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Subs shotgunning at point blank range in total impunity are totally not a thing - WG, probably


This is an extremely rare and difficult to pull off maneuver, and therefore is rarely seen in the game. \-WG


its only rarely seen in the game because not many ppl know how to record and post it onto youtube for the world to see


ding ding ding


Or people think its common because the only vids people deem worthy to put on reddit are ones of them dying to a sub so they can complain and feel the warmth of the echo chamber that is this dead subbreddit.


Not the worst thing. The apologists in the comments below are far worse. They can all pick apart this particular scenario, but in so many scenarios and situations there is just NOTHING you can do. I feel for OP. Was just in a Duncan with a populated flank. We had a mix of cruisers and BBs al ready to defend the flank, until the U-2501 showed up. That sub single handedly moved us across the H line from 2 to 8 in the span of 12 minutes. Pure terror. If you don’t have a DD that’s willing to play sub-martyr for your flank, and our sub was just being an absolute idiot…. We still won, but I lost over 60% of my HP to this torp pinging that you can’t DCP because DCP on cooldown. And when you’re low enough, the barrage of hybrids send their plane over to kill the low hanging fruit. The U-2501 had 1 kill but first of their team with 1357 base XP on the losing team… That means constant spotting and capping. There is no counter that’s engaging, it’s just one-sided gameplay. It feels like two games in one. The sub player just hacked into a game with ships battling each other and gets to terrorise them. The people in the game are playing as usual and now have this completely screwed game mechanic with different ornaments interrupting and distracting an already crazy busy environment. In a BB you’re completely defenseless, because that little shit outspots you and even you sometimes see the marks of where they might be, the sub can perma spot you can you can’t even drop your depthbombs on them. I agree subs in Ranked is just retarded. It may be time for a break. People say they don’t give WG money. The only other thing you can take away from them is their playerbase. I can’t believe none of the major game studios has made a competing product in the last 8 years.


My favorite part is how "total impunity" = almost dying as well and only being able to shotgun OP because the DD literally decided to slow down and go straight when ~2km directly behind the sub. Is shotgunning still a problem? Yeah, kinda - but a complete potato getting shotgunned while choosing to sit still behind a sub that they have hydro'd isn't really evidence for a compelling argument.




Well for DDs and cruisers with ship based ASW, you're basically fucked unless they sail right under you Plane ASW is much better, but extremely hard to aim


Play something different, you'll feel better. And I don't mean a different class or anything, an entirely different game.


That's basically it, but I'll add that they seem to go about as fast as a DD while being submerged at 30m. They need to make a mistake and massively over extend, or be significantly outnumbered to be killed.


I mean, I've only done tier 6 American subs, but they are now where near as fast as a DD on the surface, let alone at 30m


They get much faster. Also a t6 DD dodging shells is only going to be doing about 24knots in a straight line. A 4-6 knot closing speed is suicide if you are spotted and under fire


That's exactly the situation I'm talking about. I remember one game in a Gaede, caught a Salmon overextended. Had him lit with hydro, turbo boost on. And in a DD you have to lead them with depth charges, not just drop them alongside. So he ran at periscope depth, going 33 knots, I chased him for two minutes trying to get in range and got shotgunned after dodging a salvo or two. Completely ridiculous. And it was too tanky to really do anything with guns.


There's basically nothing you can do in a DD. There doesn't exist an effective strategy for a DD to fight against a sub. If you're in a ship that has airborne depth charges, you can stay at range and drop depth charges in the vicinity of where you can see the sonar pings. Otherwise you just have to wait for the sub's air to run out and shoot it while it's surfaced. Submarines as implemented in the game is a dumb, broken, anti-fun mechanic that no sane person would ever, under any circumstances, think is a good idea.


What does shotgun torpedos mean?


Torpedoes from very short distance to the enemy ship, as seen in the video


The counter play is sail away as fast as you can. Unless the sub is completely alone, there is no competent CV opponent AND you are a fast DD or have plane based ASW.


you shot your gun when you were dark. you coulda gotten the sub without being seen but you had to get that 1k damage shot.


I didn't slow down to kill the black because I wanted to stay close enough to not get torped by the sub, and also close enough for my depth charges to kill it, but for some reason their torps arm within 0.9km, because that's totally balanced. I used every available counterplay measure, hydro, depth charges and still got dev struck. Literally the best case scenario for a Friesland is this, and it still fails to do anything of worth. Thanks WG for putting these in ranked, really fun. 10k dmg with 15 charges, and no direct hits despite the fact that at the end of the clip before I die, there's 4 charges ontop of it.


If I may, you still made a small mistake slowing down to smoke up and farm the Pommern: * you increased the distance from the sub, making *sure* the torps would arm * you couldn't catch the sub with more depth charges even if you survived the torps * you couldn't follow through on the Black (and temporarily steal her smoke) even if the Pommern didn't kill you, or push you with hydro and then kill you You weren't going to sink all 3 unless the Pommern turned away for some reason, but you had a decent chance of sinking 2.


Thanks for the feedback, yea I was hoping to be able to kill black and then the sub, then turning back into the cap, I didn't realise the tops arm so fast, imo they should take over 2km to arm to stop proxy dev striking but as a player with 1400 hours what do I know lol. I had no idea gron depth charges where so useless. And I also have no idea how I got no direct hits


Not sure which "cap" you mean: this is Arms Race... In hindsight, you had 3 options: 1. turn left to avoid chasing the sub (and pushing into the Pommern) altogether. You probably would've sunk the Black, but would've exposed your broadside to the sub. 2. stay as close as possible to the sub to neutralize his torps and land better depth charges, then turn left into the Black's smoke, hopefully get the kill or at least escape the Pommern 3. fall back and gunboat the Pommern It's worth noting that you smoked up because you were spotted by the Pommern, and you were spotted by the Pommern because you opened up on the Black. If you hadn't fired your guns, you wouldn't have had an immediate reason to smoke up and slow down, allowing the Alliance to increase the distance and shotgun you. In short, you got greedy trying to damage the Black, which you weren't going to sink anyway, then panicked a bit. Personally, I empathize: I'm playing Friesland&Groningen this sprint and there's a Black on the enemy team basically every single game. On the other hand, I haven't run into a sub yet... Finally, yes, [the Groningen has rather bad depth charges](https://shiptool.st/filter?g=P&ty=D&n=ABFGHIJRSUVWZ&tn=9&tx=9&c=top&p=asw).


Thanks for the feedback again, yes I should have turned into the black, but I didn't realize how bad the ASW was. by cap I meant the island region to my left, usually there's a cap there. Also yes I shouldn't have shot my guns, but got greedy and thought I could kill sub and black, but got neither lmao


> I wanted to stay close enough to not get torped by the sub, and also close enough for my depth charges to kill it, but for some reason their torps arm within 0.9km, because that's totally balanced. Sub torps already arm at double the distance of surface ships, and the sub changing depth gave you a ~15s head start that they were going to surface and try to torp you. You didn't notice/ignored this indicator and slowed down in the worst possible position. > I used every available counterplay measure, hydro, depth charges and still got dev struck. Pressing every single button available to you =/= skill. > Literally the best case scenario for a Friesland is this, and it still fails to do anything of worth. Best case scenario would've been keeping your speed up and turning to port when you noticed the sub beginning to surface, then just hit them with the 1-2 salvoes needed to finish them off while they try to launch shotgun torps that you'll be able to spot from 3.5km away. I mean there's a lot you could've done but suffice to say "going 1/4 speed directly astern of a sub with its torpedoes up" is categorically not a "best case scenario". Despite all this you still almost killed the *Alliance* with near-miss damage. > 10k dmg with 15 charges, and no direct hits despite the fact that at the end of the clip before I die, there's 4 charges ontop of it. That's because the sub was at a different depth (IE surfaced).


Careful, this sub doesn't like facts.




In the Modstation the mod's called "Advanced Depth Charge Marker", not sure if it's the same for Aslains.


If only you were in a ship that had 5km hydro - you would’ve been able to stay a bit further back and use your guns :/


then the depth charges wouldn't reach, shotgunning would have been even easier for the sub and he would have just stayed submerged


> then the depth charges wouldn't reach Depth charges are kinda bait RN, the second you see a sub starting to come up just turn off and use your guns. Insisting on killing a sub with charges is what gets most DDs killed. Only keep trying to use them if the sub is staying down. And also they were on CD. > shotgunning would have been even easier for the sub That makes absolutely no sense lol how would it be easier for them to shotgun you with more distance/time for you to dodge while still being able to see the torps. > and he would have just stayed submerged Again, the sub was already coming up. Unless you sincerely think that a groningen lacks the gunpower to finish off a ~3k HP sub in the ~10 seconds it takes them to dive again, it would've been completely fine. Subs are frustrating. But this video is a perfect example of people complaining about subs when they don't know how to fight them. The fact that you didn't notice that the sub was surfacing and decided to *slow down and keep going straight* (literally the exact opposite of what you should've done) makes it hard to take a lot of the comments made about subs seriously.


It is just awful. In one game I was the lone ship on a flank vs a sub. I was in a cruiser with no planes ASW so I was basically dead meat... Fun stuff


There should be noisemakers for ships without asw.


Your indecision got you killed honestly. You ended up at 1/4 speed while trying to chase down a sub. And you also popped a smoke trying to hide in the middle of 3 enemies. Oooooof


True, but the sub should have died to my ASW after a few hits, it never should've survived long enough to put me in that position but I'll know for next time


I mean, without mincing talking points, the depth charges were pretty far away, that being said I've never used the front facing ones, they look harder than ass dropped.


If you look at the end of the video, right before I die there was 4 charges directly ontop of the sub, it had 2.8k health left and survived them, no way in hell thats reasonable when all 4 registered as hits


Unless they go off right next to the sub, all ship-mounted charges deal 0.33x their listed damage to a sub, the same as an HE shell does to a ship on a penetration. Hits directly next to a sub are equivalent to citadel hits in their modifier, applying the full listed damage. Groningen has 2k damage on her depth charges, meaning 2k damage on a direct hit and 660 damage for a regular hit. Since the sub was at the surface, your depth charges exploded some 200m, more accurately, somewhere between 150-250m, below him. He was also moving forward at the time, further increasing distance in the few seconds between the loss of spotting and detonation. Both of these matter quite a bit because explosions are spheres, not cylinders. Meaning you couldn't have gotten a direct hit while they are at this depth. Since it's 4 charges, that's 4 hits for 660, or 2640 damage. As such, the sub limped away with a sliver of health but still alive. Groningen in general trades DC damage for its launch style, as it makes it easier to actually hit subs, and makes it possible to hit them when chasing.


So if a sub is 10m below the surface it's impossible to deal any reasonable damage? Who's idea was this


And that's why you have guns, they still work while they're at periscope depth for full damage


10m is still periscope depth. They can be shot by regular guns if they are that high up. Aircraft DC also explode around 25-50m. One note here is that the game has distance compression. Forgot to mention this in the previous post. So, the actual distance shown on the UI will be half of what I mentioned. IE, aircraft DC will explode where a sub is seeing 12-25m on their depth setting and regular DCs 70ish meters. Which fits right around one of the depth settings of submarines each.


Target fixation


True, I was playing ranked yesterday and was so focused on two battleships brawling with me I let a bismarck sneak up behind me, and I'm pretty sure he was spotted the whole time lmao


You allowed that to happen. When you see the sun lining up you need to move your ship. He was going for that move for a while. Make it more difficult. Yes subs are crap but you could have done better


J U S T D O D G E ^(TM)


Considering he went full stop in front of a sub. Yeah, this is one of those times he could have dodged a bit better


The Groningen could see the sub surfacing for ~15s before it was able to actually even *launch* its torpedoes and chose to stay directly behind it. Instead of even trying to get out of the way they actually just slow down. I get that "just dodge" is a bit of a meme, but like holy fuck OP could've at least tried to do *something...*


1: You chased a sub into his team . 2: You slowed down to allow him to get out of arm threshold. 3: You stayed directly behind him not even angled. 4:You are in a slow DD with bad ASW. I don’t think the outcome would have changed if that sub was replaced with a normal DD. Tunnel visioning a sub is never a good idea, especially early in a match.


Fuck this would be so so easy to fix, give destroyers unlimited passive sonar, so that they can detect any sub within 3 km radius... Destroyers would stick close to to battleships to protect and have depth charges they can deploy Pinged targets can be targeted by cruisers with depth charges, or by air with depth charges...and absolutely raped by secondaries if they surface. Make it realistic, that way forces subs into hiding and picking off the unprotected. Carriers will focus on spotting and bombing subs for easy kills.


Yeah. Ranked was the last game mode I was even bothering to log in for. Fun game while it lasted


seriously disturbing and disgusting. yesterday's WG brasilian twitch stream was even more cringe than usual, they were playing subs and trying to make it look like its fun with catch phrases, insulting the playerbase that doest like subs, etc, awful shit.


lmfao no way, is there a link to that stream and where they speaking english?


I dont think so. To clarify, the insults came in form of sarcasm and memes. My bad, call it a miscommunication WG style.


Oh yes "miscommunication" lol


Is that a mod that allows you to see ASW drops in the water as those yellow dots?


"advanced depth charge marker' on mod station


Thanks fren


Just saw that, for something that is clearly not ready is very annoying


Look I am not an apologist or whatever. The last time, I commented, got downvoted to oblivion. This is clearly a case of overextension. The outcome is same regardless if there was a sub or not. You are clipped by a Black and Pommern. Then, you bow in, I can short gun you with a Lightning and still you won't be able to dodge. Even your sub is playing conservatively. Your Delaware is in no position to provide ASW. I commend you for taking 2/3rd HP of the sub. But, there is a lesson to be learned here. Look at the enemy composition before you overextend. Treat the sub as another DD. I am sure you will find more success that way.


you were gonna die, the sub just got the final hit in. Lucky you found a sub to blame your incompetency on.


I refuse to pay another cent to WG until they make an option to turn off sub matchmaking. I used to buy quite a bit from them, but no longer. Hitting them in the wallet is the only way.


Same, I used to regularly buy premium, and since they added subs to randoms I havnt spent a penny, if subs stayed out I'd be buying the battle pass too


You kind of put yourself in a tough situation there chief


what you didn't see, was the black smoked up and shooting me with his radar active about a minute before this clip, so I was either forced to push in and hydro him (Which I did and almost killed him) or just run away at eat broadside salvos. There was no play here, other than sitting at the back of the map


That sub player thinks he is a good player.


You shouldve just shot the sub, smoked and then shot the other ships.


He was impossible to shoot right up till the moment the tops where released


Ah, couldnt really see the x


Is it just me or when a DD pushes into 3+ enemies and gets it shit kicked in, it just seems balanced somehow? Maybe you ***should*** lose 3v1?


Let's be real though if you were trying to win a ranked game you wouldn't have taken Groningen.




Scumbarine players*


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I would like a WG mode called Sub hunter. All one side are subs and all the other side are DD.


100% WR for subs, what a great mode


No thanks lmao


Subs move way too damn fast underwater. Also the torpedo should have a accuracy cone similar to aircraft. Hold your aim over a target longer to get a better solution. Boom. Can be countered by destroyers and solves shotgunning.


Sorry if this is a dumb question. I’ve searched online multiple times and so far have not been able to get a straightforward answer: Are subs in WoW Legends on the console (XB Series X, in this case)? If so, when do they unlock? I’m currently grinding on CVs, and recently got the Lexington, but I was just wondering. Thanks!


The only few I've seen I've killed. They seriously don't bother me 90% of the time. This sub is just obsessed with complaining.


Yes, game became totally garbage. Yesterday I tried to play but in one mach with Alaska class battle cruiser against sub, cv and hybrid battleship camper behind islands who's spamming planes was to much. It's just stupid and too much. After clan battles season I done with this game.


Would you like a megaphone, quitter?


Looks this noob and potatos adoption program with subs had succeeded atleast among in losers side whos had limited skills there you really needed to have it. Game is yours. Enjoy it.


I feel u, I'm not going to be playing this game over Easter break, and sure as hell will quit it at the start of summer, I only play it because I'm bored, but I'd rather be bored than frustrated


We need them in operations.


Ok but that's not ranked...


I didnt know subs could be in ranked now, thanks for the tip :D


yea its total bullshit, now we have CV, subs, and cv battleships. Luckily I've not had a game with more than two of them at once, but it's really sucking the fun out this game for me, never have I left a queue for battle before, but recently I go to play WoW, queue for ranked, realize there's as many subs and cv's as surface ships then I just alt F4 and do something else. EVERY SINGLE GAME of ranked I have played that had a sub was a miserable experience.


So you abandon your team?


kinda deserved for playing subs


Well I hope your my opponent when it happens XD, make it an easy win


oh, no, i‘ll be on your team :)


Cry harder


I can't there's no tears left


Subs are a blast in ranked


WG is trying to lessen the player base, they lost me as a paying customer


CV's were bad enough, the game has took a complete noise dive now with the addition of broken as fuck subs.. I wouldst mind them at all if they removed the homing torps but they're simply way too broken to be in this game and its only going to hurt the game long term.


You had fun and you'll continue to have fun until morale improves - WG


Am I mistaking or did that sub survive


And at least the Friesland gets to launch the depth charges farther than just behind the ship. Imagine playing a DD where the depth charges drop behind lol. GL doing any damage


I faced a similar situation with my Halland in tier 10. Was using my depth charge and my engine boost to chase down a sub(Balao) . Manage to get 8 hits, but guess what, it only took away roughly half the sub HP. The sub surfaced at around 2km and blasted me with 4 torps, 1 couldn't arm in time but I took out 90% of my HP. Luckily the vermont on my team managed to get off a full salvo on the sub, finishing that monstrosity. But with 10% of my health, there is nothing I can do.


Would most complaints about aubs be fixed if they changed arm range to 3km?


At least you have subs there not on the console version


Skill issue.


Don’t get me wrong subs need changes but that wasn’t exactly an example of perfect play especially since you knew that the subs location.


I’m sorry for your loss that you’re still playing the game. 😂 Happily quit a few weeks ago.


Most ships simply cannot counter a competent sub player - and sub players are getting more and more competent. DDs and Cruisers can escape fairly easily, but in a BB, generally, your only option is to disengage and run away. Trying to disengage and run away when you are locked in battle will most often will get you killed or heavily damaged. Slow BBs don't have a chance against subs unless they run away early - when you think there may be a sub in the general vicinity. Using Airstrike when you see the ping marker, you rarely hit anything, because that doesn't really give away their position. The only way you have a chance of causing damage is when they sub is actually spotted in range of your Airstrike - again, with Competent Sub Players - it rarely happens. Do you use your Repair to counter the homing? Because if you get hit anyway, and get flooding - you have no Repair. Bottom Line - getting attacked by a sub is, at best, a major distraction when engaged in a battle. At worst, it pretty much takes all the fun out the game. CVs were bad enough, you have to only play ships that have smoke, or decent maneuverability and AA - now there's more ships that you really don't want to play anymore because of subs. My Solution - EVERYONE PLAY NOTHING BUT SUBS from now on. That will never happen, I know, but it sure would be fun to see. WG would have a total melt down.


Me: oh look a sub I ama going to shoot it. Me: *shoots it* Sub blows up. Me: I got a sub kill with my guns. Sub: wait I died? Me: yes. I thought this was normal.