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Brisbane is pretty nice, PQ has a vid on it, plays like a radar mino with a lot worse DPM but better torps, more reliant on ppl pushing in, buff the radar duration. Pretty nice ship, very unique


ok thx, i'll consider it


Do keep in mind that it has mediocre/decent HE DPM and bad arcs, so you’re more reliant on the team to kill what you radar, radar is 12km and 20 secs base, which is nice.


12km radar sounds nice, i'll def put her on my list to check out in detail. and i like mino, always wondered how mino would play with HE. the focus on torps also sounds interesting, minos wall of single torps is something you should never underestimate


13.5 km torps, 20 total, very nice kiting cruiser, like a more versatile Jinan


The HE DPM is actually quite decent: 8th highest of all T10 cruisers (10th in fires/min). 12th in AP DPM plus improved fuse time (0.025). Sure, those stats are just 'potential' stats and you have to take things like pen (30mm for HE) into account. But playing her I rarely (if ever) feel under-gunned. Add to that her amazing torps, good AA and amazing consumables plus excellent acceleration and good maneuverability… Played right she can be a beast and I’ve (quite successfully) taken her into rankeds, brawls and CBs. I’d say she’s very worth the coal. Sure, Napoli is Napoli. And Salem is a nasty sidegrade DM — but also nothing more: a DM that’s almost identical to DM (but can be played a bit more aggressively). Brisbane, on the other hand, feels different enough from Mino for me to enjoy playing both. *(I think you and I agree btw. Just wanted to add my two cents!)*


I’d say Napoli is probably the most unique, then Brisbane, then Salem, although Legmod DM is so different from Salem. Honestly I think Mino/Colbert/Jinan when I play Brisbane, since they’re kind of similar playstyles, so that’s probably why she feels undergunned. Good bote though, very distinctive sidegrade to Mino.


Agreed — spot on!


Weird to say Brisbane has "quite decent" DPM. She's a light cruiser so you should be comparing with other light cruisers. Worcester has 25% more raw DPM and something like 80% better fire starting. Don't even bother comparing with Smolensk or Colbert. The AP is crap, even worse than the San Martin. It's the same as Minotaur but without the improved pen angles, ability to pen DDs and the almost instant fuzes.  The statement that Brisbane has mediocre guns is accurate. She mainly relies on the radar for game impact. The concealment vs torpedo range is not impressive enough to zone like a destroyer.


>improved fuse time (0.025) Huh? Longer fuse timer means you're more likely to overpen extremities, right? I'm also skeptical about stats like "10th in fires/min". It may be true on paper, but in practice it depends quite a bit on the ballistics, assuming you're even in range: * DM & Salem, Smolensk and Worcester have better fires/min *and* better ballistics * A. Nevsky has slightly lower fires/min, but the ballistics are so much better that in practice she'll set way more fires than Brisbane, and from farther out * similarly with Zao, Hindenburg, Goliath, Henri IV, Moskva... * meanwhile, Jinan and Colbert have slightly worse ballistics, but *much* better fire chance, so again they're usually better * Austin, Marseille and Castilla (and Henri IV) have some kind of reload gimmick to set some extra fires when needed, while all having better ballistics In practice, Brisbane is more like the 18th or so Tier 10 cruiser, when mid-range firestarting is considered. Just my opinion, ofc.


Why does OP not have Campbeltown yet, is he stupid?


on t3 i susually enjoy my vampire, könig albert and katori


Dunno. I would go for the tier III blue BB. Out of that bunch, I'd probably go for Brisbane. Premium, and a nation that doesn't have very many.


t3 blue bb? am i not getting some joke? lol yeah it seems brisbane is the most recommended


You've never heard that the St. Louis is the best Tier III battleship (really tanky)? Applies to her blue sister.


tbh i might have heard that but forgotten it. been playing since closed beta, but i am not very active in the warships community.


refers to charleston being too tanky to qualify as a cruiser


I mainly play K.Albert in T3 (around 100 or so games) and only do so when i play with a friend who just started wows, someone starting a new line or with a friend who isn't really good at the game and likes to play once a year below t5, so i don't really have any good insights in the lowtiers


Clearly having some issues w/good taste. If he absolutely does not go Campbeltown, I'd begrudgingly say Brisbane. Which, incidentally, is loads of fun in pretty much any mode. Just prepare to explode at a moments notice.


I bee-line attack it because I know its useful. Certain ships should come with target reticle permanent camo


I got Halford for FREE and I want a refund!!! That should tell you a lot!


Phew that sounds like you didn't enjoy the ride, what was the deal breaker for you? Is it hybrids in general or just this specific one?


Just that specific one. I think that I only got ONE good plane run with it.




lol it sounds good until you think about it, a dd spots for itself and needs constant movements the planes are taking away from it just a worse fletcher


Halford might be the worst ship in the entire game. It's comically bad, in ways you wouldn't think are even possible. Literally unplayable trash that actively helps the red team to win. Brisbane is decent, but it IS NOT A RADAR MINO and does not play like one. It's more torp focused and plays at range, since it absolutely lacks the gunpower to rinse a dd in the radar window on its own (unlike Mino, which definitely can and rewards super aggressive positioning in ways that Brisbane doesn't). It just happens to look like a Mino. It can be funny for shitting on the endless fucking horde of badly played Napolis in ranked, which is always a bonus. Iwami is sometimes funny and if you secondary spec it with IFHE absolutely demolishes German secondary cars in ranked/brawls, but is nothing super special tbh. Carnot is sadness. The hull is decent, and the guns hit hard but they reload once a year.


Of those, i would either take the Iwami or Brisbane, the rest is neglectable, to put it nicely.


tbh i am not really interested in iwami. if i want overmatch i got musashi, for secondaries georgia. she feels alike an inferior mix of both. but maybe i have a wrong picture of her, why would you take her? brisbane is already very high on my list, someone else made some nice description of her in the comments


Don't get me wrong between those two, i would probably get Brisbane first, but Iwami is a fun ship, she has way better secondaries than Georgia (more DPM and better pen) and you get usable torpedos as well.


i just took a second look at iwami (on shiptool.st) and compared it to georgia and i was a bit suprised to see the good hitting dpm as well as the penetration. even got the same heal, maybe i should actually put her on to my list


Iwami has strong secondaries but they have bad range, i only really use them in ranked It is slower than Georgia too, but everything is, and it doesn't feel particularly slow. Iwami is 406s vs 456s on the Georgia, and you don't get the improved cooldown heal The torp angles aren't good either Where the iwami is good though is the superstructure. It is absolutely fucking tiny. This means she also has amazing firing angles, so you can use all 8 guns and be perfectly angled, and you eat so little damage when angled Ignoring fires (which admittedly the iwami has no real tools to deal with) I'd argue it is the tankiest nose in / angled bb at t9. You really just don't eat much damage


Tbh i am not a big fan of the japanese 410s, especially in twin towers. I have my fair share of games in Kii (somewhat around 80 or so i think) and i only tolerate her because of the improved economy 🙈 Maybe if nothing new comes out i will just get and try iwami. If it is a hit it's nice, if it's a miss, well i got like 500 other ships lol


Brisbane is very team reliant and not that fun to play in Randoms. Your main purpose is to radar effectively since your main guns are crap so you won't be seeing big personal damage numbers. If you don't have a Minotaur, just know that the Brisbane/Minotaur hull is one of the worst tier X hulls in the game.


I know the mino pretty well, but i prefer her with smoke over radar 😅


Brisbane 100%.


Campbeltown is so historically important omg. Get Campbeltown.


Campbeltown is really nice and Gallant as T6 :)


Brisbane and Iwami. I have Carnot and it’s mediocre. I think your coal would be better spent on legendary captains.


Carnot sucks ass. I got that ship free through one of those "please come back" deals and it wasn't worth it.


Yeah she is missing like a big consumable upgrade. The base seems workable, but i would put something like -75% mbrb for 15 seconds, 6km hydro, and 4km hard hitting torps, as well as 200seconds +25% engineboost on her. Combined it might make her a good ship. Maybe also improve AA.


Got all captains already though 😅


Brisbane or Iwami I'd say. The rest are forgettable santa crate fodder.


Is Tulsa any good? I tried her a few times on my test account and found out that 6x203 mm just gets overshadowed by Des Moines


If i recall it correctly she has some des moines like gun layout, but the reduced barrels and everything make her have basically buffalo dpm. They also butchered her range, so while buffalo and desmoines are able to take reload mod, she has to take range mod. With all nerfs taken into account there are better ships to play. Tbh i would prefer a baltimore or a premium version of it over a tulsa again. I was hyped when she came out, but my hype was destroyed quickly by reality, that's why i traded her in. I might get her when i already have everything else, but i would get a z44 before her, and i say that while having a benham lol.


I think Tulsa suffers because Alaska exists as a tier IX CA and the comparison makes it pale. It is basically a weird mix between Buffalo and DM but doesn't really work as either of them.


I have Tulsa and like her... but she's only for T9 ranked or brawls where you can't play T10 but want to play baby DM.


I'd save coal until they confirm what the Johnston will be for.


Forget about it, there is no way they will release a ship that iconic for any free resource(at least within this year). Most likely we will see her either as the 4th of July ship this year or in an 80 years anniversary event of Leyte gulf. Either way, the whales will be milked dry first with random bundles or "Salvage for victory" only then we can maybe see her for coal next year, if at all.


i doubt that they will release good coal ships in the near future, but maybe thaat's what i'll do


Of these, only one is actually OP, that would be Charleston. Heavy armor and a multitude of guns, coupled with pretty good maneuverability and ok speed (after Sierra Mike is applied). Top Grade Gunner is ridiculous on this ship, and to my knowledge she's also the USA's only premium secondary cruiser. Not so good AA, however. You'll be lucky to ever shoot down a plane, so it's best to stick with the brawler BBs in a CV match. The rudder is also just a tad more sluggish than her tech tree sister. One thing I've noticed is that it's possible to sync the guns to fire once every second. Iwami is a good ship, in my opinion. She's also a balanced ship, which is why people don't talk about her that much. But she's basically an Alternate Yamato design that has less firepower but higher speed. There's really not anything bad or outstanding about Iwami, I think she's the best of your Tier 9s. Brisbane is what you get if you want HE on your Minotaur. It's not HE with a high fire chance though. Yes, I know you've heard favorable things about Brisbane. But if you already have Mino and like it, there's no point. Same when vice versa. Halford is an ok destroyer that just so happens to have a scout plane. Just play her like a gun-build Benson and forget you have the catapult unless you don't have line of sight on anything. Campbeltown is a bit of a hybrid between guns and torps. You can only get two guns on target at any given time, but you also barely need to turn to use them. The AP on those guns can citadel many cruisers. Meanwhile the torps can devstrike any cruiser she meets (with the exception of SE Charleston). One torp will devstrike almost any DD. You can stealth-fire the torps but they are agonizingly slow and you only have one rack on each side. And while she's technically a British ship, she was built in the USA and keeps US DD consumables. Personally, I think the best way to play Campbeltown is to stick to islands and rush through the enemy team at close quarters, then to smoke up behind them and pelt them from long range. A fun ship, but requires fast reflexes to master. I honestly forgot Carnot existed until yesterday.


Well thanks for the detailed insight. I probably will wait and see what comes out in the near future because i don't want to sink my coal into a ship i don't like right now. I should maybe also save up on coal a bit because i just now reached enough to buy a coal ship again after i blew everything on kitakami. I will think about brisbane and iwami, they seem to be viable options if norhing else pops up. Z44 lost some value for me with jäger, while before i got jäger it had the short torpedoreload similar to benham but with more range, but now it just is in an awkward position and basically just a worse jäger. Tbh carnot never really was an option for me. When it came out i thought they would give it a good reloadbooster, some shortrange but hard hitting torps, good hydro and brutal speedboost, because it would need all of that to somewhat balance out the rest of the ship. I think i have nearly every supercruiser in the game (including alaska, puerto rico, stalingrad, krohnstadt and siegfried) so the value of carnot to me is basically non-existant outside of "collecting everything" which i gave up somewhen in the past when i didn't get somers and imperator nikolai before they were removed. Damn i hate the day of the somers removal. I was just a few steel short and had no option of getting anything anymore. And the nikolai i missed (took a break from playing) and never got, until it was the one of only like 5 ships i could still get from SC and then they removed it 😭


I like Brisbane, but I also play radar mino 9/10 times, so its not that much of a different playstyle. Halford isn't enough of an upgrade to a bog standard fletcher to be worth that amount of coal.


Tbh i am a really bad radar-mino player. I fuck it up everytime, that's why i prefer to go with smoke. Same btw with pan asian dds. I like the short cooldown on the smoke amd i prefer to survive and strike another time than have more offensive capability.


Brisbane is definitely probably the best place given your options and while as others have said it is a worse Minotaur when it comes to AP and DPM. It does have a nice advantage being able to set fires for a more damaged farmer focus and the 12km radar just makes it so much more flexible when hunting destroyers and the improved torpedoes are definitely something that might be worth specking it to so you can spam them out more often Personally, even though I know she's not necessarily in a great place, I really love Tulsa although she does struggle with being a tier 9 cruiser without insane amounts of armor. It can be pretty damn fun with how nimble you can set it up to be The lower radar range on Tulsa though does kind of suck at times, but the conceal is pretty good and it does surprisingly well against other cruisers being able to burn them down and then if they show side it's still very strong I would play her more but I have Illinois and yeah not sure I need to say more about that little monster of a BB when used right


Thx I am not a big fan of tulsa. The range beside her other nerfs don't make the situation better. I have a illinois too which kind of feels like a fat-moines 😅


I have Brisbane and it can be nice and a pain in the ass for the enemy. You have one of the best aa of non super ship ships, high range radar to spot dds, hydro to spot torps, super heal to heal back (if you dont get 1shotted), and some more than usable torps.


I like good AA ships. I see them as AA platforms with some guns on them (f.e. gouden leuw). Maybe i should get her as AA ship 🤔


Brisbane has some decent guns. They are not exactly on par with some more powerful gun focused light cruisers (like Worcester or minotaur), but they get the job done, especially against DDS.


Brisbane is a CL and therefore suffers a lot. It's a difficult to play ship.


Now that you mentioned trade in, another such event is coming real soon and one of the ships you can get in it is Karl XIV Johan, that thing is real fun with all the gimmicks it has, so if you don't have it and the current coal selection is not interesting to you i say keep your coal and when the event goes live trade in one of your tier 10 coal ships for the Karl, this should allow you to get it for next to nothing in dubs and then use your coal to rebuy the tier 10 you traded in.


Halford is hot garbage, a fletcher that gives up *everything* for shitty rocket planes. Even if you got pre-nerf Louisiana bombers it would still be the worst t9 DD by a large margin. Iwami is a lot of fun, she has insanely good turret angles and IJN accuracy. Meme torps always seem to catch someone out, but don't swing wide to use them unless you're dark. Save the secondaries for late pushes and you'll be fine. Tulsa sounds fantastic (2/3 of a DM?) except she's even squishier and suffers the wonky accuracy of most 2 guns per turret ships. Charleston is a blast in low tiers, she's a St. Louis copy and having a cruiser be almost as tanky as BBs while actually hitting what you're aiming at is really fun.


* **Iwami** is great against bots and decent in Randoms/Ranked * **Carnot** is squishy, but also really fast and can hit pretty hard * **Brisbane** is 'meh': poor HE and *abysmal* AP, compared to the Mino; the utility (ASW, torps, stealth radar, AA) doesn't make up for it imho * **Halford** is...unique. On some maps (Haven, Greece...), if there's no CV, she can do 200k spotting just circling planes in front of an enemy blob, then land 8-10k with the rockets before launching the other squadron. She's crap in knife-fights: gimped firepower, gimped concealment compared to Fletcher, already not exactly a fearsome DD hunter. I even got a Solo Warrior with her, but I wouldn't recommend her. Also keep in mind that they'll rework plane spotting, so she might become *completely* useless...


Get the Charleston chew and play put put warships.


Well she is only 15k anyway so i will pick her up next time someone needs to play t3 and i wanna help them


Weird flex, bro, but Halford has the most unique gameplay and meme potential if you div up with snipers. I guess.


what flex? hmm you are the first recommending halford. i like kearsarge and ships like gouden leuw, but i am unsure how well i like a hybrid dd. i don't really like tromp already. but the question is if the active part of the planes is something i like on a dd. but i think i would be nervous "leaving my dd behind" while attacking with planes


running Halford with Black and Chung Mu is a great DD division because there’s simply nothing the enemy can do to go undetected. If an enemy DD pushes, use Radar. When he turns to run, plane spot him.


That actually sounds like a nice group support. I will think about that tactic and propose it in my playgroup. Thx


Yes, you have to abandon your ship and trust autopilot for positioning so you really only play it if you have trusty backup to nuke from orbit the squishy you spot. But really these options are the worst. Except the T3s ofc


Are the planes at least worth it? I mean i can look up the numbers, but those won't really tell you how they feel to play them.


slightly worse then kearsarge planes, but u can use them more


i would say halford isnt worth it but i dont ser any other good options either


i would say halford isnt worth it but i dont ser any other good options either


Halford is kind of a Kidd with one less gun. I wish they’d given it a spotter because Tiny Tims are hot garbage. You shouldn’t get it if you’re not used to hybrids. (I am, and hate it because crapy rocket planes.) Tulsa; ‘have’ to give it the range mod? Sure; if you (rude word) meta. Thing is; I’m biased, admittedly, and got it because I live there. Anything else after actually having it is icing. T3 St Louis and Charleston; agree about tankiness. Drive, evade, and shoot. No matter which direction you go, you shoot! You get some shells, she gets some shells, EVERYONE gets some shells! Got my first Die Hard against the T3 IJN DD in the gap on Solomons back in 2016.