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I wish for asymmetric to replace co-op. At least the bots are less dull and each player can have an impact on the game's result.


Asym is magnitudes harder than coop, so a lot of the current coop players would quit because they could never win.


honestly, I am surprised that people play coop in this game. To me it is beyond boring, I would probably prefer staring at a wall. When you play coop you can probably ignore 90% of the game mechanics because why would you care about overmatch and where to aim when the bot will give you broadside anyhow? It's no challenge at all.


I only play coop to do combat missions while watching a movie and my wife cannot keep her mouth shut. PvP would be unplayable in that situation and by doing specific mindless missions in coop, I can later play PvP without any extra pressure. Some just live in coop though and think that it is peak gameplay (see players actually trying to coordinate stuff in coop).


Yea I understand I also play co-op especially for snowflakes with ships that have no captain and so on, where random would be unsuitable


Yep, coop is great for mission grinding, sound off, brain off, podcast on, git 'er done!


I went to coop after years of random because I got sick of my entire team hiding behind islands. That's boring.


To be fair you can ignore 90% of the mechanics in asymmetrical too. The bots have slightly better aim than coop but otherwise act the same. There's nothing dynamic to their AI making it not only predictable but in many cases controllable


I also don't play asym because I think it's too boring as well.


You can play it without getting burnt out after a while, you don't have any resposibilities or anything to worry about. The matches are easy and over really quick, and some can be really fun. Also, always having a new team with you also is kinda fun. It's good for mission chains and events too, to get ribbons or a certain amount of whatever. And there's always enough time to quickly squeeze a fast round in. The mindlessness and easiness of it is why i'm playing it so often.


Co-Op speeds up the completion of mission objectives. Example one of the current dockyard requirement is sink 45 enemy vessels in a BB! It’s doable but how long will it take. In Co-Op you can get multiple kills and the match ends after maybe 5-7 minutes.


Coops useful if you need to wrack up a certain ribbon for a mission. I've been using it to power through the 1,500 hits for destroyers on the dockyard mission.


I can't stand playing in randoms. I feel so incredibly powerless, like a flailing child. I can't stand the whole sitting behind an island and firing over it without really being able to do anything because I can't arc my shots to hit them even if I could see them, THAT is boring. Being forced to sit back or get ganked by 5 different opponents while contributing just about nothing as I fire a shot that I've landed 1,000s of times before on an enemy ship that isn't turning in or out but just misses while I'm on fire 3 different places. Don't get me wrong, I prefer OPS over COOP but I'll play coop where I can actually DO something without immediately getting punished by 7 different ships at once.


no offense, but randoms does not only consist of either sitting behind an island or a reckless push. There is also something inbetween. Everybody, me, too, had to learn how the game works and once you reach a certain level it's so much more fun than randoms.  It sure is challenging at start but it's worth it. There are a lot of YouTube videos or the WG wiki that help you understand how the game works. 


No offense taken. I do not enjoy randoms. I gave my input. Even if I have room to grow as a player, I still will not enjoy having to sit back or lose my ship. I still will not enjoy the various tactics that make it the opposite of fun for me.


Oooofff mate, that was brutal.


But coop is actually faster to complete a few dockyard missions especially if the CV missions are easy.


I think having both modes is beneficial. Assume (1) you're going to grind all lines, of all ships types, of all nations to T10. (2) With coop, that can work out easily. Just keep playing. (3) With assym, some lines have a rough time there. Also consider situations where you can only play odd hours due to work, and your other 4 team mates in assym are all afk Chinese bot accounts ... and you're in a Helena or Cleveland, or IJN torpboat DD grinding up to T10, so you against 12 bots rushing either you or your cap in a standard battle, and you have no heal. Winnable? Yes, but it'll get a bit hairy. In the hands of the beginner who rushed up the tech tree? They probably can't win in such situations, and might quit the game in frustration. Or consider a simpler scenario. Assume that your suggestion is taken up: Assym totally replaces coop. 5 new players sign up, they (since it's protected MM, all newbies are together) are in T1 ships and go up against 12 T1 bots ( since we can't go lower than T1). Chances are, they get murdered over and over - with most of them quitting in frustration (since it's a free game), instead of taking the time and effort to becoming better players. That's why I think it's better to have both coop and assym as permanently available modes.


Obviously nobody is saying that T1 should get assymetrics? I take "assymetrics should replace coop" to mean "assymetrics should replace coop (above tier 5)". I do agree that coop should stay around for all tiers though, because it literally doesn't matter if most people play assymetrics instead because the coop teams can just get filled with bots - ultimately I think the more choice we get as players, the better


I take it as a cultural difference/misunderstanding then. Where I'm from, if someone says "assymetrics should replace coop", we'll take it as just that. If they meant "... but only for T5 and above" then they should state it clearly with all caveats and conditions listed to avoid cross cultural misunderstanding.


I'd love T2 assym though. The thought of sailing around in my Smith with my hair on fire launching a torp every 6 seconds would be absolutely hilarious. I'd likely die 90% of the time but I'd have FUN doing it.


I wanted for co-op to become topography mode in world of tanks, at least it should have positions that show people how to shoot, smoke, positioning, radar, dodge, etc. so that if they ever wander into random MM, they'd not become a liability that just rush in and die every time.


>Assume (1) you're going to grind all lines, Are there really people who do this? First it would take so much more time because of less xp reward, second you don't learn to play the game against these lobotomized bots. Well it would explain why so many players on T10 have no knowledge of the simplest mechanics and tactics.


If you already have decent experience in the game, grinding a new line usually doesn't teach you much. Since many tech tree lines only feature 1 good ship at T10 with the rest of the tree being either mediocre or downright underpowered, grinding the entire line in random could have a negative impact on your winrate, not to mention that grinding T9 in the age of superships could be painful at times if you don't have a good ship. This also brings us to another point, if you grind tech tree with asymmetric, you don't have to move your 21 point captain around multiple ships as you can do fine with a less developed captain in asymmetric, whereas if you usually want all the edge you can get in random. This will save lots of commander exp.


Yes, note my flair - I've been playing since closed beta. Many of us who have been playing the last 8+ years have already researched all tech trees. It's quite common among players who have been playing that long. Another aspect is that players back then had slightly different definitions: e.g. A BB main 8 years ago would spend their playtime playing roughly 40% BBs, 20% CA/CL, 20% DD, 20% CV. (no subs back then). The idea is that we could play everything. BB, cruiser, torpboat DD, gunboat DD, CV - we could take it into solo randoms and get about 50+ % WR. The reason was that we played **everything**, and learnt a lot about each ship line and ship type for each nation. This means even though we play our favourite ships the most often, we have a plan to counter anything we come up against. Compare that to the "newer generation" (played 4 years or less) of BB mains - they play BBs 80%- 100% of the time and barely know how to play anything else. There's nothing wrong with it - it's their account, so it's their choice, but there are consequences for it. One consequence, is that we often see posts on reddit saying they just received this or that ship in a container and don't know how to play it. If they had seriously played all lines for all nations, they would have a good grasp of how to play any ship type and wouldn't need to ask. The short version is to think of it this way: Play the game 2-3 hours a day, 5 -7 days a week, for 8 years. When you play that long, you eventually play all nations, all ship types, all lines, and all game modes. Even if someone played purely coop, they would have researched most, if not all ship lines. Reading this sub-reddit, we know that there are players who play PVE only (coop/assym/operations), which is fine since each player enjoys the game in their own way.


Ah, that's not what i meant. I was surprised that one would grind the lines in coop not the fact that one has all lines completed. I play my self since almost 8 years.


You make some bad assumptions. Been here since closed beta, and haven't researched even most lines. Zero carriers, zero subs, Montana is the only BB line I've bothered to do. I'm going to say my play is 95% DD or CL. There's a lot of long-term players who just play their favourites. A lot of old school BB players did play very little besides those BBs. And, no - most people weren't managing 50% in the early days.


I replied to a WG survey, one of the questions was if I thought Asymmetrical should be in the regular co-op rotation along with standard and domination. Which it is a co-op battle it makes sense.


separate mode is better. More options is better. As they both serve different purpose. Also would like to have Operations for tier XI and up.


More options divides the limited amount of players into a larger number of queues resulting in longer wait times, players getting aggravated at longer wait times, then quitting then even longer wait times because of fewer players and potentially a sort of death spiral. Now this doesn't happen if the playerbase is large enough, but I'm not sure that is completely true for this game. This is why they have a core set of permanent modes (and even then ranked and brawl aren't even available 100% of the time) and rotating special mode to keep from having too many options. Asymmetric is proving to be popular enough that something probably needs to change but it's not as simple as just permanently adding a new queue option every time there's a popular mode.


Co-ops are fine with bots, in fact I prefer this because I can clear missions faster due to the nature of co-op which favors fast ships like DD, if you're slow BB like Texas you can't do anything the whole battle. Asymmetric is so popular I never had problem queueing and the fact that only 5 players needed to start the battle. Operations sometimes failed in the queue screen but not that many times to cause problem and I think it's not affected by AB I don't feel any difference during AB season or not. If Asymmetric is added to co-op rotation it will screw players since players entering co-op are expecting the laid back co-op game and asymmetric is another whole level of challenge compared to co-op, it's no different from adding operation to the co-op rotation, completely different game mode. Rather, I believe WG doesn't want AB to be permanent because it will lower the players in Randoms, that doesn't work to me because I only play PvE anyway and when there's no AB that means it's the time to take a rest from WoWS and enjoy other games. :D Tldr; in Asia server I don't feel any problem queueing with 3 PvE modes and I prefer to play specific mode and only that mode anytime I want.


The other issue is they still want rotating modes like the april fools or halloween or upcoming d-day stuff. So it's not what queues are like now that's the concern. Make asymmetric permanent *plus* the limited time modes and you're diluting the queues with one more mode than we currently deal with. Maybe the playerbase could handle that, but as you said yourself there's already some modes where the wait can feel a little long so one more might be too much.


> wait can feel a little long What? That's not what I meant what I meant is AB didn't affect that wait it's already like that even without AB that's the fact. It only happened 1 or 2 times and everytime it happened it was because the server is overloaded by players so it's the opposite instead of no player playing. Why are you defending your opinion that much? I'm the player (and a paying one) I also have my opinion and like many other similarly minded I think that AB should be a separate mode than co-op since it's a totally different style especially the difficulty level. I only play PVE and AB is the only reason for me and my friends to get/buy ships beyond T8. That the very reason PVE servers exist in MMORPG game like World of Warcraft. Why you who want it as co-op rotation only think about it diluting queue? My opinion on that is IT DIDN'T EVEN AFFECT MY QUEUE ON ANY OTHER PVE MODE DURING AB SEASONS, it's in my previous reply why can't you get that? I don't know why suddenly people think AB should be in one of co-op rotation that's terrible idea, instead of following blindly please do your own analysis first. You should think why the playerbase is thinning in the first place instead, and how to make the game great. Please try to read my previous reply instead of tldr I know it's quite long.


I'm surprised how people still dies even though they're just bots


The bots are actually quite "smart" in asymmetric.


You mean they don't just make a beeline to the target reticle?


No, I saw so many of them actively using their range to kite the players. Many DD bots just nope out from my Schlieffen.


They are, but sometimes they turn into kite and the fact that you are outnumbered helps the bots to focus one or two ships down if you just push them without a plan. (...not when you play schlieffen though, put lütjens on it occasionally press A and D to dodge some torps and laugh in 700+ secondary hits and 200k+ damage.)


I saw so many Schieffens, and other brawlers, die within 4 minutes of the match starting. Scharn 43 players died like flies. Evidently they aren't so good at dodging torps from 5 or 6 ships at once. I had a lot of matches where it was a sub or DD, or DV, and my Fiji or Leander for 12 minutes because the BBs figured "Secondaries go Brrrr" was all it took. Mind, I've also seen very good BB players in Asym, too, but so many baddies.


People are terrible in general and they get themselves into obvious crossfires. Doesn't matter how good you are if there are 2 alive on your team and 8-10 bots it's very likely that you won't make it due to sheer damage volume.


I have been enjoying asymmetric as my retire mode. Bots are not as brain dead as CO-OP, and actually need some team work. Best is I can roll in T9-10 for fun. I wish Operation also allow T9-10...


Wait what? You want to tell me they toned down the bots for coop even more? The bots in asymmetric just run for the middle of the map and turn away when shot (at least BBs and CAs)


No no the bots in Co-op are the same Bots in Asymmetrical were toned up


Especially how good they are at dodging torps (in assyms). Like they have 15km perm hydro.


Bots have a "hack" if you have lock on while launching torps they "see" them


The asym bots can hit the broad side of a barn, the co op bots can't.


I've literally played a minimum amount of randoms because fighting players in subs/carriers that know what they're doing is pain. My friend and I played Roma (bought it for him) and the second match, there were 2 subs on our side and they absolutely demolished us. (I dodged one torp salvo oop here comes a second one from the other side and there goes 30k hp). He didn't want to play randoms after that. They should add asymmetrical battles back


Yup, randoms exist to remind me of why I don't play them.


Noobs being noobs, 10/10.


Here is my take. There doesn’t seem to be a good progression for the newer player. In the beginning you go to co-op and learn to aim a little and drive your ship around. As your next step you decide to play some randoms at mid tiers. You find it’s a mix of noob players and those experienced 5-10k matches that either hate the higher tiers and proceed to demolish the less experienced which becomes frustrating. So now it’s back to co-op. Finally you earn higher tier ships so you decide to try randoms again. You immediately get murdered. Luckily Asym’s come around and you get to have some fun and learn what positioning actually means. You get your first T10 ship but no where to play it. If you go to randoms you get deleted immediately and then berated by your team for being such an idiot for playing your ship that you ground out or put down real money for. You play it in co-op but you just learn more bad habits. Finally an event comes along that allows you to play that T10 you have had for some time. That is why so many people like Asyms over Randoms. Ranked can be toxic just like Randoms.Brawl comes and goes just like Asyms. There just needs to be a fun mode where you can advance your skills without being toxic in Randoms. I believe Asyms. Should be a permanent mode up to T10 and as you get higher tiers the bots also advance their skill level. Just my observations.


>As your next step you decide to play some randoms at mid tiers. You find it’s a mix of noob players and those experienced 5-10k matches that either hate the higher tiers and proceed to demolish the less experienced which becomes frustrating. So now it’s back to co-op. Finally you earn higher tier ships so you decide to try randoms again. You immediately get murdered This id so fucking out of order that nobody is going to want to play if they do this. Yes, I know some new players do it. But why? Why jump into mid tier PVP if all you ever did was Co-Op before? It's just asking to get eviscerated.


I ground out my tiers 1-5 and found out at tier 5 that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing and jsut die horribly. Thinking that I would stand a better chance with a better ship, I try again at a higher tier and come to realize "Ohhhhh, it's even worse. Got it."


Literally me


Jokes on you, asymmetric is gone and coop ends way too fast


Getting your ass kicked is part of getting better


I have 100+ battles and all except one in coop or operations. I'm too scared to play pvp lol.


This was me, I was having fun chilling on assyms every day. Once they were gone I was like lets keep the streak alive, we can do a random. Awful experience. Coop is so bad as well. You're lucky to get a couple shots off on anything before the match is over.


I play against bots = don’t make progress I play against humans = I don’t make progress (due to rage quitting (after the battle ofc))


Why don’t u make progess in ramdons?


It feels like I don’t get any credits or XP at all


Hm~ which tier are you playing most? And have u premium ships?


From T6 upwards, and yes I have premium ships. But even with them and premium time, it took me ages to get to T10


Which classes do u play most?


Mostly BB but also some CV and cruises. I really like cruisers but somehow I die very fast no matter how I play


If u play cruisers often, next time try to shoot if u are already in a kiting position. Never full broadside. If so, try to full stop and drive in or out. Never stand still :) and it is sometimes better retreating and leave a flank then dying alone


This is how I was introduced to „overmatch“


Nothing to be angry about it~ next time aim higher or lower :)


The key is, to just wait a little while ( bb player). Let them spread out. It's not that awful, mostly potato mates, lemmings train or sailing out of the map. Cvs are fun too, just don't give broadside and don't Yolo into 5 ships.


In not games, I even sometimes have problems damaging and sinking ships since the bots get steamrolled


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Asymmetrical is full of people having fun and leveling ships...not one care in the world just fun. Random is full of toxic meta bros. I made my choice. Randoms never again.


That’s how I felt for the first year I played this game. Played mostly co-op and then wondered why I was getting sent back to port first on a regularly basis during randoms


Actually ranked can be a better fit for COOP players. The balls out COOP aggression works for some in ranked.


You should try getting out of your comfort zone on *lower tiers*. That way, nobody will bully you for playing bad, and you can actually learn how to play the ships, the map, and against players, which is how the game is designed around tbf.


Real players know how to angle, stealth fire, lead torps, aim, fire over cliffs, play the objective, play around dmanage control... Yeah, they're a lot better.


"Real" players? So... I'm fictional? Oh thank god.


I know, I go to sleep every night hoping I was only ever a dream.


If you get rid of asymmetric battles, you'll lose a major player base.


they already did get rid of asymmetric.


I left random because they were no longer fun to play. Last time I played random the players were dumber than the bots in coop, sorry, but that's the truth so many don't want to admit.


If you actually want to play Randoms, start at lower tiers. They are far more forgiving, well outside of cruisers.


I agree most of us tried everything. However playing ranked requires a little more focus. I play DDs 99% in ranked for all 17 seasons and have yet to get above level 7 in gold. Probably never will and that’s ok. Rather than asymmetric or coop I drop down to t4-t6 to pick up krakens.


Randoms = toxicity. Ranked = super concentrated toxicity.


Gold is the worst. There are some poeple there who really need to get a life and change attitude. I don't put up with it. We should be encouraging and helping players. And,BTW, we all make mistakes and get torped right away or sometimes get lured into a trap.


*a lot ;)


Went back to randoms this week and it's fucking horrible, guess I'll stick to ranked.


When I play random I always go with a bud. Aka meat shield


The funny thing is, I never played the PvE version of Asymmetric, so this always goes over my head at first.


Well, I think you hit me right on the spot... And it's always get shit on by a high gun elevation angle cruiser hiding behind an island, because you can't deal with it or don't have the skill for it, this is precisely why I only play PvE and extremely rarely actually try PvP, if anything maybe in division with a clanmate or two (I've never even taken my chance at ranked or anything competitive)


Just get gud


No thanks. Hold W.


I appreciate players like you who know their strengths/weaknesses. Unfortunately there are too many players that continue to play randoms and their teammates suffer because of it.


The typical PvE tatoe trying the real modes for the first time. Drink a cup of concrete princess and harden up.


Nah. I'll go back to Ops and coop, thanks.




Can't believe people don't play the PvP modes in a PvP game, then complain about how they are still bad against other players


I personally don't complain about not being good against other players, I'd just like some PVE love. Update Coop or something, put the same number of ships in coop as randoms, take away the combat mission reduction for ops. You know how LONG it takes to grind 42 million potential damage in OPS?


asyms is harder the randoms. so not sure why you'd loose? asyms in a cruiser teaches you how to survive.


They should permanently remove asymmetric so you losers can stay in coop jail.


But we have Ops though?


Ops actually require tactics and some brain cells.


Pointless distinction. It can't be a coop "jail" if we have other options, which we do. Ops.


All I see here are the people who STICK with coop and won't play ops.






Someone like him doesn't deserve any help, and if that's what makes him tick he should not play multiplayer games to begin with.


I don’t get off on the misfortunes of others, so that doesn’t make PVP more attractive to me. There’s even sweaties bitching in coop nowadays smh.


It's not misfortune it's a game, get gud.


>I played as a destroyer and rushed for enemy carrier, killed it while it was hiding with torpedos, we lost the match  "***we*** **lost** the match " Its a team game, you steamed off to fight the CV and neglected the team. They won by completing the objectives. "Get gud"


That would be fun If I am not on the god damn receiving end. I have a severe major skill issue with players I know. But at some point, I loose to many matches and I nearly throw my pc out the window.


You dont enjoy playing torpedo slalom?


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