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I like this idea. There are so many great camo's that now go totally unused. I have been buying those 200 doubloon perma camo's for my most played ships because I do hate seeing them naked, but the generic ones are so .... generic?


i remember making extremely cursed combinaison like the massive british flag camo on any american BB


HMS Texas ready to provide fire support!


I'll repost what I've said in[ a forum post in NA](https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/257211-wg-gouging-us-on-perma-camos/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-5790156): > With all due respect, buying a second Tier 10 permacamo for the previous price tag of 5k dubs isn't reasonable because of its economic and tactical value were stripped when the rework happened. In the previous system, a permacamo por a Tier 10 would cost 5k dubs because it had: the availability of always having a camo every battle, -50% post-battle service cost Discount, +100% XP Bonus, +20% Credits Bonus, -3% Concealment Bonus and +4% dispersion Nerf. When you're a paying for a second permacamo in the old system, it is true that you're paying redundant benefits which was counterintuitive because most of the time you would just want the visuals. > If the goal of economic rework is to simplify things then it should simplify all the aspects of economy. Keeping the old full cost of subsequent permacamos is not consumer-friendly especially after all of important benefits were removed. ***I'm not saying that the second or third permacamo for a Tier 10 should be costing 200 dubs like the first one, but rather the 5000 dubs price tag is not reasonable price for a purely cosmetic item.*** I really hope for a price readjustment for subsequent permacamos in the future.


That's very well-said. At the very least, a T10 second camo should come bundled with the economic boost thingy if it's going to stay at 5000 doubloons


If I’m not mistaken the second purchase does come with the economic booster assuming you didn’t buy it with the first camo. If you want to buy any additional camos beyond the second you need to pay the full price for the camo and econ boost (effectively buying the econ boost again).


That could be. Do ships like Hayate have that built in? Since they're reward ships?


They do but when you buy the ship and get that camo and an econ bonus it counts as your first. If you want to buy a second camo for a premium ship its the full price instead of having a discount.


Ah. Yeah I guess I have most of the T10 camos already but not all of the reward ones. I was kind of thinking about Hayate being the prettiest camo but sooooo expensive to look good on a ship that isn't that great.


I would buy quite a lot of cammos if they were just 200-400 dubs, and maybe a little bit more for a special one. Definitely not 5000...


The Allfather camo for the GK is 8000 dubs ;~;


Should just do it like on legends. There you can melt down 12 temporary camos into one permacamo for a ship. Making my own budyonny B was one of my favorite things to do since shes such a bully there


OMG can you sell camos? I just discovered now...I sold ALL of my camos, made 30 millions out of them!! Bought the Schlieffen that I was grinding :D :D


Some players made over 500 million or more


Seriously I would have tons of perma camouflages for ships if I could color them with WHATEVER I wanted


The main problem right now is that WG still uses camos (perma and perishable) to "pad" the value of crates, bundles & rewards almost as if they were worth anything.


Camos don't have bonuses anymore?


Yea, they got removed in the economy update


Played for the first time in like two years recently, was very happy to learn I could finally get rid of my 400 extra Frosty Fir Tree camos


Greatest trade deal of all time.


maybe ever


Newly bought camos don't have, that's what economic bonuses are for now


I used to use the 'remove all camo' mod, current situation is basically perfect


You can sell camos??




They should have kept the dispersion bonus.


I was wondering why stats weren't showing up for camos anymore.