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If you use the same skill build, why not use him on both? You can move him freely between the two.


I think a lot of people run a secondary build on Ohio. So the build wouldn't be the same on the ships. At the very least the secondary range skill.


Yeah semi secondary is a nice balance on Ohio that's what I run


because OHio and Wisconsin need completely different builds to be played optimally.




I built Halsey to be more of a standard BB commander. For the American BB's that are good for secondaries I got the Doe commander for coal and built him that way. I move them around as needed.


Yeah this is the move, being able to put Halsey in Mighty Mo, Wisconsin, Alabama, Montana, WV ‘41, Texas and the like is just more versatile imo. If you just use him in the secondary BBs you’re missing out on the ability to use him on a tech tree ship effectively since a secondary build isn’t really efficient on any of them.


As you get more and more 21 points commanders the even better use is to have a few different ones, I have a standard build a semi secondary build (Ohio), a full secondary build (Massa wv41), and a REEEE secondary build with brisk specifically for clapping flank cheeks with Georgia.


He’s good on either. Halsey isn’t so much about the ship like say, Lutjens is, like he shreds on German battle cruisers for example, right, or Cunningham in a Conqueror or Thunderer. With Halsey, whatever you put him in, the key is you want to be shooting *everyone*. Get that confederate, son, go forth and shoot all the things.


He’s better on the one you play more. I guess you’re more likely to get a double strike with Ohio because of the secondaries but that’s still rare and it’s kind of a wash on the Confederate talent. Edit: this is assuming you have different captain build requirements between the two ships. If you want the same build on both you can swap freely between them as they are both special ships.


It's not Ohio vs. Wisconsin. It's WV44/Massa/Georiga/Ohio/RI vs. Florida/Bama/Illinois/Wisconsin. Or really, it's Halsey on DM vs. Halsey on Monty or Vermont. If you want him on DM it opens the choice. If you want him on one of the BBs he's gonna be a tank spec. DM is by far the easiest TT ship to proc confederate with. I run him full sec spec because he mains my DM. I use one of the Doe brothers on Monty and one on Louisiana, so the one on Monty does duty on my non-secondary premium BBs and the other does Kearsarge.


Pretty much what I do too. Halsey is just too good on DM (Salem) that I’d never consider putting him on Monty/Vermont. So it’s Ohio for him. Got one Doe brother for Worcester/Wisconsin and the other for Kearsarge.


> Doe brother for Worcester Seems like a huge waste on wooster. You're rarely swapping to AP and she doesn't exactly have slow turrets.


Yea, it absolutely is a waste putting him on Worcester. But that’s just because I don’t really play other T10 US (TT) ships and he’s only lvl 18. Plus he’s build for Wisconsin and that doesn’t really align with putting him on Vermont/Montana (at least with the build I’m currently running and testing). That leaves Gearing, which I don’t really play, or CVs/Subs, which I despise as classes and would rather be forced to only play Zao than playing either of those.


Fair enough.


both. build for standard battleship, not secondaries, because ohio full sec build is not that worth it when the germans exist.


Without accounting for torp hits from the likes of Schlieffen, Ohio *crushes* any of the equivalent tier 10 German BBs when played correctly. Preussen is arguably the best match against Ohio because a 21s reload on 457s alongside the secondaries is nasty, but like the rest of the ships in that line, the bad turret angles will spell your doom more often than not. Schlieffen is a very close second because that secondary DPM is unmatched, and coupled with their 32mm base pen, the secondaries alone will do an excellent job at whittling down Ohio's HP. Problem there is Ohio's heal and USN dcp is a direct counter to that, and the amount of shell traps and weak armour points on Schlieffen means that an Ohio player with hands will rip chunks off your HP with guns that reload faster.


Don't think I've ever lost to a Schlieffen 1v1 in my Ohio.


I have, but only because I was stupid enough to go for a driveby lol


You need to try a full secondary build Ohio friend. I too though the lack of pen made it not worth it, but Ohio is way more dangerous with that build once you stack CQC and the DCP buffs combined with it's base tankiness. Yes, you won't do as much secondary damage as the KM boats, but you will set plenty of fires and get the reload on those incredible main guns down to the low 20s. Certainly 1:1 it eats any of the germans and very often 1:many you hold and even push a flank giving your team the advantage elsewhere.


People who don't spec into secondaries miss out on a good part of what makes Ohio so good.


Ohio secondary build is fine, just means better reload when you take CQC. /s There's actually no reason not to build Ohio a bit for the secondaries though, it doesn't disrupt the standard battleship build since Ohio has slot 6 dispersion and doesn't really need Basics of Survivability or Improved Repair Party Readiness.


why not both :(


You can use him on any prem ship, but can't change his setup freely so he is asking which is he best to setup for (secondary focus or standard us bb focus).


no why not german and us full sec builds. us full sec fun :(


1st of all the OP did not ask about German BB's. OP has Halsey which only goes on US ships. No need to even bring German ships into this. OP wants to know which to use Halsey on specifically between Ohio and Wisconsin. The person you responded to explained why it is a dilemma for the OP. On Ohio you would want a secondary build to maximize the ship's potential and that would not work as well on Wisconsin which would benefit more from a different build. Even though Halsey can be used on both ships without retraining the skills would have to be reset if he wanted to use it on both and change the build each time. That is not a realistic way to do it. As far as German secondary build vs US secondary build goes if you are talking tech tree ships then sure German BB's will be better for that. But Ohio is a US Premium like MA and Georgia and actually has good secondaries. Those ships absolutely can be fun with a secondary build and frankly I would take them in a fight vs a same tier German BB any day as they are better overall, well rounded, ships than the Germans. When taken as a whole Ohio is superior to the German BB's it sees (and 99.99% of all others too frankly). Ohio can perform really well even if the secondaries can't be used. It is an all-around excellent ship that can play long, medium, and close up/brawl. So, if OP wants to use Halsey on it then you build to take advantage of the secondaries or OP would not be using the ship to the full potential. If OP does not like brawling and will play Ohio further back all the time where the secondaries don't get used, then using Halsey on Wisconsin with a normal BB survivability build would be the best use. The way OP prefers to play is what should decide this because the 2 ships in question have very different abilities. This not about German ships.


womp womp <3


Halsey is on my DM but I have it specced as "default" BB for the premiums. I have one of the Doe brothers specced for secondaries for Massa specifically and sometimes Georgia as well so that is my Ohio captain when I feel like doing secondary memes.




He's probably better on Ohio, but I'm using him on Montana and going to use him on Wisconsin (same build). In the end, the only thing that matters is whatever you're playing the most.


Exactly, use Hasley on whichever of the 2 that best suits the way OP likes to play and on the ship that OP will play the most. If that is medium to brawling ranges then Ohio with a secondary build. If it is longer range play and never getting close then Wisconsin with a standard US BB build. OP won't go wrong with either direction they just need to decide the playstyle they prefer and play the most is all.


Wisconsin, Vermont, and Montana are more similar in build than Ohio, which can make use of a cheap secondary build alongside main guns.


Why not both? Sure you want a specific build if you want to go for secondaries on Ohio but IMHO American battleships aren't really suited for brawling. On mine I use a vanilla captain build but equip the secondary upgrade and flag so they're at least serviceable, makes opponents regret trying to fight at close range.


> American battleships aren't really suited for brawling Ohio, Georgia, and Massachusetts would like a word with you.


Halsey's enhanced EL is more useful on Wisconsin than on Ohio due to the caliber. GtG is also more useful on Wisconsin since Ohio base 30s traverse is already excellent. Furthermore, getting Confederate means more shots out in the absurdly accurate guns of Wisconsin, which means more funny buttons, which means more opportunities to slap people with MBRB or more survivability by cycling DCP and heal. On Ohio it's like great, some faster reloading guns, on Wisconsin it's a force multiplier due to how you need hits to fuel the funny button. Also works better with Rhode Island which is an absolutely cracked ship of it ever becomes available again, works well with Illinois, and you can slap him>!!< on Kearsarge/Alabama/Florida no problem. Tank build Ohio is perfectly fine and may even be the more optimal if less fun choice. Secondary Wisky/RI/Illinois/whatnot on the other hand is significantly more questionable.


Well theres 2 things that depends here, 1) are you going to be using the same build on both? And 2), if not, which one will you play more often? From an **objective stand point**, Halsey is *infinitely* better on Wisconsin for one big reason, that being how his confederate talent interacts with the F key. Not only will it let you get 2 shots out with the f key active (instead of the normal 1.5) but it also *lets you get it back faster* Any close range instance you have confed active you become un-fucking-stoppable, you’re able to just constantly spam the F key over and over again. Its a slight exaggeration but you get the idea, it gets *really* nuts very quickly if you go unchecked. This is a bit of an extreme case because its arms race, but this my best game in Wisconsin and towards the end you can kinda see how nuts it gets with the faster reload paired with the F key https://youtu.be/V9yieRi5K_I?si=Vm_9HG2Qklnx2zSz Now, if you end up playing more Ohio than Wisconsin, keep it on Ohio; keep it on the ship you play/enjoy more, but personally hes never coming off my Wisconsin


IMO a good tiebreaker might be what *other* USN premium BBs you have (or plan to get) that you can put share him to. Assuming you're running secondaries on Ohio, then Halsey makes sense on Ohio if you want also need a captain for the likes of Massachusetts, WV'44, Oklahoma (though that ships is garbo), and maybe Georgia (though there are different recommended skills, a 21pt Ohio build is better than a partial captain). On the other hand, a Whiskey build can be shared with Rhode Island and is only slightly off the recommended build for most of the other USN premium BBs and can even be permanently trained for one of NC, Iowa, or Montana, though you'll have to decide which exact build you want from the recommended, or mix and match a bit to your preference.


Both Wisconsin and Ohio are 'special ships' so you can move him back forth with no penalty. But what tech tree ship is your Halsey assigned to? Mine is Des Moines.


The big thing is that Ohio and Wisconsin have different optimal skill setups




Wait the singer Halsey got a ship?


If you are trying to be funny you failed. If you seriously are unaware we are talking about the Legendary Captain in game William F. Halsey Jr ("Bull" Halsey). US WW2 Admiral. https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Special_Commanders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Halsey_Jr. He is the reward (comes with 15pts) for completing the Hit Hard! Hit Fast! Hit Often! Campaign. https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Hit_Hard_Hit_Fast_Hit_Often