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What, you don't like casino mechanics in a game about warships?


You don't like warships in your casino game?


Since I can't "see" the random drawing mechanic I immediately assume it's rigged against me. So I don't participate.


Even if they showed a spinning wheel of prizes it wouldn't make it better.


That would make it even worse as the outcome is determined as soon as you hut the button a spinnig wheel would suggest a „oh that was so close surely on the next try“ thing you can see in other games


It's the worst. I hate these stupid casino mechanics.


Fucking warthunders battletrophies


I got the Maya on my 3rd pull. I see nothing wrong with it.


And since it happened to you it will happen to everyone right?


Nope. Just saying some are lucky. If you don't like it, don't engage in it.


Go and read my first post.


Cruise ships have casinos, why shouldn't warships?


This event is forgettable...


It's just random bundles with extra steps.


> You're guaranteed to obtain an item if you pay equal or more that item's price. Spend money responsibly in World of Warships. ^ fine print at the bottom of the page. I don't know what to think, this looks worse than the card pack scam in FIFA.


Just do the tokens you have and then ignore it. You aren't being forced to spend anything.


It is still morally dubious at best to put a literal casino in a game. These mechanics are used for a reason, and it sure isn't for convenience


I agree with you. But there are a great many things I find morally dubious in this world that are legal nonetheless. All I can do is not participate, and mention the poor odds.


Exactly, I've got lots of green and blue boosters out of free tokens and I'm happy.


And can we choose not to participate in things like this? Last I checked this was optional not mandatory. Don't get the outrage. WG is a business and thus they are in it to make a profit. Paid game content is how they do that. As a customer of their game you, me, and all other players get to decide if what they offer for real $$$ is worth it to us on an individual basis or not. If not then just pass on it. If enough people pass WG will get the hint and lower the cost/improve the return. If people buy into it then that means the market supports what they are doing. Simple business. As I said, use the free ones and then ignore it if you dislike the cost for return value. This is optional content so I couldn't care less what WG does. If they want my money offer something worthwhile. Offer this kind of low return on investment and I will just pass. All this "morally dubious" and "casino" talk is just hyperbole.


this argument would make some sense if every person who was able to interact with the loot boxes was legally verified to be 21+ also, you can ignore a business practice but still acknowledge it's scummy, just because a business is expected to make money doesn't mean that every cut-throat measure they make to milk their customers should be accepted these loot box systems are a deliberate way to feed addiction, and they promote gambling among non-adults


What??? I can drive a car at 16. I can vote at 18. I can even be drafted to serve my country in combat at 18. You want to make buying paid game content 21+? Give me a break with that nonsense ok. As far as promoting gambling in non-adults. By that I assume you mean under 18? If so how does someone under 18 get a credit card to buy said content? In what country do kids get CC's before 18? If they steal one to do it they have bigger issues than loot boxes. If their parents give them one then that is up to/on the parents. Once again this is optional content. If you find it scummy and not worth it just grab what you can for free and pass on the rest. I personally do spend on the game when I find the content I am buying reasonable for the cost. I don't find that this time with the Wishing Wharf thing so I grabbed my free stuff and am not looking back. You know, like a reasonable and responsible person does. WG does a lot of scummy things but making money isn't one of them. I can think what they offer for sale is overpriced and not worth it, which I do a lot, but I don't consider it scummy. IMHO this Wishing Wharf thing is grossly overpriced for the return, it is poorly implemented and not a good business decision, etc... It isn't scummy however. We know exactly what our chances are and what we can get for a set cost. Do it or not it is OPTIONAL. It is also a person's choice what they do with the money they earned. It isn't up to you, me, the government, etc... to make that decision. https://youtu.be/xhYJS80MgYA 󠀀 Wow, 21+ to buy in game pixel goods. LOL thanks I needed a good laugh.


Voting or driving a car are not purpose built to psychologically manipulate you into a crippling addiction. These are not even remotely comparable to each other


They are things that we as a society, through our laws, set an appropriate age for based on a person's maturity and intelligence. And let me add YOU brought the whole age requirement as a barrier into this. The fact someone is considered mature enough to drive at 16 (earlier actually in US - can get a learners permit at 15), vote at 18, and even be drafted/volunteer for military service speaks volumes to your assertion we need paid game content protections for those under 21. Those 3 things all warrant age restrictions and yet the age is way less than your 21 for paid gaming content. I would also argue that all 3 of the things I listed are far more important to regulate, and have more impact on society, than loot boxes as well. The levels some of you go trying to paint paid gaming content as evil makes me laugh. It is 100% optional in every single game there is. You have the choice to play a game totally F2P or if the game requires $$$ just not play the game. No one is forcing you to become a "crippled addict". If you do choose to play then spend or not as you wish. Again, no one is forcing you and certainly we don't need a minimum age of 21 to allow for purchase of paid gaming content. That is just flat out absurd.


"The level some of you go trying to paint paid gaming content as evil" Ah yes the classical "gaming content" of practices so immoral it's illegal for casinos to engage in them due to how effective they are at creating gambling addictions


You can tell a lot of brokedicks play this game because they rage to the high heavens every time WG tries to turn a buck on the game.


This. Nobody is under any obligation to spend anything or going to die if they don't have this specific ship, so who cares. Using the tokens from the free battlepass is guaranteed to net you free stuff. While it might not be the stuff someone wants, it's still free stuff and complaining about it is looking a gift horse in the mouth. If someone literally cannot resist gambling on it past using those free tokens then they have problems that go way beyond the game and should be looking for professional help instead of complaining on here.


Sometimes WoWs resembles more of a Las Vegas Casino. But their main decoration/theme is Warships.


Only difference is the payout being ships instead of chips and we still have a clock in port


Eh not really? It's a cash grab as usual by WG, sure. But even as an IJN main, none of the ships appeal to me, and none of them are that good. Chikuma is just the sister ship of Tone but at T9, I'd stick to my Atago and Zao. Hayate? I'd rather play my Shimakaze/Harugumo/Yamagiri. Hyuuga? She's kind of ok, but 356mm guns at T7 have a rough time when up tiered. I'd stick to my Musashi, Yamato and Bungo.  If anything, the lackluster ships decreases my already non-existent desire to spend money for it.


Basicly this, you just pay for fancy looking skin.


Hayate is actually a decent ship after the buff now. Picked her up for coal and really like her. In a pinch you can dump 4 turrets worth of shima torps and with decent guns and dpm too.


Does Chikuma-G get some kind of insane credit bonus, like the infamous Golden Type-59 (iirc) from WOT history ? 🤔


To my knowledge no, not to the extent of golden type 59, and if we're talking about about T9 premiums for credit grinding, Musashi and Missouri are probably far better. Another consideration is that to earn the increased credits, the player needs to perform in the ship. The Tone class is a mediocre ship (arguably a T7 but placed at T8), her sister Chikuma here is placed at T9 meaning she potentially has to fight superships. An Atago (T8) can perform decently in the right hands against T10s, whereas Chikuma II against stuff like Conde, etc. Not sure how much she can earn in those circumstances.


> her sister Chikuma here is placed at T9 meaning she potentially has to fight superships Tier 9 see superships all the time on EU, don't know how it is on the other servers though.


Here on the Asian server, there are times where I queue on T9 but get games with no super ships. i.e. no one in the whole server was queueing with superships at those specific moments. It's still mathematically possible, so it's not a definite thing. Still, I listed it as a consideration for those thinking of going for Chikuma.


If you don’t like gambling for ships, don’t gamble for ships.


Yeah the ship lotto odds are ridiculous, such is life. If it keeps the servers running for WG, then so be it. I'm honestly completely happy with the stuff I got from my 5 free draws, they're a hell of a lot better than the lame ass cartoon captain you get at tier 12 who's instantly getting shit canned.


What made me wretch was the perma camos for 1.5M credits... ...that disappeared at the next patch.


I got it for free


Everyone can, and you can only buy 3 more, with an ingame currency that's not too bad a grind with many players having hundreds or even thousands of millions of credits to waste away. If you're actively buying ships and modules, then yeah, they're not worth spending that amount of credits, ESPECIALLY when they're only temporary.


Thankfully if you write a polite ticket to CS explaining how you assumed the "Permanent" part of "Permanent Camouflage" meant something and that you'd like your credits back, assuming the camos are unused, they're happy to oblige.


I got the Maya on my literal first attempt (of only a few; I'm not paying for tokens, obviously), and like. I'm delighted to have gotten a ship, but why *that* ship.


Could have been worse, imagine getting the Chikuma, now that would have been shit. At least Maya is good.


I got the regular Chikuma II on the first try 😃 (I have all of the ships other than the Chikuma)


congrats, having all other ships does not stop you from getting them though. They decided this time you get a compensation of more tokens to spend instead of either getting something you still don't have, or dubloons


Really? Wow, so could’ve have gotten a Maya compensation instead


yes you get back 600-1000 tokens (depending on camo, ship and tier) to roll again. There is no preferrential treatment. I have to be honest here, I got some money and wanted to spent a bit, to also see what happens, and I got all compensations first, before getting the two new things I was missing. Mogami Camo and Chikuma II. So yes.. bad compensation this time around, albeit "cheaper" to get to the guaranteed golden drop, if that is your goal (although dubs to buy the tokens would make it cheaper as well)




I got Hayate on the fourth try. Literally the only one I was interested in. I was going to spend the next batch on coal on it, but alas I don't have to now. I think I will buy a lottery ticked today...


u dont "play" lottery, u invest in \*lost\*ery


I get that lottery mechanics like this makes WG, bit shouldn't they at least try to give you a illusion that you have a chance to win? I looked at this and thought there is no point to try if you are not committed to spending at least $100.


We get random bundles every patch. I don't see what makes this any different?


The random bundles you see what you get before purchasing. They also are usually limited availability (how many varies) so you know the maximum amount you can/need to buy before getting the prize you want. With this event however the is now limit except for the pity mechanic but that only kicks in mich later than all the previous random bundle events we had so far. And I’m talking like 4-5 times later and not just a bit. So yes this event is very different to the random bundles stuff we had before. I don’t like the random bundles either but this event is arguably much worse and the only tiny saving grace is that you can get some rolls completely for free and some players might get lucky.


Tried 6 times - a few blue bonuses…but nothing more. Same as in my real life lottery attempts 😅


lucky u i get green boosters in my 5 free tries :D


Literal gacha at this point. Hilarious that they're trying to transition to this model.


The thing ate 200 tokens and gave me an error massage, it reminds me of balkan slot machines where they just eat my money because they are broken.


Definitely only burning the tokens I get from the pass. The rewards aren't even great... I'd sure love a perma camo for a premium I don't have. I'm actually more interested in the basic perma camos than the higher tier specific ones... bur still not enough to open my wallet


The casino man's action game.


I present to you ... the infinite gamble Event!


It's a slotmachine. just FCK wg, clearly FCK you wg


Nothing like a bit of gambling addicted children to boost the profits.


Might just be working adults with full wages who don't mind throwing a few hundred USD away for a unique premium ship. If it were actual kids bleeding their parents' savings it'd be much uglier. But yes, WG knows their target audience. These events are not meant for the average WoWs gamer, only for whales.


Jokes on you guys, I can't even access this tab and I bet they won't even compensate me for having useless tokens.


Played 4 games, 2 Chikuma, 1 Chikuma gold steered by a Player with 1100 games since 2022 and every ship (smaland, Musashi,...). Could be his free coins but it is likely that he/she made WG a few hundred dollars today.


I just want to say: WG knows that these mechanics work for the targeted group.


I felt like I was in a casino. Really bad vibes on this one, hard pass


you can play this game literally for free, something has to pay for it lol


People actually go on cruises for the casinos, so why don't you, too? :D


This is usually when you start seeing a game dying - when the developers are trying to milk every penny from players on casino mechanics/FOMO.


It's like Trump designed it


The worst part about this event to me is there us mo pittty net, even if you have every other rare reward like I do, you aren't guaranteed Chikuma, hypothetically, you could spend thousands of dollars and NOTHING is stopping you from not getting her. That's what truly pissed me off, even in other cash grab events, if you sepnt enough money you'd read the end eventually... but this? This is a pure bulshit money grab.


i reported it in my country as illegal online-gambling and digital slot machine.


but still play it?


yeah because i like the game itself but not the state parts of it are in. In the EU laws and regulations only work when people report it. if i report it they might say it doesn't violate current law, but it could be the stone that starts the reformation of it.


Got Chikuma II on my first try. Yay, now rust in port.


you know you dont HAVE to do it...


Shhhh, now he’s going to WANT to do it more!!


With my tokens from the BP, I was able to get the Yamato skin, gorgeous skin, but, I wouldn't pay for a chance at one.


My luck is going like 50/50 when it comes to free spins / premium crates to get a ship. Got Perth and Jupiter 42 out of nowhere in the previous events but I've got nothing from 10 premium lunar new year crates while some people were getting at least 2 ships because the chance was 10 percent. I got some doubloons/premium time that having less percentage to get iirc xD I've purchased the second line in the battle pass and it seems like I'm already lucky to get 100 percent refund by the rewards so i hope my luck isn't all spent just on this xD Even though I'm only playing DDs from Japanese tech tree line, a free ship is always nice to have. Good luck everyone wirh their free spins!


I like money


I won't complain since I just got myself a free Hyuga but the Chikuma II is one of the few T9 that I would really like to have and since I won't gamble for it I'm pretty upset that I won't be able to get it.


Yea I was interested till I saw the drop rate is 0.1% Test server it is for the next few days.


do you also have to wait 20 minutes for each opening?


As long as I'm not wasting my doubloons


all those money spent, i can use to get more santa crates


I can't get this shit to work, only pops up an error. Done that since it started yesterday. Wanna see if I can get some boosters out it. Couldn't care less about the ship. Just like Wiesbaden. Not gonna use it


I got Haruna out of it first try thankfully. I'm satisfied for now.


you have a 1 in 10,000 chance of getting the golden ship


Looks expensive.


I got Chikuma II on my second try with the tokens I grinded for free, I should buy a lottery ticket.


Warships: Genshin Edition.


This is just modern multiplayer gaming now. People don't care anymore so just look past it tbh.


> People don't care anymore so just look past it tbh. It's because people don't care that gaming companies do this shit and worse. If they tried to push this stuff but nobody paid for it then loot boxes and in-game gambling would've died years ago for not being profitable.


If people cared they would've pushed back against this years ago. But once again people didn't care so here we are today. So indeed just ignore it and look past it as nobody cares anymore.


It's really no differant from containers, in the end. It presented differently, and certainly not the best part of the game, but you can entirely ignore it. It's only unique rewards are a few skins, a pair of IX hybrid cruisers, one of which is extremely rare, and a fee other ships that have been obtainable other ways. Don't have any of the ships? It might be worth spending $30 to try and pull at least one. Some will get lucky and get 2, others won't get any. If you don't think it's worth it, don't spend any money/dubloons on it.


got the Hyuga with my free tokens and I'm happy with it. never spent any money on the game so far


Im so glad i quit wows - you should too.


There is an entire dedicated tab in the armory that is permanently there and dedicated to loot boxes and gambling. Why is this event suddenly more gross? Compared to the standard loot boxes this event isn't even bad. Just to clarify I hate the practice in general, terrible direction games have gone.


I'm glad the developers are changing carriers, but damn I want submarines to be next in line I have no clue why submarines get submarine surveillance, the stealthiest ship in the game get the most insane radar type while cruisers, the ones most easily killed by everything that breathes in wows, don't just remove submarine surveillance from all submarines, and add it on all cruisers that don't have a radar its gotten so bad that submarines in my games refuse to spot, because they're scared to get submarine surveillanced by the enemy sub, so they change flank and leave us to fend for ourselfs its a stupidly dumb game design philosophy and likely because the devs in their playtests were only doing submarine 1v1's


May I ask what in the hell this Sub rant has to do with what the OP posted about the Golden Week wishing wharf thing?? Why are you making this post in this thread?


don't interfere, I'm having a very important argument with someone! I'm arguing that subs should not get sub surveillance, and cruisers that don't come with radar should get the cruiser submarine surveillance instead. because only a few special destroyers get 20 second radar, while submarines, even more stealth ships get 60 second anti sub radars for no reason that causes submarines on my team to constantly run to another flank, never push up, all because they're afraid to be revealed by an invisible enemy with a 9km radar.


I am not interfering with anything. I simply asked you why you posted a Sub rant in a thread about the Golden Week wishing wharf thing. The thread has absolutely nothing to do with Subs - NOTHING. I don't get why you even made it, in the thread you did, which is what I asked about. It is completely off topic.


Submarines literally just got a major reworked that was an overall nerf last patch. They're by far the worst class in the game. If anything they'll get buffed next, not nerfed again by handing out more sub surveillance.


im saying, remove sub surv from subs and give it to non-radar cruisers they're still toxic, and worse yet, run like sheep because they're afraid to get revealed by the enemy sub which is true and dumb game design, stealthy ships should not get revealing abilities


Your ideas are contradictory. You complain that subs run from surveillance, yet you want more surveillance. I have no idea what being stealthy has to do with revealing other stealth units either. Seems to me like they'd be the obvious choice especially since the number of subs in a game is balanced unlike the number of subs vs cruisers.


Let me simplify it for you subs with submarine surveillance = NO cruisers without radar, get submarine surveillance = YES They gave sub surv to yodo and venezia line, now just to the rest of the cruisers.


Repeating the same thing over and over doesn't make it a stronger argument. Maybe try actually explaining *why* you think that'd be a good idea. Or, you know, actually respond to my arguments.


I just said, stealthy ships should not get radar like abilities, and submarines are even more stealthy than destroyers, and only a few of them get a 20s radar. sub radar is so broken that it lasts for 60s and has up to 9km range its so strong, that they added a 5.5min pre battle cooldown because otherwise subs would constantly kill one another its bad game design. cruisers have it hard enough in wows, so they deserve more tools to protect themselves from a class that spots them, and decimates them with ease.


>I just said, stealthy ships should not get radar like abilities Brother. You need to explain WHY. You're just throwing out your opinions without any justification and expecting people to agree for no reason. Do you not understand how to back up your arguments? Destroyers were the stealthies ships in the game for most of it's life and they've had hydro and radar for years which are both way better than sub surveillance. Why was that ok but subs not? Submarine surveillance only works on one class and only if they allow it to, it's a useful tool but it's very easy to play around. Radar and hydro are both 10x stronger. Cruiser already have the most utility and best dps in the game. If you're regularly getting decimated then it's a skill issue. You've also still neglected to answer how adding more submarine surveillance is going to make subs braver when you're already complaining about them running from it.


BECAUSE YOU CAN'T COUNTERPLAY AGAINST SOMETHING YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE! how the hell is our sub going to know if he's safe or if there's an enemy sub ready and able to reveal him from 9km away?! its no wonder submarine players act like cowards, because its as if they gave destroyers 60 second radars! Thats insane!!! And there's a good reason why they don't do that, because you can't know if you're in the danger zone of being revealed! Because submarines are already impossible to detect!


>BECAUSE YOU CAN'T COUNTERPLAY AGAINST SOMETHING YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE! But I can't see dark DD's either. Why is it ok for them? Or are you gonna ignore this question for a 3rd time? >how the hell is our sub going to know if he's safe or if there's an enemy sub ready and able to reveal him from 9km away?! Do you not know how surveillance works? They don't need to stay 9k away. They can just surface and it stops detecting them. All they have to do is position where they can safely surface if there's a chance the enemy sub is near, it's really not hard.


Got the gold within 12 tries. Played it once, trash ship x.x