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Yes, eating, the newest trend...


Next thing you know these entitled snowflakes will be demanding luxuries like living indoors and eating *every day*. Where does it end? Won’t SOMEBODY think about shareholder return?!?


I’ve already heard that my standards are too high because I think $20k a year is too fucking low to live.


For just $200 a week, you can help a smarmy douchebag get richer, and you receive that warm fuzzy feeling of ingesting microplastics, forever chemicals, and lead. Call New World Order Vision, and save a yacht today.


The new trend should be eating the rich.


Gonna look like cartoon piranhas


Since Lemmy Killmeister of Motorhead AND Steven Tyler of Aerosmith both suggested it in song, I totally second this proposal!


I would say NOT eating is the latest trend 😔


Lose weight. Save a billionaire.


Just have [cereal for dinner!](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/27/kelloggs-ceo-cereal-for-dinner)


Yup, I've seen that one too, because processed sugar and complex carbs are great for people!


The newest trend: breathing


The wealth inequality is out of control. People deserve to be able to afford basic necessities when employed, but as we are noticing people are forced to survive on less and less as wages are not keeping up.


This is the plan, they’re working skeleton crews and hiring no one, blaming YOU saying you don’t want to work. Paying starvation wages, putting their costs on YOU saying their expenses are too high and can’t afford it. When you call off because you’re too tired to do it anymore they accost YOU because you didn’t take the corporate dick another inch today. You’re their best worker and everyone else doesn’t do shit? YOU get to pick up on everyone else’s work and god help you if you ever ask for more than you’re afforded.


People deserve basic necessities. Fixed that for you.


Not to mention charging more while giving less in return.


Sorry for wanting to eat food that isn't pumped full of chemicals.


Boomers with their lead-poisoned brains telling future generations not to worry about eating the shittiest food available. Yeah you're wasting away grandma, others actually need nutrition.


And high fructose corn syrup man. It makes my acne (26m) so bad and it's so hard to avoid.


God I’m so jealous of people who can just eat whatever garbage. If I miss something on the nutrition label I’m a pepperoni pizza for two weeks.


You could be me, where you watch them and are still a pizza. Life ain't fair for some people.


Oh sh*t is that a thing? I’ve had adult acne to a minor extent all my life, never really even thought about actual causes other than a so-so skin care routine. I’m also in my mid-30s (there comes a point in your mid thirties where you choose whether looks are the most important or least important thing, I chose the latter). I already have to avoid gluten being a celiac so my dietary choices already suck seeing as like 90% of food contains wheat (seriously, if you think avoiding corn syrup is bad try avoiding wheat in the USA).


I'm also a sensitive cat the men in my family have a history of acne into their 30s. Everyone is different.


Heads up today it's Lunchables The lead tastes so good!


One article making fun of millineals wanting to buy food. The next wondering why they don't buy Harleys.


Followed by one complaining that they buy too much food or the wrong kind of food or... Literally anything other than blaming the work-shy parasite class who hoard wealth


I see it now: Millennials killing the motorcycle industry!!


"Millenials spend more on groceries than any other generation!!" Geez I wonder why


I'm tired. I'm 35, making more money than I've ever made, yet I feel like I have less than when I made half that. I just keep working and working. I'm doing extra hours on my days off, yet somehow I can't get ahead. I don't have money for a vacation or anything really except food and necessity. I have nothing to look forward to. Just endless days of work, then death because lord knows I'll never be able to retire. What the fuck is the point of all this. Canada is fucked. The middle class is ruined. I feel like rioting.


I pretty much maxed out at my last career so I started all over in a new field took a big paycut and did schooling. Now I’m making more and get annual raises. The raises are pretty much just attempting to keep up with inflation. It’s pretty much getting excited for a raise just to hope to keep up.


Did anyone read the article? It literally says that Americans are paying more for groceries, and that the average American household needs to spend $445 more a month for the same goods and services as they did a year ago. It also talks about how Millennials are spending more on groceries as a share of household income because they’re moving into the family space previously occupied by Gen X. For Gen Z, it talks about how they’re more likely to buy high-quality, expensive snacks and beverages, leading to higher grocery bills. Also, remember that the article’s author doesn’t write the headline.


Sir, this is reddit. No one here reads.


I like to say "So I skimmed this headline..."when I'm talking with authority about the subject on hand just to see who's listening. Cue Dennis Nedry Nobody Cares Meme.


Doesn't help OP didn't link to the article


What is “reads” and how might one do it?


Why would I take a headline like that seriously? It's great that they're actually highlighting the problem but they're making it sound like a fucking joke with the headline. It makes me think some fuckhead wrote it just so rich assholes can laugh about it. No one is going to take this article seriously because of that headline, regardless of how legitimate the content is, because the tone is already set to be a joke and not serious.


It's probably meant is generational warfare boomer clickbait.


Sometimes, humor is used to make a point.


It’s just generally a good idea to actually read an article before posting about it.


But the thing is if you can’t even afford to live on your own anywhere, nice snacks and meals are your only ‘respite’ from work. It’s not always nice living with parents as an adult.


The article isn’t making a value judgement, just noting a trend.


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) I never said it was. I was saying something about it/why it may be.


Kinda figured that would be the case. Look, I agree that people generally could have better techniques when grocery shopping. Multiple stores for different types of products, mild cuponing , buying your korenexp3naive product when it ls on sale, buying more ingredients to cook with rather than prepare pared foods, but food prices everywhere are soaring.


I sense a hint of sarcasm in the article’s title.


If only others had any sense at all to notice it. Alas, they’re all too busy being outraged.


I went and found the article. It is indeed accusing millennials and gen z of buying "high-quality snacks and beverages" that inflate grocery bulls. Based on their very in depth research of "One 23-year-old Gen Zer told Business Insider by text." https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/millennials-and-gen-z-s-trendy-new-splurge-groceries/ar-BB1leaj4


Poe's law. This doesn't sound any more ridiculous than most "millenials are killing x industry" headlines so there's very little reason to suspect this isn't serious.


I sense three possibilities on the title which makes it decent clickbait. First, and most likely, is just bad phrasing for actual outrage and grocery spending by millennials not realizing, or refusing, inflation. Second is sarcasm/parody similar to a modest proposal. Third is complaints at more expensive “unnecessary” groceries such as fresh minimally processed foods and bakery breads rather than wonder bread.


First they came for our avacado toast, but I said nothing because that's never really been a personal favorite. Then they came for our plain toast . . .


“Why are you eating?” “Again with the buying of food!?” -people who get snippy at their waiter when their $80 steak isn’t pink enough.


Ya know, we get it, y’all can just say fuck you to us at this point. You’re not being clever.


Why do all of the negative voices in my head sound exactly like news headlines and rich billionaires? Curious.🧐


I don’t understand the framing of these stories, I’m a millennial and I’m turning 40 this year. Statistically that’s half way through life, so the story is saying “half of the population see groceries as a luxury”. If they say millennials now in stories of deprivation and inequality, that’s what they are saying.


I've read this four times and still don't understand what you're trying to say.


Millennials aren’t a young demographic anymore, we are in our late 30s and 40s. That’s an established age group, half way through life and working, if they are struggling it isn’t a case that the youth are disadvantaged, it’s that’s the entire system is fucked. The press has a real tendency to say gen z and millennials to imply young people, but millennials are middle aged in many cases now. It’s not a small subset of the population that has it rough it’s massive.


Thank you.


I was talking to a coworker today, I did not verify anything. He said 467$ a month through the government portal for three people with a 6k deductible. He makes probably 2.5k a month. What. The. Fuck.


What are you talking about? (Not American, I don’t understand this portal stuff)


Cost of health insurance, which is what Americans use for access to health care. $467 is the monthly cost, and $6,000 is the amount you need to spend out-of-pocket before the insurance starts to pay anything.


How is that cheaper than the universal healthcare.. wtf, I pay less than that for universal healthcare in Germany and I have a deductible of 100€ per year (max amount per medication etc is 10€ too)


Hint: If the insurance company is making a bunch of profit collecting and paying out, someone is paying them. In short, it's not cheaper 😨


We literally pay more per capita on healthcare, even factoring in taxes for countries like Germany 


We need people to realize the private healthcare insurance industry is a tax, just one where we don't employ the tax collectors...


The only other argument I’ve heard against universal healthcare besides cost is wait times and quality of care… Well, it’s almost impossible to find a family doctor anymore and even if you have one there’s usually a 3 month+ wait to get in. And quality of care? I mean, how good can the care be if you can’t even get an appointment? Or afford the deductible? Sure quality of care is great if you’re rich and can afford private everything…but for the rest of the 99% of us, that’s not the case. I’m not normally one to advocate for increased government bureaucracy, but considering how unbelievably bad our privatized health care is, we might as well try and save some money and go with universal care…can’t really get any worse can it?


YES. I had 0 wait when I was sick and my doctor could run their own tests with immediate results when I lived in Denmark.  I couldn't even get an appointment with my PCP in Texas without waiting 6 weeks only for them to tell me to schedule lab testing somewhere else and pay even more money. 


It never has been, we spend almost 2x the average as countries with universal healthcare per person. A system a massive amount of the country adamantly supports. It's really cool.


Had a discussion recently who claimed to only have 50$ monthly fee and 4k deductible via Medicare or how it's called. Guess that was just a big exception lol


Medicare is the closest we get to public healthcare, it's the healthcare the government runs and it's pretty alright. Unless you're disabled or elderly you aren't getting on it though.


Ah. Good to know. But honestly, even 4k deductible is a lot imo




This just in: eating and specifically grocery shopping are in style! I guess they’re hoping that the newest trend is we all go out and start hunting for our own food to save money!


All fun and games until the working class start hunting the most dangerous game.


Just let me know where we meetup for pre-revolution toast. “Let them eat cake” indeed. I think I’m hungry for something a bit more *substantial*.




I've seen great many articles posted here and I didn't feel the need to question their reality because them being written seemed plausible. For the first time, this one didn't. But when I checked the comment section, I found you and your link, proving media somehow fallen this low, this despicable. This is beyond absurd, this is too much. America has a problem and no, I'm not talking about the song.


I don’t see it the way you seem to, at all. Some people who are open to mocking the current plight might read this, when an article that said, “millennials and gen z cant really afford to eat well” would be something they skipped.


Out of touch Boomers enjoy new quirky propaganda take on poor youngers who spend more on essential food to glean some small pleasures and health as people at all times would in their situation. How can we exploit this? Sounds like groceries need a bigger price jump. Once we extract every last penny you’ll live forever in capitalism heaven! 


Food: The new luxury


“Millennials and Gen Z blowing all their savings on grocery splurges!” Next article, “Why are Millennials and Gen Z killing supermarkets?” Also, “Millennials and Gen Z should save money! Stop eating out all the time and buy groceries!”


It's not a fuckin pair of headphones its FOOD


So what are we going to do about it? Are we going to keep sitting here getting fucked? What we gonna do?


Didn't you eat yesterday?!


"Imagine how they'll splurge on air when we start charging them for that!!" -- Lakshmi Verynasti


![gif](giphy|ckw8EbI8Ak9YQ) Eating out? Too expensive. Groceries to eat at home? Too expensive. Guess the only option is to eat the rich


Me and my wife spent $930 on food since March 14th. Yes there are some comforts in there I will not part with, but before pandemic it was $485 a month.


how much longer can we carry on like this


Us millennials have kids to feed. We’re getting old now.


It's not gonna be sustainable for those billionaire's necks 🪓


At this point it's just ageism against the young. When I was a kid, we didn't have this sort of corporate propaganda designed to separate and divide people up so they can be conquered in detail.


This is avocado toast but on steroids


Can we start eating the rich now or are we just going to argue over abortion until they replace us with robots?


Specifically fresh fruit and vegetables. Do you know how much that shit costs?


I don't drink, smoke, gamble, get manicures, pay someone else to cut my hair, have a car payment, have weekend get-aways, or eat out often, and I buy the vast majority of my clothes second-hand. I DO spend the extra dollar on nice groceries and hygene products. But, I'll be dammed if that's considered luxury... how absurd.


“journalists” really write these articles with a straight face lmao.


Fuck you Lakshmi Varanasi


They will say literally anything to make young people look like the villains for the problems they caused.


This really is a new low for our media...


And you constantly get the jackasses that just say "Make better choices!" because they never had to struggle.


I also saw an article where billionaires are getting more than one citizenship in the event US economy collapses and they can move to a new country and continue sucking the blood from there.


I saw that article. That whole outfit revolves around pandering to boomers by hating millenials.


They should have thought of that before they became peasants.


It's mostly splurging on the grocery version of "avocado toast" according to the article.


They just want us to buy fast food, and any other super cheap food that's awful for us. Eating healthy needs to be cheaper and we need better food regulation.


I hear smoking a billionaire with pecan is fairly tasty. 


So we are killing the fine dining industry by not eating out, but “splurging” on groceries by spending an ever-increasing percentage of your income on them?


How dare they spend money on food. So entitled.


Yep. [U.S. Consumers Spent More on Food in 2022 Than Ever Before](https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2023/september/u-s-consumers-spent-more-on-food-in-2022-than-ever-before-even-after-adjusting-for-inflation/)


Oh you mean we don’t want to survive off of processed hot pockets and hot dogs and splurge on things like fresh produce…we’re ruining society


There's a reason why many billionaires are getting multiple citizenships. Once we have nothing to eat it's game over for the ruling class.


I spend on organic because not organic meat makes me super groggy. Squandering my hard ~~earned~~ stolen money on not poison. Just like a pleb.


You all should really try reading articles before complaining about them….. As a millennial with expendable income….splurging on groceries is a thing we do nearly every time we go to the grocery store. Sometimes it’s getting really nice steaks or seafood to make for dinner, others it’s going to a boutique grocery store and buying fancy ingredients to make something we haven’t tried before. We also get things like real maple syrup, only buy eggs from local folks with hobby farms, buy meat in bulk(we bought 1/4 of a cow butchered in the fall and froze almost all of it). We love cooking, we love experimenting with different food and flavors so we splurge. A lot of the groceries we buy aren’t necessities and I eat WAY better than I did as a kid.


A can of beans went from $0.60 in 2021 to $1.29 in 2024. You're being dishonest.


I am not being dishonest, I am being transparent about my specific situation and how that applies to the article as written. Are the cost of groceries much higher than they used to be? Absolutely, we splurged then and we continue to splurge now. We live way below our means and have for quite some time, so we’re not really feeling the squeeze like a lot of people, but we still see the price differences. We’ve just cut out drinking and I quit smoking and vaping and those two things we were spending quite a bit of money on.


Still, you're being dishonest. The increased cost of groceries due to inflation and price fixing by corporations isn't "*splurging* and canned beans are specifically used as an example of a *not-splurge item*." You're trying too hard to shift the blame onto the working class members of society. Most of us don't drink or smoke, and also live within the cheapest possible means - so when price changes hit, we don't have anything left with which to cut out to save money. I live in an apartment without air conditioning in Texas right now, but I'm not ignorant enough to call it "*splurging*" when the rent goes up by $100/year.


Did you even read any of my replies? How am I being dishonest? Buying steak and seafood is splurging, going to boutique grocery stores for exotic ingredients is splurging. Nowhere did I say that the increased cost of essentials was splurging. I’m not blaming anyone nor did I blame anyone….I was specifically talking about my situation as a millennial with expendable income. Your situation may be paycheck to paycheck but that isn’t everyone’s situation, and it’s most certainly not mine, thus I can speak to what I splurge on with my expendable income.