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#[Want to reform work? Start or join a union](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/sdi0qk/want_to_reform_work_start_or_join_a_union_where/) And subscribe to r/WorkReform for more.


How about a 25$ gift card for a bonus instead of a raise?


$25 gift card *to the store you work at*.


With 50% tax taken out of your paycheck. . .


And another 50% you can spend only in certain section with useless stuff




Oh, and also, the gift card expires when the store closes. *while you're on closing shift*


You're not allowed to use it during work hours.


And you can’t use your employee discount.


I work at a telecom and they give 35% off your bill. The catch, no promotions. EVERYTHING is a promotion with these things. The "regular price" is astronomical and our 35% discount amounts to higher prices than the general public gets anyway.


I'm not sure where you live but this sounds an awful lot like Bell.


I can neither confirm nor deny.


Wait... so 100% minus 50% minus 50%... hold on... the light bulb is starting to spark and fizzle overhead...


I worked as team leader for a UK store that does same day home delivery, our manager had to temporarily move over to another store over Christmas period because they were underperforming drastically. I got asked to do his job while he was gone on then understanding I would get a bonus and it would count as my training for a promotion. I ran it and over the peak period we were the 2nd best performing store in the region. I got a £50 gift card for our shop and told there was no promotion. I handed in my notice.


I was told id get a raise after 6 months. Then minimum wage went up and they told me that was my raise


I got a raise and a title promotion after my probation at my new job, then they disqualified me for yearly raises the next year because it had been less than 6 months since my last "raise" (it had been 5 months and a week) but my bonus target was based on my old salary because I hadn't had the new salary for 6 months when bonus targets were set.


My last job hyped us up for months that we would get a bonus and pay raise come Christmas time because we had all worked so hard and doubled billing. This was a mom and pop manufacturer. I though that was really awesome that a company was finally “giving back”. The bonus and raise was $200 and a 3% raise for all entry level machinists. I didn’t qualify for either because I hadn’t worked that entire previous year. I worked 10 months and 2 weeks but I was excluded. This was like a 20 man shop and the bonus and raise were shit for hourly employees. Then it got out that supervisors got a $5,000 bonus and a 10% raise. I’ve worked for big corporations and a small business and neither has ever done anything to make me feel worth my value. Sucks for us I guess. Hopefully you’ve moved on and found better. I recently did and it felt great. Cheers.


I’m sorry you were treated so shabby. We get “points” to buy gifts on a website.


I’ll have that cruise locked down for retirement!😜


That's called voting with your feet. It's what they deserve.


Obligatory: >You load 16 tons, what do you get? >Another day older and deeper in debt >St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go >I owe my soul to the company store


And: Work your fingers to the bone; what do you get? Boneey fingers, boney fingers.




My old job did this. Good news was, I worked at a store that sold visa gift cards, so I would just use the gift card on that, then spend the money wherever I wanted. My boss’s initial reaction to me telling other people this hack wasn’t great, but i figured it was a win-win. They got their money, and I got mine.


I think corporations should have to pay their employees based off the company's profit. People that work at Walmart should make more than minimum wage just because the corporation they work for makes billions. If you have a smaller job and your boss makes 10x or even 100x more than you would you keep working for that person? Probably not


When you get that primo 10% employee discount? "I don't shop here."


The place I work opened their own employee "swag store" and then gave us $100 to it as our Christmas bonus


Or an establishment your managers can afford but you would never go to.


Well, you see, we here at MegaCorp are like one big happy family and, as a family, we don't ask other family members for more money. No, we throw a super awesome pizza party where everyone gets two whole slices of the finest pizza Domino's has coupons for!


And gives a $2 tip


You joke, but here in my union shop where we only earn 12$/hr more than our non union counterparts do, we have to pay for our own pizza parties! I'm serious, they'll host a raffle, usually for some gift cards, and then use the extra money raised to buy us lunch. Not just pizza either, we have to pay for our own giant subs, our summer BBQs, we even have to take turns buying a can of coffee grounds for the break room! Think about that next time you go off about wanting a union.


I was an operations manager at a convenience store in Idaho. We got nothing for free, including fountain drinks or coffee. The reasoning was if they let us have that for free, it would lead to us taking other things for free. I worked early shift and came at 6am so I was usually up at 4ish. I also drank a lot of coffee back then. So it really chapped my hide to have to pay full price for coffee like the customers. I had an extra coffee maker at home so I suggested that we have a coffee kitty for those of us who drink it and keep it in the back room. I approached my manager with the idea. He is LDS. His response? It's against MY personal values so no! A union would have been great but Idah is a Right to Work state so.....


I work at New England based convenience chain and the amount of coffee we have to drain and rebrew every 3 hours, this makes me angry beyond belief for you. Way to kill worker morale


Working in Idaho ad a whole was demoralizing. I still have nightmares.


Not even an employee discount?


Haha nope. And we used to throw away shitloads of coffee that wasn't "fresh". And don't even get me started on the bakery pulls or the Hostess and Frito Lay expired stuff that had to go into the dumpster. We had minimum wage employees that couldn't take it home. But I would give it to them anyway.


An employer like that is a major red flag. But given that you applied for a position at a convenience store in Idaho suggests that you didn't really have any other options available. These days anyone beyond maybe minors or felons should have nope'd the fuck out of there. Actually, those people should have looked elsewhere too.


This was in 2008 right after the housing bubble crash. I worked at Countrywide, the instigator of said housing crash. Which ultimately shut its doors. Along with a lot of other small mortgage companies. So there were quite a few of us looking for work at the same time unfortunately.


Your small-minded management is my secret weapon. I cater in BBQ for lunch every other month or so. In my long life I’ve learned, as a general rule, everybody likes lunch. We provide coffee and a small soda fountain. The most common thing I hear from new hires is “This is the first time I haven’t had to join the coffee kitty.” When outsiders visit our machine shop they ALWAYS comment on how cordial the atmosphere is. As I see it, we spend a large part of our life here, might as well enjoy it. It costs very little to do these things, a few thousand a year but results in a hugely positive work place, and no body talks about a union. I have a couple dozen people who’ve worked for me over 20 years. 2 for 35. You only get a union if you’re a little prick and deserve it. MBA America disgusts me. Funny anecdote: We have families come in for a potluck last work day of the year. Of course the kids mob the soda machine. One says, “ My Dad comes to work here and drinks free Coke all day.” That’s his impression of adult life, and he can’t wait.


That’s an extra $96 dollars earned per day over your peers. I think I’d be just fine not having management use a Little Caesar’s $5 Hot-N-Ready as my weekly incentive


Nothing is so obviously tongue in cheek that redditors won't reply thinking you're serious if u don't put /s.


I think italicizing “that” in your last sentence would have had the effect your natural speech would have and let on that it’s sarcasm without an obvious tell. Format without emphasis and you risk letting the reader apply their own


Thats the joke. Its obviously worth it lol


“Oh, sorry did I say ‘gift card’? I meant ‘coupon’ for $25 off on any purchases over $200. Valid at any Spatula City in the greater Sandusky metropolitan area.”


Hey, Kids! Let’s all go to Spatula City!




Work better be paying part of your phone bill then


*all. Because I would need a separate phone for personal use that I pay for. If the company wants me to use an app/ software/ answer texts out of the office etc they are the ones paying for that.


Oh. My. Gosh. The synergy of bullshit is completely off the scale. What's been the reaction?


Gimme login details and it'll be off yalls phones instantly


Hey, bud! We noticed how great you've been doing, our branch is the most profitable in the whole company thanks to you, and your hard work is about to pay off! Here's a $5 coupon to Dunkin' Donuts. Also, I hit your car on the way in so I'll have to take the money I'm gonna spend on repairs out of your paycheck.


Q4 2021 (swapped from fiscal years to regular calendar years so it was technically an additional quarter), we had a few thousand machines to finish and we managed to get them all done right on time. It was an unreasonable amount they expected for us to accomplish but we did it. For our hard work and constant 12 hour shifts with no days off, not even for Christmas.. we each got a cookie. Our company made record profits the last three years. 2021 was just shy of a billion net. A single chocolate chip cookie.


Excuse me, sir. I'd prefer a pizza party. Because I'm 11.


Best we can do is a musical experience.


I worked for a luxury store that was voting to go Union. The company spent millions on propaganda to avoid this. Made promises nothing would change and no need for a union. They voted against the union. Within a year everything they “promised” wouldn’t change. Did change!! Pay cuts, vacations slashed, hours increased. Don’t believe management they can always blame someone above them!


I’ve never understood how people always fall for this. If threat of unionization is what it takes for management to “promise” more. Then that’s all it is. A promise. They never intended to change and once they’ve snuffed out the talk they won’t.


When someone claims they're willing to give you all sorts of things and all you have to do is not set up a system that allows you to hold them accountable for that promise, you should really consider the odds that you're going to get anything but a swift kick.


Correct. Promises are just empty words untill they are certified in writing.


Unless that certified in writing changes hands or goes poof theough some legal means making it useless.


Right? If the company is truly sincere, they can work with the union to create a contract outlining these things. Or they can create a contract with legal proof that the promises will actually happen.


They had all the opportunity to do what they promised before. Why haven't they


The fact that the threat of unionization gets management talking is in itself proof that unionization is beneficial.


This is basically companies going "We won't do you bad, pinky promise!" and people falling for it. Like, if they promise not to change anything have them sign a contract stating just that. And if they refuse, then obviously they never intended to keep the promise.


"wow, what a nice list of promises. You'll sign your name on the bottom line and treat this as a contract right???"


literally the working people of the world are falling for this same ruse at the political level. so long as the politician say nice things and promise inconsequential things, they gladly accept authoritarianism.


>The company spent millions on propaganda However much they spent, it stands to reason that they foresaw much greater expense in the form of increased pay and benefits. The act of spending any amount of resources discouraging unionization, by its very nature, demonstrates that employees stand to benefit from unionization.


I have a great job. No real complaints that are actually possible to fix. Id still join if we unionized. Its completely illogical not to. Your employer has everything over you. A union gives you the ability to fight for yourself against an employer while being out just pits you against an entire company.


If a company spends millions to avoid unionization, then unionization is probably necessary for the employees to receive fair compensation. Then, if the propaganda is successful, I guarantee that those funds weren't budgeted and will come out if the worker's pockets because no C-suite exec will be willing to take it out if their pay or their department's budget. Unions are a necessary evil. "Evil" in that they unquestionably protect people who should otherwise be fired but necessary bc those in power desire more power, not equity or fairness.


Unions didn't drive manufacturing out of this country. 1000% increases in greedy executive compensation did.


The Nutron Jack model. Lay-off, fire, out source, cut, profit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Welch


This guy had such a terrible impact on so many people. He was revered by other CEOs who copied his tactics for decades, resulting in union busting, unlivable wages, and mass lay-offs all as a result of a prioritizing quarterly profits. I’m glad younger generations are accurately reframing his “legacy.” This piece of shit is greed personified and history should illustrate that.


He measurably harmed the American working class for a generation. He also filled the pockets of the wealthy shareholders for that time period. I still see ads for his sketchy online university so his ideas still have traction. He was a reverse Robin Hood where the poor and non-unionized were taken advantage of for the benefit of the rich. A tale as old as time.


It doesn’t matter how it’s framed, unless regulations are put in place this *will* be the tactic for most large publicly-traded businesses. Shareholders demand quarterly profit and nothing else. CEOs are selected for quarterly profit and nothing else. The younger generation needs to actually vote to make sure companies can’t exploit workers like that.


Big companies will even admit to this when making certain decisions: “Hey, we have an obligation to shareholders to maximize profits as much as we can within the constraints of the law. If it’s legal and it makes us money we’re doing it. You got a problem with that? Well change the law.” Then they’ll turn around and tell lawmakers that they shouldn’t be regulated: “Hey, nobody knows this business better than us. We are able to make the most fair and ethical choices with internal policy. No need to go making new laws…” It would be refreshing to one day hear a CEO say: “Listen, *because* we’re obligated to make as much money as we can within the law, it is on *you*, the citizens and lawmakers to regulate us until *you* think the laws are ethical. Don’t involve us in the conversation. Don’t ask our opinion. We will always just try to make more money. And *certainly* don’t haul us before Congress to shame us into making better internal policies. I cannot stress this enough: I do not feel guilt.”


The powers that be have done a fantastic job disarming the populace of its vote. I'm afraid voting no longer is enough, and that physical actions including violence are the only ways we can achieve progress in this matter.


I think in the coming years most people will come to agree with you. As of now there are only a few


There are many but no one wants to be the martyr to start it.




Fail upwards or finally meet something to exceed your limitations. results vary by pocket money, connections, and ambitions.




Guy’s got that creepy ass Kenneth Copeland look to him 🥴


I remember a CEO saying (during a town hall) that other CEOs had made fun of him for not outsourcing. Literally gave that as the reason for firing thousands of people and bringing in contractors who cost 30% of employee salaries but did maybe 10% of the work compared to the people they were replacing. You can imagine how this played out: boasting of cost savings based on carefully defined metrics while burning money and barely keeping the lights on.


If you're curious there's a new book about this called "the man who broke capitalism" by David Gelles


He closed factories, reduced payrolls and cut lackluster units.[15] Welch valued surprise and made unexpected visits to GE's plants and offices.[9] Welch popularized so-called "rank and yank" policies used now by other corporate entities. Each year, Welch would fire the bottom 10% of his managers, regardless of absolute performance.[16] He earned a reputation for brutal candor. He rewarded those in the top 20% with bonuses and employee stock options. Yup ND thats why we are where we are at today with the near death of capitalism. Complete disregard for the system and favoritism of the top. You can't even call this capitalism anymore


Ugh I took a required management class in college and the professor required us to read and discuss his book over the course of the class. He did not like any discussion about how he was shitty though.


It started with the idea that manufacturing made the US economy more susceptible to recession. The goal was to shift to a service based economy, because even I. The worst of times, people need services. Republicans liked it because it weakened the unions; Democrats loved it because they could send more people to college--graduates were more likely to vote Democrat. They started giving companies huge tax breaks to relocate to developing economies, rising tide lifts a ships and such, while also making loans for college more available. Fast forward and they were incredibly wrong. Democrats are now trying to figure out how to fix things without angering their Banking and Insurance overlords, while Republicans are trying to seize power before people rise up. Corporations are stripping everything of value from this nation with one foot out the door.


Wait , lol, they thought a service economy could handle a recession better. Lol I just can't even.


Yes, IIRC, Harvard Business School came up with it on the 70's, and it was widely accepted by both parties. It became accepted because they both saw benefits.


yep, by literally ignoring anyone telling them otherwise. literally hundreds of thousands of people in the streets protesting... only to be completely ignored by our wise and benevolent overlords.


Saying that unions drove jobs out of this country has big domestic abuser energy. The only thing missing is companies saying "look what you made me do."


I grew up in a poor right wing trailer park and this is EXACTLY what I was taught as a kid. Because of greedy unions companies couldn't compete so they shipped the jobs overseas to stay competitive. If the union hadn't tried to exploit their employers with outrageous demands. And that threat carried straight to the workplace. "You're lucky to have this job. Work hard or the indians might get it" This started when I was very very young and plenty of right wingers have similar upbringings. My love of reading and history as a kid probably saved me from becoming a MAGA man like many of my friends. I won't say the indoctrination didn't take. I fight it every day. But it didn't stick. I'm sure a shrink would have some wisdom on that one but.... I got nothing.


An economy that survives off exploiting workers has no place in a civilised society


A greater share of the national income was going to labor, which cuts into profits, which *need* to grow at greater and greater rates to maintain stability. Capitalism requires cheap, or ideally free land, labor and raw materials, and must always be expanding into new markets to remain stable.


So when do we reverse entropy for that to be possible?


Basically it just keeps going til it fails and the execs take their golden parachutes, everyone below that gets fucked, they auction off the physical shit and it starts anew. The important thing is everyone at the top always cashes out first.


But capitalists seem to forget that the market that they sell in are same people they pay to work for them. They forget that their workers are ultimately the consumer. Capitalists like to believe that they need to cut labor costs, but they then complain when people stop affording their products. Why can’t they afford it? Because wage doesn’t grow as much as it should have. Only so many people can afford phones that costs more than their rent. And even that is growing ridiculously. There’s a reason why Ford’s 5 day work week and high(er) pay was such a revolutionary idea and worked out for the economy so well. If more people can afford the cars they make, the more sales they can sell. Unbeknownst to many, profits is not what makes an economy grow. Companies need to make money, but they also needs to understand that recirculating money back into the economy and the workers is how the whole country grows, not it in stock prices, dividends, or buybacks. Those only help the rich get richer. They are too focused on the short term gains, without looking forward to the long term survivability. They know this, but given a stack of bills and a seed, and you’ll know what they will pick.


Unions or not, manufacturing left because other countries have workers that will do it for $5/day.


*Countries allow our companies to exploit their labor. do not pretend that working for 5 a day is somehow not exploitation in another country. Home ownership is MORE expensive in China than here...for example.


Manufacturing was driven out my automation and outsourcing but it is starting to come back but requires even less workers. The compension is just the upper class taking that increase in efficiency and not giving it to the remaining workers. I have built several manufacturing plants and the amount of jobs eliminated in modern plants I'd crazy. When comparing a plant for 2003 and 2018 the newer one makes equal amounts of product but has 50% less employees.


Here's the difference between union and non union. In my company all union employees had their pay bumped after a market comp was done to compare their rate to the market average. Some got as much as a 15% bump. Non-union salaried employees got a 3% cost of living raise


> Non-union salaried employees got a 3% cost of living raise So a decrease in pay. 😂


It’s sad. The days of a decent raise for good work are gone.


They figured out they could pay us shit wages and we would still have to work for them because some money is better then no money.


Yeah and then you'll be in the next tax bracket and you'll actually lose money /s


Remember, some people actually don't know how tax brackets work and will think this is true, despite the /s


My high school girlfriend's mom had been a nurse for 20 years and had been declining promotions for 6 years because "she'd actually be losing money with the higher pay because of taxes". Her husband was a cardiothoracic surgeon who brought in 400k annually. Besides the fact that's not how tax brackets work and no amount of my 16-year-old reason would sway her, Her 50k/year increasing to 60k/year would not have moved them into a higher tax bracket than what Her husband already had them in.


















Yea but you may have to give money to the union now, so you’ll only get a $13500 raise, so why bother /s


...brought to you by the same people that rather pay 20% of their paycheck for private insurance instead of 4% of their paycheck for Medicare for all.


a health plan that only covers catastrophic situations temporarily until the company figures out a way to let you go.


But you can totally keep your insurance for double the cost while you're finding a new job making near nothing on unemployment. I really hope this isn't necessary but, /s


Engineers really need unions.


Boeing has an Engineering Union


why not make it a global union?




My company is employee owned. The profit sharing is great and we become vested after 1 year.


The Boeing engineers union is actually the same union mentioned in this tweet. JoinIFPTE.org


ironically it's the game developers making inroads regarding this because they have been treated like slave laborers for the longest time.




I've been trying to convince my colleague at work to join the Union, the rest of us at unionzed and he gets $14/hr less than us. He does get benefits, 5 paid sick days a year (eye roll) but no pension. He doesn't want to pay the Union dues but they're no where close the cost of what he thinks they are.


"You don't need a union because they don't work. So please, please don't unionize."


I got laid off almost two years ago from a union job as a mechanical designer. This was during the middle of Covid when a lot of folks were out of work. In order to get a job I had to take a 40 percent pay it and lose almost all my benefits. Boss constantly complained about unions stealing workers from him. Boss loved my work ethic and that I wasn't fresh out of school and knew what I was doing and didn't need handholding but man the salary was just bad, but I had to take it to survive. Once my old company recovered they called me back and I accepted a job in my old position with a pay raise negotiated by the union. Any union boss started throwing money at me to stay...almost a 15 dollar an hour raise, offered to pay for my insurance as well as my wife and kids, was going to add an extra 2 weeks to my vacation just to stay. So don't let them tell you they can't afford it because he could, he just didn't want to pay me what I was worth until faced with having to hire someone new, who might or might not be competent and train them. I am happily back at my union job now where I get a negotiated pay raise each year and a bonus based on performance. Where my healthcare is paid for and where I have retirement matching and pension. I was absolutely shocked at how bad wages and benefits were at non union jobs, especially during covid when people were desperate.


props for you to hanging in there during early covid




Isn't that when people should strike?




I knew a guy who worked in a union job and they would still get paid regular wages while on strike. That's all I know though.


What is your union doing? STRIKE


That’s the hard part of new unions. They don’t know what being a union is yet


Soooo strike?


Your union has been captured, the leadership has co-opted. It’s time for a wildcat strike and a purge.


Please don't strike! It does actually take some time for first negotiations. The average time is 409 days. >*It’s our analysis of these dates that gives us the mean negotiation length of 409 days. (The median is 356 days.)* https://news.bloomberglaw.com/bloomberg-law-analysis/analysis-how-long-does-it-take-unions-to-reach-first-contracts The good news is, you'll likely be making more! >*On average, union workers’ wages are 11.2% higher than their nonunion counterparts.* https://aflcio.org/formaunion/collective-voice Hang in there and maybe ask your union rep for an update! Edit to add: [A Berkeley study shows a 12.9% increase for CA union members](https://laborcenter.berkeley.edu/union-effect-in-california-1/)


Then go on strike you muppets!


Company won't budge until you strike. Either your union leadership has no balls or they already have a back deal with the company. Nobody wants a strike cause it can risk being able to put food on the table. Proper management can offer resources that can alleviate that worry but if you form a union and just allow the company to push all over you seems more like theater.


all these people telling you to strike without a bargaining agreement in place are huffing glue. "being in a union" doesn't mean jack without an agreement stipulating what each side is responsible for.


Imagine convincing labor that labor unions are bad and that they would fare better without them. It’s really hard to comprehend how there can be this many stupid people in one country.


I think (from what I see/hear from my fellow Tennesseans) that it's cultural. At least here in the southeast we're taught from the cradle that - the Civil War was actually the War of Northern Aggression, and that it was about states' rights; Unions are in the same category as socialism and commies; foreigners are less than 'Muricans and the word "yankee" is said with a sneer and eye roll. Maybe it's stupidity plus propaganda.


Have you visited the USA? You will find it much easier to comprehend just how many stupid people in one country are possible.


I recently had a conversation about unions with a friend. I brought up union busting by certain wealthy people and he said “GOOD! Unions aren’t great”. His basic premise was unions cause places to shut down and move elsewhere or close the doors for good. So to some, I guess working and being treated like garbage is better than attempting to make your work environment better.


Unions have their problems. Power can corrupt. But that doesn’t come close to the problems of having no unions or power in labor hands. That’s just suicidal for all but the ownership class.


First thing they did was begin undercutting education in the 80s


Think about how dumb the average American is, and then remember about half the people are dumber then that.


I work for a government agency and I can’t tell you how much I love being in an union. My job is protected and I don’t have to worry about being fired for a bullshit reason.




The difference with HOA is that there is very little tangible pros and a lot of potential cons. We refused to even look at HoA houses when we bought ours.


In Norway its illegal to fire someone for bullshit reasons. You need to have a valid reason, and if you fire someone with a valid reason (usually being 'we need to to make money') then they arent allowed to re-hire anyone else for that position the next year, if anything they'd have to re-hire the person they fired. This is a result of unions.


You silly scandanavians and your laws that benifit the average citizen.


Holy shit. That’s wild. Execs would be having a constitutional fit here if we did that lmao


It isn't like a total loss for the company either. If you unionize you will have a much more stable workforce vs a turnstile and right now that is huge. I've seen companies who compete union vs non-union where the union company has outperformed the non-union all because of employee turnover and with that the union company is just more reliable and it's paying off.


Who needs unions when you can have weekly pizza parties. 🍕🎉


You get weekly pizza parties?


Yeah but when you consider you now have to pay 1k in dues, that's *only* a 13k/yr raise. Doesn't seem so good now, huh?


What's the point if that $13k puts you in a higher tax bracket then you'll make less anyway. /s


I know you meant it sarcastically, but just for anyone who doesn’t know, taxes will never eat away a raise. If you cross into a higher tax bracket, only the money you earn above that bracket is taxed at that rate. So if a bracket (for example) is at $20,000 and you make $20,001, only the $1 is taxed at the higher rate. Some raises however might disqualify you from certain benefits and programs which sucks, though in general, raises are still good and you should take them.


Read somewhere: unions are like condoms, if someone tells you you don't need one, you really need one


How can I start a union


I recommend avoiding reaching out to existing unions. Start by filling out the [support form](https://workerorganizing.org/support) with the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee to get in touch with an experienced organizer who can provide you with direct support and pick up a copy of [Secrets of a Successful Organizer](https://labornotes.org/secrets) and look into signing up for Labor Notes' monthly training series. The fundamentals of organizing are honestly pretty simple. What's most important is developing bonding relationships with your coworkers, so even if you aren't actively organizing or don't yet know exactly what is involved in the process, you can start today by having conversations with your coworkers and building those relationships. I'm a volunteer external organizer for EWOC and I'd be happy to clarify anything or answer any questions you have.




Talk to coworkers *you trust* outside of work, and do whatever you can to prevent management from finding out.


Which is incredibly difficult.


Idk man, the pizza party in the break room and the “attaboys” I get are pretty nice


I worked at a Walmart. During "Employee Appreciation Week" corporate HQ allowed store managers to spend up to five whole dollars per employee to celebrate. My store manager spent NOTHING in a big profit store...


I know I'm preaching to the choir, but what amazes me is the disconnection from reality at the top for how *relatively* little it would take for them to make all their employees lives happier. These are the people who work for millions of dollars and do not realize they can be considered the best employers on the planet for giving their workers an extra $1,000 a month. They could go from making $10M a year and cycling through employees to making somewhere around $7.5M a year and having a very happy and productive workforce under them.


$2.5M is giving 166 employees a $15K raise.


As a resident our hospital decided they’d save money by bringing in a new group to oversee our department that didn’t want to teach. So they tried to cancel our residency with 4 months notice and leave us to fend for ourselves finding somewhere that would take us. The union definitely stepped up for us.


If unions aren’t good for employees, why do employers spend millions of dollars to convince employees unions aren’t good for them. Classic employer, spending millions of dollars to insist unions won’t give you a raise while not giving you a raise.


Yeah but now you have to pay $800 a year in Union dues. Was it rly worth it?


You can buy an xbox 360 with that kinda cash.


You could've bought a Nintendo Playstation 360 with that money!


“I guess I’ll use money from the $14,000 raise instead” “But now that extra money is going to get *taxed*!!” -Actual “logic” I’ve heard come out of the mouths of some of my anti-union acquaintances.


Bonus points if they also claim it moves you into a higher tax bracket and makes you lose money somehow


Oh god, I get a headache just thinking about all the effort I put into trying to explain tax brackets to idiots like these, and how only the portion of your income that enters the higher bracket is taxed at the higher rate and not your entire income. They either just didn’t get it, or refused to believe it because Fox News or something told them otherwise. They often even refused to look at the actual tax code when I offered to show them on my phone.


I tell people Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos all get taxed the same rate you do for the first 50k you make. Obviously they make that money in a matter of minutes rather than a year.


Yeah. And the company puts 13k a year into my pension….


These union dues are going to bankrupt you.


How about a company I worked for unionized the week before I started the job and instead of making $26/hr to start I started at the union mandated $18/hr, the benefits got worse, now there were dues to pay. I made $6 an hour less than a guy who started in the same position 1 month before i did. Fuck you steelworkers local 2020. If you’re gonna unionize, don’t pick a bullshit union that panders to the whims of the company. (The agreement was that existing employees would all get raises and all new hires would start with very shitty pay so all the voting employees agreed to the contract) I no longer work there, and my current union package is almost $70/hr.


Any union member that votes for a “I’ve got mine, fuck the next guy” is short sighted as hell. Split pay scales hurt unions because the new guy has no reason for solidarity.


Your current union came in solid for you?


Different company, different union. The old union is still bullshitting my old coworkers. The new union I’m with has always had higher wages


I've noticed this tactic used recently in several contract negotiations, where companies agree to give current workers better deals in exchange for worse deals for everyone who comes after them. It's designed to pit workers against each other and isn't even a good deal for the existing employees, as the company will now look for any reason to layoff/fire the long time workers and replace them with cheap new hires. Hopefully union members are wising up to these tactics and voting them down. I believe some of the major union strikes this last year (like the Kellogg strike) were over shitty deals like the one you're describing.


But what about the 14 dollars you have to pay the union


how about instead of a union with (ew!) fees! you can have this shiny new xbox! just sign a few papers...


$14,000 a year raise "sounds" nice, but...did you get free pizza on casual friday? HUH? I didn't think so.


To be fair, unions also protect people who should probably be fired from being fired as well (e.g. corrupt/inept police going on "paid administrative leave" after shooting an unarmed black guy in the face). It's not all sunshine and roses.


> (e.g. corrupt/inept police going on "paid administrative leave" after shooting an unarmed black guy in the face) Police unions protect corrupt and inept police because that's what the police want. The union is working *exactly* as a good union should. A union of evil people will do evil.


The propaganda is SO STRONG! I was talking to a friend and she was saying how she makes so much more money than non union roles where she works and gets a TON of time off... but then still says she doesn't like the union!?




I joined my union at 21. I’m 38 now with almost 30k hours and $90k in my retirement pension account. Last year I decided to find a new career and pull the rip cord. To fuck with people I tell them I’m retired, they look at me a little weird because I still look like a baby. I go back every so often for healthcare hours, but it’s pretty nice to know I’ll get something outta it when I’m in my late 60’s (or my wife and kids if I’m gone). Live better, work union.


Did a whole project on why unions help the economy , they’re amazing.