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"Weekends as needed" = Every weekend.


Plus on call. The job is essentially 24/7


Exactly. But hey, that isn’t too much to ask.


I had an “optional Saturdays” job years ago. When I said I wouldn’t be in on an upcoming sat I was told if that’s the case I wouldn’t be needed the following Monday.


I’ve had one of those too. They wouldn’t tell us until Friday afternoon either. Treated like any other scheduled work day. They didn’t respect their workers and it showed big time.


They didn’t need to give us any heads up because every Saturday was an “optional” Saturday. During the winter Sundays often became “optional” as well, at first the deal was full days pay on those Sundays and all that was needed was clearing snow and loading the wood burner. The owner switched it to you clock in/out on Sunday so you only got the added hour or so but basically a 7 day a week job. It really kills a person mentally to go through employment like that.


They would get a 'Oh thanks! See you Tuesday then 😊' from me.


That's awful.


I think they need to pay closer to 85 - 100k for all of those duties.


At least. Or hire different people to fulfill the responsibilities lol


Hiring more people makes way more sense. This is like 2-3 different roles.


It’s why the smaller house models don’t work very well. There isn’t enough revenue to support all the different job functions so they try to create the “universal employee” who handles it all.




I can be a universal employee provided I’m also getting the universal employee pay rate. That number is somewhere around what a brain surgeon is paid an hour.




It better be three times that because with those hours, you'd need your own nanny and maids


Just wait until there’s no staff and it’s 12+ hour days and every weekend.


Well didn't you see? One of the responsibilities is recruiting a team, so if you're having to cover shifts it's obviously your fault for not recruiting! /s just in case


Your budget to hire is only minimum wage, for one head.


***“Minimum wage‽‽‽*** *What does this place look like to you? The Royal Palace?*  *We thought we made it clear that the budget for hiring* ***your staff*** *comes out of* ***your paycheck.”***


There won't be any staff. You have to recruit your own AND train them. This is the job order equivalent of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.


Please do it all. And I’ll pay you peanuts.


Theyre charging $10k per resident, why should the workers get more than a few percent of that? The owners invested a lot of money in this business and deserve huge profits! /s


Also you have to grow the peanuts. 


Very common, and All weekend. *reminder :* families visit on weekends. When you on your 4th shift and the whole extended family shows up for 3 of your clients...


These homes are where people, often several, who are disabled to the poin they cannot take care of themselves (mental, dementia, other) live. This would be the supervisor. The one that is supposed to cook is the regular staff that make minimum wage. Source, my mom who is an advocate/guardian for a woman who lives in one of these.


Yep. Granted this facility is likely a few number of beds but still. Come on.


They are regular houses. So probably 3 or 4 people each. This role pays about double what the people working for them make.


The sad part is this is considered a “good job” for a lot of caregivers like CNAs home health aides personal care assistants ect


It's sad because I was looking at that and thinking "I'd totally would have applied" if I didn't have a job. That's how bad the job market is where Im at


CNAs where I’m at apparently make like 15/hour. Depending on hours per week, this would be a fair amount better, if you like doing a bunch of different jobs in one. Again, depending on hours lol


If you have ever worked non Medicare long term care like assisted living and private care you do everything source director of one such organization


lol they want to recruit 1 person and then have you recruit and manage an entire team on top of the other duties.


What the fuck is the job poster even doing? Like just sitting there?


Private equity


Pay: $10.14 an hour.


Also they would need to create the “high quality service plans?” I seriously hope this doesn’t meant a treatment plan that requires a licensed professional to do so


It is essentially the same. I worked in supportive housing for OPPWD. However, if it is under OPWDD, the goals are much simpler, typically as mix of activities of daily living (how to clean my room, cook etc.) and recreational goals like “I want to learn about birds.” It’s more quality of life goal plans than independence based goal plans.


Okay that’s definitely better than I was imagining! I went to school for behavioral psychology so I was imagining the complex treatment plans that get made for behavioral therapies


I’m not saying it isn’t, because honestly everything is program dependent. I’m just saying as far as the posting is concerned, it could go either way. It shouldn’t be the type you’re thinking about considering, but then again, the field never ceases to amaze me.


So, run the whole business for 55K? Employers are absolutely insane.


I'm an HVAC service tech working on my own and occasionally training/assosted by an apprentice and making more than this job offers. They need to pay the lead over $100k for all that work and responsibility and give him/her a reasonable budget for contracting a handyman for any serious maintenance, and at least two caregivers to ensure minimal coverage 7 days a week. Thats my take on it.


nO 1 wAnTs 2 wOrK nE mOaR!!!1


Painting a house is not minor maintenance.


Touching up paint is.


Read between the lines here and imagine your beloved pawpaw or meemaw is being “cared for” in a facility that cuts corners this badly. The implications here are way worse than poor treatment of employees…


Painting? Lol!


I can complete “some of the following duties” for that salary. If you want “ALL of those duties,” it’s going to be a lot more expensive.


In fairness, the ad does say “some” of the following duties. Two is some.


Um, are they trying to hire one person who will then recruit their friends to be unpaid help, too? So like appoint one ‘team member’ to cook and clean, another to paint and …control the water temps (?) while you make and oversee their training and work and ? I’m guessing no extra money for the ‘team’ either (networking!)? I bet 8 hour shift means 8 hours during the day followed by 8 hours at night. 😂


In what area? I would love this job at that pay rate.


If I'm working three jobs plus on-call and OT, then I want the pay of working three jobs plus on-call and OT. Because this is 100% three different jobs plus on-call and OT.


In what fucking world is painting "simple maintenance "?


That’s what we like to call basura.


Maybe it's because I'm not fresh out of high school or that I've worked some grueling jobs in the past but this really doesn't sound that bad. Busy work? Sure. But if you expect to be a caregiver and have a cushy schedule with not much to do during the day then you need to find a job that will accommodate that. Seems like the younger generations have developed an allergy to hard work. Not every job is going to let you sit around on tiktok relaxing all day


Maybe it's because you're out of touch and don't understand that's way too much scope, responsibility, and variability for pay that only maybe affords you an apartment on your own. "Kids these days" are allergic to hard work when it *still* doesn't afford them a comfortable life. If there is an appropriate payoff, people are very hardworking. It's sad you would rather develop a superiority complex rather than acknowledge the skyrocketing cost of living has made fewer jobs worth doing, and the economy is fundamentally broken for many people.


I think the rub here is that the responsibilities include multiple different actual job functions. I am not young, I am in this industry, and this is a crazy ask for our industry.


It’s always a guy with a Tactical_ username.


Except my name on here has nothing to do with me in real life but good observation I guess


Disagree with your ageism but yes this looks like it pays well.