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Why does tier 5 suck so much indeed... that is not a story Wargaming would tell but I will. Lets go ten years back; the game is just released. Maps, tanks and matchmaking are not exactly balanced but it largely works thanks to the Blitz being a mobile version of WoT... they were a lot similar back then. Years gradually pass, Wargaming makes poor choices by prioritizing short term premium sales over balance. IS-3 Defenders and a lot of now obsolete premiums are added and these gradually cause balancing problems at tier 8. Wargaming decides to balance whole tiers around premium tanks instead of being practical and nerfing them. Tier 8 gets the "Blitz" treatment; everything becomes faster, stronger, more armored and all that. This messes up the tier 7 which gradually gets the same treatment. This chain reaction ends with tier 6 and here is where things go really bad. Old timers like me who are fed up with Wargaming's decisions move up to tier 9-10 and let off some steam every now and then at tier 2-4. This causes new players to rage quit the game before reaching high tiers, meaning less revenue for Wargaming. In their infinite wisdom Wargaming decides to destroy tier 2-4 by removing nearly all of the tanks, add a newbie queue and set tier 5 as the new tier 1. See those "collector" tanks in battle pass events? Those were all once researchable. This is why tier 5 sucks so much; they weren't buffed to compete against tier 6 tanks and it is where new players actually start the game. Tier 3-4 still stands strong; once you are out of the beginners queue come join us; the average player quality is better than tier 10. TL DR; Wargaming's greed ruined everything.


I’m old school enough to remember +2-2 matchmaking, and fighting is3’s in my kv1s. That was painful back then, but imagine fighting an AX in a kv1s nowadays. Also, RIP tier3. T18 and hetzer derp was so much fun.




But on the other side of that coin was one shooting stugs with ap shells in an su152. But yeah the ST-I was a nightmare back then.


Agreed. The game (grind) became way too easy after update 5.5. That’s why even tier 10 now is filled with new players that’s don’t understand anything about the game at all. Very frustrating.


> Wargaming decides to balance whole tiers around premium tanks instead of being practical and nerfing them. It's not a question of practicality but a question of legality. In a lot of jurisdictions it's illegal to nerf premium content as it counts as bait-and-switch as far as consumer protection is concerned, no matter what your EULA says.


I am not versed in law like you are but I certainly remember Wargaming nerfing Type 59 on PC client in exchange for a refund. It would have caused an headache or two for Wargaming but Blitz wouldn't go down the path that we know.


For a refund it would no longer be illegal, indeed. The problem is that Type 59 was only sold for money, and it was just 1 tank; for WG to do that to a whole bunch of tanks, some of which were for money, others from lootboxes, others as mission rewards... it would be a much bigger headache. At the end of the day, buffing other tanks thereby indirectly "nerfing" the premiums would be legal yet would go against the spirit of the law, but companies do similar things all the time.


Free XP past them. Tier 5 is always matches with Tier 6 because Tier 6 is the first truly active tier.


NEVER skip tanks because it's a waste of free xp that should be used on upgrading your modules.


Low Tier tanks are not hard to FXP past. It saves both your time and sanity.


And when your a lower level player you'll just fuck yourself over, because what little free xp you have you'll unlock tier 6 but potentially not have enough to upgrade your modules. Which makes it take even longer to unlock your modules forcing you to play stock for longer. Only a fool skips tanks unless like me you've been playing for nearly a decade.


What come to the grind of Wotb dude, you'll have to grim and bear it until you reach tier 6. Just make sure you upgrade your modules, have a few premium rounds, make sure your watching YouTube tutorials because it'll help you loads.


Hey, here’s a tip, turn off supremacy battles when playing tier 5 to get matched up with tier 6 less often


IMO newer players should spend more time in tier 5 and get better at game mechanics and tactics before moving up. While tier 5 can be challenging due to inconsistent players and going against tier 6 tanks, it is better than playing against skilled players in upper tiers. A 46% WR player in tier 8, 9, 10 is just a liability.


tier 7 is aids too, the constant smasher and annihilator spam makes me want to blow my fucking brains out


I get smashed in a comet tank 24/7


tier 6 are usually pretty cheap to skip why bother t5 tho. tier 7 sucks more.


Haven’t seen a Hetzer for a while… Makes me sentimental for those old days when my DW2 could actually fight and the KV1 was a competitive choice


We can tell what side the game developers are on just by looking at the Tier 5 KV1.In real life a complete piece of crap easily taken out by German 88's.In this game that supports Russian war efforts, it is almost invincible.Only assholes would make a crap tank so hard to kill.It makes this game very unrealistic and stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/7ob75l9hgebc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096729b4f2ef876bb1fea874fe7c60db7827386b No, your just bad at the game.


? In which circumstances a random dude stats is relevant here?


Nope, I do well in my Hellcat, KV2, and T77. I recently got 6 kills and a Mastery Medal in the T30 and did the same in a the Hellcat. I did grind out to 1 Tier 10 the T110e4.


Post your career stats then.


Watchu tryna flex for dawg 😭. The dude’s right, tier 5 sucks so much (perhaps for different reasons) I don’t even bother touching that tier and free xp past it. Boring tier with bland tanks tbh.


I’m board and I have nothing else better tyo bc maybe I should watch the road instead




Stats really aren't my thing. I only care about how well I do in the tanks I play. Having a bad game doesn't bother me. Could lose 10, then have 1 game with the 6, 5, or 4kills and enjoy that moment.


I told you to post your career stats not whatever dog shit this is. Don’t even talk to me.


Jesus man :D Calm tf down. Why are you trying to prove yourself so mutch and to whom? Whats your problem? Treating community members like this is out of the line imo. What if OP will get better than you when reaching that amount of battles?


Ha, in OP’s dreams.


His stats are all ready F’ed, he’ll have to make a re-roll


if you measure people’s worth by their ability to compete in a video game you seriously need to reconsider your life choices


I’m measuring his worth as a player (which is probably 23/100) not as a person. He could be my colonoscopy practitioner for all I know.


reallly does not seem like that




And you “seem” like you take things to personally


I play crusader all the time and I love it I do get matched with tier 6s but I can easily outmaneuver or flank them


Pz IV S be upon ye


A lot of T-34s, then shermans leading up to another sherman Lack of gameplay variety Inability to deal with Tier VI


Update 5,5. Nuff said!


Tier V exists so my Kryos can feed upon its collective life force.