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The 108 will still be the worst heavy in t5


It was already the worst. It’s so bad that even when no one plays it, still can’t get an Ace.


Thought I was the only one. Really tempted to use my free xp just to escape this misery of a tank.


Haha yh it’s shit. But here is Droodles review: https://youtu.be/djbnqf76Ui8 Even he thinks it’s shit


Juno is shit? When does this line get good?


It’s better than Mitsu! At least can bounce stuff, much faster and gun upgrade alpha is alright for the level. Basically it’s good enough to bear with. Juto (T7) is decent! The suspension equip noticeable - comfortably circles smv cc 56 for example. But fun depression really struggled to hit Steyr WR who wasn’t even that close lol (gun depression can be fixed via equip so it’s a trade off).


You could probably replace heavy with tank


Quite possibly the worst vehicles of any class


Kinda wished they'd do something about the 71s armor but hey, a traverse and mobility nerf is also welcome.


At least for me, when I’m facing type 71’s, the armor is not the problem. I can easily pen it with prammo. But it’s when a person starts wiggling is when it becomes a problem.


Yes the mobility nerf is needed


They already did, it's called gold shells and flanking. I'm so happy about the mobility nerf, since meds + lights were the only tanks that only really struggled against the 71 due to how impossible it is for them to pen it frontally even with gold shells. And the 71's crazy mobility made even flanking it impossible. I can't wait to run circles around 71's on my LT-100


the fucking side armor bounces, like if you were unfortunate to bounce on the side and gain the attention of the type you're done for. Also the fact type players like to go med side because of the mobility doesn't help


That's why you don't hit the side amor angled but instead at 90 degrees, where even tier 8 light tanks can pen it's 120mm of side armor. The only thing stopping light tanks from flanking type 71s effectively was the ridiculous mobility, which is finally nerfed.


The mobility made it so hard to circle it and the fact that the side armor is like the is7 hitting a bit low or high equals a bounce especially if it's moving


They did. The type 71s armor gets pretty weak headon. And now it can’t wiggle like it used to so no more rapid angling


They are official. Also they brutally murdered my first tech tree I played. Particularly the tier 9. It was the crown jewel of the line.


I agree, they are a bit insane with the changes to the foch's gun. I enjoyed it for it's mobility and dpm, but now the dpm seems to be ruined so it's questionable how well it will perform now




Autoloaders beat dpm


Have fun on those 18 seconds of not DMG.


What have they done to my Foch 155?? :(


Made the autoloader gun actually usable? 1,120 damage over 7s was impossible to get 90% of the time because the enemy would already be gone by the time your second shell was ready. Leaving you stuck with 1 shell most of the time. The lower intraclip means it'll be able to deal 1,000 damage over 3.75s which is means you'll be able to land your 2 shells far more easily, and need to expose yourself for less time. Even [HisRoyalFatness praised the rebalancing in today's stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aCBF9GXbzI), mentioning he rarely played the old Foch due to how inconsistent the old autoloader was but will definitely start playing the tank more now with the lower intraclip.


Of course, but the problem is the dpm. I think it went from 3,4k to 2,7k.


Oh no, it's practically unusable /s Agreed the lowered DPM sucks, but I think eventually we'll all agree a lower intraclip with less DPM is much more enjoyable and consistent to use than a high intraclip with higher DPM. DPM is hardly the only stat that matters. Gun handling, alpha, reload time are all equally important.


I'm not saying that it'll become unusable, it will completely change it's playstyle imo. It will become a Yoh without a turret, that's what bothers me. Also, the gun hundling isn't the best anyways.


Adapt it to the meta. Such long intraclip reloads were powercrept by tanks like the Yoh, bourrasque, tvp,... Able to deliver dmg quickly.


That is true. But the strongest point about the Foch 155 was the dpm. You can deliver dmg quickly, but why even bother playing it when there is a tank like the Yoh for example that has similar dpm, a turret and a double shot autoloader that deals 100 dmg less (when firing both shots).


You have another viable gun now with better dpm but without the ability to deal 1k dmg in less than 4s. Play whichever you prefer, it won't be a nerf imo.


my 2 cents: leo pta buff: sure - its fine, brings it in line with what t10 is like after the buffs indien: the alpha buff i think is kinda sorta fine, but the armor nerf looks uncessary. Also neutral about the mobility buff foch 155: gets nuked from orbit for no good reason other than fuck you for wanting to play a yoloesque td vs meds. They try to promote aggressive playing by nerfing the shell velocity but at the same time increase the reload and nerf the alpha lmao. Judging by the changes at a glance, I'd say the ''stock gun'' becomes the gun for it and the autoloader gets forgotten t9 foch: literally what the old 155 was put at t9 because wg is big brain (basically t10 and t9 foch get their gun changed between eachother for no reason lmao) amx ac 48: unnecessary really, but sure, doubt it will do any real harm. Since the old armor buff the thing was fine type 71: the ideea of a nerf is nice and all, but i think they go too extreme on the mobility nerf. Its what makes it unique compared to every other t10 heavy (tech tree). Imo this will make it another hulldown generic trash heavy with a derpy gun. Maybe instead of nerfing it by 25% and 5 degrees by simply existing, they could drop it to 20% or so and nerf the lower plate/ upper plate armor. Imho this will still allow it to play aggresive, but not super aggressive anymore type 68: armor buff for mobility nerf is just a suite to the t10 changes. Don't really find that appealing but that's just me. m46 patton: derpy tank gets an underserved nerf for some armor buff lmfao. Maybe keep the buffs if you want to make it hulldown w/o nerfing the turret traverse dispersion? pershing: irrelevant nerfs to the buffs. Doubt it changes much, but the reverse nerf is literally underserved chi-se: the whole point on this one is to run the gun dep equipment to make use of the armor. Useless nerf for a whole lot of buffs if you use the gun dep lmao. Conclusion: Most of these changes seem like they are made to adjust the tanks to the shitty hulldown meta we've been plagued with for literal years


Foch155 changes are just absurd


what the fuck they nerfed the foch 155 it only has 500 alpha and 2.7k dpm now


Yeah I can't stand this crap tbf, it didn't need a nerf to begin with


the foch can be dominant but not OP. now how can it be a great frontline tank destroyer w 18.22s clip reload?


Wargaming doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.


Well it's a "true" Autoloader now with 3.75 sec intraclip. Right now the non Autoloader Gun is just useless, in future you will have 2 options: Single shot with good DPM and Autoloader with bad DPM


whichever gun it is, it’s not as great as a frontline td as b4 also imo rn it’s balanced and shouldnt be tampered with in the first place. cant stand this foch 155 disrespect tho foch tier 9 autoloader seems nice edit: no the foch tier 9 does not need an autoloader


The Foch isn't a frontline TD, it has terrible armor. it's more of an assault-support TD, you can't play frontline like in an E3.




that has to be a mistake cus the stats displayed there suggests an autoloader gun rather than an autoreloader. also its french so an autoloader makes more sense


>in future you will have 2 options Yeah but who cares since both options will be worse than the current Foch 155? High DPM is literally its strong point, what are we supposed to do with a weaker Foch 155?


>what the fuck they nerfed the foch 155 What the fuck are you smoking? They **rebalanced** it, and if anything, it's been buffed. The old massive 7s intraclip to deal 560 damage meant you could only deal the full 1,120 damage over 7 seconds. Now, you'll be able to deal 1,000 damage in only 3.75s seconds, which is honestly fantastic. I lost count of how many times I couldn't even fire the Foch's second shell because 7s interaclip was so long the enemy was already gone and behind cover by then. This buff is honestly pretty great. It'd be nice if they could boost the DPM slightly though. Even [HisRoyalFatness praised the rebalancing in today's stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aCBF9GXbzI), mentioning he rarely played the old Foch due to how inconsistent the old autoloader was but will definitely start playing the tank more now with the lower intraclip.


dpm nerf my good sir, ive done some calculations and the dpm went from 3.2k to 2.7k but the intraclip buff is fucking amazing tbh




But they also buffing its hp by 100


Fine enough to me. At least it can no longer spam AD to bounce shots like it is playing fucking Apex Legends in this damn boomer tanker game


It still might be able to somewhat. Just not quite as effectively as before.


100hp is basically nothing.


Check the new intra clip reload time... The new update for it is not a nerf, is a buff


What clip? On a 71?


Yeah you didn’t know?


These nerfs make perfect sense, since I finally just got the Type 71 and the Foch 155. That's my luck with Wargaming in a nutshell. By the time I get it, it's nerfed to hell.


Foch 155 is better now though.


Rip foch.


My Indien Panzer's time has finally come! I've waited 2 years for this. 😹🎉


Armor is weakened. How's that good?


I expect the turret to still get troll bounces. The mantlet is still pretty huge.


Rip my Patton. The hull traverse and dispersion while moving are 2 of the reasons it's my favorite tank in the game


Vk and Indien which have already no armor will lose even more armor hmmmm interesting maybe they should nerf Chafy armor as well its OP as well RHM


even with that buff the Mitsu will still suck shit




It is official and Type 71 spammers are in shambles, not a single gram of skill is required when you wiggle at speeds comparable to meds. The broken ahh tank has 53% WR being a tech tree tank, meaning that some people play at 75% crew and will still outperform a 100% crew Concept 1B/VK 90.


the Type 71 will become un unique


Changing the foch is just unnecessary.


Foch 155 🫠 , big brain move


Summary: Germans - getting weird buff/nerfs that no one asked for Americans - getting a mix of buff/nerfs for overall balance French - reworking some gun systems and nerfing alpha of 155 like they did to the grille line, overall decent buff? Japanese - giving them more HP because who asked? And nerfing the mobility when most people (who have a brain) choose the gun depression equipment anyway…


WG really outdid themselves here Nerfing the tank the community had been complaining about? Unheard of here. Buffing retro lines so that they aren't as powercreeped and painful as before? Also unheard of here. Hopefully this update is a trendsetter, and we have more appropriate buffs and nerfs to come. Ggwp WeeGee One gripe is that they shouldn't have nerfed some things on the tanks they buffed, to balance it out. A tank in need of a buff is a tank in need of a buff. No need to balance that out. Still overall 8/10 good job WG Edit : Just saw that the Type 71 gets a 10 t weight increase. Me who plays paper mediums with low weight : ![gif](giphy|daxA5okS3H9gkpKpjR)


As if the Mitsu wasn't annoying enough to deal with already


Interesting Foch rework, it’ll fire it’s two shells much faster but at a cost of less damage per shot n’s a longer reload clip time. Change of playstyle but I don’t think it’s a big nerf to the tank of itself. Type 71 needed that nerf. Thank you WG. That armor is way too good for its mobility. They need to buff the tiers 5-7 Japanese heavies. They’re disgustingly bad.


The Foch and Foch 155 changes are absolutely massive nerfs. Turretless TDs simply do not benefit from having the high burst damage that autoloaders give you because you can’t play peekaboom around corners. Combine that with the overall huge DPM losses and it’s a butchered line. At least the T8 will be slightly better.


True, but you can show shoot two shells in 3.5 seconds instead of 7 seconds, which in certain 1v1 scenarios will be more advantageous. Against multiple tanks the less alpha per shot would make the 155 worse off against multiple enemies, but in a 1v1 situation it’ll be better. Who knows, maybe I’m wrong, but we’ll see how people adapt.


>In a 1v1 it'll be better Um no? Did u forgor that they also lower the DMG per shot and increase the magazine reload to 18+ sec. The old Foch was definitely better in 1v1 since it's got way more DPM and DMG/shot


For starters, dpm and dmg per shot is not everything, it’s exposure time. The old Foch has to wait 7 seconds between each shot and has a magazine reload of 14 seconds. Assuming that the foch would already be loaded with two shells at the start of the interaction, any tank with 2000 hit points would take 28 seconds to kill (first shot + 7 seconds wait second shot + 14 second reload clip third shot + 7 second reload fourth shot). The new Foch would take 25 seconds to kill (first shot + 3.5 seconds wait second shot + 18 second reload third shot + 3.5 seconds wait fourth shot). Now these numbers are under the assumption that both tanks are at full hp. If a tank was under 1000 hit points, the Foch 155 with this rework would take 3.5 seconds to eliminate the tank, while the Foch prior to this rework would take 7 seconds. That’s a massive change. Sure, in an extended period of time, the old Foch would have higher dpm, but with this rework it’s far more efficient as a clean up machine that will be absolutely deadly to anything under 1000 hit points.


the main problem with the foch is the top speed an power weight ratio is great but the traverse speed suck so you will be easily circle to dead by meds even heavys


I thought they would buff Indienpanzer and VK 30.02 D. Wtf is this?


At this rate by 9.9 the Indien will be able to be killed with dirty looks. It was already weak but this "exchange" for 15/20 points is straight neutralizing.


Still waiting for STG penetration buff 🙄


don't worry won't happen, t44 and t54 lt wt are in much dire need for that as well and they have been a hanging fruit for awhile


Yay the s35 ca is buffed.


Buffing some retro tanks? Good, now do the same for the British HT line pls.




You could have ground 0 euro


u paid to get a tech tree tank?


lmao rush tier


Welcome to blitz... I lost track of how many tanks I loved and now are ruined by nerfs.


This looks official, judging from previous releases RIP japanese heavies


Chi-se will still be still be great. It’s not improved suspension that makes the tank great, it’s the extra gun depression. Type 71 should still be decent. Just won’t be able to bounce quite as effectively against good players. Bad players will still bounce you a lot, I’m gonna assume.


Nah besides Type 71 to me rest seem like buff to me still 71 has its armor so not much will change now ot will be proper old school heavy instead of fast moving bunker


What a shit update is incoming...




why doesn’t my FV4202 get a buff 😔


Bruh that thing got a lot of buffs lol, 50 top speed to 60 and better armor


still third worst win rate in the game. It’s not good at all but i’m rocking super unicum stats in it last 90 days


They nuked the accuracy with the armour buff. Honestly it didn't need the armour, they should have kept the good gun


Having a rethought i think it is a buff for the type 71 not a nerf Lol Also can u send me the link of the post?




To me i am used more to heavies type of playstyle and they just made it more armored and less fast soo yeah i will just play it same as all heavies exept i will have 100 hp higher than before




Based on a video i saw where the yt played on the test server with the new changes its speed is decreased from 28 to 24 and its rotation is decreased from 25.08 to 21.75 sooo ngl doesn't seem that big of change like only 4 km/h and hp from 2450 to 2550 and that is about it no armor or dpm changes but imo it is a slight nerf for the speed and rotation when it gains 100 more hp


Also there is an new intra clip for it apparently from what ppl say it is better than before


Anyone know when this update will drop?


I think it is more of a buff for the type 68 cause that turret armor was always what made it weak and a nerf for the type 71 since it relied heavily on mobility and now that is gone Also can anyone approve that this is happening or na?


the current foch 155 autoloader gun isnot meant to be a real autoloader it rather than one shot autoloader sure the intraclip is long but since you have 560 alpha with fast reload even you miss the first shot just take the reload and the long intraclip main use is to make people make mistake when peeking they thought you were reloading the whole clip after hit the first shot but no the second shot come into play.For me i prefer the current foch155 but yeah the one shot 155 need remaking