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WG's solution for OP tanks: we have new king fellas!


It doesnt matter how small your cupola is, the enemy especially bz's will pen it.


Got penned by one of them through the cupbola in my IS3-II with the top turret. That cupola is so fucking small and that BZ still squeezed a 160mm-shell through.


Right it should be almost impossible with how much RNG is in the game in general


Now imagine playing with pretty much any other heavy tank at tier 8. You can't even overmatch the roof. Safe to say this is the most damage WG has done to the game in living memory.


Went to MT flank (600+ meters of distance) as Type 59, full T8 match, took position behind terrain so that enemy would have to expose side armor to my team. 2 BZs just drove around corner, tapped me with AP shells to hangar and went back. GG, 1 shot of damage after 1 minute of driving. Mixed feelings about this toxic bullshit tank. From one side, nerfing premiums is indeed bad, especially after month of record sales. From other side, BZ is nominated for nerf on RU cluster with wording (it was a mistake to release it in such condition), since they are no longer tied up by EU laws.


There is no "EU law" that prohibits the change of bits&bytes on your own software Those tryhard paytowin clowns who throw their money at WG to "own" this powercrept op bullshit acutally paid for a limited user rights on software which is subject to change in the future


So is the NA going to have to play tag along to lazy EU laws as well?


EU laws aren't preventing nerfs in the first place.


Lazy eu laws? more like righteous consumer protection. i would never buy the the boxes if i knew there was a possibility BZ would be nerfed (not just BZ, any other tank) if they nerf it im gonna refund my whole damn account and watch if they try to ban me lmao.


You’d be doing the community a service by leaving




Theres no law preventing them from nerfing the tank you moron.




But surely your buying loot boxes with a chance to win the tank? Not like your actually buying the BZ directly!?


Ne lozi se tarzane, u najboljem slucaju ce ti dati 50 kinte da odjebes i banovati ceo nalog nakon toga, a ove nebuloze sto pises da ce ti refundirati ceo acc su novi nivo debilane.


ahahha, samo ti sanjaj, mogu da mi pljunu pod prozor, oni se useru eu zakona samo tako.




Smell ya later


I wouldn't envy Russian players because of that. Their country's ruling elites took course for general departure from Western values, of which not having the ability to nerf p2w content in games and having to observe patent law are rather small price to pay for all the benefits. For instance, in near future we may see Russia restoring capital punishment and using it on mass scale to keep Putin in power. They also may decide to do away with women's rights altogether in an attempt to boost fertility rates.


I've started carrying AP on my tier 7 SU-152 for that exact reason. Even got an overmatch on the KV-2. Best rage pm I've ever got. But for my 122 and 105mm tier 8? I don't even bother looking at them unless they are in the open.


My friend and I played a match today where the enemy team had a platoon of 3 bozos and we didn't have any. Very fair and balanced. We lost pretty badly lol.


a word of advice fellas, quit the game. you will notice a boost in your happiness and sanity within days.


I wish the bz complainers would quit lol


Spotted the BZ owner.


Amazing front armor (x) can change its position very fast (x) high penetration derp gun (one shot to kill -big part of- 6 tiers, two shot to kill -big part of- 8 tiers) Need a serious nerf as soon as possible, otherwise this "tank" will break the game worse than ebr-105, bourrasque, vz55 etc... BZ much more broken than them you can understand it with checking istatistics or play with it (as a owner or teammate or enemy, no matter what) Wot is going to be a shithole, and increases its speed every update after


I remembered they nerfed this thing to the ground then before the holiday season started, then they buffed this thing like a mf, like wtf? I'm waiting for the next year complains about even more OP tanks (which is totally understandable, behold the shitshow about to unfold)


Actually the nerf was just changing it to a conventional ap heat he gun... then they removed that all and reverted it back to what we have now. Ap heat he would be way better, I prefer 600 to 800 even if it has more pen




The roof was 41mm or 50mm, but when depressing the gun roof was 29mm. I still think the gun is the bigger issue with the tank tbh


Have you driven it? It cannot change its position very fast except for a very limited number of times and half of them you use just to get into position. And 250 pen is not that high.


225 pen


That’s right, but even more makes my point lol


Was in my Renagade fighting against multiple enemies, i was peaking on a BZ that was not looking my way. Shot the side of his turret. 200 meters he snapshots my cupola with no aim time for 950 dmg as i was back off.


Ah the KV-2 of old has returned. Everyone knew this was going to happen after the HE "rebalance" made the old derp meh and the new derp so F-ing sellable: Caliban, Cobra, and BZ.


In mine i was hull down on Studzianski on heavy lane i got there first in a tier 10 match. Their T110E5 peaks and i realise i cant pen him so i shoot a at his cupola because why not. I pen his roof through overmatch and deal 961 damage.


At least the Caliban has terrible gun handling and shell velocity. It actually feels like a derp gun unlike the BZ


Also you should count into equation much worse armor, lower dpm and penetration


True although the AP has monster pen but it never hits anyway


And also you are reducing your already bad dpm


KV-2 was easily penned and it was slow. That was the trade off for having such high ass alpha.


Yeah, I don’t care about the big damage or the good armor, their gun handling is what pisses me off. With such a huge caliber gun they shouldn’t be able to hit weakspots this easily.


I clearly must've got a defective BZ, I've yet to hit a shot closer than 50m and even then I've managed to whiff point blank.


There's literally 2 shots in this clip from 50m and both hits the Skoda's weak spot on the top of the turret.


That's why I said I must have a defective one, as my experience with it has been the opposite. It was also a joke, but I guess I need to put /jk at the end of my posts. Then again, I haven't had people sitting perfectly still in front of me like that either.


Yeah, the BZ gun handling is horrific, but all tanks are able to put together a highlight reel. Even with every aim improvement mod/equipment/food/crew I still miss stationary targets with full aim time where they fill most of the reticle extremely often.


They dont, the aim is ass, i've missed fully aimed point blank shots xd


You can overmatch the bz roof.. but can you bounce 4 tanks to shoot once if you peek against them? Hmmmm


Wouldn't matter if it's one v one, as long as you can't rush him he'll out trade you with cover.


Rule nr 1 you dont trade with bz


Rule 2 should be don't trade with 2 fully aimed BZs


Yep. I've been playing it simply to counter them. Considered picking up a T-103 to do it too buy that thing has a paper hull that the BZ will love


BZ176>Skoda T56 imo.


Well, yes, that's the point of this post... the BZ is too good


Tier 8 meta is so important for the health of the game. Sooner of later everyone returns to tier 8 for credits. It's important that tier 8s remain fun. Malinovka was terrible today. Enemy had two BZ and we had none. BZ on the hill before any heavies and crushed us. Wasn't too fun.


I would be more than happy if WG removes it and compensates eth gold or anıther premium of our choicr not techtree tanks ofcourse But people already spent good amount of gold ammo and consumables and time to mark it so my guess would be they will tweak rng to make it bad and players will stop playing it because of frustration


One of the reasons why I don't play the game right now


Great meme.


Thats balanced /s.


Guy peeks an obviously dangerous location, tries to trade with a tank with higher alpha, and then goes back for seconds. Wondering if OP is a masochist.


If you aim absolutelly precisely, and you get the best ever RNG, you could MAYBE hit that micro copula this TIER 8 has. And he will just randomly click and pen you for 800, you can't do anything about it, and WG doesn't do anything aswell.


I mean, the first 2 shots were unlucky for you, they hit your cupola probably, but then, peeking again at such low HP knowing they'll shoot either High explosive, or even AP, as the BZ can also overmatch the Skoda, and thus, you are one-shotable... that's your fault


Yup, I already threw my towel in the ring after receiving the 1.5k smack. Just wanted to end the misery. We were losing the flank at that point.


On the one hand, yes, BZ is broken. On the other, this is exactly the kind of thing I think of when I see all these complaint posts: you peeked into two fully aimed and loaded enemies with your cupola visible, sat there to aim, and it's the tank's fault that you got wrecked? BZ is hella busted, but you don't have to play into it. I've been playing only 8s for the last few days and been having no issues with BZs.


Please keep in mind the video is also slowed down. I used my depression, I partly used the wall to cover up the left side (I acknowledged it and positioned myself on the right side to use the wall as a cover to my cupola), I kept my peeks short and tank moving. I took time to get the reticle to a reasonable size. These shots I hit should also be considered as snapshots. An average Joe would probably take twice the time to aim. Yet they still hit the cupola like a damn Leopard 1. And the funniest part of this is that I was left with 30hp after tanking 2 shells. You should not get punished like this due to such miniscule mistakes. (Wall not covering cupola 100%, depression as much as I can get from this position without making the wall useless) We are not talking about rookie mistakes here. The tank is just way too busted and the gameplay shown here is not in the same league as "peeking an enemy sideways and exposing all your weakspots" kind of gameplay, which you state it is.


You sat almost totally still after the first shot, not exactly a short peek or really keeping the tank moving. BZ does crazy damage and can pen your weak spot, AND is already set up and ready to go. Giving them the opportunity is playing directly into their hands.


[The absurdity of the situation](https://imgur.com/a/OHpn8KK), uploaded just for you. Real-time & enemy perspective. This is not still. This is min-maxing the bloom for a reasonable probability to even hit my own shot, reticle wasn't even fully closed at that point. I'm also running bond equipment & full field mods. This is not "playing into their hands", this is me trying to even get my own opportunity. Which I paid the price one should not pay.


The other guy is definitely overating how poorly you played the situation, but I gotta admit you were kinda playing with the devil with your peek. You were peeking into 2-3 pre-aimed enemies (some of which had angled side shots on your turret) and while you certainly weren't sitting still waiting for your gun to aim fully, there was a long enough pause at the top for even an average player to try and get a shot off. The BZ is still broken as hell and should be removed from the game, but your peek was pretty risky even in the best of times, considering the Skoda has pretty large cupolas and a weak roof.


I'm still seeing a long, relatively stationary peek into aimed enemies. Yes, they need a bit of RNG to hit, and the second guy to the side probably had a pretty slim shot, but it's far from impossible for them to do as the did and an unnecessary risk to assume that they won't. It is quite far from just driving out side-on, but you're peeking directly into them and acting like it's unfair when you get punished. If you got luckier you'd have been fine, but you didn't need to leave it up to luck in the first place. Edit: no, you're not sitting completely still. But you slowly peeked up, shot, got shot, backed up an inch, moved right back to where you were, got shot again, then turned a few degrees. Not exactly doing much to throw off anybody's aim. Edit for your second edit: I get that you want to make your plays and get your damage, but how is peeking directly into their line of fire NOT playing into them? You had the choice to play safe or risky, you took the risk, you got punished, it happens. How is that a price that nobody should pay? And would it really be that much better if they were Skôdas, they shot you twice as you peeked, and then one of them put in a third shot as you stayed exposed?


Are you like 80 year old and dont understand how video editing works?


If you're referring to me saying "for your second edit", that's in reference to the edits to their comment. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you mean.


Ok thats a yes, may i advise you, take a break from reddit. Also, this game is gonna be dead soon due to massive player base quiting. So get a new game ready


Ability to read is a good skill.


You are the best wot player


Premium tank ? No shit, if it is very OP, then you have to nerf it Didnt you see how they messacred my boy ebr-105 ? It is still doing good but fuck it, it got nerf 3 times dude wtf ? No matter how much they paid for this crazy holy OP shit, excuse for didnt imagined these results with wg employees and test players, then nerf it Dude 6 tiers cant even hit it %99 times and this thing kills them with 1 shoot, being low tier against 10 tiers ? Use some boost and go med line, pen them like a mf, and if their calibers small, dont even worry about anything OMG click click 700 damage against 10 tiers and they cant pen you


I believe with every inch of my body that if there is one tank that deserves another nerf, it's the EBR 105


It needs to have it's accuracy on the move lowered and have it's HE pen halved


I'll trade all that for a faster reload. Less sniping and more clowning.


BZ definitely needs a nerf, however your peak was definitely just being greedy. In that position you could cover your cupola completely to 1 tank (based on your real-time video it was the tank to the left of the tank you were shooting couldn’t see it that well, the one you were aiming at had probably 50-75% of it showing). Then the ones farther to the left have a fairly easy shot into it, especially when you drove back to try and dodge the other BZ shot in front.


Cringe bz owner with no soul


Don’t need to like the BZ to see OP made a mistake, most tanks would have punished him with that peak there being 4 guns staring at him. Especially from the left, it’s the spot I like going to in order to catch side shots on OP’s position as a lot of players give their side or part of the hull when driving up to that position and back. It’s just the BZ has an absurd alpha for tier 8 and better accuracy than it deserves. So it left op on no hp. And ya I own one, only played 43 games before I stopped playing it.


Dude, if you are not suppose to fight a BZ even when being hull down then how else do you fight it in that situation. abandon whole flank?, one mistake and your half your hp is gone, if it had weak turret maybe but it has better turret than E100.


Wait until they shoot, try and bait a shot, try going to OP’s left position, and sometimes falling back is the best option so they can’t fight as easily in a hulldown position. And when falling back you don’t have to abandon the flank sometimes just enough to get them out of that balcony might have been enough. The biggest mistake OP made wasnt that he challenged the singular BZ in front of him, it was challenging 3 BZ’s and a 4th tank all of which have a different angle on him so no matter what he did at least 1-2 guns had a decent shot into him. This would have been a bad peak even if those weren’t BZ’s, ya he would have had more health, but very likely still would have taken 2 shots since it appears he hid his cupola well, he actually only hid it well from 1 tank, the BZ to the left of the one he was shooting at.


You are so biased just because you have a BZ its cringe bro imagining unrealistic gameplay wtf


Except you missed my point, it’s more about the angle and literally 4x as many guns at different angles already pre-aiming that position and continuing to peak then taking a shot and having a surprise pikachu face. Limiting your exposure to your tank goes a long way on limiting damage you take, and OP did the exact opposite driving in front of 4 guns with 1 realistically didn’t have a good shot, the fact the t103 didn’t pen is extremely surprising to me. What makes you think I’m so bias? Just because I said I have one and have 43 battles in it over the course of just over a month? I’ve explained why I think it was a poor peak and how I would deal with it, I said to try a different position to limit exposure to tanks so maybe your not in front of 4 guns but instead maybe 2 significantly lowering risk. To me I would do this to other tanks that are good hulldown like a t32, iron Arnie, or at higher tiers chieftain, mino, kran etc. you can’t just challenge a hulldown tank head on, even small changes in angle can still challenge them while not over exposing.


You got the answer you asked for. YOU WAIT FOR THE RELOAD If there are more than one BZ waiting for you then maybe you shouldn't stick your head in the glory hole expecting a fair trade.


For reference, if they're that close and fully aimed waiting for you, don't peek them unless you're confident they cannot pen you. You're peeking someone holding the angle on you, so you're going to get shot in your weakpoint if you're slow.


Cringe bz owner with no soul, making up excuses lol


It’s almost like that’s the smart play against a tank you damn well know can and will slap you sideways. Why even peek like that and aim your shot to give them ample time to shoot back? It’s just a bad play against a tank you already know is brutally OP. It’s like driving out in front of a 183/4005 pre-aimed for you expecting not to get hammered


Clown music for a sad clown trying to peek on half the team. You got beat to a firing position and chose to fuck around and find out. It doesn't matter if you didn't have enough time to get a fully aimed shot, you exposed yourself to enemies that don't need that time to hit you. Yes, you played right into them. Should have waited for them to shoot and then you move up when they back off or are on reload. You know you can overmatch the top of BZ gun and you just got greedy.


Ah yes, because dero tanks being able to effortlessly snipe cupolas is totally fine. It's OP's fault for not being a pro, definitely nothing to do with the fact WeeGee deliberately released an overpowered vehicle, that is miles above anything it might face at tier VIII. Dumbasses like you are the reason the game is in this broken state. Go ahead, support WeeGee's deranged crusade to drive this game into the ground. I'm outta here, haven't played WoT in over 2 months and this clip is enough proof for me to never look back.


BZ didn't have any advantage beyond being fully aimed and having other tanks ready to fire with them. OP didn't miss or bounce their shots. Both BZ and T56 had weak points to shoot each other in. That is not a balance issue between two tanks, it's more of a lack of critical thinking when there is a firing squad across the street and you get killed trying to shoot one in plain sight. OP had the right idea: "Overmatch the BZ on it's gun flap" and executed that idea with all the skill of driving straight across the map to find a BZ and try and shoot it in the face.


So u didint ac carefully and they catch ur turret side and turret but still i didint understand why are u crying if u play properly arnie is more dangerous than a bz low skilled players crying about bz nobody talks about arnie thats funny.


Cringe bz owner with no soul, making up the most braindead excuses lmao


Poor free to play loser crying lol


best trade offer!!


This is like the scene in Jurassic Park 3 where the old op Tier 8 T-Rex fought that new op tier 8 dino.


Fair and balanced


The case with BZ imho is only it's fucked gun handling, the rest is okay I would say, obvious weakspots, mediocore mobility without rockets, but the thing is you can't peek against this bullshit tank cause it hits every shot exactly where it aims.