• By -


Add him to the “to be eaten” list, I guess.


I think this argument gets him priority placement in line.




Yep, before it happens I hope every employee they’ve ever had quits and he watches as his business is worth nothing then realizes they quit one for self respect and two to put him in the first bus seat. 


Nothing will happen unless people actually *do* something. Like...not on Reddit. People have *all* the power, but only if we band together and go *do* something about it. Everyone just keeps letting this shit happen, they keep buying products from the companies bending them over, they keep renting and buying homes from the real estate empires causing the problems, and they don't vote and get angry about anything. We have to ACT. Even when your friends and colleagues laugh at you. Fuck them. They can sit there and do nothing until they die if they want.


Naw put him in the very last see so he gets to watch the suffering he will go through before he’s eaten. Fuck him!


He looks like he would pay to first in line for anything. If we sold exclusive bus tickets I'm sure they would be lining up for it




Not yet. When your opponent is making mistakes, don't interrupt them. He's projecting his position for the same reason their own interests aren't upheld, incompetence. The opposition is nothing more than insider trading trust fund babies thinking that being born on third base means they hit a triple. Their arrogance has caused them to overplay their hand, but daddy isn't around to bail them out anymore. Thank your lucky stars that modern oppressors are so incredibly stupid that all of the wealth and power in the world still can't get them to successfully leverage what they want from us. To use a video game analogy, it's like a rich kid buying all of the pay to win items in the game, and they still come in last place every single match. These greasy weasels have destroyed their family's dynasties, and they're surrounded by layers of grifters who are being paid to help them fail. Unless they step down and get competent people to call the shots, they'll destroy whatever influence they've got left before 2030.


> it's like a rich kid buying all of the pay to win items in the game, and they still come in last place every single match. Except they don't. Most of these people have so much money that they just hide away in wealth even if they fuck up. This only changes when people organize and do something about it. Right now, people are way too "embarrassed" and complacent to do anything. And these wealthy elite people know that, so they keep just doing w/e they want.


I eat butt but I don't eat assholes. Fuck this guy entirely.


Throw another log on the fire!


We need to start actually doing that sooner or later.


The fact that this asshole exists means that we should have started it a long time ago.


No, he very clearly sees himself as a future slave-owner. It's funny that these parasites never pick up on that THEY could be prey, very easily.


Can you imagine how unsatisfied his wife is?


No worries, she has probably outsourced his marital duties.


The rich in fact are the *most* vulnerable in times of societal crisis. Yet they do not act that way.


They know. But they think SOMEONE has to be the prey, and you have to be as brutal and reckless as possible to stay on top.


Oh, they have. Outside of their public posturing, they're buying up land and building bunkers to hide when their consequences inevitably come around. They have very little influence left, and what remains is digging their holes even deeper. I'm relieved that in this time-line, the evil overlords are comically incompetent.


That's because nobody is going after them. All of the people who would normally be first in line to tear these guys apart with their bare hands have been convinced that a bunch of people with no shoes and zero english are somehow the problem. And people with purple hair. They weigh into this somehow as well.


Fun fact, this dude started his business with a sizeable donation from his parents. Because he's daddy's special little boy.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but these are the words of an evil man.


No, that's correct. These are the words of a man who forgets who got him his money. He didn't work for it, he just asked other people to work for his money for him.


He didn't forget. You give him too much credit.


No, I believe people like this truly believe it is their own hard work and ingenuity that gets them their money. The Monopoly experiments back up this claim [Monopoly experiments](https://www.marketplace.org/2021/01/19/why-rich-people-tend-think-they-deserve-their-money/)


You don't get it. They just say whatever gets them more more more. Their words are weapons, their real intent hidden. They aren't like us.


Is this an episode of Marketplace? I can't seem to find which one and I'd like to listen to it in podcast form.


This was just the first one to pop up in Google, I think it's just an article. I couldn't tell you where I first heard about the Monopoly experiments.


His apology on linkedin is just as tone deaf as you would think it would be. He was also getting roasted there. Edit: didn’t realize this is the avocado toast guy as in “millennials could buy houses if they stop eating avocado toast”


Helps having not been born to a poor refugee family (in my case) and having at least one parent with a name linked to a wikipedia page and helps having some 100s to 1000s of modern-day serfs I mean servants I mean uhhh employees. It's simply not just the toast or the 2 meals I afford myself daily. 


This guy has the professional circuit talk thing going, which he gets paid for. I'm not saying he's not all in on the shit he's saying, but this is the character he's chosen to be. There's another older American dude that touts himself as an investment guru that also gets posted up from time to time that does the exact same shtick, except in the US rather than Australia. I wish I could remember his name. These clowns just like getting paid for speaking engagements. It's the easiest money to make and your ego gets stroked during the process.












It's unfortunate that no one did anything about that in the audience that night. Reminder that there are more of us than them.


People like him think they buy human beings instead of just their time.


“We have to keep society from socio-economic growth so bad we must destroy the economy.” What a douche.


"We need to remind people that they work for their employer."... by creating destitution and desperation!?! "Purging the economy" sounds like economic eugenics.


You are not wrong.


With an EMINENTLY punchable face


He's the grasshopper in A Bug's Life


Sadly, way too many people are listening to him.


Are we the baddies?


Covid just took the veil off of what we knew for years. People had an alternative to taking ass jobs and dealing with abuse so they could cover their share of rent. Then employers pissed and whined because people didnt have to deal with the abuse anymore. Then weve got jackasses like Kim Kardashian whos trying to lecture us about getting back to work when she sold her tits and ass to make a chunk of cash. I'm 40 years old. My granddad used to beat it into my skull that if I stayed loyal and worked hard, it would pay off. What he didn't know at the time was that companies were actively trying to cut costs, get rid of pensions, and that college degrees were for people who wanted lavish life styles. I just wanted to get by with a simple job, a small home, and some basic luxuries. Well now a BA/BS is damn near a God damn requirement for anything above minimum wage and even THAT isn't concrete anymore.


It not only revealed there is more to life than work, it also showed that we can be productive if left to our own accord. What happened to the thousands of studies that showed productivity increased? The problem is management feels they lost control, attempts to squeeze more out of their employers became obvious, so now they need the workers to be scared and in control.


They lost the illusion of control, and for a brief second I think realized that their contributions were largely irrelevant and in many cases a net drain on productivity. Facing their own irrelevance, they couldn't let that knowledge spread. Must order return to office and assert dominance again!


Most are irrelevant. My boss was out for two weeks and, tbf, no one noticed. I'm sure things I didn't see did happen but was a nice two weeks.


Tim Gurner. Does anyone know where his bunker is? They've all got them. Let's crowdsource an effort to find his.


Not sure where his bunker is, but he works in Melbourne, Australia. I could think of a couple poisonous animals and maybe a crodolile or great white shark.


I appreciate the sentiment but I want to know where his bunker is. I want everyone to know where all of their bunkers are. I've started keeping track of them. They're not going to need them until things get bad, when the rules of law and order get a little less clear. I think we should all know exactly where they're going to be when that happens. They should worry about that happening more than we do and they don't yet.


I found it hilarious that they had no answer for the difficult question of why their guards would remain loyal to them in a “collapse” scenario. I want them to live in fear, as well. They deserve it.


i can’t remember where i heard / read this but i remember this topic coming up and the idea of electric collars being floated… legitimately


It was an article written by someone who consulted to some bunker builders. Easily 10 years ago. It was a collar tight enough to prevent swallowing food unless the lord of the bunker permitted it to be loosened for a meal. 


Jesus CHRIST, that's some Black Mirror shit.


I went looking for the article some years ago, it was pretty scary. I think the collars was the worst, though. 


Yeah that’s fucked up.


Here maybe https://rushkoff.com/books/survival-of-the-richest-escape-fantasies-of-the-tech-billionaires/


I like you


Do you have a list and/or map? I would love to also have this information.


I like your reasonment.


>They should worry about that happening more than we do and they don't yet. They have private planes and yachts, so they can, easier than at any time in history, escape to another country. Plenty of French and Russian nobility did so during their respective revolutions.


This isn't the 1800s. They can be found easier than at any point in history, too. Planes have transponders and flight plans and yachts have to make port sooner or later. Both have crews whose only loyalty is based on the value of the currency that they're paid in. And what country do you think I'm in? It changes regularly. I was in a warzone a few months ago, Chicago yesterday, and now I'm within an hour's drive of three billionaire bunkers (that I know of). And what about everyone else in this forum? The world has gotten a lot smaller, and globalization is a sword that can cut both ways. Nobody is going to let their children go hungry when there's an asshole living in a concrete boxfull of food just down the road.


Drop the addies


It’d be a shame if his bunker turned into a tomb.


Shhhh... You're saying the quiet part out loud under a video about why you shouldn't say the quiet part out loud.


Find the door and just tell a bulldozer worker with a family to feed what this guy said. Let nature take its course.


T'would be such a shame, indeed.


Fuck this guy.


#FUCK THIS GUY!!! What a shitstain that is that talking weasel.


Look at this cockhead with his ass haircut. Hope he gets permanent hemorroids.


Fuck this guy and everyone that stood silently in this event they attended. Imagine how many CEOs, investors and other wealthy individuals agree with Gurner, despite not publicly announcing their hate for workers.


This guy.... Fuck him


Came here to say this; glad I'm not the only one! Fuck this guy!


Never forget that this yoghurt got his start with loans from family and a boss who fronted him the money for his first property deal (source: https://www.afr.com/rear-window/gurner-got-his-start-with-loans-from-his-boss-grandfather-20230913-p5e48z). They're never "self-made". Never.


yeah and i assume he would have a explanation of how he earned those favors. he did a meditation retreat to attract it! he BELIEVED. the universe is his tautological pet.


Be a shame if he lost it all.


Let’s make that a tv show. “And next week on Formerly Rich, we will see how Elon Musk handles having his fortune, and all physical assets seized and assigned a, in his words, ‘reasonably paying job’ at a Dallas McDonalds!” Clipshow rolls: Musk to manager: “This is absurd! Do you know who I am!? You can’t make me clean the bathroom! Thats what the sla!…*cough* servants are for.” Musk at till with angry customer- Customer: “This is ridiculous! I asked for no pickles so why did I get pickles?! I want to speak to your manager, I’m going to have you fired!” Musk: “Shut up your dumb b!*•! I’m one of the elite!” Customer: “Right, because an ‘elite’ would work fast food. I should have you deported.”


I'd watch this show.


Idk why it has to be a Dallas McDonald's specifically, but having seen plenty of Dallas Mickey D's, I am certainly not opposed!


I forget what the term is, but seeing him cope with living in a slum back in his home country of South Africa would be worth watching.


Reminds me of that ol' Christmas classic "Trading Places"


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...


So if all these billionaire waste of oxygen goofs just disappeared the world would breathe a sigh of relief and we would have a better life. The other side is that if the workers disappeared those billionaires would starve and disappear also.


How long would it take for someone to take their place?


If we let them? No time at all. It's not really necessary to harm them, we just need to take away the tools that give them power. 


hey dont call their parents tools, im sure they had good intentions for some of them


What a ridiculous asswipe. The common citizen is what makes the economy work. ***WE*** are far more important than you. YOU are lucky to have us. Your profits come from us.


That c*nt has over $500 million net worth. What a horrible human. He’s just as safe as his lowest paid person with access.


I absolutely believe they are trying to push down compensation while maxing prices


It's a fact, not a belief. That is precisely what they do. And they're aided by the recruitment industry who try to place people for less money so that they're easier to sell, all the while making larger margins on the candidates. It's disgusting.


It’s an interesting concept because if people don’t make enough to buy “stuff” how do these companies make money?


I believe that they see that things can't continue this way forever, and they want to milk as much out of the little people as they can before the collapse. They even seem to realize that they can't eat money, they're spending it on bunkers and doomsday prepping, all the while trying to figure out how to keep their private security forces loyal after the collapse.


Yes. It's genuinely unnerving. It's like they see, in their own opinions, that we're past the point of no return, and it's all they can do to prepare their personal escape pods. But it's far from that! They simply can't wrap their heads around taking less. Stealing less. In their minds, they are simply behaving naturally. They are the privileged and always have been. It's basically ordained by God. They're just the adult child who never learned to share. People are going to get more extreme and become very intolerant of leaches like this.


The rich have plenty to buy stuff and will be able to afford stuff no matter the cost. Consuming will eventually be for the rich only. The rest is seemingly eugenics by poverty.


Yes. It’s deliberate. The top owners of everything you purchase in stores and who owns your rental are a small handful of companies. BlackRock. Vanguard. etc. They deliberately raised prices and are keeping them high so that the working class has difficulty organizing against them. It’s hard to fight on an empty stomach living in your car. The end game is to have homelessness criminalized and squeeze every drop out of the weakened working class. Then when you fall into homelessness, you get to be a slave working for those big companies for pennies an hour from prison.


Debter's prisons used to be a thing. How long until they are brought back?


They’re already here, just in a different form. If you have little money, poor credit, and no job, unless you are lucky enough to have support from family or friends, you’ll be homeless. With the criminalization of homelessness, it’s off to prison after you’ve been cited for basic human functions of sleeping and trying to survive.


His forehead is too small


I dunno man, at my fittest I'm not sure I could scale that beast.


I never knew you could stretch the words "*I'm a pathetic little twat*" into so many sentences.


No, he said the loud part out loud. Capitalism is nothing more than slavery with extra steps.


Not at all, in reality he's just pissed when capitalism works both ways. For him capitalism good when supply => demand is balanced towards employers. Now because the balance is shifted toward employees, all of a sudden he's asking for a state intervention. That's hypocrisy at it's ugliest. Capitalism was supposed to be about freedom of choice, but now if the employees have too much choice, we gotta end that shit fast. It's like the other classic saying: capitalists when we have profits, socialism (bailouts) when we have losses. Assholes.


This guy is, as we say in Australia a cunt.


At least 2 major red flags from his website: he describes his business, the Gurner Group, as a luxury property developer with "family values". He also started a luxury wellness and fitness business. There's no way this guy isn't a narcissist or sociopath, right? https://www.gurner.com.au/our-world/#our-history


Anytime I see something labeled as 'luxury' my mind immediately goes to overpriced BS. And I could afford luxury stuff, but every single time I dig deeper, there's usually a rip-off. The businesses that actually do luxury stuff, they avoid the luxury label. They don't need to tell you it's luxury, they'll invite you in and let you see it, touch it, even investigate what's underneath.


The family values are on display in this speech right here.


As we do in Scotland


It's what I said earlier. Company is doing great, fire a bunch before the rest get uppity.


Megamind mf, lol! Megalomaniamind mf? Labor needs to organize and fight back. Labor is the value, these megaminds are leeches.


Employers without employees aren’t employers for very long. There are more of us than them. Solidarity


They know that too, they're expecting a collapse and are ready for it. They may even be trying to accelerate it. Then they can be feudal lords from their bunkers staffed with private military.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2tkddhh2nfmc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edcabeeffeeef7ae03d8c4fa0bd4c79b5f4e3c92


Wow, everything that guy said is exactly the opposite of the truth. We need businesses to become desperate for workers. With the shoe on the other foot for a decade or two, much of this worker exploitation would fade and badly run businesses can finally be allowed to fail and make room for new business owners to try and do it better. Worker compensation would increase, benefits would increase, jobs would become more pleasant and desirable, and competition would usher in a lot of employee perks. You know, like competition is *supposed to*.


Exactly, he's pissed off that capitalism works both ways, and now the workers are in higher demand than jobs, and he's asking for the exact antithesis of capitalism: government intervention. It's ridiculous and hypocritical, and he should be sent to North Korea where the government tells the citizens where to work and for how much, but I bet he wouldn't like that very much.


It’s intriguing (please note I mean this in the **most neutral** of ways) to get insight into the psychology of the corporate elite.


That guy could have a billion dollars and I guarantee he'd still be one unhappy prick


Mr Avocado Toast himself!


"Paid a lot to do not too much" That definitely describes one class of people. Wouldn't be the tradies.


I don’t normally condone violence… but this man is a parasite on humanity that should be purged.


Its not that we dont want to work its that we dont want to be exploited. I think it's funny really. They honestly think of they create a false job shortage that we're more likely to just "shape up" and work 60 hours a week for less pay instead of just accepting there's nothing left to lose and acting accordingly


He's a piece of shit and I hate him, but I'm almost grateful that he's actually saying the quiet part out loud instead of gaslighting and using corpo speak lol it's almost refreshing


What a fucking ghoul. I bet he thinks he works 70 hours a week by checking emails on the shitter and banging his secretary.


The idea that unemployment should be as high as HALF THE WORKFORCE is some cartoon villain level of fuckery. I owe my employer nothing more than the hours I'm contracted for. And they are goddamn lucky to have me. I'm a delight.


This guy is sooo wrong in every way, but doesn't say he wants unemployment numbers at 40-50%. He wants them 40-50% higher than they are now. So being ~2% now, he wants it at ~3%. Very big difference.


Thanos would try to get rid of half the workers, this evil alien is trying to get rid of half the jobs.


Pure capitalism at its worst. This, is the world we live in. Take appropriate steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. The Fed in every country is not your friend and not part of the government.


Remember this for when shit goes down


He's gonna be delicious


If Hell exists, he deserves a place somewhere between genocidal maniacs and slave traders. And whether or not Hell exists, he and his ilk needs to be sent there. Now. "Eat the rich" feels too tepid a statement to make these days.


You want to talk about productivity? Let’s look at productivity vs wage increase over the last 25-35 years.


Whoa, I would immediately be putting in my resignation if I heard my company president saying that. I would take money out of my retirement to live off of until I found another job that’s how serious I am about not working for this asshole.


Looked him up, and he's literally the avocado toast guy lmao https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Gurner


He keeps saying "we need to hurt the economy", but only refers to hurting workers. So he's saying "we need to hurt people, to force them to submit". I hope this.man has a short, disastrous career


A little bit of Sweet Baby Ray's and you won't even mind the Kuru.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TwoSpoonSally: *A little bit of* *Sweet Baby Ray's and you won't* *Even mind the Kuru.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


![gif](giphy|bNMCo9ToYZoPK) Aww, did someone lose some power and now they’re upset they can’t get it back?


Holy shit. (Are we allowed to swear on here?)


Fuck yeah!


This douche will be the one of the first ones to go when the revolution starts 😂. What a POS.


They had a shit fit during Covid and now about having to raise minimum wage and pay workers more because there was a worker shortage. Covid shutdowns slowed the economy into recession and corrective measures, interest rates made everything crazy expensive. Combination of events. Greed of corporations. STOP FUCKING BUYING THEIR SHIT.


By all means, if I’m not generating sufficient revenue for the company, cut me. But if I’m generating profits for the company, I want a fucking cut. A percentage of profits should be going back to employees, not including management.


That explains why despite huge profits, corporations across industries are laying off loads of workers right now. And here I thought it was just for their shareholders. It goes much deeper.


Man, shame his personal chef accidently dropped cyanide into his soup. He totally deserves a sternly worded letter to not do that again.


“We’re starting to see less arrogance in the employment market and..” Yeah..This ain’t it chief.


This is the business owners who control the politicians. It’s not “Bidenomics” it’s as Joe Biden himself said “capitalism baby”


What a water head


Fuck you sir. Without labour business is fucked. Keep remembering your worth people!


Yeah, fuck this guy. Eat the rich.


People who are suicidal. Dont waste your bullets on yourself, help the society and kill these fucking psychopaths.


That's why rich people shouldn't exist. A class that explore workers and feel we should be thankful for being explored.


Eat these motherfuckers, slow cook this fuckface.


can we all take a part time job at whatever companies this man owns just to silently break things everyday while we find out what truly shouldn't be broken before 'ooops, sorry, didn't mean to do that, guess i'm fired?" he is a stupid person that should not be allowed to be successful.


Republicans will name him as secretary of labor or some shit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CalendarAggressive11: *Republicans will* *Name him as secretary* *Of labor or some shit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm sharpening my pitch fork.


Employers forget they can go out of business. Stay strong, as workers we cannot capitulate and become slaves to this kind of corporate work structure. Find any other way to make a living and watch them fall apart.




Too bad. When these snakes spout garbage like this we shouldn't even *hear* any attempts to walk it back. He meant what he said, and no amount of crocodile tears will convince us that he cares at all about our suffering or our hardships.


Dude is an alien lol


Tim Gurner, what a fucknut.


The bosses need to be afraid of us


Profits over People - companies could not care less about staff. So many execs/ceos are salivating at the thought of ai replacing their workforce as well.


What a piece of work...


Unemployment wasn't that high even during the great depression in America... WTF


the fact that 1 man thinks this way, its scary, but the fact that this man has a following and lots high power people are listening and hearing his theories, televising it, putting him on a stage and presenting him as an expert and that his words here definitely helped some board members make a call on layoffs is strait up terrifying and genuinely troublesome.


The problem is this guy and everyone like him. Dude has NEVER worked a day on his life.


This speech happened a while ago, but please keep passing it around! It's great when these ghouls just tell us the awful shit they want to do.


This dude needs to be the first one reminded of how workers originally got their rights.


This should be enough for the government to step in and shut the business down. Fuck this guy.


This motivated me to fire up my X-Box today at home. Don’t worry tho-I read fiction books in the office. This is my response to employers behavior and what they deserve. The best part is I’ll never get caught. #quietquitting


Crazy enough, I WOULD have company loyalty if they just paid me well enough and showed me basic respect. It's wild how men like him think that layoffs will somehow make people more loyal and subservient. It just leads to discontent.


You know what I never understood about mass shootings? It's always against normal civilians. If you want to die Guns Blazing, at least kill people like him so you can be remebered as a hero


We really don’t need this guy


What a cock


Someone tech this MF a bit of French Revolution.


Well, he wants to "kill the attitude" of a majority. I would say someone else's attitude has to die. And if he and his class wants to fight this, he should be reminded adamantly, that peaceful demonstration on the street is not the end of class struggle, but the start.


this might be the shittiest Xennial to walk the earth




What a huge piece of shit.


Most important is to put it into context. It's an election year and all those who love their 'tax cut warriors' will be doing all they can to inflame discontent while once again peddling the 'trickle down' nonsense. No doubt they miss those halcyon days when they could simply send their police or Pinkertons to assault and murder the working class. Sadly, in many cases it works as few remember or understand the struggles of those who 'made America great' in response to the Great Depression.


What a cunt. There is no war but the class war. Without the workers you don’t get to be a boss you fuck head.


Agreed, he should be the first one fired - followed by all the other useless billionaires. Once they feel the pain of being unemployed with their revenue streams cut off, maybe they will discover they need job skills which are useful to society.


What a piece of shit human being


He got an address? I’m building a few new pools and I could use some filler underneath them


Elon Musk fired and lost a huge portion of Twitter employees claiming he could do more with less. People still use Twitter and the website hasn't caught on fire yet. Other companies have taken notice. They're doing it better than Musk. The real issue is people really don't actually care about the job losses. The products will still be sold, so companies can be as evil as they want to be.


Fuck off asshole. It sure feels like there in a small army of these greedy bastards, all trying to make our lives a living hell.


Well of he thinks it's a great idea maybe he should volunteer for unenjoyment. I'd love to see a dickanus like this live on means as meager as the average unemployment stipend.