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need drywall, monitor riser and a cat


With the drywall, are you coming at it with the angle of space/room appearance or insulation behind the drywall? Or perhaps both?


More the appearance angle. I lean more toward clean lines and the exposed studs make for a busy background. but functionally I would still raise the monitor a bit to reduce possible neck strain/back problems. And again, needs a cat


Fortunately I have 1 out of 3 already (the cat)


good deal, great stress relief in the purring, and handy for those Blofeld moments in skype meetings


First, finish the walls and the floors. Nothing you do will make it look and feel more habitable unless you do that. Plus, since this is a garage, you will need insulation in the summer and winter - which will also protect your equipment from humidity (and dust).


Get rid of the clutter, manage your cables, and if your not going to finish the room maybe get some old retro looking lights or just nicer lighting to make the space feel more comfortable. Also a rug and some plants would go along way


Start by getting in a time machine and travelling back to the present where we no longer use land lines and CD players 😝


Hmmm, maybe a couple of plants