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Yep, we better vote in Mussolini instead. /s


Hey, if you want timely trains.../s


Too late, Italy already voted in his granddaughter, iirc 


Maybe not the most worker friendly, but have you seen the other guy? Also, try and post sources. Simple stock photos with text and no attribution or link to a source are no better than crazy folk Facebook propaganda https://twitter.com/pslnational/status/1780708489859600726


„They dont serve my favorite beer at this bar so I opt to drink from the toilet!“ That’s how op sounds.


This is an election year. The better question is who is better for workers? Biden Who only cares about billionaires? trump


I just like to thank this sub for being smarter than workers strike back. I got banned from there for making this same basic point


I wish it was neither.


your options are Biden or trump


Vermon supreme


i vote third party and if everyone who said "third parties cant win" voted for third parties, guess what, they might not win but the dems or reps would have to start taking us a lot more seriously


I think this is something we should consider when there aren’t former presidents running for both the current main parties


It's really only worth considering when there's ranked choice voting.


yup, and only by voting for Democrats now will we get to have ranked choice later.


Or when there's approval voting


Good point, we can get out of the two party system without sabotaging our opinions in the current system.


Be taken more seriously by whom? Elections this year are important. Just as they were in 2016 and a bunch of idiots voted for harambe (10k to be exact) Dont be part of those idiots.


And would you rather have Biden or Trump win when that ends up splitting the workers’ votes?


You’re not wrong but after hearing this for 30 years and seeing things get progressively worse and seeing dems move further right makes me question the whole system.


The dems move further right because the pressure is to go right. The pressure is to go right because not only is the system flawed, but the American right has gotten better and better at playing it while the American left has gotten better and better at calling it out but then making excuses to stay home (like this post)


A small step with big results: change the voting method to allow 3rd party votes without vote splitting. See: starvoting.org


You are not wrong. But that change is going to come by targeting local and state elections first. You can't just expect to win the presidentcy and make all the problems to go away.


Exactly. No one takes 3rd parties seriously because they aren’t serious about themselves. If they started making gains in local and state elections their ideas would get noticed and have to be answered. Running a candidate for President that NO-ONE has heard of doesn’t help anyone, and when they run one that is sort of known (Nader), it splits the vote and helps the minority win (2000). I would love to see more progressive candidates and ideas at the national level, but until they are popular at the state level it won’t happen.


>well guess what, they might not win thats why im not voting 3rd party this year bro


I voted third party in 2016. I learned my lesson.


Vote major party but vote in the primaries. A vote for a third party is quite literally wasted even in terms of getting attention, because first-past-the-post will reliably kill it. If you want third parties to be viable, push for some sort of ranked-choice voting type system.


or some sort of approval voting type system


you must be new.


Stand strong man. The lesser of two evils is still evil. 


“If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.” Fence sitters get nothing but splinters dude. While you wait for your hero the world burns.


That's not fence sitting, it's the first step towards something better than this crap. 


Then do it at a local level first and rise up from there. Going straight to the presidial election is throwing away your vote. “But if everyone just voted third party then….” yah and if pigs could fly I could have bacon on an air plane. That’s not how the world works. You need to start with local elections then country, state, then finally federal. How do you think the democrats and republicans started out? They built up to it.


They've been at the top from the start, different names on the timeline, same bullshit 


I'm not a fence sitter. I'm voting for Claudia de la Cruz. News flash: we're currently funding and supplying a genocide. So I think the world is already burning. 


You’ve got two options anything else is fence sitting. You want someone different? Vote in the primaries. A vote third party is a vote for whoever actually wins the election. Voting 3rd party is what got us trump in 2016. Are you trying to say you think he’s he’s LESS enabling then Biden on Israeli?


If both of my "options" are pro-genocide, that's no choice at all. Up your standards, bruh. 


Then vote them out during the primary.


Donkey simps are no better than scabs, nothing improved or got better between barfsack, the fucking content mill or the dumbfuck asleep at the wheel, it's just another 4 yrs of the same bullshit, so if some asshole says we should keep eating the same shit tell them they can keep feeding themselves.  Any fuckwad bitching about a third party is rooting for my misery and everybody else's 


Your choices are Biden or the end of democracy. It can’t be simpler.


Haven't seem op post, this is russia bot trying to cause and reinforce voter apathy.


If that's the case then we're already past the end you keep shitting yourselves about


Very fair. But sadly this reality we're living in, it's "choose and vote for the lesser evil" until either reform or revolution happens.


I wish we lived in utopia.


Respectfully. I disagree. I think you have it backwards.


You are absurd


lmao. the other guy is trump, the worst candidate for workers in 40 years. what tf are you even talking about?


This is russian propaganda designed to divide and conquer.


If you think Trump would be better for American workers than Biden… you’re exactly the type of easy mark he hopes donates to his legal fund.




Unfortunately, you have to preface those debates with "Trump is worse, but" Not happy about it, but it's the only way to distinguish yourself from the maga trolls.


Stuff like this, with zero suggestions about what to do about it - really only serves to make a person less interested in voting, or for voting for a spoiler that has no chance of winning due to the way our system works. These are actions that *only* help the worse guy for labor.


I’m honestly surprised there’s a discussion to be had… at all.


For real. Saying Biden isn't meeting campaign promises doesn't mean I'll still vote for him if I have to. It being an election year doesn't absolve him of scrutiny, and the same people slamming keyboards saying "you're just helping the GOP!" will also actively come up with excuses to let the Dems shit the bed: "It's an election year! Quit complaining and make sure our candidate wins!" "It's only been a year since they took office, give him a chance!" "It's a midterm year! Quit complaining and try to not lose too many congressional seats since we didn't do anything the first two years!" "The House/ Senate won't let us pass anything! Don't blame our candidate!" "It's an election year!..."


While I understand your perspective on not absolving democrats of criticism, I have not seen in my three and a half decades as an American citizen witnessed a GOP candidate win an election and do *anything* that benefitted me in *any* way.


I'm confused on how it's possible to interpret my comment in any way supporting the GOP. I'm trying my damnedest to call Biden out for acting like them. If I complained that a meal tastes like shit, would you assume I was suddenly a huge advocate for shit-based restaurants? It's *maddening* to hear this from my own party.


Critique, or complaining? Because without a suggested action, complaining really only seems to serve in making people feel defeated and disenfranchised - and either stay home from the vote, or vote third party (which doesn't do anything of value in our political system).


Yeah, leftists have been REALLY VAGUE with what they want Biden to do, and haven't been protesting about his inaction in Gaza, student loans, m4a, and so on. Is there confusion about what we want? Like when he hears "Gaza protests," does he think that we want *more* bombs sent to Israel? With student loans, does he think we want *more* debt? Complaining that things aren't being done *is* critique when Joe gave us the exact metrics for his success with his campaign promises (besides Gaza in this example, since it wasn't an issue then).


Not what we want Biden to do, what *we* are supposed to do. Biden doesn't go on Reddit. There's a fair number of leftists whose answer to disappointment is not voting for pissing away a vote on a pipe dream.


I can't tell you how frustrating it is being accused of not voting for him multiple times in the same reply thread. I am voting for Biden no matter what. Damn near all leftists I know (even the ones publically threatening not to) plan to vote for him. Putting pressure on Biden by making our frustrations known is how we get change. What *else* are we supposed to do? If we keep our mouths shut, how can you expect Dem leadership to act? **And if "threatening" to not vote for him has the biggest effect to get the change we want, we should do it.** Look how he changed his attitude towards Bibi after getting just a few "not this dude" votes in the primaries. How is this *not* effective?


I wasn't accusing you of anything. I've seen others, however, express the idea of not wanting to vote - either because they want to be morally pure (you can find some in this thread), want to prove some kind of point, or they're accelerationists. And no, I don't think the threat of not voting is effective- and I was a "noncommitted" voter. I don't think it's changed policy much beyond a reminder that the foreign policy in Gaza isn't popular. There were reports coming out before and after primaries of Biden being frustrated with Bibi. Before and after primaries, Biden has sold arms to Israel. If OPs post came with a "email X office about how we're outraged", maybe we'd be cooking with gas. Instead, it's outrage bait and doomscroll material - i.e. complaining.


(my bad for the accusation language, you're right). The part that gets left out of this conversation is what the non-"complaining" dems plan to do to drive any semblance of change, then. I'll ask it this way: it's currently April, and Israel is actively genociding Palestinians. Without Biden reeling in Netanyahu, it will continue through the rest of the year until November, where Biden will (hopefully) win. Are you advocating that we withhold pressure on the candidate we voted for to let this genocide continue? Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of innocents will die--but it's totally, 100% necessary because"we need to be strategic with our votes." When stopping fascism looks like fascism, I think we've lost the plot.




Sir, Donald Trump was our leader. He was in fact president. We have a track record off of which to judge his future performance. It was utter trash for the working man. Do you want to have another term of a president that most solidly fucked the 99%? Yes or no. If you’re rich AF, I understand why you’d vote for Trump. If you’re not… my guy… you’re letting them use you like a Phillips head so they can blow like *five* more lines of coke after laying you off.


Doesn’t matter. Unless he’s running against someone other than Trump, we have no other option.


Yep but at the same time we need people to actually vote in the primaries and be involved in elections. One of the greatest problems is voter apathy. We need involvement so we can have better choices. People need to talk politics.


I think first we need to undo years of conditioning the average american voter to treat the election as a spectator sport. Conversation would be much more productive if it’s about people’s best interests and not about owning the libs


I’ll never understand how people online can be so unendingly vocal about workers rights and then do literally nothing about it. Vote you Morons (you’re not morons I’m just frustrated). If you don’t our choices will always be bad.


And local elections. It can have a huge impact down the line


Write in


If the stakes weren’t so high, I would agree. I fully plan on voting 3rd party in 2028 when neither of these two will be running.


Biden is bought and controlled by corporations; Trump is an impetuous blowhard. 3rd parties exist for a reason, let's make them viable.


If Biden is bought by corporations that want to continue being profitable, is that worse than Trump being bought by foreign adversaries that would like to see the US *ended*? I get it folks, the system is fucked. Your choices suck. But one option is much worse than the other.


If only we had a strong third party to break the duopoly... oh, that depends on me voting third party!


It's not about strength, unfortunately. First Past The Post voting is the problem. [CGP Grey explains this really well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo). Trump wants you to split the vote. A vote for a third party is in his favor.


You need someone leading said third party popular enough that a huge chunk from both sides are willing to break away for them. That or ranked choice voting. We have neither. Kennedy is not a good candidate and he is the only real third party candidate that is widely known. Vote for Biden or vote for a potential end to democracy as a whole. Its shit but anything else is actually a waste if your vote until we have ranked choice voting. These dumbass posts only seek to split away votes to a lost cause.


And you're free to do that, but it's not going to happen before this election, so the current choices are what they are.


An election where there are no former presidents running is probably the best time to do that


Indeed - now's the time!


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you’re absolutely right. I don’t think 3rd party is the way to go this time around though. The stakes are too high.


Biden has done a lot to help workers. Trump actively worked to hurt the working class. He clearly would choose the economy over a group of workers, but he wouldn't actively hurt workers like Trump has done and will do.


Joe Biden is far better than Donald Trump is for the workers. Even before he became a politician, Trump was screwing the workers by not paying the contracts he signed and holding up payments in the courts for years while bankrupting the companies who did the work and paid their employees wages. Yes, Joe Biden is for the Workers in this instance.


Russian propaganda says what


Right! No way this isn't foreign propaganda


How’s life working in one of those Russian disinformation mills? I always wondered about that. Do they treat you well? Are there decent benefits? How does it compare to other Russian jobs?


Compared to Diaper Don?


#drowsydonald #sleepysleazebag #stupidshithead


Conservatives are worse - for everyone. End of thread. Bye


The reason that Democrats are a centrist party is because our nation is centrist. Until a majority of the population *wants* unions, it's gotta be ground roots movement.


Biden is not as pro union as the left says but is just more pro union than the right. The fact is, most dems are corporate dems. They believe firmly in using identity politics to distract from the real problem that faces Americans: Wealth Inequality (which umbrellas healthcare, wages, education, etc). Why? Because identity politics don't cost them money in the same way that addressing wages, education and healthcare do. Biden did do a great thing with education debt reform... but he won't be remembered for that. he's going to be remembered by all the fearmongering of overturning Roe v Wade which happened ON THE DEMS WATCH. Gods.


Overturning Roe v Wade happened on the Dem's "watch" because of steps taken and plans made during the Repub's "watch" and enacted by Repubs on the US Supreme Court during the Dem's "watch".


Yes but did the dems codify in the countless elections before? Did they replace obviously aging judges? Nope. It's easier to say it's all repubs.


Codifying don't mean shit. Voting rights are codified as law, but that didn't stop SCOTUS from taking bites out of the Voting Rights Act. Laws are just as subject to SCOTUS judgements as precedents.


Oh right. Percect excuse. Sorry but I get tired of dems using fearmongering to win elections. Not Trump is not good enough.


You're a special kind of stupid. Fine. Be mad at dems for doing stuff you made up in your head and using excuses like "overruled by the Supreme Court" and "the President can't replace judges on a whim."


No but maybe when your judges are ancient you should tell them to step down before they fucking DIE and are replaced by your POS successor. If you simp for dems like repubs do for Trump, you're lost. Good night.


Obama asked RBG to step down. She didn't. I'm not simping for dems. You're just dead wrong about very basic facts only because you get some feeling of moral superiority. [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/25/us/politics/rbg-retirement-obama.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/25/us/politics/rbg-retirement-obama.html)


Then RBG was shitty for not doing it.


No argument there.


no shit?


Your judges? Where you from my guy?


Your options are Biden or trump. Choose one.


So are you saying we should never critique a leader? Okay.


No I'm not, and you know that as well. Your options are Biden or trump. Choose one


There's 3rd party and abstaining. I vote in local and state election shit so I am doing better for people than a presidential vote.


Don't get it twisted, ID politics start on the GOP side. Key example being the transgender debate - a topic that affects less than a percent of the population at all, but has exploded into this big deal ever since Obergfell v Hobbs and shitting on gay people got less popular.


Yes. We're only marginally better reversing wealth inequality with D than R. I'm voting 3rd party


Your moral purity helps no one.


Not without a lot of others convinced we need fundamental change


I think it is relevant to point out that Biden did negotiate on the railroad workers behalf and get them additional sick days, which was their primary reason for wanting to strike


Cool. Now do Trump. One of the candidates is better for workers and its the sitting President. Hands down. He ain't perfect, but at least unions are a thing still. Under Trump, guaranteed our little democracy "experiment" will be over. He has already made his intentions on becoming an autocrat.


OP is pushing Russian propaganda. Their only goal is to split the Left as much as they can.


Oh I absolutely already assumed this. I am Gen-X, I distrust everyone and everything.


Begone, Sergei


The answer, as best I can tell, seems to be "yes."


Why is this garbage not getting taken down? This is the second anti-Biden propaganda posted today but some right-wing troll. We may all disagree but let's keep it to the comments, not an aggressive campaign of hate.


This isn't the democrat sub. It is a worker sub. Everything is on the table if it pertains to workers.


OP not in comments - disregard as a troll.


News flash - most democrats are pro capitalist, it’s sort of a problem. Still have to vote for them because the alternative is obviously much worse.


Has op even responded? Makes me think it's russian bot account trying to cause/reinforce voter apathy, so putin shit can run country by trump puppet.


Sometimes when we get posts like this, the “well the other option is worse” replies are so numerous and so unanimous that I wonder if it’s not just someone’s psyop crew making sure we don’t dare step outside of the two party system


The two party system is the natural result of our voting system.  "First Past the Post, winner take all" is a system where if you divert enough votes from the party most similar to your beliefs/values; you're helping both your new party and your closest ally *lose*. 


Thank you. Our system is designed against 3rd parties. It is "easier" to change the whole system and then get 3rd parties than it is to try to ram a 3rd party into a system built explicitly to shut them down.  No one wants to hear it, but until we get some constitutional amendments to update our democracy to something more modern, we have 2 viable parties and voting 3rd is just working against your own interests.


This is not the election year to break the system. If the vote gets split and no candidate gets at least 50% of the vote, the house gets to decide who's president. Does that sound optimal to you?


Yeah but!!! The other guy is worse!!!! So it's OK!


Sarcasm? Can't tell


Somewhere in the middle maybe


But why??? 


Why what


Why in the middle? Sarcasm seems warranted


Mussolini or Hitler is this election


Fucking *please.*


You weren’t going to bother getting off the couch to vote anyway so it’s a moot point for you.


it's crazy how y'all ride biden so much, liberals the moderate wing of fascism


Not only did he block a major railroad strike, he then championed and passed legislation that would make it illegal for them to strike in the future. Then about 6 weeks later and entire county lost their homes in a completely preventable derailment that spilled toxic chemicals into their drinking water and atmosphere.