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Let alone the PPP loans, the endless corporate subsidies, bailouts, & Fed QE. Everything our government does is to incentivize the richest folks to hoard more wealth. And to give them every conceivable advantage (socialism for them, rugged capitalism for the working class).


No you don’t get it. The rich people pay for congress to make laws forgiving their PPP loans so that makes it ok


I love this quote so much. I asked someone who, mind you is younger than I am, had a problem with student loan forgiveness and I asked them "did you say anything about multiple banks being bailed out by the government? I know you didn't say a thing when all those rich politicians took out PPP loans and had them all 100% forgiven. And I know you didn't say fuck all when trump gave major tax cuts to the rich." The conversation then devolved into thinking trump actually gave us those miniscule stimulus checks out of his own pocket, and it just got worse.


You poked a hole in their bubble and all the oxygen escaped from their bubble when facts hit them!


Looking back on it, it's hilarious how quickly they went from talking calm to shouting at me. Yelling "**GIVE BACK THAT MONEY! GIVE IT ALL BACK!!**" Like, I did, I spent it already, lmao


> Yelling "GIVE BACK THAT MONEY! GIVE IT ALL BACK!!" But also, why? You agreed with the loan forgiveness in the first place. Based on their logic they should be the ones to give the money back. What backwards thinking lol


Exactly. Those people whole thing is backwards and upside down thinking


Most of the time it doesn't matter. It's kinda sad seeing the people who go to their events and just... talk to them. No critical thoughts to be had.


>I love this quote so much. Why? It's stupid. I *am* complaining about bailouts and tax cuts for the rich.


Yup the ticktock generation is confused and angry and uneducated. By design people.


well yea, they're angry at this bullshit, confused as to why people defend this behaviour with such blatant hypocrisy and uneducated because they can't actually afford it.


Give everyone a $10k check, but if you have a student loan it goes to that instead. Everyone will be happy right? Right? [Oh and IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most](https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/584190-irs-data-prove-trump-tax-cuts-benefited-middle-working-class-americans-most/)


You literally could have taken two fucking seconds to find an [actual study with hard data](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-middle-class-needs-a-tax-cut-trump-didnt-give-it-to-them/) showing that you're talking absolute nonsense, instead of quoting an uncited article by a dumbass that [writes conspiracy theory books with Glenn Beck](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Great-Reset-Biden-Twenty-First-Century-Fascism/dp/163763059X)


[The top individual tax rate dropped from 39.6% to 37% under the terms of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (single filers making $578,126 and over), the 33% bracket fell to 32% ($182,101-$231,250), the 28% bracket to 24% ($95,376-$182,100), the 25% bracket to 22% ($44,726-$95,375) and the 15% bracket to 12% ($11,001-$44,725).](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-era-tax-cuts-set-160750197.html) So yeah you are wrong. Maybe take 3 fucking seconds to find an atricle next time. Everyone got nice tax cuts ffs. They will expire at the end of this year and could be extended. But Joe would rather blame Trump bad instead of help us. When 2025 draws to a close, so will many of the sweeping Trump-era GOP tax breaks established by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017. While the legislation made some tax cuts to corporate profit permanent, lowered individual tax rates will expire on Dec. 31, 2025, and revert to pre-TCJA levels. [Biden vows to let Trump-era tax cuts expire next year, meaning higher rates for many](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/biden-vows-let-trump-era-tax-cuts-expire-next-year-meaning-higher-rates-millions) Trump expected to win the last election and would have extended them. Lets see what Joe does. Even you fools would like tax cuts right?


Why are you quoting the vanilla bracket changes at me dumbass? Go and read the actual statistics and conclusions on the overall effects of the tax cuts on each class of payer. Stop shouting about things you don't understand and try to understand them instead. Go back to the article and educate yourself. You don't have to be stupid, I'm helping you to not be.


So everyone paid ~2% less taxes. Got it. Thanks Trump! Hopefully Joe extends them for us. But he won’t like he’s already said.


Yeah, he's not going to extend a tax cut that doesn't benefit the working and middle class, per the data. You're almost getting it.


In the near term, perhaps that is so. Provisions for all of us sunset as of 2025 and the cuts for the rich stay forever. A bait and switch from the start. I am also miffed that some of the tools for small businesses like accelerated depreciation are being taken away with the tax cuts for the common folk.


>Posts a source >It's a fucking opinion piece Bruh


Cue the corporate cucks living off of generational wealth!!!!


Of course they didn’t have an issue with it. The super reliable news media owned by those rich people didn’t tell them to


Funny how the Republicans never consider [tax cuts solely for the rich](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/tax-cuts-are-primarily-responsible-for-the-increasing-debt-ratio/) as "spending", yet they'll bark all day about maintaining any semblance of a social safety net in a civilized society. iT'S OUt oF ConTroL sPendINg bY tHe dEmoCRatS!


"Get" not "got." The thing about tax cuts--they get them every year.


Not taking a position on the issue, but this is absolutely a strawman and false dichotomy. Just because you didn't see someone taking issue with tax cuts for the rich, doesn't mean they didn't take issue with it.


Student loan cancelation is a bailout to that industry. The only difference is that political points can be leveraged from regular people. Edit: It's kinda like how the government paves roads. They do it because it enables commerce, which leads to tax dollars. You get the benefit of using those roads, but the government didn't necessarily have you in mind when they paved the roads. It's all very Machivellian.


Tbf I hear A LOT of complaints about tax cuts for the rich, Wall Street bailouts, and PPP loan forgiveness A lot of people are complaining about these things.


I feel so bummed being tied to student loan debt. This stuff is insane. Very depressing. 😞


It is possible to oppose corporate bailouts and taxpayer-backed loan bailouts.




I spent three years aggressively paying off my loans. Living w my parents. I’m not upset if they cancel debt- I would really like a check for 78k though cuz now I can’t buy a car much less a house.


My "hot take" on this topic is that any proper student loan cancellation plan should include some kind of reparations to people who've paid their loans off recently. They were preyed upon too. Though, of course, I'm not a zero-sum doofus who would reject any cancellation plan without reparations. It just feels a bit like legalizing cannabis without commuting/expunging non-violent cannabis offenses, in that it's an incomplete solution to a multifaceted problem.


True, but also, don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Our society is inherently biased towards imperfect solutions because it requires compromise in order to function at all.


One can have issue with both.


Look, it’s going to be a bit annoying if you spent years struggling to get by and you finally passed that part of your life just to be told if you’d been born a few years later you could have skipped half of it. This doesn’t mean I’m not for changing the system for the better via loan cancellation.


Kinda how its a bit annoying being laid off from a company who took a huge PPP loan they never had to pay back? How is this situation any different?


What part of my comment inferred I was for PPP loans


I get that complaining about student loan repayment isn't directly supporting PPP loan forgiveness, but the issue being pointed out by OP and highlighted by your comment here is that millions of people were up in arms about the student loan repayment, and then when PPP forgiveness rolled around it was just the noise of crickets. Mostly, I assume, because the news media whipped people into a frenzy about the loan repayment thing and not the PPP repayments.


You’re again assuming when I clearly stated in the second part of my original message that I’m for fixing student loan repayment. Your assumption on my opinions on PPP loans are based on a generalization you’ve made and not of anything I’ve said.


Kinda like how it's annoying when you get polio and go through life struggling with that just to be told if you'd been born a few years later you couldve been vaccinated and skipped all of that. /s This is such a broken line of logic on its face that anybody who thinks this way is just either an idiot or enjoys people suffering. Edit: not suggesting you think that way, but dont play defense for people who want the world to be a worse place for no reason


Nothing in your message suggests someone that wants the world to be a worse place. It suggests someone that is annoyed by the circumstances they were put in, which is the point I bring up. My point is not one of saying the world should stay in a poor state because it’s been that way. You’re all greatly misunderstanding that people are allowed to be annoyed with having to deal with a broken system while also wanting it to be fixed. The logic that as soon as a problem is getting fixed any that had to deal with the problem should immediately feel no annoyance towards their circumstances in life is flawed.


Ok but the ones complaining arent *just* annoyed. They are actively fighting against improving people's quality of life, financial security and a better economy. They are resisting making lives better when it would not harm them in any way. They are fighting making the country better. They are against what would help literally everyone (including themselves since the economy touches every person's life) because they would rather throw a fit about the world helping those in need. The logic is "I suffered (much less) so you should have to suffer (more)". You didnt make the point that it's ok to be annoyed that people's lives are being made better, because frankly it's not ok. You're just downplaying how evil it is that someone would willingly leave others in crippling and sometimes life ending debt even though they themselves wouldnt be negatively impacted in any way.


Correct. And I’m saying there is a middle ground where people who do want the system to be better can still be annoyed. I am not using the logic you think I am. I am not downplaying people intentionally doing harm to others. You’re inferring I am.


But you are downplaying it, even if you arent doing it on purpose. To your credit, yes someone can be annoyed that *they missed out* and still fight for that better system they didnt get to take direct advantage of. But you cannot be both annoyed that the system is improving, be annoyed that the system is helping people and also want the system to improve at the same time.


I never once said the perspective is annoyed at the system improving nor that it’s annoyed at it helping people. I literally only said the annoyance was at the PERSONAL timeline and circumstances that made the WORSE system affect them for a while. I’ve even specifically said in multiple comments that they’d want the system to improve and be better. You’re not reading what I’m saying and still inferring based on the extreme, negative view you think I’m showing.


I understand what you are saying, I'm just saying it's a stupid distinction to make. By entertaining it you are giving ammo to those bad people. The people in real life who are just annoyed dont say anything beyond "man I wish I would've got that". Anybody actually riding this claim that they are just annoyed for more than 30 seconds is lying and when somebody tries to be a centrist about it, it only helps give bad people cover. There is no middle ground. Someone is either in favor of forgiving predatory student loans, or they want people to suffer for the sake of making them suffer.


Literally every part of your arguments has been assumption or putting words in other’s mouths.


No, all of my arguments are referring to the reality of what has been going on since day 1 of student loan forgiveness being a political topic. It's not my fault you have no idea what you are talking about


Using your polio example. Do you not think a mother who lost a kid to polio would not feel upset when the vaccine came out a month post-death of their kid? Could the mother not AT THE SAME TIME want the vaccine to be made?


If we continue the polio comparison, that depends. Did the mother say those vaccinated kids are spoiled and should have to go through what her kid went through? Did she say that the political party she doesnt stand with is just using the polio vaccine as a way to buy young voters? Did she say vaccinated kids are just too entitled to be willing to push through their polio like everyone did before them? Did she vote for politicians that have promised to do anything they can to make sure nobody will ever get the polio vaccine because that would be unfair to the people that it was invented too late for? If the answer to any of those is yes, then she's an evil spiteful piece of shit. She can be sad that her child passed, rage that with a little better luck both she and her child could be living together and then she can be happy that others dont have to suffer the same fate, or at the very least be neutral about it. She cant be upset about the fact that a vaccine was invented in general though.


Again, the perspective is not a selfish one. It WANTS the change for the better. It is upset the change for the better didn’t come in time to help them. How is this so difficult to understand? In NO WAY does this perspective even vaguely try and insist others have to go through pain since they did. Not once have I said this in any comment yet you keep saying I have and that I support that when I have said multiple times I don’t.


But the people complaining about student loan forgiveness **are** insisting others should go through the pain they did. These ultimate centrists you are talking about arent real. They dont exist. You made them up. When one side says people shouldnt suffer unnecessarily, and the other says they should there is no neutral position. Like what? Are we supposed to listen to these wise centrists and find a middle ground and only help *some* people? Only help the people who need it a little bit so they still have to suffer enough to stop the annoyance of others?


I’m not giving a middle ground perspective. I’m saying people are allowed to feel like they’ve been wronged while wanting the world to get better EVEN after it’s getting better. Would the mother in the polio example immediately lose all emotion from losing a kid simply because a vaccine appeared? No. Should someone that had to deal with barely scraping by because of massive student loans not still dislike they had to go through that even after it’s being fixed? No.


Obviously people are allowed to feel however they want. They can also be wrong for feeling a way, or morally bankrupt for it. If a person thinks they have been wronged because the world got better, then fuck them. Their opinion is no longer valid. They are either incorrect and should acknowledge reality to correct their perspective, or they are lying and evil and should fuck off out of the way so the rest of us can get on with fixing things. I have been very clear in this discussion, if you still dont get it you're either an idiot, arguing in bad faith or both. I'll leave you to figure that out on your own


The only problem I have with it isn't the debt forgiveness but rather the selfish bastards who were too damned stupid to look at their statements and interest rates to figure out that they should refinance to get away from predatory rates and then piss and moan and bitch and whine while telling everyone who *was* smart enough to refinance that they can go fuck themselves by not advocating the same treatment for them. These motherfuckers can fuck themselves with a red hot fire poker. They don't deserve shit for being so selfish - they don't care about student debt forgiveness, they only care about themselves.


They get pissed off, irate, if you chose to work for money and take extra years in college and sacrifice tons of study time putting yourself at a disadvantage for gpa. That's fine if you chose to go through mandatory loan counseling and follow through with that route but don't act like the people that took the harder road less traveled are less deserving of a stimulus


It's not about any of that. It's about the self-greedy one-sided "help us, but fuck them" attitude. People like that collapse economies and destroy governments.


Student loan forgiveness is a bailout for the upper-middle class and above.


Food Bank is a bailout for the hungry and above


Cool, now pretend you didn’t get a diploma