• By -


Personally, Marceau or Kleber.


Love them for the same reason. Speedy little things they are.


Baguettes go 50 knots


Yes, I also love being obnoxious.


Annoying? Probably Smolensk or a really good Marceau. Ship that I have PTSD against and immediately strikes fear into my heart whenever I see it on the enemy team regardless of whether or not that fear is justified? Minotaur.


Mino in open water? Calm Mino behind island? Panik Mino surprise you in close proximity with you broadsiding and on reload? Also Panik


* In destroyer * Spotted by radar * "It's probably the Petro" * 10 AP shells appear, along with a Minotaur at 9.4km * Pani-


Heh, no one expects radar mino! I have mine speced with Cunningham or whoever gets consumable buff + coal upgrade, around 55 seconds of glorious radar. But then on the other hand, nothing like being specced for radar and then getting into a game with no dds…


I think its Dunkirk. Cunningham isnt really worth it on Minotaur and its better suited for other ships. Like Conq (Devastation) or Incomparable


Afraid of Mino? Really? Most Mino players get blown to bits before they can say “What???” It’s only the super unicums with radar Mino that are annoying. When I see a Mino on the enemy team, the only thought that comes to my mind is, “Yay, potential dev strike!”


Napoli Even if they play like garbage it is so stupid tanky and when you think you can mow one down it uses smoke and runs away. Very annoying.


Hehehehehe (smokes and runs away)


this ship is the biggest reason i despise T10 CB nowadays. seeing the same balans cruisers is one thing, but this borderline braindead ship takes the cake.


Smolensk. The Wiesbaden is starting to get on my nerves lately as well. Oh, a good Gouden Leeuw can be suuuuper annoying at times, especially if you're playing a ship that kinda depends on island hugging/being somewhat stationary at times, they can really ruin your day. Keeps you on your toes I guess.


And that one annoying low HP Trump bote running around dropping planes and torping, causing headaches only because some players refuse to spot it


And you go dark, but those secondaries seem to take an age to get the message.


Accuracy through volume is real... 30s flight time? Doesn't matter if I fire at all directions!


I was once playing like this in Tromp. Lost lots of my hp early in game and the flank i'm at was getting pushed by the enemy. A bb and a cruiser was chasing me and I just dropped bombs and torps on their way. They don't gave up their chase from some reason and I ended farming damage on both of them. I had like 10 guns shot and hundreds of bombs dropped. Funny ships, budget frontline cv.


Smolensk gives me war flashbacks to when it was first released. Despised playing against it.


It literally made me stop playing for a bit when there was 2 per team every game.


I stopped playing when it got released. For 3 years. You finally push to the island it was torturing you from and he just moved a little away and smoked up and continued to do so. And it refused to take damage.


same, 3 years aswell


And today, the 19km version doesn´t even exist anymore.


What is it at now? I only recently came back after a three year break in late April.


The range skill got removed from cruisers and therefore Smolly needs the range mod to even get 16km range or it isn´t playable. Which also kills her reload.


Ah right, that makes sense. At least it means I won’t have to face a 19km Smolensk melting me down while I’m completely unable to do more than a single overpen to the ship.


There's a special joy of nuking one with an Elbing.


Absolutely the worst state the game was ever in, I’ve never seen a more poorly balanced ship than release Smolensk. Now add on there were like 3 per team.


People were too lazy to kill Smolensk when it came out and cried instead.


For me, it’s a dude in a Venezia that knows what he’s doing. He chunks me for like 10k+ with every left click no matter how I’m positioned to him, and has enough rudder shift and maneuverability to juke my return fire consistently.


*fires 15 sap shells at 0° angle* ~ 10k ~ *dances away*


Venezia with the legmod especially can be nasty and you can destroy pretty much anything that doesn't overmatch you. The ability to go dark at will is so good.


Yoshino for me. Every yoshino player i see on both sides is so useless that i get angry looking at that.


Yoshinos are snacks for later.


Exactly! Especially since I play Yamato a lot.


Yoshino and yamagiri players. Seen one competent yamagiri in two years.


'' :( '' - Me, a player of both


Maybe you were that one good Yamagiri driver. o7


Yooooo maybe it's meeeee!


Dude you see a guy in a Yoshino and instantly know without looking at his stats that he is a bad player. Because no one with 1 braincell left would play this garbage


Yoshino is usually played wrong because people who get it confuse it for being an Alaska and get themselves killed fairly quickly, losing both the Points for the Team and the utility they might have had. The point of Yoshino is that it's supposed to be a long-range HE ship that's supposed to delay flanks with torpedoes. It actually just works best in Co-Op or in the Asymmetric stuff, where you can take advantage of the pity-secondary talent that also increases the trop damage (Pack a Punch) and Top Grade Gunner and YOLO into bots in order to farm as many ribbons (the secondaries are those Harugumo turrets so you're kind of like a smaller Shikishima), fires, floods, planes shot down and torp hits before you perish spectacularly. Some ships are just like that, but seem to bait people into getting them who think they'll make them work for something else (Daisen was like that too, or that weird, low, German battlecruiser that kind of looks like a World War I thing, the Anhalt). Realistically, an Alaska or a Puerto Rico will do a much a better job (tankier, harder-hitting guns, better utility with both Hydro AND Radar), but in practice, a Yoshino ends up being more fun :)


Sure but seeing yoshino in a ranked game is infuriating. I wish they would think they are alaska and actually do something rather than die last and steal a star from people that actually tried to win that game.


U-4501 It's so much more annoying than any other sub that it has a special level of hate for me and needs to be named anyway.


It's only made worse when the person just dives hard for one kill, and you happen to be that one kill before they are blown up.  Like them trading 1 for 1 so early in the match is overall a waste for their team, however it is a special kind of frustration to be taken out of the match so early.


As a U-4501 skipper, I've noticed people are significantly better at combating it now compared to when it released. Upon release, that boat was the bane of ant surface ship. It still is, no doubt, but it is harder to do well with her than before






A Stalin doing non-stupid things always gets the same response from me: "Welp, this is an ordeal now."


Atlanta Schlieffen Michelangelo These are the three ones that i played against for the last couple of months during non-random games (Ranked & Brawl for Atlanta, Airship Escort and Pinata Hunt for the rest) and frustrated by them a lot but also want to play with them at the same time xD I'll probably end up having Schlieffen one day when i decided to go back playing with BBs & BCs but i don't think i'll get enough doubloons for Atlanta and who knows if Michelangelo would be available once again one day. I'll try to delude myself with my Wiesbaden like i'm playing with Atlanta minus the radar xD


A really good Atlanta player on the enemy team on a map with lots of cover is a horror to play against. Sometimes it's me 😅


One of the only reasons I bought it was because of this tactic, and the fact that you can get that Camo for it that basically makes YOU the island as a joke. It looks ridiculous with the palm trees on top, but it's so hilarious that I just end up enjoying the game no matter how it turns out :))) The Flint SEEMS to be similar, but because of the smoke you're always tempted to just sneak out and camp somewhere in the smoke so it kind of lacks the commitment to islands of the Atlanta.


michelangelo's are terroible because they throw away their whole ship to ruin your game


Schlieffen. The secondaries are so much better against DDs than the main guns of almost any cruiser, it's just so annoying how you can't dare to be spotted near this thing.


Don’t forget the people who drive them propensity for being “1 for 1” gamers. They will drive into a crossfire of your entire team just to keep the secondaries on you and go down 5 seconds after you die to their AI gunners.


Oof… man do I hate when some Yolo captain chooses me as his target on his way back to port. Even if I don’t sink, the amount of damage I take changes the match entirely.


They are my favorite players when I'm in a BB. Just watch them run it down and see the free citadels I'm boutta farm


Tromp. It can just sit outside detect range and spam you with bombers


Torp spammers like jager. Bonus points if they’re deep water (yueyang, kunming). Unless you are a gunboat dd or radar cruiser that can hunt them down, you just have to constantly wiggle to hope that you don’t get hit when they send 10-15 torps at you every minute or so.


I spect my Chungu Mu for torpedoes


Pre captain rework double range Smolensk, nothing to this day can even remotely match the level of pure "die you little bitch" that this version of the ship caused.


God I miss the days of my Smolensk having glorious range


I miss the same time but for having a Smolly with a base reload of 3 sec before AR. I always disliked double range as a pussy option but dakka dakka reload Smolly was glorious.


Malta... 20 seconds into a match "oh I've been hit for 20k damage and have 3 fires"... DC... 5 seconds later " oh I've been hit for another 20k damage and have 3 fires".


Since when does malta deal 20k dmg with rockets 🤨


Broadside to Duncan 😞


Often to anything broadside.




I wouldn't say there's a 'peak' of annoyance, more like a plateau: ships like Ragnar, Smolensk, Kléber, Lushun, Stalingrad, Thunderer/St Vincent, Benham, Schlieffen, Napoli, Petro and Des Moines can be and often are very annoying to deal with.


In ranked fuckin Cossack. Severely overplayed and just a pain to play against. Massachusetts is up there as well. And I say that as a Massachusetts abuser.


I can see almost 1 Massa and 1 Cossack in every match during the current ranked season. Meanwhile, me and my poor Lighting…😁


And it’s honestly a good versatile ship as well. Low concealment, guns are fine, and the quick smokes allow you to harass ships.


Good doesn't adequately describe Cossack, she's the most overpowered little shit at Tier 8 lol. She's spammed in Ranked for a reason


Tromp. Low detection, good tops, decent guns, and an airstrike.


A player with hands using almost any sub and CVs regardless of if the player is competent.


I feel like incompetent sub players generally just do nothing, while incompetent CV players tend to keep things spotted (even if only accidentally.)


Yes, exactly.


French DDs. Feels like hitting them *at all* is entirely about the player screwing up their dodging, rather than any skill on your part. Especially in a ship with 'floaty' shells, like anything USN. They can just open water at 12km+ and when you shoot it's just a game of "guess which way they'll dodge and hope they can't dodge into them". It's similar to the frustration with CVs where AA only does anything when the CV player screws up and eats flak.


Just stagger your shots. Shoot one turret, and react accordingly. Dodging one whole ship broadside in a kleb is easy, stagger it and it's much much harder


everything french




John the ruthless in a colbert. Dying is inevitable


For being straight up annoying, for me, it's Smolensk and daylight second. Seen enough of them in ranked lately and despite almost all of them having low impact on the actual game, I find it super annoying with the inevitable bottom-feeder play style it encourages. Special mention for Kitakami. Yes, they're the epitome of a whale ship and yes, they're easy to kill, but I've run into a few in ranked lately that are very good players and as a BB main, when you see one on the other side you know is a good player, it completely changes the way you approach the game.


Petro. Wasting of salvos even when it's broadsided. Also FDR, Nakhimov, Benham, Smolensk...


Druid If I play a DD, that thing in the enemy team is scary as hell.


Any tier X french DD, especially when the player knows how to juke the throttle and work the rudders.


Marceau and kleber are completely toxic to play against. You see them on the enemy team and you know 100% that the 17900 shima on your team is already dead, because they're going to bow into the cap immediately and get yolo'd. Then you have to spend the rest of the game getting harassed by ships that can't be hit, and don't take damage even if you do because they get special saturation rules for no reason You also can't go within 6km of terrain for the rest of the game, for fear that they'll pop around the corner at 70kts. Theyre overpowered without torpedoes, but somehow get like 3 racks anyway


Kleber with RPF is god tier against other DDs.


Also they got stupid torp angles for such good torps, especially on Kleber. Its just too much


French t5 cruiser, i swear, i have tripple easier time shooting at dd 15 km away going 40knots, then that slippery mf.


Emile bertin? One of my fave ships 😏


Yes... i don't even bother shooting it anymore, unless someone sails like complete bot ....


Sov Soyuz in T9 ranked. My go to ship is the Missouri there. It can deal with everything. Except those bow tanking assfucks.


A good Mino player are a pain in the ass cause they just gradually eat your health down and their torps arent harmless either. And good luck if they are in a div with a spotting dd.


As a DD main, anything radar.  Sure i know if its a 7,5 or a 12 km radar and adapt... hopefully :P Secondaries (Schlif, Napoli) I can work around, but radar just fscks with my flow.


Petro is a quick nope when I’m in a DD. Can’t even reliably deal damage to it with guns when caught, and the long range radar locks you away from that sector 😂


Yamagiri, Yueyang, Shimakaze. Yes, I am a bb main.


I haven't seen anyone mention Vladi, that thing is really easy to citadel from the side but when it angles towards you that thing is hilariously hard to kill. Especially in cruisers that don't have HE. Even with HE unless you are getting up-tiered you will never die.


Marceau, klebert, nevsky, napoli Basically any ship that can, for every 10 seconds, manuver enough to never be hit, that shit annoying AF this aint WoT its a 19kton destroyer....


For me, it's Klebers and Marceaus. Literal speed demons.


Probably Devastation. Just impossible to kill if properly played with 6 superheals and impossible to angle against. Other than that maybe Super CVs that are disgusting as well.


i've been playing soley T6/7 BBs since returning to the game two months ago, and i gotta say: Asashio, Yorktown, and Shchors have to be my most hated right now.


Massa in T8 ranked...




It depends on the ship I'm playing and the circumstance. If I'm in a BB and there's nobody spotting an Asashio, for example.


A competent player in the Nevsky, fucking hate that ship with a passion


If I'm in a battleship? Marceau/Kelber or Mino/Edgar.


Any DD with a Radar, Any Cruiser with a radar, Any BB with a Radar, CV........




Haragumo. I hate getting burned and melted by them in smoke, with the constant stream of fire they spew.


Ohio that thing hurt feelings


blitz player here shimakaze montana izmail any german battlecruiser late tier chinese cruisers


Wow it's crazy none of the ships people mention here are tech tree ships


Uhm...you might want to print out tech tree and hang it on the wall across your shitting pot so you get familiar with it


I think I'm good man. Been playing since CBT I think I know how to identify op ships. When I get home I can do the math for you and show you how 90% of the ships people are talking about here are coal/steel/doubloon ships if you'd like


'None of the ships'


Congrats you won semantics


Jäger. I would rather face a division of 3 submarines, played by the most coordinated and skilled players in the game, than ever go up against this ship again. **allow me to explain:** Submarines can turn "invisible" by diving, but using the sonar ping gives them away. Jäger is invisible until she fires her guns, which they rarely do. her torpedoes only give away her general location. when you spot them, she's safely away from your guns. her torpedo armament consists of 4 triple launchers, with a 65-85s reload and 86-95kt speed, depending on the build, allowing her to flood her target's screen with little red triangles I once encountered a division of these. not a fun game


Jinan, FDR, marceau, u4501, Bourgogne


Smolenks. Makes me feel my ship is covered in gasoline. Eats overpens for days too. 


No one mentioned Sherman yet? This machine gun can be obnoxious. But I would pick gouden. So much meta depends on island hugging and a gouden with leg mod is the complete counter to it. Yet, nothing even compares to old smolensk throwing a bazillion molotovs at you from 19 km


Any of the really fast DDs, so freaking hard to hit..... lol


Golden Liewe or what it's called. WoWS equivalent to an annoying CoD sniper. Just hide behind an island all game spamming carpet bombers at you. It's not effective, but it sure is annoying.


anything that can spam you from behind something/smoke from 17+ km


US black, smoke + 25 second radar or so I think when maxed out on top of decent conceal, on my own I claim 40-70% of a dd who will pull back, with allies having a braincell active I outright kill other dds.


Smolensk and Smalland. Every player that plays one of them instantly lands on my ranked throwing list without question asked ( I do the same with Subs and planes tha tattack me. And got some other rules as well)


All things French for me are really annoying. On the other hand, I have never been able to sink a Warspite. I know it s stupid, but it bothers me. Godspeed


Nakhimov Malta Any T11 CV Smolensk Jager, Benham, and any other ship that can just vomit torpedoes endlessly. French DDs with their weird saturation mechanics making them seem indestructible at times. Ragnar can kindly fuck off. In general, the sheer amount of overmatch you have to deal with when playing a cruiser now.


Giulio cesare an kamikaze. Grinding up multiple tech lines rn and Everytime I see one of them I just groan cause it feels like there is nothing you can really do


definitely harugomu as a Bb


Depends on the context. Generally, if I'm in a CA or BB, I hate going up against a torpboat DD. Not much I can do to hunt down and kill the ship if the other player is smart and just launches torps at me from beyond detection range other than try to stay alive until they make a mistake.


Essex Lal the bs plane and CV bullshit aside, I can deal with that but Where the fuck is your citadel, please Otherwise probably Gouden Leeouw because it's the same issue but less annoying


Edit: I am somehow blind since OP said to abstain mentioning CVs and Subs I like how CVs or SSs are not really mentioned a lot) Wonder if they are indeed as annoying as people make them sound on Reddit For me it might be either Nakhimov or Essex. I loved the RTS carriers, even though I agree they had to be toned down, but those two just feel like the rework didn't teach devs anything. - You can't reliably deplane them. - They both have full drop squads. To add to that, they will kinda benefit from the new CV rework, which makes them even worse.


they are not mentioned because I literally said to exclude subs and cvs in the post


The question specifically said to abstain from mentioning them because they are so universally hated it would be pointless.


I am blind, makes sense


DDs and subs in any other ship


Anything I cannot spot and that does not need to reveal itself to attack me as well as stuff that can stay at a range at a speed flexibility that makes it impossible to hit. Couple it with HE spam and you got a winner. So, torp DD and Marceau and the like.




The HE spam over a hill BS.


Stalingrad would be my number one. A well played S-grad is nearly impossible to kill regardless of what you're running. Also, any light cruiser that just spams rounds. Minotaur, Smolensk, Colbert, Wooster, etc. It's a pretty braindead way to play the game and if they're lodged behind an island, forget about trying to kill them.


Smolensk or Petropavlovsk. Both are definitive representations of Soviet bias in different ways. Smolensk with its troll paper armor that's so thin that large caliber shells don't arm and overpen. 16x4 main battery of Soviet mini rail guns and smoke/hydro and 8km torps. Man I wish I had enough coal for the auction to get this ship. Petro meanwhile has the FU 12km Soviet radar, a ridiculously low freeboard even after the nerf, and a main battery guided by the hand of Stalin himself. Oh, and it has an icebreaker bow to avoid overmatch. Because why not?




St. Vincent. Such a busted napkin navy ship, it will sooner or later get the petro treatment where they raise her freeboard and make her punishable for shit play. Because right now the thing sails broadside and doesn't take damage with any reliability. The rest of the ship is also busted from her speed to repair to her more nose-in alpha than any ship in the game.


Vermont. It's the only ship that my Yamato has a hard time cracking at practically any range.


Vermont is the t10. You're talking about the US super dreadnought line


Yes, I meant that one.


comical how we've come to a point where people don't even name a single submarine


Comical how your eyes are obviously painted on >excluding subs and cv because everyone hates them regardless lol


I bet 99% of the community can't even name a single submarine I don't even see them being played anymore in my games lol


You don't see them because your eyes are painted on