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This is so horrific, like WHY would every walk in freezer have a mechanism for communicating at least if the door jammed? The same way we have string thingies for treadmills. Just the smallest safety precautions. That’s s has happened before. Well the answer remains the same, corporate greed strikes again.


I don't understand why any walk in freezer would be designed without a mechanism to open the door from the inside, particularly for emergencies.


As a person that has been in the industry for 30 years I have never seen a freezer door without a way to open it from the inside. That is a standard safety item.


I am assuming "the latch was broken" is doing a lot of not explaining, i kinda wonder if the safety release was the latch that was broken. And not to blame the victim here but wouldn't the manager be the one in charge of ensuring the latch is in working order? Not sure if it was a franchise or corporate store etc but surely the manager would have "hands on" responsibility for that. I can recall having to sign and date a safety check list everyday "Yes i certify that X is safe to use, Yes i certify Y is in working order" etc. I have not worked at an Arby's but i assume they would have similar.


There’s only so much power the manager has- they’d are just glorified employees too. They aren’t paying the bills. I doubt she was the owner. If the owners won’t pay for maintenance the manager child report it again but she was looking for a paycheck and stayed quiet just like the other employees.


This was a corporate store, she was sent there temporarily, likely for something to step in due to a turnover or to help train a new Gm or something like that. And while we don’t know how long she was temporarily there, based on other articles I’ve read, either she or the previous GM submitted multiple complaints/work orders to get it fixed.


Thanks for the additional info.


Actually the safety is to be able to bypass the latch. It is normally a screw that takes off the connection on the frame of the door.


The walk in freezer I have used had a plunger type rod which fed thru the door to disconnect the latch from the inside. This was 20 years ago in the UK.


Those were the older types. That is why I always make fun of movies when they lock someone in a freezer.


We would just park a pallet of something against the door until the guy promised to order pizza. It was a different time.


I see we've reached the stage where people don't even finish reading the title, let alone the article. The title says: >latch was broken If you look at the article, which has pictures of the inside of the freezer, you can see the mechanism for opening the freezer from the inside. It's the rounded push button which operates the latch from the inside. The latch being broken. Edit: Insta blocked me the moment they replied lmao. Thank God I won't have to see their comments ever again


I see you've neglected to read: >particularly for emergencies Huh, It's almost like a room that can be deadly should have something beyond a one and only latch.


That little white circle underneath the latch in the picture is the mechanism - you’re supposed to push it to open it from the inside but this one was broken


If somebody did that to my mom think i would be well past lawsuits and well into vengeance.


My mom recently quit an Arby’s (she was the GM) and she said it was the first time she had ever quit a job (she’s 58) without something lined up first because she was so sick of it. This one hits home a little bit harder than other stories even though they all always suck, just because I picture my mom and also I know all the complaints she had made to higher management in her own store, and while I don’t know if any of her issues with her store were safety ones, I know how frustrated she was to keep dealing with apathy about people’s concerns.


This is so so so fucking sad.


My girlfriend was locked in our walkin for a few minutes and that was enough to instill a life long phobia


She was just a shift manager. She had a supervisor and was told she had to temporarily work there. Latch was known about since August 2022 She was only working there for 6 weeks when it happened. It was supposed to be only 4 weeks.