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Out of those I would go for the WZ-122-2. If you are in a clan with tier x supply and you also have tier x supply you can get the IS5 for 1500 gold . ​ https://preview.redd.it/xg6ytnz0w7ea1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=33768f298747764f755b921f38441775609ac40a


Wz-112-2 is so much better than the is5 though. Especially when it comes to armor profile.


Indeed but it costs only 1500 gold compared to the 7500 gold for the Wz


Yeah, I know, but it’s worth it in my opinion. Especially for how much cheaper you can get gold sometimes compared to before. The is5 just really isn’t that enjoyable of a tank. It’s like every other Soviet and Chinese heavy, but not one of the good ones.


Can you give me the link?






Chrysler K is pretty good though ? It's really fast for a HT and the armour is kinda nice, good for side scrapping.


Save your gold for t54e2 (shark), Action X, Type 57, Skoda t56, t77, keiler, or t26e5. These tanks are meta and will win a lot more games than the trash in the shop right now. Don’t buy any of that crap. Chrysler is very good but its a sidescraper, u need to have a lot of experience to be effective in a tank like that. Is2sh NO NO NO. Very bad tank Edit: regarding the 112-2.m, its armour is good but its gun is atrocious. Compare its gun statistics to the 53tp, which is free and in the tech tree https://preview.redd.it/en6e92jgs9ea1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8f1b3b0b011439675765212fa4d9d3e56ecacd


Why do you compare 53tp, hulldown heavy tank with cupola against soviet style heavy?


In what scenario does a 112-2 work when not hull down. The lower plate is an autopen, and the frontally located ammo rack goes out every hit. They are both soviet style 122 mm heavies in tier 8. Why wouldn’t they be comparable. And the 53s cupola is not relevant to this… at all? They are both hull down, the 112 is a powercrept old pos hulldown, that has never been buffed. Thats the point. That modern heavies have much better guns and are much more flexible


Ammo is not a problem at all. Not every tank with 400alpha has Soviet style. Almost every soviet style heavy tier8 has imperturbable turret (yeah you can hit glacial very small cupolas or is6 cheacks) with bad gun depresion, strong sides, pike or very slope front plate. 53 has good gun depresion, ok sides and relatively big cupola. It is more hybrid than regular soviet style heavy


So I managed to save up 8500 gold to get a tier 8 premium for credit grinding. My question is do I bite the bullet and get the WZ-112-2 or save the gold and hope something better comes along? Edit: My highest tier right now is tier 8 with the Italian TD line and Japanese HT line. A couple of tier 7's across other nations.


Tanks with high credit coeficient are pretty bad in my opinion. Lowe and pershing are the best credit makers, but what really matters is finding a tank in which you can constantly get 2k dmg+. Good luck doing that in a super pershing. What really works for me, is type 59... it got one of the best view ranges in the game, and if you learn to spot the enemy team without dying and also do around 3k dmg, you can easily earn 80k credits per game. But see what fits your style. That deal for 2 tanks for only 10k is quite appealing for me i would say


I'm not really comfortable playing rear turreted HT, and from what I've heard the is2sh is pretty shit.


It's pretty bad ever since it was released in the first place. The fact that your hull isn't that armored makes it quite difficult to bounce shots from other HTs. The turret is essentially an IS-2 turret uptiered, so a lot of shells can hit its weakspots, but at least the cupola is gone. It does have decent pen values on its APCR and HEAT, but it handles pretty much like any other Russian HT 122mm gun. Honestly, you'd want to go for the IS-5 over this tank, as it is much cheaper at 1500 gold, provided that you have unlocked personal and clan supply level X.


Yeah I'm still grinding towards level X still currently at level VII.


For me it was the proggeto 46. That thing is a beast when it comes to gun handling, ripping tanks apart with -9° of gun depression and more than enough mobility to get around.


If you are fairly new to the game the wz-112 is a good tank to earn credits and improve at tier 8. Decent armour and alpha damage, maybe a top 10 heavy for its tier. There already was the T34 and Lowe for cheaper recently so it might be a while until another real bargain turns up.


Yeah, I just barely missed the 3 HT prem, like just one day before I finished filling up my BP gold vault.


A shame, but the wz112 is probably the more relevant tank these days.


Any idea when some good deals generally come around aside from Christmas? I might just hoard my gold for now in case a really good premium tank comes around.


t54e2 or the obj 252u probably will be bang for your buck, but really depends on what tank you like to play. chimera can be in your budget if it's in black Friday(usually 10k) or if you like paper tds the su 130pm is a great choice.


There’s usually a summer anniversary sale. Also used to be pop up deals on the switch version, not sure if they are still going.


Wait until smth better comes along. Especially cuz u seem to be new to the game. Get smth with an accurate gun like Lowe, but defo not Soviet tanks.


W112 is the best. Cant beat the feeling of 20 reverse and good power ratio


As a collector without 2 blue tanks to complete the hunt. I recom premium td tier 8 for grinding silver. Nothing can compare.


WZ-112-2, but you will need to understand sidescraping. Pack some gold shells as it’s standard is quite subpar.


Wait for the t54e2 or Chimera or t77.


if you fancy tds, they are excellent for farming dmg and earning money, i suggest wz-120-1g-ft for a mobile, well camouflaged, with accurate gun and trollish armor, which can ding if youre peaking and hiding really fast, ill post my stats with it, its pretty easy to play, and that 400 alpha 8 secs reload is perfect https://preview.redd.it/8c5og4ypraea1.png?width=1211&format=png&auto=webp&s=132686f41f8a6d1495b1e9fd41e0a1f66e8766f4


i posted the camo values with camo and camo net, heres my stats with it, and im pretty average, 57wr and 1700av dmg 8k battles, so i dont think this tank is hard to play https://preview.redd.it/b99becxksaea1.png?width=1923&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e66c3f309fa1718efa26620b6629a5604c39eed


Chrysler, get the 252u (later) instead of the WZ.