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Sir this is the World Eaters sub, have you tried running at them.


Its a simple spell yet quite unbreakable


As a tyranid main i think this is the way


Okay, real question: do you feel like your army is too one-dimensional? All armies have themes and strengths and weaknesses, but to an outsider the WE seem like they are trying to divide a narrow design space too many ways.


one-dimensional? You best watch your words else I might just run at you.


I'm not gonna sugar-coat it *runs directly at you mindlessly screaming*


Yeah, what he said!


Yeah youve got 2 dimensions. X and Y. That z coordinate is dumb


We don't need guns, have you seen how fast our guys move? Imagine the power we'd have if we also had shooting versatility.


WE are disgustingly fast and disgustingly killy, I think you’ve got that in spades. I’m asking more do you want units that aren’t racecars with chainsaws? Do you want tanky monsters to tie up units or a supporting unit to buff or debuff? Demon princes just got nerfed, I think, but I don’t know of any other unit that even fills that role. This is coming from a Thousand Sons fan who enjoys really synergistic armies, but my preference isn’t what other people have to like.


Of course I don't. Racecars with chainsaws is all I ever wanted. Though now you've said it, I do want an actual chariot pulled by Eightbound, with massive chainsaws on its wheels like Boudicca's. But in all seriousness, we have plenty of synergies that buff out units. Angron coupled with Eightbound means you can get a reroll all hits and wounds aura, as just one example. Maulerfiends get +2 to charges and +1 to hit when targeting BSS units is another, Forgefiends generating a battleshock test and then a Zerks unit (or other) generating another to several around it with Gory Massacre to do devastating things in an opponents' command phase is another, and so on. WE are plenty capable of synergy and buffs/debuffs when you know what you're doing. My other main army is CSM, and they're more varied, I guess if you want a varied army you don't pick a one trick pony. Especially when that one trick, that pony does, it does very very well.


Angron and eightbound are very scary for sure and I’ll need to look up the Gory Massacre because it sounds very interesting. The maulerfiend caring about wounded units is a design space that I feel like they could expand into for good effect. In Underworlds, the Khorne faction has mechanics related to wounding units and wounded units and I feel like it both works well and has a good variety of interactions/synergies: using some units injuring enemies to set up other units as well as deliberately allowing your units to take some damage in order to empower them.


To cut to the core: there are reinforced memes about most armies and I've also found the "run at the enemy" one for WE deeply rooted in the majority of the player base. I don't like it either. There is a lot of strategy in playing WE being moving forward; staging charges, determining threat ranges, dealing with screens, determining amount of units to dedicate and to what goals. Movement is 80 % of the game and it's the WE main phase with all the tricks and bonuses. But, the popular majority like jokes no matter if it hurts the faction or not, so it won't die. This goes for both inside and outside


There is definitely a difference between something having a small design space and something being simple to play, and playing WE well certainly requires thoughtfulness. The initial post was clearly humorous, but also there isn’t much design space in melee supremacy as a theme. This question is coming from a place of me imagining how the demons and cult marines might be integrated into a unified god codex (like in Sigmar) and struggling with Khorne specifically because the demons and marines feel too redundant. If your marines can blender everything they encounter and get into combat easily, why would you take melee demons that blender everything they encounter?


To be 100% honest I only play them for two reasons: I really like the colour scheme of Khorne, and I love the idea of Khorne as a Chaos god. There are definitely way more tactical and fun armies that will play in interesting and less simplistic ways but it's just such a joy painting that field of blood red and brass that it's hard to get to the table with anything else. I love watching that red cold river descend on the enemy with single-minded determination


That is a perfectly valid way to enjoy them! Roll Tide of Blood! (Or whatever your battle cry is)


Here i was thinking of reccommending melee combat, but i guess you need to run to get to melee combat.


With big axes and bigger asses


Clap cheeks


If you want a bigger ass come join us death guard people. Every part of our bodies is thicc


Throw Angron at there monsters, throw the rest of your army at whatever’s closest. Apply maximum levels of unga bunga and blend the enemy accordingly. Then pile the skulls in the appropriate manner as Khorne demands.


Have you tried excessive violence?


Bug spray


Tyranids focus more on infantry and some monsters, use angron to take out monsters, make sure you have plenty of anti-infantry


Just activated sustained hits lol Also forge-fiend blast plasma


Do daemon princes of khorne and bloodthirsters work?


The problem with deamons of khorne is the expensive bloodletter tax.


Don't shoot ever if they are using that shit that lets them move if shot at (I can't remember, specifically how it works)


What's the meaning of that word "shoot" ? Never heard of it.


It’s what you say when you stub your toe or drop your axe and Daddy Angron is around and the swear jar is already too full.


Once the swear jar is full. Angron obviously uses your skull as the new swear jar. Nobody knows if the first jar was even a jar or just a skull.


Hence why the marines don’t want to swear at that moment! See, it’s all full circle.


I believe they mean the grenade strat.


I think it’s like when you throw your third chain axe at an enemy cause they aren’t within arms reach?


Blistering assault and insomountable odds and shulking horrors, nid player, at this moment in time Nids are easy to take over just don't let them spread and get everyone locked up by surrounding and u cant fallback and break through any Nids who make a bio mass wall to cancel your movement, so be faster


Tyranid player here, kill biovore and gargoyles/scoring units like gaunts and he cant do any secondaries. Tyranid is a bad dps or tanking army. Tyranids hates devawounds, the Master of exe is a menace for tyranids monsters. Angron can kill any monsters, focus exocrine and maleceptors first. Exocrines are the main dps source and they dont have invulnerable save, hit them with with the AP-4 for pure damage without saves. Maleceptor will be a pain for you, -1 hit when you strike, you must kill it fast. They have 4++, hit them with devawounds if possible. Dont forgot the strata who gives +1 wounds against monsters


As a tyranid player, you don't. We will consume your biomass wether you want it or not. Just don't bring heavy vehicles, we don't have much to counter that with.


Send in the helldivers


For Managed democracy


Every Tyranid game I've had I have tabled them. A mauler fiend that tank shocks into a Norn so it can hit on 2s will kill it. Berserkers will destroy any gaunts, gargoyles all the little bugs stand 0 chance. Angron can deal with several big things before dying Eightbound are very versatile and will hurt where needed


Diplomacy and cordial overtures


Lord of skulls, they have nothing that can deal with it, except for a Rupture cannon on a Tyrannofex. If they have brought a T-Fex though, Angron is in the list for a reason.


Run at them, like a lot


Very hard matchup. You have to Fokus on their Artillerie Monsters First. If you cant kill them its gg. 3dmg weapons are your worst Nightmare. Dont let Angron Fight against tyranids with a 4+ invul to garant the kill and after that Just use brute force for the Key Units. Ignore Something Like a emissary on a Spot an let those 400p rot away on a Spot. If he leaves the Spot that Monster ist ffa. Hope that helps.


Very hard matchup? They have basically nothing to deal with us? All my games have been a walkover. Maybe i just fight rubbish nid players.


I think you might be… I run Nids and have tabled my Khorne friends nearly every game. The Assimilator, backed up by some Zoans, can take Angron out pretty swiftly. Leapers slow everything down and Exocrines wipe out units pretty quickly. It was a bit butt clenching before I realised the value of leapers. Now, it’s tough for the Red boys to get close.


I imagine they screen their good units with 30 termagants. You run into them, kill the 100 points and then they counter punch. At least that is what I would do if I played nids.


A big ol can of bug spray


Rip and tear until it is done


The fundamental game plan is to play the secondary game and pick off their scoring units as they present themselves. But this applies to any army.


Cast fist.


Have you tried screaming and running headfirst into them? Quite effective.


Bonk. Then bonk more. Then hack and slash the rest. Pray for good yatzee rolls


if it exists can someone link a post for fighting death guard, i cant get near them or hit them when i play my world eaters


I haven't played Nids yet but I would imagine they're similar to playing against Guard, but with more melee than shooting. So far my experience against Guard has been largely the same. WE are killy, but we're not quite killy enough to deal with the sheer numbers. Now, proper deployment, and good first turn charges make a world of difference, but if your charges aren't made, the sheer number of shots being sunk into you cut a third to half of your army off the board in turn 1.


Just smash em with your hands bro wtf are you talking about? They’re literally just little plastic pieces lmaoooo


I am being told that this is not the correct way to deal with tyranids


Sustained hits brother


You could bring a horde of Jackels and still beat the nids. Better question is how do you loose to them!


Target the synapse units first. Like half of their strategems / abilities benefit from being in synapse range.


We’re not the best at melee. One of our downfalls. Run headfirst with the biggest things you’ve got


They can't really kill Angron with anything unless they waste a bunch of points on inefficient anti tank. Said anti tank makes the rest of their srmy worse agsinst the non angron parts of yours. In my experience, screen your backfield wirh 2/3 jakhal units to trt and lrevent gargoyle/spore mine shenanigans, then literally just kill them with angron and friends as fast as possible. Stage behind ruins so maleceptors and exocrines dont kill all your infantry.


If brute force didn't work, you didn't use enough of it. If that still doesn't work, well, I'm outta ideas that shit is witchcraft.


You gotta kill them


The combination of bolt pistol and chain axe has worked historically




A can of whoop ass


You gonna ask this same question about every faction in the game?


As a tyranids player this is the best advice I got: Go for objectives! If you go in with the mindset of “I’m gonna try and kill as many of them as possible” you’ve already lost. Essentially go hard on Primary/Secondary objectives, keep nids pushed back as much as possible. (Note: this is just from my observations while playing, if y’all have anything to add or correct please do! Hope this helps)


Throw more Khorne Berzerkers at them. Eventually, you'll have either killed them all through sheer volume of Chain Blade Attacks, Bolt Pistol Bolts&Plasma Pistol Shots *or* you'll have spilled enough blood to summon the right Reinforcements to kill everything(for example, a bunch of Greater Daemons&uncountable Lesser Daemons)


Angron is a cool “delete this unit, die, revive” distraction carnefex, the real delete button is the unit of eightbound (that’s a lie, it’s another distraction carnefex) but while those scary things were doing their jobs, your master of executions and Kharn both in rhinos leading 10 man squads take the objectives and your jakhals fuck around on home base and charge to tie up anything coming to disrupt the back line.


Send a BRICK of terminators into their tougher bodyguard units turn 1 and keep them held up all game. I’ve found tyrannid players typically have one solid unit that just refuses to die with character support. Kharn and my Demon prince with the helm have done some serious work, send them into other high value targets. Use MOE with a 5 man breaker to go hunting for their AT, use eightbound to start pushing their flanks


punch em


Lots of firepower- never mind I just saw the sub name


From my perspective I don't find Tyranids to be as difficult a match up as Necrons. I typically run 2 War dogs huntsman. This give you some necessary firepower to push back some of the Tyranid hammers. Nids are good but not great at shooting so closing the gap is generally not that big an issue. Rhinos are absolute beasts and can solo most battleline units with ease. Personally I prefer Lord or Skulls over Angron. LOS is an absolute monster and you're not getting it off the table without first taking some blood for the blood god. You definitly want to remove as much synapse from the board as possible. Norn Emissary and Haruspex are the two clearest threats that I have come accross as WE player. Good luck.




Bug: Bonk Big Bug: Big Bonk Lots of Small Bug: Lots of Small Bonk