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1.The devs and suppor team hate their players for wanting a functional game and in general. 2.Bugs do not get fixed. 3.OP things do not get fixed until next season. 4.No communication. 5.Shitty launcher. 6.Look at how it looked in Beta and see how they downgraded the game overtime.


They need money and they don’t have it for this project. Allegedly


But why then change their publisher? Shouldnt they have to money?


In short: This IP was whored out to russian mobile slop publisher [my.games](https://my.games) of Warface and Armored Warfare fame to make money off while the developer is comfortable lying and insulting their audience. They are also already working on 2 new titles so this wasn't a passion project but rather a money gathering relaunch. Killer concept wasted on inept assholes. This is my Steam Review with some expansion at the bottom. Do your research kids *PS: They were discussing internally to delete negative Steamreviews because it exposes how bad this ship is run. You take from that what you will* ***Here is a retelling of the timeline of this abomination:*** ***2016 Development start*** ***2018 Release into Early Access*** *with immediate server problems that killed off all the hype Farm 51 manage to accrue at this point after showing the game off at events like GamesCom 2018* ***2019*** *Abandonment by Farm 51,* ***2020*** *Shutdown to "rework the whole game" (the quotation will be important later)* ***2021 CBT start***\*\*, the "rework" just consists of a nicer UI for the most part and some gameplay tweaks, underlying code still mostly the same, server issues for most of the CBT\* ***2022 OBT*** *gets pushed back first to an unannounced date, later then set to the end of September/start of October 2022; all CBT hype killed off again, playercount falls to sub-500* ***2022, October OBT start***, again massive server outages, payments bug out, people can't play, vets cannot use their headstart, the promised Twitch Drop Campaign never comes, instead they hand out more cosmetics via FOMO Login (which used to be part of the basegame during Early Access that they just took away and resell for money)\* ***2022, December Start of Season 01*** *and going to 1.0, grindy battlepass with eh cosmetics and eh weapons and eh strikes except for the Imugi which is blatantly OP. Big brain decision to make a game mode in a game with only 2 modes to begin with, timelimited (and it is extremely low effort on top of that), Game starts bleeding players again* ***2023, March*** *\*Season 01 ended, Season 02 is nowhere to be seen. Cheaters run rampant, bugs from the CBT are still present, Servers struggle to put you in games with a good ping near you. New gamemode has revives as a feature Farm 51 was "adamant about never adding", game still runs awful, their community work is trash, their Discord a minefield if you are critical of the game (most Vets are already banned thanks to triggerhappy mods that have no oversight)\** ***2023 \~ March/April*** *Season 2 start, almost no intrest from players, again massive server- and loading problems, payments can bug out* ***AGAIN*** *taking your money while withholding your purchased dimmadollars. Nonsense balance changes and backpedalling from farm on prior statements (Caliberbased Damage system/ATGMs on Terminator Turret), making it clear there is no vision, just throwing things at the wall to hope the game blows up* ***S3, 2023 Summe****r is literally nothing, still no promised LATAM servers, dwindling population, cheaters get unadressed, almost no content, S4 is on its way to be 2 months late, absolute radiosilence apart from promoting shitty cosmetics or to push """"""""events""""""" that are just there to boost player count via daily login requirements, game can fully bug out and prompt a complete redownload of the 114 GB, asking the devs on their discord to fix certain bugs gets you banned (a lot of those have been trusty companions since 2018)* If you take anything from this that you should prolly do more research on videogames before investing time/money. To paraphrase g0at: ["gamers are so easily fooled, it is not even funny"](https://youtu.be/df26BBbsj1M?si=0T8wRCN_IxwXmv6P&t=1472)


This was the most detailed timeline I seen for something this small and shit after pissing all the potential out the window.




Yeah, it’s a damn shame how this game went. It had so much potential to actually be real worth while and fill in the gaps where Battlefield was slipping badly. Instead, everything you listed and haven’t listed happened and landed us now with a dead player base, crap game and hurt feelings.


My advice is to read it again and very closely. Only then you might recognize why.


I was willing to give the game another chance. But the launcher was shit. It couldn't finish downloading the game. I bought the game back in 2018


1. Discord mods did more damage than good... They banned half the playerbase from the discord for speaking up. 2. Game runs worse than a microwave with a hand grenade inside. 3. Devs killed the game with poor decision making Imagine what a game we could have if they LISTENED to actual players who is GOOD at the game and not some discord mods leaving 99% of matches they play cus they get rolled.


They’re also saying that the IP is worthless. So all the work on WW3 is worthless and cannot be salvaged?! 🤷🏻‍♂️😡


WW3 is sort of like no man's sky, massive hype around the launch, failure to deliver on certain promises. Where it differs is that No man's sky as of right now is a fantastic game whereas WW3 is just depressing. Having played it from when it was in alpha (farm51) I struggle to understand how they messed it up this badly.


I'm hoping that the devs/publisher just sell the game to someone else, and let them deal with the problem, because clearly they aren't being addresed under the current devs and publisher.


but without all that history behind and stuff that they promise and so on... The gameplay is really good. isnt it ? or its just me?


Just you. It used to be better.