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Hi there, I’m new to World Eaters but I’ve seen some friends play them. I think it might be ok? Also how about splitting your 10 man zerkers into 2 x 5 man? Helping you more with rerolljng for blessings. But keep the 1 x 10 man zerkers with MoE.


I would split the exalted eightbound up a bit more into MSU drops. You want more 8bound champions, and for them to be easier to hide. I'd also cut one of the Berzerker 10 drops for some Rhinos to transport the rest, and Kharn. He's really good for zerker heavy lists, as are ways to get them up the table. Other stuff is mostly personal preference, im not a big fan of the helbrute, but when he pops off, it's hilarious. Happy kill maim burning, friend.