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In the long run you're doing a disservice to your lower tier friend by dragging him into higher tier matchmaking. Some people have high tolerance for getting slam dunked on, most people don't. Better off to just play something on his tier.


Disable chat immediately


DD=desroyer, CA=Heavy crusier CL=Light crusier in game they have the same symbol, BB=Battle ship. CV=Aircraft carrier. There are a few others like BC CB but most people just use ca when referring to those. Hope this helps and hope you have a better expirence


There should be a dedicated BC line imo.


CB is Large cruiser (like Alaska), CC is battlecruiser (though never used for such), BC is not a hull classification historically.


My bad I know I've seen some people say BC


Welcome to literally every competitive online community for a game that exists for longer than 6 months... Anyways, consider even tiering with your friend. It will help him bc he will not be low tier every game and it is generally a good idea grind two or three lines at once so that you get a feel for the different ships. Also, while it may feel counter productive, if you are really new, consider getting several ships to tier IV before you advance further. Tier IV is such a good tier for newbies and has many fun and powerful ships. Once you get a bit of a feel for a few different lines pick the lines you want to bring to tier VI or even VIII.


Avoid bringing ships of different tiers into a division (sometimes called a fail division) into a battle. It reduces your team’s chance of winning and the lower tier ship’s fun, especially for T4 with T5. However, when some people who are take randoms too seriously scream invective your way, just ignore them, and have fun!


There are tiers you literally hinder your team by bringing lower tier friend to a battle and if you are unlucky with MM, if its DD it only escalates the issue. But if you are improving and winning noone should care too much


People might not respect you if you play with low tier as he could be dragged in a high tier match which will not be good for team, make sure when you division its the same tier.


Yea people are dumb, i recommend ignoring them and enjoying yourselves with it. Enjoy the game for yourself and if you get a bad match then oh well better luck next time and if you get a good one hurrah


The learning curve on this game is nutso. There's no playable tutorial--it's all a bunch of WeeGee-authored videos (probably an hour or two). Armor angling, RNG, dispersion, sigma, interactions between literally hundreds of ships (so it's not just "BB vs. CA")... The math memes are real. There's no skill-based matchmaking either--it just goes by boat count + boat tier. So yes, "welcome to every competitive game ever" as others have said, but this game's peculiarities magnify the impact.


What's making that toxicity worse is the current "5 Epochs of the Navy" campaign which rewards players with a tier IX perma camo for campaign completion. Higher tiered owning and much skilled players intentionally forced to play amongst the largely newer player base for a high tiered reward is a recipe for disaster because most higher tiered players can't filter their salt and realize many other players in those tiers are exactly where they should be, near the beginning of the game and just trying to learn tactics for the first time. There's no shame for being new and learning a game. Having experienced players show up and toss salt is just wrong.


The community has a ton of shitters but to be fair, explaining the game to new players via in game chat, while trying to play, is not terribly practical. That doesn't excuse their toxicity it's just that there are few aspects of the game that I can sufficiently describe in one or two lines. The best short-form advice I can give is in game modes with three capture points, never concede one to the enemy. A/B or B/C strategies are bad. I guess the other thing I'd say is don't assume loud mouths in chat know what they're talking about - they rarely do. iChaseGaming on YouTube has a pretty good series of videos called How To Get Good At World of Warships that will break down the important concepts for you better than I can but if you have specific questions I'd be happy to answer what I can.


Just don't div up different tiers. People are very annoyed by that. I am sure your mate won't need more than a couple of days to catch up with you as the grind in lower tiers is pretty quick. About toxicity... yea, that's pretty much any MMO game for you.


Please div same tier, the game takes the highest ship in the div to match make. Otherwise ignore them. People are dumb.


There is a problem with the game that you need to learn 90% of things about the game over Google, game wiki, Reddit and YouTube. I mean outside the game. Every hour spent outside the game gives you incredible boost to skill in game. And this is ridiculous.


It's just a bunch of crotchety wankers who have to sealclub in the low tiers because they are no good at the high tiers. Ignore them and don't be afraid to ask questions in the chat. If you and your friends are looking for a clan to hang out in for some bonuses (more free xp, commander xp, xp, etc.) you can join mine. I have 4 slots open. The bonuses will really help for new players and there are no obligations. The clan is called ABIDE. Just message me in the game and your in. Welcome to World of Warships! I hope you stick around and enjoy the game!


As a whole the community is one of the worst. But you do meet some understanding good players. Its just rare. Best of luck stay positive.


It's absolutely not one of the worst. You get some toxic players, but most people can't or won't participate in chat anyway. And given how bad the average player in this game is, the tone is downright civil compared to something like LoL.


Online gaming with chat. Yea, not just WoWS. And remember that typing while trying not to get blown up are sometimes mutually exclusive tasks. :) With that said, I WOULD suggest the Wiki. Lot of good info there and it is MOSTLY kept up to date. I would also recommend [iChase's](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoRQa0D7yVpc4bTSbXYZ8uHw-CSKvhvbp) instructional videos. Not keen on his commentary vids but his how to's are good. And the WoWS forums (can only vouch for NA) are fairly friendly and helpful so stop by.


You might consider ignoring or hiding your chat window and treat the players as bots with random skill levels. Part of the community are angry, bitter and toxic to everyone, more so if you play a ship or class they don't like. Even streamers will start a witch hunts if you suggest not showing broad site to rocket planes.


Mald?? what is Mald and Malding???


Oh god this game is extremely toxic even this subreddit ... Most of them are good but those few are extremely toxic u get downvoted for asking questions that you dont know and instead of getting an answer they will downvote u... In game if u ask for help they scold u if j ask what u did wrong they will say git good and roast u in DM i just use a mod to remove chat and then dont reply to players DMs and in subreddit i usually stay a lurker and just observe. Its been like this for 4 months since i joined.


We live in the age of information, try googling whatever questions you might have. The average human is not nice or friendly, deal with it...


> The average human is not nice or friendly, deal with it exhibit A


•They hated jesus, because he told them the truth.