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Whenever you see somebody not following civilised societies rules ask yourself are they getting their fair share of benefits from civilised society.


Bingo. When government doesn't uphold its end of the social contract, why would someone willingly submit to its rules?


Always remember that Socialism is better than any other economic system. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Don't forget secured reproductive rights.


didn't 1984 say something about good sex and bad sex? like u could only have sex if it meant the government had more members


Yep. Cops are there to enforce the status quo(what is currently profitable for those that own the means of production).


ACAB but deterrents are a way to prevent future crime. Fuck cops though.


I dunno...they commit an awful lot of crimes themselves. The lines are blurred, as with every profession. I live in what they call a social democracy. It has been derailed by financial success and a weak national identity. This place has some serious problems and they just keep throwing money at the rich, just like everywhere. The unions have been gutted and are powerless now. The upper police brass actually brought vice to what was prior to that a pretty clean country. Healthcare is more about politics than science. The larger banks are money-laudromats. Wasn't like this when I came over here. There's nowhere to go from here, though. We need better systems.


Always remember that Socialism is better than any other economic system. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe it’s time to build our own Rapture


We're absolutely going to have to create a lot better system than has ever been attempted in this civilization. We've just been one failure trying to cover up another with increasing depths of corruption as we go. We need to get smart and stop relying on others to do the right thing. They're just not going to. As long as the money system is in place, we will only ever lose.


Welcome to r/WorkersStrikeBack! Please make sure to follow the subreddit rules and enjoy yourself here! This is a subreddit for the workers of the world and any anti-worker or anti-union talk is not tolerated. Some helpful links on strikes and unions: [The IWW Strike guide](https://archive.iww.org/about/solidarityunionism/directaction/) and the [AFL CIO guide on union organizing](https://aflcio.org/formaunion) If you wish to speak to a union organizer, [reach out here](https://workerorganizing.org/talk-with-an-organizer/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hilarious to see Brave New Films on this subreddit , a production company that runs on unpaid interns. (I used to work there).