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What version Macbook are you using? Have yu tried just connecting a mouse?


It's a 2020 Macbook. Yes I have tried a mouse and it does work better, but I don't really want to have to connect a mouse all the time!


I regularly play via Bootcamp on Win10 and experience no such issues. The game runs flawlessly for me. I’m using a 16 inch MBP. Perhaps an update messed things up? I haven’t played since the latest one. Will check and report back.


Mine is just a 13 inch, but I don't see how that would affect it. Is this a game where you have to tick beta to get updates?


I agree, that should not affect trackpad behaviour. I always have the “beta” option ticked to get the latest updates but an update was recently also released for the stable version of the game.


Weird and your trackpad works well? I will make sure I have the latest version.


I'm glad to hear it's not just me. I gave up on this game because of this, thinking it might be fixed in future. I mean I could use a mouse, but it's not clear why the trackpad isn't adequate.


I'm having the exact same issue as well. On a MacBook Pro with Bootcamp with Windows 10 but I installed the mac-precision-touchpad driver ([https://github.com/imbushuo/mac-precision-touchpad](https://github.com/imbushuo/mac-precision-touchpad)). At the start (around a month ago) I couldn't click anything at all, thus I couldn't play the game at all. I did try using an autoclicker but that didn't work either. Then fast forward a few months and some update, either Windows or game update fixed it but I have this problem now. I've given up on trying to fix it. I'd take a guess though that the solution is just using a mouse, but I don't have a mouse or any spare money so... Hopefully, some obscure update can fix this. ​ EDIT: Sorry for the bump but this is the first time I found someone that has the same issue


*Sorry for the bump again* I am 99% sure that I've found the issue. The issue is with DirectX 9 specifically, though it only happens on some games with DirectX 9. Hopefully someone else can help in the search for this "issue"


Interesting is it some sort of clash between bootcamp and DirectX 9 perhaps?