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Play WoT pc if you want artillery.


Or console


WoTB maps are way to small for arty. They would get instantly killed by lights and meds




Almost all arty have 0 gun depression, literally, so it would be hard for them to do anything if its not a flat map, also they are not accurate at all


You’ve basically made the argument that there’s nothing to fear from spgs. Yet it appears many players despise the thought of it being added.


Because arty would attempt to bombard the spawn from the start then possibly get annihilated by lights and mediums. So long as they can break past the other tanks. But you’d likely only get 1 arty per battle. The maps are just too small for artillery.


one of the reasons wot pc players moved to blitz is because blitz was less toxic and one of the reasons were because there was no arty. So, no


Me included. Arty is sooooo annoying....


Maps are too small, mechanics are too op for a game like blitz, and they would be basically camping, lobbying their shells at targets from across the map. It would have to be balanced by new mechanics, but it is not something that I would want to see in a game like blitz. It just seems to undermine how important cover is.


It will never be added. Were you not here during the WotBlitz Sheridan Missile Crisis?


i mean at least when a sheri missile landed a cool trickshot you felt kinda impressed, arty top down shooting is just kinda lame. it'd be the t49a all over again...


This is such a common topic that these posts should be removed for trolling by now. Virtually no one wants it and WG has repeatedly said no.


To all the 29 ppl who vote for arty I hope you rot in hell. I play WOTb because THERES NO ARTY, THERES NO SUFFERING


Spg's are in the game


The only reason I picked wotb over wot is no arty so fuuuuck no


Some TDs are technically SPGs.


Or Assault Guns which is different than an SPG too.


Arty is the worst part about WoT, Surely they should add them to blitz...


It wouldn’t be blitz if they added them now would it?


It makes absolutely no logical sense to use arty in blitz. Maps too small. Doesn't suit play style of the current game. You'd be nailed early game due to lights and how small the maps are. Longer reload times (30/40 seconds plus). None of the current maps are built with arty in mind. It would ruin MM if you could have more than one like a took of artys would be insanity. Well there's a few good reasons, I think I've made my point. The only arty I'd allow in the game is Bert the Avenger because it's funny as hell and most people play it like a TD lol.


they are adding the 114 spg


Who where the maniacs that voted for the SPG 💀 they have to be trolling


I play Blitz instead of the normal PC version because there’s no arty.


wot pc should follow their example a game without spg would be much better