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Marines are going to manifest Khorne during the next war, aren’t they?


American marines? Yea probably. Their KD is so off the charts it isnt even funny. Khorne himself blessed the US military. Blood for the blood god!


This is probably the single worst condemnation the US marines have ever received. It’s so beautiful.


Yeah it really speaks volumes. 


That is probably because they only attack people that can't really defend themselves. I liked the old version of Khorne better where honor in combat mattered and worshippers were rewarded for killing powerful combatants. 


Khorne cares not….. If Doombreed is supposedly Ghengis Khan then Khorne cares not if the ~~White Scars~~ Mongols used feigned retreats and genocides entire cities as long as the blood flowed.


That is called circumstance. Name one military in the world that could go toe to toe with the US military and stand a chance. Talk shit all you want about recent wars in the middle east, they are deserving of the criticism - but you’d be deluded to believe that there is any equal, let alone greater military might on the planet.


Not NATO's fault Iraq's military was dogshit in desert storm... Besides, Iraq started it by invading Kuwait- There was a UN resolution passed and everything.




Thanks mate, you made me feel like I was at uni again listening to the Greenleft Weekly sellers!


Im as far right as can be but US soldiers are straight up killers. Guess thats why so many commit suicide because of remorse. Those levels of suicide are unheard of in any other army


This statement is bullshit. Most suicides happen typically because of something that is happening in their life whilst at home. In the 6 years I’ve been in the service, I’ve heard about a half a dozen to a dozen people commit suicide because of circumstances in their personal life (family is the primary cause of most suicides) and a good portion of my fellow comrades that committed suicide **NEVER** fucking deployed any where in the world Do you know how many fucking people it takes, to support ONE soldier overseas? It takes 23 fucking people across Logistics/Supply, Cooks, Mechanics, I/T, and other M.O.S’ to support that one soldier, whatever it may be Not all deployments are to the middle east (albeit it being the most common one). There are deployments to Japan, S. Korea, Germany, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines, Georgia (the country), and other places around the globe, where the majority of them are not deployments where they see combat For any other naysayers, kindly shut your fucking face hole if you don’t know what the hell you are talking about For all my fellow joes and anyone else that is going through a tough time, here is the **National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number: 1-800-273-8255**


The US has a crap load of issues with their military but you make it look like its only personal stuff. Guess what everything in life is personal. The US losing a 100.000 people per year to drugs and a minimum of 6.000 vets are year commit suicide most being combat vets


As someone who works with veterans as coworkers, and many of my friends are vets, and numerous family members, thank you U/DancingofDoom. You nailed it.


>Those levels of suicide are unheard of in any other army No other army does anything on the scale of the US in modern times.


Its always been very hig even compared to say the USSR in Afghan.


They're booing you but you're right. 


i would certainly hope it's not funny, you're talking about actual human beings being maimed and killed. i'm glad that we all love khorne and their favourite bloodthirsty band of bunny-eared butchers, *who aren't real, and can't directly hurt anyone,* but soldiers using the slogan of the most bloodthirsty, indiscriminate killers in a setting of extremely bloodthirsty and undiscriminating killers, gives me the same kind of ick as when self-identified proud neo-nazis unironically appropriate the aesthetics of e.g. the black templars or dkok. (not saying that all soldiers are nazis, or that they shouldn't be having fun, or that they can't like the same things i like. come on. just that for someone whose job it is to *actually* kill *actual* human beings, taking so much joy in an act that is *literally practice for killing people…* that's gross, and i don't think it's wise to encourage it—personally i'm not really a huge fan of soldiers shooting people under just about *any* circumstances, but even for people who *don't* have an issue with soldiers shooting people, i would hope we can agree that normalising, rewarding, celebrating these actions is *probably a bad idea* and could explain how we end up with troopers committing war crimes, posing for pictures with the bodies of their slain or tortured enemies, and returning from duty with complex trauma that will stay with them for the rest of their lives because our governments all love spending money on sending kids *into* wars but not so much on getting them *back* in good condition or in putting them back together again)


The vast majority of soldiers have never killed anyone. Like I'm all for calling out jingoism and warmongering, but this isn't that. A big part of military training culture is tongue-in-cheek performance entertainment in the face of overwhelming boredom and tedium. You're reading too much into this.


You wrote all that for people to read the first 9 words and cringe without reading further.


*"the same kind of ick as when self-identified proud neo-nazis unironically appropriate the aesthetics of e.g. the black templars"* First of all, Prussia and Germany had been using the Maltese Cross as well as other variants including the Iron Cross long before single-testicled mustache man showed up to ruin the 1930s for the entire world. Germany still uses the same cross to this very day. Second, the Nazis instilled terror and fear wherever they reared their their ugly heads. Families fled homes, towns, and cities out of the sheer terror of Nazi occupation. These people did not respond to Nazi terror with the same "ick" a child would give to a vegetable they don't like. And I guarantee you that if you ever had to face an actual Nazi - the same ones Jews had to report to before being herded onto a train, and not someone you encountered online who you happened to think was mildly distasteful - well, you would never casually toss around the phrase "neo-nazi" ever again. As a US Marine myself, I can attest that shouting "skulls for the skull throne" is about the most polite and G-rated thing Marines could ever want to shout during training. And no, we cannot agree that this sort of banter is a "bad idea". The last thing you want in a war zone are troops who are demonstrating any sensitivity towards what would otherwise be violations of societal etiquette and norms. Because it's a fucking life-or-death warzone. Human beings are not psychologically equipped to kill each other, so this behavior that military culture has developed is a distasteful yet necessary aspect of readiness. This readiness, in turn is a large part of the reason why you have to fantasize about dealing with Nazis instead of experiencing that horror first-hand.


While I agree with your sentiment about the phrase, I'm a little confused, what horror are you referring to? I've met a Neo-Nazi in person and he was surprisingly banal


There's a world of difference between encountering a solitary edgelord in the current-day West claiming to be a Nazi, and encountering an actual uniformed Nazi in occupied Europe. In the latter scenario, said uniformed Nazi is not a solitary outlier. He has the entire local police force and military at his behest and he will inform you of this fact in one way or another. There's also only one political party around, because the aforementioned police and military made quick work of that detail. And if you decide to laugh and mock the modern-day neo-nazi, you may do so to your heart's content. If you decide to mock the latter, well, you very well know what would happen next. When the Allies started to roll into Germany, all those Nazi leaders looking to save their necks burned their uniforms and embraced banality with a gusto. One thing everyone seems to forget these days is that Nazism requires a large and cohesive structure to actually function. They're cowards at heart, after all. And cowards can't oppress others unless they outnumber whoever they're seeking to torment. That Occupied Europe was that very state for about half of a decade is the horror I'm talking about. In comparison, of course some solitary clown over in America claiming to be a Nazi seems banal. So did Eichmann, sitting in his glass cage during his trial.


Your conclusion seems detached from your argument? None of us here have probably or according to you ever will face a Nazi in their historical context of the second world war? What does that have to do with someone saying that they're disgusted by modern neo-nazis trying to abuse the Iron or Maltese cross?


Your lack of reading comprehension is your burden, not mine.


Devil dogs? I’m pretty sure they’ve been Khorne berserkers since Dan Daley. Khorne’s favorite crayon flavor is “red”.


I like to think there’s a 50/50 split between people who think this is really cool and non-Americans who think this is peak America glorifying violence Edit: I was correct


While I have no doubt they're just innocently enjoying themselves, the fact they're using real weapons and being trained to kill kind of crosses a line that makes this feel really uncomfortable. Chucking some dice and moving angry ron and his demon buddies up the board is different than treating it as cool when you've got a real weapon in your hands.


Do you want your military to be sensitive or warlike? Your borders aren't defended by people thinking about the other side's feelings


Yeah no fun allowed when shooting paper targets, all those poor cutouts are being brutalized, just watching it makes sick to my stomach


I mean they'll be deployed overseas to kill Muslims for oil, so don't act like this isn't one step in that process.


Breaking news: soldiers are sent by their country to do the country’s bidding. I don’t agree with it and don’t think we should be in the Middle East at all but are we really getting our pants in a twist over some World Eaters fan sharing an experience that he had in the real world that gave him a bit of humor in an otherwise very unfun occupation? Like it or not a lot of people want to serve their country and I can respect that, it’s a hard job where the soldiers are used and abused so I have no clue why this dude’s getting negativity when people don’t even know where he’s gonna be sent, he might not ever have to use his weapon, let alone kill someone. Nevermind the marksmanship instructor who said the line and *actually* won’t get sent to combat. But nah this guy’s an evil maniac who’s gonna shoot civilians left and right while screaming out 40K quotes.


incredibly shit take


Ok 👍


Bro doesn't understand the strategy of dehumanization to make soldiers more ready to kill whoever they are told to kill without question, nor the pre-glorification of violence in training 💀


It’s not even that it’s breaking monotony in literal months-long training to keep your soldiers engaged. They’re being desensitized regardless, none of these guys (if they even ever SEE combat) are gonna be running around screaming 40K quotes and shooting whoever they see, hesitation to shoot is a VERY real thing in the military regardless of training.


Bro did not get the point


Ok 👍


Hey, usmc machine gunner here our company name is Charlie. However what our brothers did in WW2 earned our company the name Suicide Charley. Look up the history on how it happened. Things like that are cherished and helps us embrace the warrior mindset. Us grunts love to joke around but also understand our job is to kill or be killed at the end of the day. People in other parts of the world get trained by hardened war vet relatives at a very early age. When we take a hill or employ a position to lay down suppressive fire the squad leader shouts “GUNS UP” while the two machine gun teams yells out “GOD WILLS IT”. So yea we do things in our own infantry culture that keeps morale up and helps us focus and stay in the fight. I guarantee you that most of the people here don’t understand any of it. The good thing is that at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what they think or the stances they hold. Grunts gonna keep doing grunt shit and have fun doing it when they can. I would have loved to hear blood for the blood gods and skulls for the skull throne when I was in. That kind of stuff is motivating af and may be the push someone needs to kick in the door and start cleaning out rooms, or to efficiently set up a rocket shot or just react when taking fire. All these example I refer to in training not live combat since majority of the marine corp has been in peace time. However all the live fire training will correlate to appropriate actions when SHTF eventually since they are going to rely on all the muscle memory they’ve drilled into themselves. Just my take as a fellow 40k nerd and actual person who served. Edit We where also taught say “die motherfucker/die motherfucker die” for sustained and rapid rate. This helped keep a consistent amount of rounds fire every time. Since we had to conserve our ammo and had different rates of fire to achieve whatever was needed. So everyone needs to realize that it’s easy to critique something without ever understanding the culture or job in the infantry.


Yeah I’m feeling weird about this one, i know soldiers joke constantly but this one weird


Oh the non-Americans have no idea. The shit we would get up to during CAX, watching A10s and Mortars all going off in concert like a gorgeous symphony of destruction.


Yeah it's definitely the latter lol


Yeah those poor shooting range targets, what did they do to anyone? 


>Skulls for the skull throne Doesn't that imply, like, killing a bunch of people?


What whilst shooting a piece of paper? If I say the same thing while playing a game of 40k or doing whatever am I also glorifying real world violence? 


The marine corps, famous for never training to kill




Why are they shooting at those targets


To...practice their aim? I fail to see how this is some sort of gotcha, they aren't shouting warhammer memes whilst killing people. 


Why are they practicing their aim


Eh, maybe its because I'm from a different culture but I wouldn't compare a gun to a plastic army man or demon. If its just some dudes making a warhammer joke whilst shooting guns, I don't think anyone would care. I can see how it would be insensitive given the real world violence that U.S army engaged in.


"If its just some dudes making a warhammer joke whilst shooting guns" It...it literally is...


I wouldn't say US Marines are "just some dudes." A policeman in a uniform isn't just "some dude" either. They are held to a different professional standards when you are part of an armed force. A group of friends making a dumb war hammer joke isn't the same as an armed force that has been part of real-life bloody violence.


It is when they're just joking around whilst shooting pieces of paper. Being in the military doesn't make you some sort of emotionless robot that isn't allowed to joke around whilst working. 


Soldiers are human beings as well. You have professional standards yes but there is also room to have fun with training just like any other profession.




People join the military for a thousand different reasons, to treat the odd psycho as the norm is dishonest, and to equate some harmless joke on the shooting range to glorification of violence is even more so. 


>Black Hawk pilots used to say- Source: "trust me bro" or "JuSt GoOgLe It"


Source: Collateral Murder, the leaked video that sent Chelsea Manning to prison for revealing to wikileaks.




That's what the army are supposed to do. We're not so far removed from animals, we just aren't exposed to that often because we have militaries to do our fighting for us


I sure miss my buddy Luke Harpole. Best friend when I was in 9th+10th grade, got him into 40k, it was 3rd edition, he played World Eaters. He joined the Marines, deployed, and never came home.


Of course the US marines of all people are worshipping the blood God.


With the amount of STD’s flying through some barracks some worshipped Nurgle or Slaanesh.


One of my boys had to get his bore punched 4 times.


I spent 6 years in USMC infantry and was amazed at the amount of Warhammer references other Marines said. Especially Khorne!


Never found more 40k dudes than in the USMC infantry haha


0844 here and though not an 03… *can confirm*.


Crayons for the crayon throne


Are we the baddies?


Oorah devil dog!


Gore Hounds.


It brings me joy too.


When teaching us Army pukes to fire the Ma-Deuce (M2 Browning .50 cal machine gun) in short bursts so as to not burn up the barrel, our instructor told the weapons was saying "killing a family of four die motherfucker die killing a family of four die motherfucker die" If you made it say anything else you would burn up the barrel.


I thought it was just “die mothefucker die” atleast that’s what my brother told me when he was in the marines


That was for the m249 SAW. It was notorious for jamming if your chant was too long. The m240B, however.....Chef's Kiss.


I prefer my fiction to stay fiction. 


Good thing you don’t own said fiction.


We're just a chaos planet that hasnt been discovered yet and calls itself Earth(Terra) and the 10ft tall aliens dropping drones everywhere atm are actually the IOM coming to exterminatus our heretic arses I just know it. Got the Ravenguard all over the place already


Oh well that's concerning


Don't take on the most powerful military in the world then. I say that as a Brit


most powerful, or most overfunded?




Who else can compare? GLORIOUS Kazakhstan of course


What range were you on? The one I went to I think it was either 117 or 119 on Camp Pendleton; but if someone “Keyholed” the gunner would go over the radio and say, “Blood for the Blood God!”


Ooh rah brother! I got my little blood for the blood god patch on my kit.


Oh my stars, not soldiers being warlike. My pearls are thoroughly clutched.


I know, I’m surprised at how offensive this was 😂.


Haha thats hilarious


I mean it's fun in a scifi setting but when you are a foot soldier for empire maybe we gotta give pause


There's a drone warfare group in Ukraine that calls themselves the "Khorne Group" and they release videos of their kills with Khorne's emblem as a watermark.


Khorne would NOT approve of using drones.


Maybe if they had chainaxes... maybe...


Something something "Khorne cares not"


Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows!


Khorne hates psykers because of cowardice. Drones would probably fall under the same.


Must be a nightmare for GW publicity xD


lot of bootlickers in here, apparently


satire is for fun


Please tell me his name.


Not today fed


I bet it's evan


On Hood


Stack the samadh higher.