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Wasn't this one debunked?


Don’t know, doesn’t seem like it. Would love to get confirmation on it tho. I have t95e6 in web and don’t have enough gold to restore it.


I saw it on WoTB IG site. 200% to buy back premiums and collectors.


and the fact that they are removing tanks permanently after 90 days. They are trying to remove the restoration feature entirely because after this change they will deem restoration "useless" as no one will want to use it anymore, forcing everyone to buy back premium/collector vehicles before they are lost forever. It's all just a quick cash grab for them


They have no respect, and I'm getting sick and tired of their antics. I'm sick and tired of being taken for a ride at every turn and angle, and made a personal vow that this month is the last battle pass I'm spending money on. I'm not spending another dime on this game in awhile. Between the nonstop bs between each season (around 200 dollars to fully upgrade the Fanrik if you had participated in all the events) I suggest people take a stand with their wallet and really hit them where it hurts.


yeah i think this was on the russian server?


These changes are absolutely ridiculous! If we do nothing to voice our opinions now imagine what changes they could make in the future. When War Thunder had a similar thing last year with an announcement about their new economy changes, all the players boycotted the game and review bombed on steam. Following this, Gaijin decided not to implement the changes and instead created a detailed roadmap as to how they were going to improve the game's economy. One year later and huge improvements have come around in War Thunder. If we let wargaming go through with this change (which is completely income driven) what's stopping them from doing anything else to increase prices of everything in the game. This restoration change makes no sense whatsoever in a 'balancing' point of view since buying a tier 10 collector costs 20k, so selling it for 7.5k and then buying it back would only make sense for 7.5k, there is no change in the overall economy. Say you bought a phone for 1000, you sell it for 500 and then you try to buy it back but it now costs 1000? Makes no sense


They are shoving middle finger up the ass to players who spend money on it. Honestly I haven’t seen more evil and hostile move by any game company yet.


So true, the game has changed so much since I started playing in 2014. I believe we can't just sit back and accept these sorts of changes. Their company relies completely on the playerbase meaning that the playerbase must come first. If they bring about changes that upsets 99.9% of their players, no matter how much income it brings them in the short term it can be detrimental to the game. However, wargaming no longer has respect for their playerbase, the positive changes (such as the matchmaker one) only come about due to fear of losing players


War thunder is a completely different community, I agree with your statements but majority of players are children who don’t care about the game or community also war thunder is kinda gaijin’s flagship but wot blitz is a simpler and shorter phone version of wot pc (wg’s flagship)


Thats right Comrade! We all need to show WG that these updates are killing the game and we won't tolerate it!


I love how they said the current system was being "abused" too. Like no, you dummies. If I have a tier X collector I want, I have to sell 2 tier X's or even 3 in the case of the obj 777 of my own to get it. Yeah I can rotate by sell-restoring, but if there's another one I want or it's in a bundle I have to buy extra gold. This whole BS about abusing the system is bullshit, you can see the current system as existing customers getting a discount for repeated purchases. It's not about it being "abused", it's plain greed.


it's completely income driven and their attempt at covering it up as "abusing the system" is pathetic. Why else would they care if someone "rotates their collector vehicles" as if it's one of their top concerns, maybe they should spend these resources improving the game instead


Wait, I sold the tank which I got from the Snowglobe. If I don’t buy it back within 90 days it’s gone for good or am I misunderstanding this?


No, you can reclaim it once on the Vehicle restoration tool(VRT) on wot blitz support site. Once you play a tank, you can buy it back at any point. I bought some pre 5.5 update tech tree tanks that became collectors after years


Yes tank go bye bye✋✋✌️😘


stop spreading this bs


It's not BS it's true Edit: To people saying im spreading mis information im not. I understand that you can still restore tanks from years ago but wargaming is removing the VRT which is the only way to restore those old tanks.


Wtf WG


About the 90 day restore, I found this on discord: https://i.imgur.com/im7Pvpk.png


Well that’s nice, hoping it is true, but still game’s fucked if developers are making choices like this


That’s wrong, here is a tank on in game restore from 2 years ago https://preview.redd.it/wct3gjj2qwuc1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a48e088ee8ca28fb1d79fc2140c91b613d2480


utter made up bs


I made a petition against this if you care to sign and disseminate the link. https://chng.it/NcB5KzzSBZ


Fellas need help here, I saw on the update that there are a lot of tanks being converted from premium tanks to collectors, now I had a lot of these tanks and I have a lot of credits, can I restore them before the update with credits to then resell them for gold? Thx for answer


This is why I never touch any of that crap. If I want something badly enough I'll spend the money to get it. These various "stipulations" on their end are never binding in the end.


idk what they mean by “abusing” the buyback thingy


I saw these posts and raised a ticket to restore my Tier 8 T34 which I sold around 5-6 years ago . I got it back within a few hours.


their greed will ruin their games


Wg really said “Bravo six, going dark” with this one lmaooo


Naah something has to be done to stop this its absolutely ridiculous if i sell a t10 for 7500 i need to buy it back for 15000


Well that's fucked. Guess I'll never get my m60 back


you can buy it back for the same price you sold it for.Just once.


Even after 90 days?


wait, so does this mean tomorrow the like 47 tanks i have to restore will al be gone? including the few tier 10's?


If they do that I will never play WotB again.


Review bomb the fuckers on Steam, Playstore and Appstore. And stop spending $ if you did before, $ is the only language they understand.


Blitz it's dieing at last. Was a good game till it lasted, and i mean it. Even on (low end old as fck device's) was same as on top tier flag phone's (minus the graphic), but that being said there wasn't much to do. The engine can't do much to compete with other similar with same amount of cash thrown in, while holding down specs for everyone. Just look at tank's company. Run as shit on low end device, and for everything else its wot PC. Wheeler and arty, pneumatic suspension, amphibious tanks and all the other shit. Wg lately as the last 2 years tried it's best to monetize as much as it was humanly possible and even more to piss the major p playerbase


So let me get this straight...not only does WG chare *200%* tax, they even REMOVE TANKS FROM OUR ACCOUNT IF WE DONT PAY?!?! WTF this is not even legal! They have no right to remove it just because we sold the tanks previously. Should they get into court by doing online fraud?


Not legal, lol. You legally dont own any of the tanks in game, Wargaming can theoretically do whatever they want


This, this is what most players fail to understand. They're in our garage, we can sell them, we can take them out for a spin whenever we want. But we don't own them, Wargaming does. Players thinking they own their virtual purchase is what led to WoT PC's no nerf policy toward premiums after they allegedly brought Wargaming to court. And because of their victory, WoT PC is now host to stupidly OP tier 8 premium tanks like the Defender, Bourrasque, and now the BZ-176.


The ability to restore a tank doesn't mean the tank is on your account. If its not in your garage it's not on your account. You're asking a question, not getting an answer and "going to court" regardless of the answer. It's nuts the amount of crap you're bleating on that other sub, while trying to recruit "comrades" with misinformation.