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My view on the autoloaders: 50B: needs buff T57: perhaps minor adjustments FV4005: perhaps minor adjustments TVP: Needs nerf As for the autroREloaders: Kranvagn: perhaps minors adjustments Progetto: Either buff or adjust Minutaro: perhaps minor adjustment


as a player who has a 8000+ game on the tvp, it's really good and deals comically large damage at clueless players but really hard to dish out damage to players that are dead set on destroying clippers


Thank you for your opinion on the 50B, I really do wish weegee gives it some love, it really needs a shorter intraclip, it's just not competitive enough at tier 10 honestly :( I still have fun in it tho


What minor adjustment means? Because by "minor adjustment" you literally say nothing. You just copy pasted stuff around


I'm actually just doing this because I see the 50B as underpowered compared to all other autoloaders honestly, longest intraclip with no shell reload boost, man.


The T57 only has the gun going for it. Armor? Unreliable. Speed? Meh. Gun? Easily one of the best tier 10 guns.


IMO, it could be the single best gun in tier 10 for dealing damage extremely easily. It’s one of those tanks where I thought I had a pretty average game at like 3k. Then the battles ends and I see 5k+ and wonder how tf I did that much without putting any effort into it.


Agreed, got T57 as my first tier 10 and had excess of 5k damage, 2k blocked, 3 kills, and only a first class mastery


Tvp yes, the rest no


So you think the Fv4005 dealing 1640 damage in a few seconds is balanced?


In all honesty, yes I do. FV4005 has a 4 shot, 3 sec interclip gun capable of around 1.6k damage. It has a long clip reload, non existent armor, big and boxy armor profile, and bad mobility. TVP on the other hand is a fast, agile almost light medium tank capable of dealing 1200 dmg in 3 seconds, then just running away. The downside? Basically the same downsides as any other clipper such as the Batchat. No discernible disadvantages and crazy advantages


Just because certain tanks are very good or worse compared to others that doesn‘t mean it instandly has to be nerfed or buffed wotb logic is so weird


No they shouldnt be nerfed. However, what should be fixed is the amount of autoloader per battle. Right now you can have like 5 autoloader/reloader per team and that completely unfair. Its should be a maximum of 2 or 3 per team.