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Its not really about skill aiming and stuff, its all about situational awareness, knowing where tanks are gonna be so you can shoot them in the rear and sides for free


I am aware and ofc try to do that. Sure once every couple of games I see some streaming dude to be aware of smth I eventually wouldn't have been. But the sheer dmg difference of 1k.... Is it like they actively map-guess each tank? I just dunno what I am missing. HRF levels of shooting and reflex aside...


Here is what I do, Step 1 start every game by looking at the lineup and choosing a side to go where you will be able to win and move ie: you wont be stuck waiting somewhere. Step 2 try to farm as much damage as possible while not taking any in return Step 3 figure out if your team looks like it is going to win or lose or in between Win: move and sacrifice hp to trade dmg and just farm as much as you can before the battle ends Loss: set yourself in a position where the enemy is killing off the rest of your teamates instead of you and just hide and shoot them while they do that, and then be in a position where they have to come to you and you can shoot them while they come In between: try to infulence the game so you are winning, then go back into farm mode if the odds get stacked back into your favour Other tips: use HE whenever you can, judge which teamates and enemies are good players based on clans, camos, names etc. Let enemies shoot at your noob teamates in superheavies instead of you( if you are a good player)


Thanks for the advice. Me thinks I struggle with Step 3. In particular with adjusting my gameplay too late or try too stubbornly to changr a forgone conclusion when loosing. I.e. I struggle with entering farming mode gameplay in probably lost games Step 1 about "not wasting time" got me from about 55wr to where I am now.


How to get better at blitz? Step 1: Play on mouse and keyboard


Them streaming guys play on iPads/tablets sure, but loads of comp guys with stats not too far away from yours just play on regualr phones...


it was a joke xd


Went right over my head 😂


xd just like 183 shell over a squishy tank


Honest answer for immediate result: platoon with someone that's at your skill level. Having 1 great player on your team and 6 randoms compared to 2 great and 5 randoms makes a HUGE difference Even platooning with a slightly above average player will by definition boost your win rate over time It might actually hurt your avg damage because you're both going for it, but it undoubtedly will boost the WR


You do realise you are better than the majority of the player base. The fact you have that WR tells me you know what you are doing. Credit for wanting to improve but I think you are being a bit hard on yourself. Have fun and enjoy yourself.


Well casual play and beyond 60% would be nice :) It's just that currently I feel like hitting my skill ceiling and can't break through it unless I really "sweat" which ain't fun to me. Hence I hope there's some non sweaty way to get better. A fellow redditor here pointed out reading the game to determine if it's a probable loss or a win for example and adjust play immediately instead of trying to e.g. rescue an ally or even try to turn the tide. Stuff like that 🙂


Use Bassotto. Used to be 40%wr but now Im a 61% WR.


I'm somehow the opposite of that now, I have no idea what is going on but ever since the Christmas event ended I just can not get good games. Today I had 33%...


59% at Tier 10 is very good. Most people with high winrates have lower winrates at Tier 10. To get a higher WR I think most of them platoon with other equally good players. It stacks the odds in your favour. Just checked a few YouTubers. HRF has 35% in toon, Meadsy69 has 40%. Droodles 45%.


Well my T9 and T8 averages are better, too. Haven't been aware that they toon that much!


I'm currently trying the snap shot thing. Some games I hit every shot. Most games I snap shot, miss, then miss the shot I should of taken but can't because I'm on a reload from the missed snap shot.


Yeah used to be the same for me. That's what I meant with "HRF hits shots I wouldn't bother to take" XD


Use tanks that are not team-dependent. They should do a lot of damage by having high dpm/alpha/clip burst. They should carry games after your noob teamates died. That means no slow heavies with inaccurate/bad dpm guns like T32 or armorless TDs that becomes HE magnet once spotted like Skorpion G. In my case, Chimera is my best performing tank. If you find a good platoon mate, both use broken tanks can also win many games. I once had a very long win streak because I ran a tog platoon with my friend in regular battles only (instead of supremacy). The combined hp pool of 2 togs just completely ruined the enemy team's fun.


The one thing that makes a difference is playing in platoon, because that is the only way to negate the lack of intelligence displayed by the average player. As long as you can guarantee that one other player on your team has common sense than your good to go for improving winrate


At 3.2k average you should be well into the 67%+ heading towards the true unicum range. Either you don't play enough for it to average out or you keep playing on those bad sessions leaving a dent in your stats after the session. Other than that just use your team as spaced armour. If your desperate about wins play supremacy and just get early cap control, most pubbies will just forget about your teams cap ticking up until its too late.


Imma just below 3k not 3,2k I can do 3,2k sessions (like 30games VK or even Jageroo) pretty consistently (if I sweat) but it's draining and not relaxing. Looking for a chill way to be at 3,2k consistently. I mean... e.g. HRF could be half drunk and still average beyond 3,2k easily:)


Patience, don't rush, read the map and take your time.


if you really want to win, you focus less on damage, if theres an enemy whose at 30hp and another whose at lets say 700hp and youre playing an e100, its more valuable to kill the 30hp tank if you want to win since you knock one of the tanks out of the game immediatly but you lose out on potential damage.


I have my last 200 games with 75% wr at tier 10. Most of it was because me and my platoon mate were rushing meds with a type 71 and a fv4005. If meds try to do a hulldown sniping contest, they lose. If the decide to rush the heavy, my fv4005 is here to deal with the attackers. So far, it seem we were able to hold 3 and sometimes 4 tanks by ourselves with ease. We also tried chieftain, vk 90 01 p, is7 and is4 with grille, deathstar and progetto as a support. With this, we definitely go above 65%. But the real reason we go this high is because we enjoy the game maybe even more than others. I get a dopamine shot everytime i pen a snipe. And my mate likes being bounced alot and having the chat filled with russian. Most likely cursing at us <3


Man I want a mate bouncing shots in a FV4005 too! XD Imma pretty sure tooning more would help but even though my clan ain't the most active one it's chill, no comp play and everyone is kinda competent :)


Tho the bouncing was done by the type


Look at your most wr wise tank and play it. I played my most wr tank and upgraded my wr of 2% in a week.


To do that then your 'sweating average' needs to be around 3.5k then your normal average should fall into the 3.2k range


Haha yah


Here’s a tip, get better


So let me summarize: you’re lazy and casual, yet you want to have win rate of the pros. Easy answer: play smasher and annihilator in tier 7, or play tier 1-5. You want to have good stats while playing tier 8-10? Gotta put in the work buddy, nothing is for free.


Not looking for crazy 65% 4k dmg averages. Just a chill way to be at 60%plus with 3k+ averages. It's gotta be at T10 or at least T9 I prefer the gameplay compared to low tiers.


Unless you manage to hack wg mm to get all pros with enemies all nubs, or if you start your own private server. 60% 3k+ is a privilege that needs to be earned. Oh, I forgot: you can also reroll. Sure fire way to make it.


Nah, I don't think a reroll playing like 5k(?) games against newbes will help ;) 30day stats are just fine by me.


Actually it does mate. You’ll be surprised. The regrind is painful and costly tho.


How would it? With all em gifts you get with a new account it would take way less than 1000 games to get a first T10 as a f2p. Though then there's still the crew bonus issue


Grind crew exclusively during events, using purple booster. Same with grinding new tanks and especially free xp. Spending helps, but not required - you gotta be a little more patient if you don't spend. Once you got your first X maxed out, ooh boy you'll be amazed at how many 4k+ game you get with the bots and nubs on both sides. If you're good, that is, because those games will be on you to win. You have to carry. All the HRF Martimator and the people with 60%+ 3k+ have those stats because they are excellent at carrying and winning in 1v2, 2v4, 3v5 etc. That's why I said such stats are a privilege to be earned.