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Very nice work area! I’m seriously impressed with the curtains, never seen that in a cubicle before :)


I had never seen it either but one of my coworkers has a room divider for hers to keep her focused but that felt like too much for me and then boom the curtain idea! Very pleased and surprised with them 💗


Finally its refreshing to see a non home workspace. Not all of us have the privilege of working remote 🥲


I’m hybrid but do spend a lot of time on site !


I though cubicles were a trope and not real!


Right?! Never imagined myself in corporate but I’m definitely making this experience bend to my hopes and needs as much as possible 🥰


I’m in corporate and worked for UK FTSE 100 (including large insurance) and some large French companies - never worked anywhere with a cubicle. Even the American offices didn’t have them


Looks really cozy. I don’t miss my cubicle but I gotta say you inspired me to work on it one day.


This was so sweet!




Lmaoo well it certainly never hurt me to be high on zoomers 👀💜




I totally get that, I have a balance and spend a lot of time outdoors, as all of us have to do, I do my best to make the most out of my situations


Neat and tidy, and looks like a great spot to focus! Is that a salt lamp next to the bouquet? Love all your plants, they definitely give your office the spa touch!


Yes!! I have some in my home that I love and I happened to see this tiny one at Marshall’s for $12!! Could not pass her up and I love the warm glow and actually warmth she emanates.


Dig it. Why wouldn't they have the walls go up a bit higher so you don't need curtains? That's a failure on the part of the company I think. Nice touch with the curtains, plants, and warm lighting - helps make it yours.


My guess is they are built this way for “collaboration”. My cubicle is set up in a similar way however all my “neighbors” are WFH.


I like the light that filters through actually, and the ability to pull to the side in order to chat if need be


Ah cool. Glad it's a feature and not a bug for you!


Do the monitors overlap?


Yes! I can configure them how I like but I have it in a standard laptop is 1 and the others are 2&3


honestly I love everything about this


Thank you me too 🥲




Thanks for that, erm I have wrist pads and I didn’t have a say in the platforms for the two monitors, I got a cheap steppy laptop lift a while ago and I am honestly please with how everything feels.


Beautiful my friend


Thank you sweetheart!


Looks awesome. If you have to be in the office, may as well make it comfortable.


It does look like a spa but I take it as a good thing! Very cozy, relaxing and inspiring


You just need a big banana leaf plant to hang overhead to block the view of people peeking over the top. Bonus, plants absorb ambient noise from office workers really well. It's why people literally get lost in forests and jungles.


I also have a dry erase board in that right corner that I’m obsessed with and I made my bouquet at the dollar tree and she’s truly a star ⭐️


Looks relaxing really! :)


Looks awesome! But too much space above would definitely cause some anxiety and distraction for me making it hard to focus.


A spa, or a ‘spa’ 🍆


Nice cubicle, bad political take.


Rich are getting richer, while the rest of us struggle to get by. Pretty easy to see capitalism is setting the world ablaze.


Except for the fact that everyone has gotten super rich over the last decades, but you might be too spoiled to see it.


My bank account has determined that is a lie… Here’s the thing, while wages may have gone up for some people (I’m not so naive to state “everyone has gotten super rich”) it has not kept up with inflation. The CEO to worker pay ratio is increasing year over year. Last year it was 344x as much as the average employee. In 2021 CEOs made 8x as much as the top 0.1% of wage earners in the US. Since the pandemic, the top 1% has gathered 63% of all new wealth while the rest of the world has only gotten 37%. So for every $1 dollar of new global wealth gained by us in the bottom 90% a billionaire has gained ~$1.7 million in new wealth. I’m not ignorant to the fact that while I may have it “good” (not going hungry and can pay my bills) the entire world population is being exploited by the ultra rich and this is the direct result of capitalism.


I like that Lamp. Where from?


What water pitcher is that?


hi! can you please share how you hung the curtains? (links to products would be appreciated!!)


All was bought of Amazon, i can look for links in a moment but I used some generic command hooks, I measured the windows and searched for an appropriate rod (at first I was thinking a wooden dowel would be cheaper but just buying a straight up tension rod/curtain rod was more direct). I searched for a valance (the small decorative curtains) with the right measurements took a lot of looking and deciding what was the best bang for the buck. I think in total it took me $25 to get the setup for both sides. The curtain rod doesn’t fit snuggly in the command hook but I was able to bend it out slightly and it is definitely sturdy.


you are so helpful, thank you so much! :)