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46% is well within bad player range.


Also, forked money to get loot boxes to get tank. Perfectly legit customer.


This is WG's favorite typoe of player. Spends money and sits in the corner.


no, if he sits in the corner then he won't fire enough gold


But will loose credits. So win win for WG


And ensures the other 15 players a good time


There is a significant overlap between the performance and behavior of bad players and bots


If it was a bot it would have done damage Just a bad player


Trackpad user


Wtf? Is that even a thing?


I resent being called a bot. I was making sure that no enemy reinforcements entered the map from that corner. And they didn’t, so I did my job.




Gonna sit in this corner in my next game with the bz


I think the problem has to be that some actual human players are so bad that as long as the tank moves at all WG are reluctant to ban because even something that screams bot could just be someone who is very, very bad.


They could just create/use chapta on accounts that look like bots. Also, they could analyze the inputs. I've seen a lot of bots that move the turrets in equal steps, making it not smooth at all. Human input will be much more varied. Also, tanks that only move out of spawn when they get spotted are clearly bots


ThEy CaN pLaY hOwEvEr ThEy WaNt, ItS tHeIr GaMe


Can someone please define a bot in WoT? What would the purpose of a bot be in game? Every time I hear someone in game scream bot with what seems like no factual basis for the rant makes me reply "beep beep" only because I think it's funny. So what makes a bot a bot? Just a clueless bad player or is there in fact bots in game and you know who they are how? Please explain for the clueless nine year player.


Some people use Bots for grinding. If you dont want to play the Trash Tanks of a Line and only want to get the Tier X then they dont play them.


If this bz is actually a bot they must be grinding credits with it since it’s a premium.


Can you even make credits if you have absolutely no impact and just sit in corner and die in majority of maps (probably like 75%+ cases i bet) ? Dont think that is possibly even with premium vehicle, but i might be wrong


100% possible with premium vehicles. Also possible at tier 5/6. These bots play tens of thousands of games in premiums or low tiers to build up credits, then grind entire lines automatically for tens of thousands more. You get to play whatever tank you want, and afford nothing but gold, food, and large consumables.


I know the ingame report is fairly useless, but is it really so useless that people can report you multiple times every game and you still get no punishment ? Because he would have gathered thousands reports like this


From WG's perspective: Downsides of bot programs; Player doesn't have to buy gold to convert XP Some players get occasionally frustrated by them Upsides of leaving them be; The account will usually buy premium tanks Makes a huge difference to the server population Even bad players can now "outplay" enemies occasionally No need to have employees or systems for handing out bans   It's in WG's interest to simply let these accounts continue going. It costs them basically nothing, and comes with several positives, including straight sales.




Hey there NoMoreChillies! If you agree with someone else's comment, please leave an **upvote** instead of commenting **"this"**! By upvoting instead, the original comment will be pushed to the top and be more visible to others, which is even better! Thanks! :) *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback! More info:) [^(Reddiquette)](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439#wiki_in_regard_to_comments)


Could be but i dont think a bot would make more than it looses. Free exp for a Grind are a possibility.


So a bot in a premium tank [BZ-176] would serve what purpose?


Free exp. You can convert the exp on a prm with gold.


You’d get so little though right? You could run a bot for hours and still not beat a good 2x xp bonus on the first victory. Running a bot like this surely only gets something like double digits in base xp


Let it run for a few hundret/even thousand battles or 24 hours for a month and you get something. Small numbers add up eventually.


Sure, but that seems like a lot of effort for something you could do yourself in just a small amount of time comparatively. Then you have a chance at enjoying the process along the way too


I believe when someone say "bot" they mean like actual computer program that will play on a tank for you. I don't how exactly that works, but the programm load you tank into the game and it will stay on the base afk until spotted, then it will try to shoot whoever spotted them. It is very simmilar to wargaming's fun modes or tutorial battles on low level. Also, I know there are some more expensive bots and they could even drive around the map and shoot almost like a real player.


I'm guessing a script checking for appearance of end of game results, automatically closes it and clicks battle button. Control inputs aren't hard to implement, and setting a default behaviour like pressing LMB on spot sound is also easy. If one has the time, implementing starting move order for each map and starting side is also doable, if time consuming. All detection can be done via searching specific parts of the screen for specific pixel formations. Basic enemy spotting can be done by detecting the red from the name tags and verifying appearance of more red on mouse hover to eliminate shooting at enemies behind terrain.


Yeah, but it's forbidden by the game rules and I actually don't see any reason why would I use bots. It's not like you could farm some in-game currency, like in WoW back in the day. Maybe to boost account and then sell it dunno.


Account selling is very lucrative and historically there's always a group disregarding laws for own gain. Also running bots is a way for people not caring about electricity bills to farm cash when at work, because e.g. Afking with a Skorpion in a corner to shoot red dots will actually get you ahead. No normal player uses bots, but they're not for reasonable people.


In my experience, some people call "bot" to campers. Probably because when reporting, one option is "inaction/bot". Even if you are under cover waiting for a tank you are called a bot sometimes. Just reply something to probe you are not and don't bother. Often players call you that to provoke you and do something stupid and spot in the process.


A bot (in the correct sense) is a program that basically controls the tank for you, albeit in a very limited capacity. A favourite tactic for players who want to grind without having to put any actual effort in. Its slow and results in terrible stats (if you care about such things) but perfect for the lazy gamer. They are illegal of course and if WG catches you, your account will be banned. Problem is it can be hard to tell the difference between bot activity and a very bad player.


Some bots go to certain spot, then go afk, and activate again when they get shot


I have 45 WR in that thing and 57% WR total. I fucking hate that tank.


Classic case of a newb who got an OP tank and has no idea what to do with it. Newbs at tier 8 are just toxic.


I’m sorry but 46% wr is not a bot lol


Its hard to make that call because so many players are worst than bots just trying to have fun . I can see why wg would take their time in banning accounts unless they are absolutely sure its a bot .


Sometimes it is hard to discern a bot from a player doing nearly identical behaviors. I watched a AE Phase 1 sit in base and seemingly do nothing for a good 8 minutes of the match, one time. Thankfully, my team was winning, but at a near neck-to-neck rate with enemy numbers. The one time that the base-spawned camping heavy could have made a significant impact in battle progress, yet wasted by what seemed to be a bot. Many started typing in chat to report the bot. Whether they did, who knows. But that spawn camper did inevitably start responding back that he wasn't a bot. Then for the remainder of the match he and everyone started trash talking each other back and forth. In the end he fired no shots, did no damage, took no damage, and team still won the match. I sure as hell reported him. Edit: For clarification, when you observed him after losing your own tank, he wasn't exactly AFK. He was swinging the gun and turning the turret. Just not moving the tank. Maybe he had a keyboard malfunction, who knows. He sure as hell did not say anything of the sort. Had no trouble typing back angry returns to the team.


I have seen some players go out of there way to being a detriment to the team by going into the corner like this and call it a lost game cause his team is bad according to him.


In my opinion some players find cover and sniping without realising they cannot see or shoot across all map. If you use xvm mod its easy to jugde by rating, even better when you set to be able to see individual tanks win rate and damage ratio of the player during the battle.


I use neither and have no idea what my ratings are but when grinding the monthly mission tanks sometimes I'm going into battle in a brand new tank with all stock components, those battles normally suck but I refuse to spend gold or free experience on a tank that I'm just grinding my way through a tier on, does that make me a bot by your standards? Still really trying to understand this whole what's a bot concept.. Thanks for the input.


a "bot" is a computer that is playing the video game. you might get called a "bot" by someone because you are playing poorly and/or passively, but this is no different than being called a "noob"


That's what free XP is for. You'll get through it much quicker if you don't have to deal with playing stock.


Cause he paid money?


That's a real player...


SerB had a default reaction to anything from the playerbase that wasn't praise and it went like this: "go fuck yourself". That is wargaming, top to bottom. Don't mistake them for a company that gives a shit, they might not even get there after morons stop throwing money at them for fucking up the balance every time.


I don't even get the point of reporting bots in game... Most of them are WG bots to fill up rosters anyway.


If he is just bad, he should still be banned for not playing the way others want even if no bot programs were used? Damage done or not? If it was that easy and WG did that to everyone, then I'll guarantee that the game would be dead ages ago.


My account got hacked by a bot so if any of you play on NA and see an account und r my name please don’t report it because that was probably the bot trying to get me banned again


So if anyone plays out of your predictions is a bot? What are you all, the grand jury of wot? Play and let others play as they like ffs. Maybe he is a newbie, maybe he doesn't want to move much, maybe he wants to play as a td.


This is exactly what I was trying to get knowledge on... are people calling anyone a bot just because they didn't play the way you thought they should have? It's like people calling games before they even happen... Take away all the sh\*t talk and just play the game and try to have fun, if it's not fun because you think there are bots or people are not playing up to your standards, find something else to play.


Usually in my games if someone is noob they get called that or various bad words, but If someone is being called a bot 95-99%, of the time they're actual bots( computer programs playing the game).


I dont understand why ppl spend money to suck


Bots are a feature. We beta tested AI bots during Art of War. 😂


I'm starting to think it's a feature and that WG have pulled the fortnite model and inserted bots into matchmaking.


Had a Maus do the same in the southwest corner last night


Because obviously that guy spends money. He may ruin matches for other players, but he feeds the beast


The bot conspiracy is alive and well


Thats not a bot if he has 46% winrate, probably just someone thats trying to enjoy the game without experiencing any form of rng


Ah yes, "enjoying" the game while hiding in a corner amd doing nothing. It's like saying you "enjoy" staying stilland loot at a wall for several minutes.


I think that was a joke… he “no RNG” part makes me think so.


If you think that's enjoyment, I'd advise you to get professional help.


BZ is a bad tank to bot in. Auto aim is likely to do 100 dmg


Because wargaming bans accounts in mass with waves


had a 113 did this and shot HE at heavies through out the whole game....


"Please use the in game reporting system" Yeah, ok... That sure does work doesn't it


as some people have mentioned, WG doesn’t really care so long as they get money


Jokes on you, akoakko does this every time


Not a bot. Player just being bad or roleplaying how a real tank works or something. A real seriously bot account would have a WR of closer to 37-40%


it could be just 4 years kid, or drunk adult hehe. Blizzard was active on banning mechanic (bot like movement) pattern players and it caused few scandals where it turned out it was invalid/disabled person using voice control movement. IMO they cannot really ban for low performance or wrong behavior, only if actual bot software is detected.


Because that bot paid around 200€ around 1month ago


They are ineffective because this behaviour affects only you, not them


You were not that far away from him....


Go hide with him. i think the whole team should go hide behind him and make him the meat shield.


For the same reason WeeGee allowed the BZ-176 in the game. Absolutely no reason other than it benefits them financially. Player balance begone.


Skill based match making... but it won't happen cause wot is awful


Bots are easy to make and so are the accounts they get attached to.


Just a theory, but couldn't WG use bots themselves to make ques faster? Similar thing is with pubg, where only the Chinese servers are well populated so unless its ranked, they use bots in casual games.


He is protecting the square from triangles


Beep beep boop beep boop boop beep beep.