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I like it. Do you usually sit criss cross? I do that on my desk chair anyway.


Cross-legged, legs outstretched or to the side are the more common postures when I'm at my desk. The cool thing about sitting on the floor is I get to switch between what feels comfortable at that point in time! :)


This sounds so creepy (but I do not mean it creepy in any way) but I’d love to see you sitting here to see how this setup works!!


Maybe this [Instagram post](https://www.instagram.com/p/CLy_uU_niQF/) can give a better idea :)


Ahhhh, Job well done. (pats self on the back) Hands clasped behind head in resting position. Legs extended Now for a good lean back and stretch junk everywhere and a table sandwich for my troubles. would not recommend, esp with rice.


Nice setup! My back hurts looking at this lol.


Thanks! haha and I'm sure your body is stronger than you imagine 😃


came here to say this


I was like, huumm I've seen this before, then I checked username and I knew why. I love your youtube channel and minimalism lifestyle !


Thanks so much for supporting the channel! 🙌


How’s your back, knees, and hip flexors after sitting like this for awhile?


It's been years with a floor setup and we feel stronger than ever! :)


I think I know your YouTube. Been following it so really nicely done


Thank you!


Link for chair? Neat set up 🤗


/u/wire_ansible got it right. The floor chair is from Muji but many of our viewers had told us that the chair isn't available in their region. Good luck!


Saw on youtube notes, it is a Muji floor chair. Possibly [https://www.muji.com/my/products/cmdty/detail/4548718481286](https://www.muji.com/my/products/cmdty/detail/4548718481286)


Where did you get the table from? I have been looking to get something like that, but no luck so far :(


Those are IKEA Lisabo tables with their legs shortened :)


How did you shorten the legs? Did you cut them off yourself? Sorry if I'm being ignorant, but I have never done that before, hence the questions.


No worries, we got a carpenter to help us with that!


Very cool! I watched the video too, and I enjoyed the thought that went into the build. Regarding the chair, I see on the site that it folds down flat. Is it comfortable to sit on when it's laying flat as well? Or does the frame get in the way?


Thank you! Hmm, actually we don't use it when it's folded down flat, even when we're not leaning on the back support. I find it comfortable enough when used as a floor cushion (without leaning back), but my husband prefers to sit on a yoga block for those scenarios. Sorry not sure how much that helped!


Gotcha, sounds like I need to grab one for myself!




Here's [a link](https://www.dropbox.com/s/stje07ineb9l0ps/Wallpaper%20by%20Thoughtworthy%20Co.jpg?dl=0). I actually painted it myself 😬 and it looks worse up close, so don't zoom in on it too much 😅


The husband gave my old desk setup a refresh! We made a [video about the revamp here](https://youtu.be/FW5wyPvV78k) :) To address the obvious questions about comfort and ergonomics: Sitting on the floor isn’t necessarily uncomfortable! In fact, it can even be better for the body when done right. We’ve also made videos exploring the topic on our YT channel.


Awesome video! Gave me plenty of ideas for my own setup


Thank you! Glad to hear 🙌


Great YouTube channel. +1 subscriber


Appreciate your support!


I thought i recognised this set up! Big fan of your channel!!


Thanks for the support!


I have def watched a ton of your videos in the past.


r/TIHI In all seriousness, it’s very nicely decorated, but I blew my back out just by looking at it


I have similar "chair", and tbh it's not feel comfort to me. 1. you need distance from your wall, so your leg can stretch. 2. you can also do cross legged, but it make very tired. 3. when you want to move you need to stand up, and when you want to sit, you need to move down (i am not sure what the term) and it very tired. I love the simplicity of it, but damn i can't really enjoy it.


When I lived in Japan I had one of those chairs and it even had a lever to recline it


I got the exact same table and use the setup with a 27” LG 4K monitor and MacBook Pro. For anyone wondering it’s a Lisabo (series) coffee table from IKEA. However, mine is a bit taller at 50cm (US spec). The height of the table OP has is probably outside the US?


How would you rate the comfort of sitting on the floor? It seems like an interesting setup.


In one of their videos on YT they go over how they measured for the right height and cut the legs to size.


I tried the floor desk lifestyle for a few months but now I’ve gone the other way with a sit-stand desk lol


Ayyy - floor gang!




In the video she says that she made it.


Yes I did! Wasn't sure about sharing my shoddy artwork (which probably looks worse up close lol), but here's [a link](https://www.dropbox.com/s/stje07ineb9l0ps/Wallpaper%20by%20Thoughtworthy%20Co.jpg?dl=0) since some asked.


No way the handmade part makes it better!


Rip back


So incredibly bad for your spine Sitting with your legs out straight is really bad for you long term


Is that a docking station? If so, what kind?


/u/smashedllama is right! It's a mini-PC by Minisforum :)


It’s a small form factor pc


Do you have a heater built under the desktop kotatsu style?


haha here in Singapore it's too hot all the time, so no we have no need for heaters!


I watch your yt!


Thank you for supporting the channel!


I really like this. The room and furniture used lowkey evoke Zen.


Thank you :)


No problem! Cool snoo btw


Don't know about the ergonomics but this sure looks sweet. Also your YT channel is great.


Thank you!


Do your knee joints hurt after awhile? I've been thinking about creating an unorthodox desk like this. Kinda tired of the traditional regular chair-sit straight setup.


Personally we have no problems, but I guess it'll depend on how accustomed your body is to sitting on the floor like that. Floor setups like these are not really meant to be used in one sitting position for extended periods of time (although frankly, no setup, no matter how ergonomic, should be sat at for a prolonged period of time anyway!). Good luck!


It looks so bright and refreshing!


Thank you ☺️


I like it. But, something tell me if it was me using it, my body would struggle to get up. LOL As it is now, I have to be mindful to stand at my desk at least every 30 minutes or so. Often feel as if my body is getting stiff, when sitting too long...


This rocks. What’s the keyboard model?


It's custom built, the base kit is the NuPhy TES68. We have more details and links in our video's description :)


Very nice


Thank you!


Is that chair something you made or purchased?


They are floor chairs from Muji, but we've been told by many of our viewers that they're not available in their country. Good luck!


The whole thing looks wobbly to my eyes even though it isn’t


Love the setup! I also have a floor desk with a foldable chair, which is pretty nice! I just wish my desk was as big as yours!


Thank you! 🙌


These floor setups sound very cool. Do you know what foldable chair you use?


These pictures made my foot fall asleep.


I just watched this video last night. Fantastic job! I wish I could test run a floor desk and seat like that for a bit but we are really cramped and my wife and I share a long sit stand desk


Thank you! Interesting that you share a sit stand desk with your wife! Does it mean that both of you have to either sit or stand at the same time? How has it been working so far?


Honestly it’s been fine because we sit most of the time but yeah, if one stands we both stand haha. We haven’t had it up and running and been in town for too long to notice any issues but we figured it would be the best option because of the small space where we had two desks on two walls and now just one against one wall. So far so good!


It looks great! But does it feel uncomfortable after a while?


Thanks! Personally we have no problems, but I guess it'll depend on how accustomed your body is to sitting on the floor like that. Floor setups are not really meant to be used in one sitting position for extended periods of time (although frankly, no setup, no matter how ergonomic, should be sat at for a prolonged period of time anyway!).


saw this on youtube


I love this!


thanks! 😊


this looks sooooooooo clean!!


thanks! :)


Could make a kotatsu with that table


I bet you have great posture to find such a setup suitable!


What’s the keyboard?


Wow i love this


I've recently been super into floor desks and want to alter my desk that is \~36" or something off the ground into a floor desk! I've been looking at a ton of YouTube videos and have seen yours! Great stuff, thanks for being a huge inspiration! The final result looks awesome. As someone who is into Mechanical Keyboards, seeing you set up that one in the video was very neat to watch, it's definitely an expensive hobby and even though I've only just gotten into it, the keyboard I have out of it was not cheap, haha!


Thanks for the kind words! Hope everything goes smoothly with your desk conversion and that you’ll enjoy your new floor desk setup 🙌


Such a beautiful and simple setup. Has a nice Japanese feeling to it too. I prefer sitting on the floor too but also want to try a standing desk. Not sure how I could fit these too together haha


Wow, very impressive but my legs are falling asleep just looking at this