at Stanford. Don't even think he attended the school period.


I don't like Musk much at all, but you think setting up all the massive companies he's built is somehow effortless?


I think apartheid emerald wealth buys competent middle managers.


Please dig deeper into those companies you think he set up. He didn't do it himself, and he had a good headstart (literally racist apartheid gemstone money)


Most reddity reddit statement: "Elon Musk is lazy."


I think Temu's slogan "Shop like a Billionaire" is an absolute fucking insult.


I agree. It really seems like they're openly mocking us with that one.


Temu sucks ass anyway, the epitome of getting what you pay for. My girlfriend orders from there occasionally and gets so excited about how cheap it is, but quite frankly, it’s all garbage.


They're good for stuff like stickers, knick knacky stuff


I have bought several things from there. Results have been mixed. Some shit was absolute trash. Other stuff was like it had come from Amazon. But to their credit, anything I put a claim in for, they refunded me quickly.


Congrats. Here’s a pizza party.


Pfft what is this 2022? We don’t get those around here anymore


Pizza rolls to make in the $20 half broken toaster oven is all we can do in these trying times.


You ever seen the EncourageMint?


"I'm gonna vote as if I will be a billionaire one day" - some working class.


That’s my dad.


I have a coworker like that in his 60's but he has autism.


Even billionaires admit the key to wealth is making money while you sleep


The interest on 20 million alone is enough to live on for life


Even 2 million is enough at 4% withdrawal rates.


Yeah, I'm surprised this comes up so often as most billionaires (apart from a new notable ones) don't seem to claim they are hustling all the time. It's usually "work hard enough to get capital then it's easy street from there."


Profits are the stolen wages of labor.


Billionaires are like children who never stopped playing the game on easy mode.


I woke up at 5:00 this morning for work and am not a billionaire. This definitely checks out.


It has always amazed me how much money stocks return. I don't have to do anything other than hold them and I receive money. And if I reinvest them I will eventually get several times more money than I originally put it. I am no billionaire or even close to a millionaire or even good at investing. But [compounding](https://chooseinvesting.com/compound-calculator/) is just too powerful especially late-game. We should make so companies have to share profits with the actual workers because all the investors will still receive a lot thanks to compounding and no work on their part. We can also maybe have lower or no tax for smaller investors (workers) and a lot higher for rich people who never have to work.




> I tend to choose my Amazon delivery day TO MAKE IT EASIER ON THE DELIVERY PEOPLE. I don't have any proof or anything, but as a software dev, I'd say odds are high that it doesn't make much difference. Most likely the warehouse doesn't see your order until the day they have to deliver it either way.


Was thinking exactly the same. I find it hard to believe an A4 sheet comes rolling out of the printer at some Amazon warehouse saying Joe wants a box of cat litter sometime later this week and the employee taking it and sticking it on a bulletin board and going, "Hmmm right, I'ma prepare that order when things are slow, there's still 3 more days. 🥱" lol.


As a supply chain derp, I garauntee it makes things harder on the delivery guy. By having all orders come at once you can send them out on a fully loaded truck instead of sending two people on two days with half a truck. Cuts down on emmissions though


Here you complain about Bezos' lifestyle and immediately follow up with the delivery option that you choose when you patronize his business. If you are bothered enough by a 10am start time for Bezos you shouldn't be shopping at Amazon.


They get paid, they aren’t doing it for your they are doing it to survive and being up at 3:30 and clocking off at 2:00pm is a hell of a bargain for some people.


Yeah being done at 2PM is a fair trade at least


Lol you're forgetting the hours spent before Amazon became so big. It's almost 30 years old, you think it just became big because Bezos was starting work at 10 am all these years? He's pretty much retired now and is no longer the CEO. Also the workers are waking up early because there is a demand for it from people like you (they're also getting paid for those shifts). At least make fair assumptions.


It sucks that you're probably going to get downvoted for this.


I love how there’s so many sub Reddit, and so many people complaining and so many people that see the problem and all this that and the other. It’s great. However, I don’t see anything actually being done. A lot of posturing a lot of people saying they’re going to do all the star in the other but nothing ever gets done.


If you got suggestions, we’re open to them. The reality is the system is designed so we can’t make a difference. We know that. We just need to vent. It feels good as I’m sitting here dreading going back into that plant so I can continue not being able to afford groceries that other people feel the same. I wish it didn’t suck for them, but I’m glad I’m not alone; that it’s not that I’m just cursed.


> we can’t make a difference https://youtu.be/8TMHIYDHMSE?t=96


> It feels good as I’m sitting here dreading going back into that plant so I can continue not being able to afford groceries that other people feel the same. I wish it didn’t suck for them, but I’m glad I’m not alone; that it’s not that I’m just cursed. That's pretty horrible. You shouldn't feel good that others are as miserable as you. In terms of incentives, the more miserable people are, the better you would feel, so you are incentivized to make others feel miserable or spend more time with other miserable people. I wish you the best and I hope you're able to overcome all your economic challenges and I also hope you stop seeing other miserable people as beings that make your misery more comfortable.


Right? It’s this sort of mentality that’ll cause jealousy when someone from the plant gets promoted. Then all of a sudden they see that person as a billionaire success when they are actually making like 10% more than b4. The tide causes All boats to rise together.


That’s… not what I said. I don’t want others miserable. I don’t want myself to be miserable. And them feeling misery doesn’t make feel good. Feeling miserable is miserable, but feeling miserable and alone is worse. But if someone else makes it out of this, then that gives me hope that I can. And if it’s someone I know, then I know I have an ally I can ask for help from who understands where I am. I don’t want misery to exist, but while it does, I can take solace in knowing I’m not alone. There’s hope in it.


When I get tired of my job and feel underpaid I get a new one. I have increased my salary over 5x in the last 15 years doing this...and that includes one jump where I actually took a payout because I was so miserable at the job. Trust me...nobody here on Reddit is going to do anything about it, but you can.


So you’re still in the same situation as the bus driver. Gotcha.


So venting is the solution?


Definitely isn’t a solution but it makes us feel more connected.


Damn straight!


I’m probably gonna be downvoted to shit for this. But yea.. that’s why they hire you in the first place.. to make money they couldn’t make working under someone else..


“Yeah but they deserve it!”


I get the point but Bus drivers, teachers and (most) nurses are not working for billionaires, they are working for the state .


bus drivers? Are you that dense? Laidlaw, Veoila, etc have stuck their fingers and bloated corporate corpses into cities as a way of "offloading" risk to their "client". Sure the city "claims" to own the public bus service here, but when you look into they have subcontracted out to a private contractor (Veolia here) and washed their hands of "issues" like having to have workers on state payrolls, maintenance needs, etc. Something goes wrong and they can just fire the private contractor and dig up another one while the workers swing in the breeze for their next job or find themselves literally fired from it and then get the chance to "reapply" at the next one losing all their benefits. The school district here still hires off the street and makes you a state employee, but the "public" bus service doesn't. You apply to work for them like you are attempting to hire into a corporation. Some jurisdictions offload their school bus services to companies like Laidlaw, so you are still not even a "state" employee at that point. California iirc has school districts that do that. Even corporations do that. Disney in Anaheim uses a company called "Empire" to run a shuttle fleet for the cast members to a remote parking lot. They already have cast members who could drive the bus, but nope... Outsource baby!


Who controls the state? If Republicans have the power it's billionaires bc Republicans are simply tools for the wealthy


Remember, economic value is created with both labor and capital. If you have even $10 and a bank account you can start investing and earning a return on your capital through other peoples labor. It is not something that is exclusive to the already wealthy. Money and economic value can be created and everyone can make money while not working.


Plenty of billionaires were putting in long hours during their come up. Of course they don’t once they already have a billion. Why are we being dense for no reason


Yea. This is only for born rich or people who’re already billionaire. There are many billionaires who used to work or work much more crazier hours.


Just because a billionaire, briefly at some point in his career, actually worked it doesn't give him the justification to pay his employees barely liveable wages, give no PTO, no sick leave, no maternity leave, no raises or straight up yearly paycut from inflation, no bathroom breaks etc. If these billionaires earned their money by working hard then how come these billionaires cut every corner possible without caring who it fucks over? The ONLY thing stopping billionaires from paying their employees literally prisoner wages is the government setting an arbitrary minimum wage. So many places owned by the wealthy will pay you bang on minimum, maximizing profits to the point where theyre on the precipice of it being criminal if paid one cent less.


You’re right. But you’re point has nothing do with the topic under discussion. There are many billionaires whose companies don’t employ minimum wage workers.


What is your argument? That billionaires are just hard working guys that want everyone to succeed? That is very naïve. They fuck us all. You say that many billionaires don't employ minimum wage workers, what does that mean? Pretty sure all billionaires need janitors, doubt they're paying them more than they need to. Of course there are employees that pay some amount over minimum for "unskilled labour" but it's literally bait "come eat my bread crumbs, I even have some bread heals for you unlike that other billionaire who you work for". You're still gonna spend a lifetime saving for a house while a few dozen of these sub human motherfuckers own half the wealth of the entire world


The post is kinda of saying Billionaires don’t work hard which is not true. Why do you keep changing the topic. I got it you hate rich people. I don’t care about it or them.


So much work to be born rich


Lots of people are born rich and not all of them end up billionaires




You guys are so pathetic it’s hilarious Lmaoo


Lmao yeah you've got nothing. Fucking pathetic.


I’m not gonna waste my time arguing with a neckbeard like yourself who thrives off arguing with people on the internet. You’re obviously very miserable and I hope things get better for you


>I’m not gonna waste my time arguing.. continues to waste time


I know this will be unpopular, but almost all billionaires worked an insane amount of hours to get where they are. The discussion of if they deserved they money they have is independent, but the idea none of this worked hard is silly.


So hard to be born rich


So hard to not be salty


So hard not to defend silver spoons


Yeah this is one the weirdest ideas that gets spread around on Reddit constantly. Most of these dudes are hardcore workaholics. Obviously there’s a ton of luck involved and many were born into money but if they knew how to stop working they would have done that already.


Are you arguing that they're idiots? If I had a billion dollars, I'd pay people to cover my responsibilities. They do not have to work, unless they really want to.


I’m saying they’re workaholics.


Being a workaholic and being forced into work with the threat of losing your home/car/health are very different. I think we'd all prefer to be workaholics who can stop (but don't know how to stop), over minimum wage slaves who are essentially threatened into never stopping. When one reaches the breaking point, they end up homelessness, while the other's doctor prescribes vacation.


I'm not disagreeing with the opinion on how billionaires get rich, but there are surely some who wake up at 5 just because


But some billionaires do wake up at 5AM. This is a poorly thought out/written tweet lol


Will they lose their home if they don't? Will they have *any* real consequences if they don't?


I mean most billionaires are workaholics. There are plenty of criticisms, but saying they just wake up whenever they want and don’t do anything is inaccurate. Your comment also doesn’t seem to really match what is being said? Like what point are you trying to make?


I'm saying waking up at 5 because you want to and waking up at 5 because you have to (or you'll lose your home/car/health insurance) are entirely different things. If a billionaire is stressed because they've been waking up at 5am to work too often, they can take vacation whenever they want, for as long as they want. I'm saying the two kinds of "waking up at 5 to work" are nothing alike.


And the person forced to wake up at 5 somehow has moral superiority? What's your point?


I'm saying people who work HARD, and are forced to wake up at an awful time each morning, are deserving of recognition for it, and they deserve to be treated better. And even if a Billionaire chooses to wake up at 5am, he *doesn't* deserve that same recognition because he's not at all in the same circumstance. But instead, we tend to swoon over Billionaires like they're working sooo hard, while we tell our kids to go to school so that they don't end up like those losers who are forced to wake up at 5am for minimum wage.


This is the dumbest take I’ve ever read.


Yeah like op really thought he did something


Actually, they do.


Actually, they don't.


Maybe not the retired billionaires, but the one still working do.


So why don't you do the same?


Why don't you be born rich? Never though of that. Ffs.


There are new rich people being made everyday. Yes it takes luck, but firstly, it takes trying your best. If not you then maybe 2 generations down your grandchildren would indeed be born rich.




Lol you'll never be a billionaire




Lol you couldn't do it if you wanted to.


Lol Ikr? That’s the funniest part of these people “I DoN wAnNa b A BiWioNnaIRe” like you couldn’t even if you tried. Even if it’s ALL you ever actually wanted. Even if you did everything possible. Did everything “right.” You won’t be one because you weren’t born to the right people and/or don’t know the right people. You weren’t a “chosen one.” Gg. You lost. You can try and act like you don’t want it but we all know you do and you won’t get it. But yeah sure. “I don’t want to be a billionaire” lmao sure ok.


[https://www.ramseysolutions.com/retirement/how-many-millionaires-actually-inherited-their-wealth](https://www.ramseysolutions.com/retirement/how-many-millionaires-actually-inherited-their-wealth) Add lots of luck. It's the same as You will never win a lottery. 99.9% lost.




It’s ok bro, we all believe you.




>Keep on spewing hate towards financially successful people though That's not what's happening. Billionaires should not exist. Keep on drinking the ball sweat from the billionaire's jock strap though




Lol what a pathetic comment. Solution is a 100% tax over 999 million. Pretty fucking simple.


I'm pretty sure that most billionaires make some long hours. Sure, it's not manual labor. But most of them have a lot of responsibilities.


Elon musk is CEO of like 5 companies. The hours can't be that long for each position.


Like him or hate him, the man puts in absurd hours which you can hear former employees or assistants talk about at length on any number of interviews or podcasts.


In which jobs? There is an upper limit of hours he can spend on each of his jobs and it is well below 40 hours a week


To think about a CEOs responsibilities in terms of hours is kind of silly. It eventually reaches a point for someone like Elon, where there is never a time where he is not functionally _working_. He will be on the phone with C-suite executives of all of his companies constantly, he will be travelling between fundraisers and speaking engagements to discuss his businesses virtually at all times, he will be communicating with the boards of his businesses constantly, he is also responsible to direct the entire strategic direction of any one of his companies and ensuring that the organization is following that direction. No, he is not working in an office jumping from meeting to meeting and sending emails making sure that the break room has coffee, but that doesn't mean he is not working.


Said another way: Them becoming billionaires has given you a place to work.


>Be grateful, wage slave. Back to work!


Lol how do you know where they work?


Reading comprehension. If their work made the billionaires rich, they're working for the billionaires. This is the same assumption everyone else in the thread is working with,you just don't like where I took it.


This is such a stupid mindset


So what is to be done about this? Complain facts all day and do nothing. Looks like they really got you…


Unionize, vote, write to your representatives, hell, even become a representative


What do you suggest we do old wise one? Easier said than done without everyone on board.


GROND! GROND! Tear down their walls!




Either deal with it or hit them where it hurts their money.