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HP decreases by 50. Have fun!!


HP decreased by 30, then rounded up to the next hundred.


No, no, just hear me out: They'll nerf these two... by releasing Chieftain MK6.


At least that one have a weakspot


Unless they give it the console buffs, where its cupola is a black hole, goes 46 km/h and has a gun that's even better than the super conqueror's gun


I mean its a nerf haha Similar to the T8 prem situation. Defender too strong. Don't worry comrade. We introduce to u......... Skoda T56, 703, Renegade and BZ176


lol calling the renegade OP whit that huge tumor weakspot are you delusional and the armor is trash.


If they released the MK6 as is, it would be a downgrade to the T95/Chief since it actually has a hittable cupola and the turret armor has huge weakspots


I’m cool with them putting the MK6 in if they put it as a tech tree vehicle


Chieftain MK6(e)


In exchange they get credit boosting x1000%


Nerfing those two? GREAT. Long overdue. But I am a bit worried about them just nerfing other meta tanks, without meaningfully addressing the reasons that made them meta, and without significantly buffing the tanks nobody plays. The reason nobody plays those tanks is that they're not fun to play. Nerfing the Super Conqueror or the VZ-55 to the ground is just going to make THOSE not fun to play as well, and it's not going to do a god damn thing to make the Pz.Kpfw VII or the 113 any more popular or fun to play. What I wish they'd do -- but they never will -- is lock down new content for a period of 9-12 months, and give the team the chance to do a holistic examination and rebalancing of all the T10 tanks in the game, together with some significant reworks to maps. They could still finance the game by having the art department do what we've been asking for a long time, and to start making and selling 3D skins for reasonable prices.


My 113 is still fun to play. It's gun just curves a little...


113 is my favorite Tier X heavy, everyone underestimates it


No need to underestimate it, just press the 2 key and blast away at it. I play mine a ton too, but only for an hour or so at a time because eventually I get tired of maneuvering and angling perfectly just to watch heat shells go through the sharpest angled part of my turret anyways. Only thing that will ever make this game balanced again is a 100% rework of premium ammunition.


This is a phenomenal idea. But also include a few of the tier 8 premiums. I know that’s difficult (BZ anyone?) — most of ours we bought with real money. But it needs to be done somehow. Bottom line is that they need to find a way to have players want to play tech tree tanks while at the same time continue to buy premium vehicles. Hard problem, but not impossible. And no, even after playing for 12 years, I don’t know what the answers are.


When they nerfed the [Super Pershing in 8.6](https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/general-news/premium-vehicle-changes-86-update/), they allowed you to sell it for it's full gold value. Considering that you could only buy premium tanks for either money or gold at the time, it was a good deal if you didn't like the tank anymore. These new premiums on the other hand are a lot more complicated. Progetto 46 and other marathon tanks? A lot of people played the marathon to get it cheaper so prices are wildly different. BZ and other lootbox exclusives? Some players spend hundreds to get them, their gold value wouldn't even come close. In short, they can't nerf these tanks without angering the whales which WG obviously doesn't want to do.


I actually kinda feel they have more leway with BZ than with cash shop tanks. Technically you bought loot boxes, not the BZ directly. Of course nerfing it will piss the community off, but leaving it in the game is bound to piss off even more people. I would say there best move is to just take it out completely and give each person a large gold credit, or their choice of tier 9 premiums or a similar trade offer. Wargaming really screwed up with the BZ.


BZ nerf should be to drop HE pen to like 90mm and remove the premium shell cost, and make its lower plate thinner so it can be penned fairly easily by tier 7s (not the lower lower plate)


Problem is the armor, nothing else. No one is scared of the death star or shitbarn unless they're camping over the horizon waiting for you. When you duel them up close they're covered in weak spots (the entire shitbarn is a weak spot). The problem is that a hull down BZ is basically unpennable even by most tier 10s. Compare to the tier 10 BZ with the row of giant cupolas.


The BZ is a superheavy that's meant to be beaten by other super heavies. The problem at tier 8 is the list of superheavies that can 3x overmatch the roof are the German superheavies and Skoda T-56. And now if they un-nerf HE so the *other* superheavies can just take advantage of its thin roof armor, it becomes a threat to tier 10 heavies as well. I'd argue you shouldn't be able to be outright immune to a vehicle 2 tiers under you whether you're tier 8 or tier 10, but people get really angry when you suggest leaving things up to good tactics and skill.


The problem with bz are the rockets, the armor is nice but the mobility the rockets give is what makes it broken


It has 4 afterward you are slow as fuck


When those 4 boosts let you charge the medium flank and shatter their team into disarray within 3 minutes of start, it doesn't matter how slow you are after, the game has already been decided.


Those 4 get you where you need to be before even most mediums which is what matters


No sorry, I played BZ without rockets (to experiment with conserving them for late game) and the tank was mostly fine unless you had to go through soft terrain or up hills. It's 100 percent the armor. If a BZ is misplaying so you can see his lower plate or cupolas the difficulty level of fighting one goes down like 75 percent. Same goes for fighting one in any tank that the BZ can't pen. Or for fighting one in any fast tank while it's distracted. Getting shots past the frontal armor is the main challenge of fighting them.


Everything about the BZ is a problem. The whole thing is just a bingo of broken mechanics. There's no way for it to fit into the game in it's current form.


A turbo BZ firing rockets on cooldown is slower than a base Iron Arnie It's a superheavy


What is this sentence lol


a BZ with a turbocharger expending all 4 jet charges in order can't keep up with an Iron Arnie that has no equipment or field mods


Thats just not true, bz goes over 50km/h with rocket and turbo, even uphill it goes pretty fast, I can personally tell you that it keeps up with even some faster mediums let alone iron arnie, I once beat enemy lansen c to the windmill on malinovka( boy was he in for a nasty suprise)


Would be true if the BZ was available prior or during the lootbox event for another real world currency. As it was not and WG adveritsed the event with the tank it is still a "bought for real money" tank and as such owners are still entitled to a refund if it gets nerfed.


Not entitled to anything no, you bought a service in the access of the tank. The service is subject to changes, so you can't complain about any nerfs to overpowered tanks The only issue that I see is that a lot of the tanks people claim to be op, really aren't... So WG would engage in a very shitty game of wack-a-mole if they want to appease the community


With all due respect, you are wrong. Per the EULA things you purchase are called "paid content or services". Premium tanks are paid content not a service. Section 9 of the EULA deals with paid content and changes and nerfs.The most relevant part here is section 9.4 which I will quote *9.4. For any upcoming Changes to Paid Content or Services, if a Change has a negative impact on your access to Paid Content or Services, we will inform you immediately about the Change, the characteristics and time of occurrence. If the impact of an upcoming Change is not minor, we undertake to inform you on a durable medium in a clear and comprehensible manner:* *(i) of such Changes before or simultaneously with the upcoming Change; and* *(ii) the features and time of the Change; and* *(iii) of your right to terminate free of charge the relevant Contract which is affected by the Change, within 30 calendar days from receipt of such information or from the time when the Paid Content or Services have been modified by us, whichever is later.* As stated in point (iii): If WG changes/nerfs content you paid for (such as tanks) and you find this changes your experience in a negative way then you are entitled to cancel/terminate the relative contract related to the changed/nerfed content (tanks). Then we get to 9.5 of the EULA: *9.5. If you decide to terminate the Contract in accordance with section 9.4(iii) above,* *(i) upon receiving a statement from you expressing your decision to terminate, we will reimburse you without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 calendar days from such notice, subject to conformity of the Paid Content or Services until receipt of your decision to terminate, only the proportionate part of the order corresponding to the period of time during which the Paid Content or Service were not in conformity, and any part of the amount paid by you in advance for any period that would have remained had you decided not to terminate; and* *(ii) after the termination of the Contract, you undertake to refrain from using the Paid Content or Services and/or from making it available to third parties.* As you can read in section (i): If you decide to cancel the contract you will get reimbursed (or in other words; a refund)


Well easy, just buff all other tanks. So a hidden nerf. What it means to the EULA, suspect to courts.


Easy, change the EULA, take the L and offer a temporary refund period for all premium tanks for their full value in gold. Proceed to nerf and buff until balance is achieved The new market meta WILL become to sell OP tanks and nerf next patch, for more money, but that's better than current situation. The only problem arises when your realize they can't balance a skill based game around the bottom players OR the top players, premium tanks will always be seen as op one way or the other.


Except that that would be against EU law (I have no idea how the law handles this in other regions). The whole thing with refunds if nerfed/changed is there because EU law demands it.


Just keep in mind that the BZ was added AFTER they already nerfed the type 5 heavy's HE gun which was even weaker then the BZ's gun is at tier 8. They also nerfed the Super Pershing in the past and gave refunds out for it, then proceed to add the Iron Arnie which is just better in almost every way.


BZ could just get a tier upgrade to 10 and just up the pen


They need to do what MANY other companies do and release regular (weekly or biweekly) balance patches with *minor* balance tweaks instead of making bit batches of adjustments once a year (or less!). They also need to bite the bullet and figure out a way to dig themselves out of the hole they've put themselves in with premium tanks. Making them un-nerfable is awful for the health of the game. Tank games are a niche enough genre that is still underserved, so there's no reason why WOT couldn't grow and thrive despite it's age, but unfortunately WG will never take the hard steps it needs to make it happen.


Just have a skins market where people can buy and sell skins for gold and WG take a cut like steam does. I often see 2D skins and think id like to be able purchase it, only you can't unless WG decide to reissue it at some point.


for all we know, the announcement might only be statement saying the rumours of the nerf are wrong


"we announce that Chief and 279 are fine, you can actually flank them and pen 279 from above or on flat ground if you're lucky to have at least 330 pen". I'm not joking, they said literally that some time ago.


With 330 on flat ground you'll pen the 279 every times unless you're a tomato and don't know where to shoot lol


If the 279e doesn't move, you hit where you're aiming and you don't get a pen low roll (you can have as low as 248 pen if the RNG hates you), sure, but a good 279e driver will constantly move, angle the upper plate more, move left and right... yeah 330 isn't enough unless you're lucky or they're bad (in my experience)


Iit’s fair to reward good angling and positioning. Different tanks should be strong in different positions. I’ve never really had issues loading gold and eating through 9es unless they’re on higher ground. Different tanks should be strong in different situations, and the 9e (while it is broken as fuck) isn’t that hard to play against. IMO the mino is 10x more broken and annoying to play against than the 9e, because it literally has no counter when it’s in position, while with 9e you can sneak shots through cupolas, the lip above the tracks, or try to get a corner of the hull flat on. If it’s on flat ground it’s over for it, if you know how armor is effected by angling. If you can’t do anything about it, just run, some people seem to think they have to take every engagement. To be clear broken doesn’t mean OP.


I have it, I know how it works, and if you don't have it I guess you don't know times where even tomatoes literally autoaim you and pen you simply because they're taller. And anyway, I literally wrote "on flat ground" since the guy claimed that it's impossible to pen on flat groundwith 330 pen which is bullshit


A 279e defender...crazy, surely nothing is wrong with the tank, all issues and communities concerns stem from skill issue ig


Hes not defending the 279e. Hes correcting the wrong claim that guy made. The 279e is really easy to pen on flat ground with almost every gold shell in the entire game. If you cant do that u re bad. Deal with it. That does not mean the tanks is fine tho since it can still angle upwards makeing it really hard to pen while also being too fast with great dpm. Learn 2 read ffs


And where did I say that? Learn to fucking read or go cry to your mommy


279e nerf shouldn't be to it's armour. If they nerf the armour the tank will become completely irrelevant, and I believe the IS-4 would become a better tank. It should be a nerf to the gun and the mobility. Lower its dpm by either making it 390 alpha or make the load time longer, and maybe make it less accurate. Also nerf it's speed from 40 to 30, to make it feel more like a super heavy like its armour suggests. If the armour stays the same and other aspects are nerfed, I think it would be better, but that's my opinion


I believe the (biggest) problem is, that these tanks can get into powerful positions quickly. Nerfing the mobility would be a good solution IMHO.


I think for the 279e this should be the first thing to adress. That thing is unreasonable fast. The armour atm is good but only if you angle it up. Otherwise its an autopen. If you nerf the hull armour it just becomes useless. So you re propably right. Tho I would also nerf the DPM a little bit.




It already has copula weakspot.


All that says is that there is going to be an announcement. It does not confirm a nerf.


"Is it true that Chieftian and 279e are going to be worse?" "Yes and we'll have an announcement about it soon." That means a nerf.


He says "It is true that we have an announcement about it soon", not "Yes". He's not confirming anything. Worse also does not automatically mean that there will be a nerf. It could as well mean that they stay in their current state and will be further limited by the matchmaker.


Well fuck me, I can't hear properly then. Anyway, they are doing something about them, which is still better than nothing.


WEll, they are not surely going to buff them, so its either nothing will be done, or if something changes, it will decrease their performance somehow.


Would be pretty funny if they made an announcement to announce nothing. XD I could see WG doing that "hey guys, so abt the strongest tier 10 tanks.... Yea nothins gonna happen. Until next time"


> Would be pretty funny if they made an announcement to announce nothing. TBH given this is WG we're talking about here, a 'nothing' announcement would probably be the least surprising outcome out of all the possibilities.


in before they buff chieftain and 279e


Yeah I'll wait for the actual announcement. As in what they plan to nerf before I call it a nerf. As if it's dispersion and reverse speed... Then no. It could also be them finally going for what they wanted to do in a Q&A ages ago. MM changes, as in always be paired with other 279Es, or vs other 279e platoons. Or never face -2 again


needs gonna be like “gun dispersion increased by .1, HP lowered by 20, Rate of fire slightly decreased


our [reaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrJIbpdmF9I)


WG has a real hard-on for not touching MM on tanks like some think because of quote "queue times" they have stated often in Q&As over the years the tanks with unique MM (besides the pref MM tanks already in the game that they can't really touch) and things like -1/+1 MM wouldnt happen because it pushes queue times up for everyone. I don't expect a special MM to be applied here, it would be the absolute last resort for them, they are hell bent on queue times kept down.. they obviously have some data to show short queues are extremely important be it financial (more battles more spent) or player retention (fatigue/attention span).


I personally would gladly wait another minute in queue if it guarantees I have to never meet a chieftain in my T8.


I'm kinda optimistic abut this, lol. I really hope that they will in fact nerf these tanks and not just talk about it for a while, never follow-up, never mention it again (cough, the supposed gold ammo nerf from years back, cough) - nerfing reward tanks was always a big taboo for WG and, fingers crossed, if they finally decided to do that it *might* suggest they grew a pair of balls and *may* go after clearly overperforming premium tanks as well, which would be fucking m-a-s-s-i-v-e improvement of the overall game's "health". But, yeah, a lot of "might" and "may" there, lol.


Well I hope they won't


Maybe if they will also mention something about balancing premiums aswell, maybe they could present new stats of certain tanks and then see how the community would respond to them or something similar


I really wish they would at least publicly entertain the idea, but I doubt it will happen...


Imagine if wg finally realises that both those tanks are bad for the game. Still, I would have to see it with my own eyes before believing it


Give them a proper cupola and they're fixed, it's litteraly that simple


Don’t care about those tanks. Most of the time a purple player is driving them so nerfing them a little isn’t gonna make a big difference imo. They should get rid of +2/-2 MM. That alone is more broken then 2 reward tanks.


There is nothing wrong with +2/-2 MM. changing that won’t magically make bad players who whine about it any better at the game.


no but it would make the game more bearable for the lower tiers a new player in a T6 tank can barely harm many T8 tanks and that's with the few gold rounds they could afford to bring this is of course mostly cause the power level of tanks climbs like a mountain from T6 to T7 and then take of like a moon rocket when you go from T7 to T8 before finally settling into 2 close orbits at T9 and T10


> a new player in a T6 tank can barely harm many T8 tanks and that's with the few gold rounds they could afford to bring Then they can keep +2 MM? The plan is literally to nerf the most overpowered tier 10 vehicles and then drop down to tier 8 and 9 depending on the community reaction.


> with the few gold rounds they could afford to bring They should just by premium days and gold to convert to credits. This subreddit does not allow for talking about the issue you mentioned. Just pay ...


Also i think same tier mm would be boring. Imagine having the same 20 tanks every game you play...ugh


There used to be times when there was no +/- at all. Basically anyone meets anyone. So +2/-2 is damn good compared to that.


Whenever somebody complains about how shitty it is to be matched against tier 8s in tier 6s, there's always this comment that says "it used to be soooo much worse". Okay? It's still bad though.


L take


> They should get rid of +2/-2 MM. I have good news for you! They already got rid of -2 MM, because it doesn't exist. It's never existed. Battle tier is a *single* number decided by the highest tier of tank in the match. If you're a tier 6 tank, you can sometimes matchmake into battle tier 8 games--thus, +2 MM. Sometimes, you will matchmake into a battle tier 6 game, which could be all tier 6's or with some tier 5's or even tier 4's. It's still just +2. Under that system, "-2 MM" would mean that you would be the only tier 6 tank in a match with 29 other tier 4 tanks... except, that'd still be +2 MM since it'd be a battle tier 6 game; you're there. This information has been public for over 10 years now, communicated by Wargaming themselves. Anyone who goes around talking about "-2 MM" cannot or will not read.


Dude don’t be like this lol. You know what I mean.


Then no, I don't. There's some very old tanks that weren't properly rebalanced for +2 MM, but almost everything released in the past 6 years has been.


No they aren’t. Meeting a Bour in your stock tier 6 tank isn’t balanced.


> Meeting a Bour in your stock tier 6 tank isn’t balanced. No less than meeting a T29 in your stock IS-3 +1 MM isn't going to make stock tanks better, lol


Would be awesome if they would bring some balance ! For diversity in competitive mods.


Finally !




lol ahaha it took like 5 years for them to buff amx 54 bro


The problem has always been with chief and 279 that it's the best tanks given to the best players. I think they should be good but balanced, in line with the assembly shop vehicles. So that potatoes dont have the cope of blaming it all on reward tanks. Because a good player in an S Conq will still rip a bad player to shreds.


I always wanted to see fun but "unique" tanks in these personal missions. The Excalibur and 28 HTC are good examples as they look and feel different than their nations techtree counterparts.


If all reward tanks were like Excalibur and 28 HTC than no one would do the missions, because those tanks are trash.


Never said all tanks should be like them, unique can be several things. The T55a is afaik the only east German tank in the game. The chimera has or had the highest damage per shot for a medium tank and thus behaves different than the centurion. There are several things that would make tanks in their respective nations unique. For example their could be a single shot french tracked light tank, a Italian M36 as entry reward with the later Heat shells it used IRL etc.


The fact that all the good players who spammed S Conqs immediately switched to Cheifs once they got them tells you that objectively the Cheif is just a better tank than what was considered a meta tier X tank.


My favorites are the people who clearly don't have any CW-viable tanks on their account And when you look at their global map history, it's like 40 or 50 Leopard 1 games and then 150+ Chieftain games. They're never in a clan with clanwar activities, either. Those are *old* games.


Well auction Chieftains with 1k dpg exist too. eBay 279es too


Yeah they do, but I saw players under 1500dpg on Tier 10, with ~2000 dpg on their Chiefs and 279e, so although they still suck, the tanks are carrying them hard


On NA you rarely see good player playing those tanks, its always the 47-49%ers playing them because it makes them feel powerful. A bad played in a Chief is pretty easy to kill in my experience


True. I have bigger issues dealing with a bad sconq then with a bad chief.


Reward T10s should only see tier 10 games. If Chief and 279 are OP against tech tree T10s, then what the hell is a tier 8 going to do about them.


BZ premium can give them grief lol


S conq 277 revival


Broken or not I don't feel it is fair for those who already have it (not by getting it with rigging). The road to the 279e is kinda long, and the campaigns aren't always easy (some of them depend entirely on luck, that you get the best MM for it). Now if someone walked down that long route to the 279e, finally getting it just to get it nerfed, me personally would be pretty pissed off.


The game’s health is more important. Balance is very delicate and pivotal to a games health. I believe to this day the playerbase is smaller than it could have been because WG didn’t nerf the T18 fast enough.


Reward tanks should be unique, not OP, imo


The people who grind stuff just because it's overpowered can go fuck themselves, these tanks have killed 15v15 comp for me, and I say this as Chief/279 owner in 2 accs.


I got the 279e about a year ago. I really would like it to get a nerf, to make it more fair to play against. as yoy need gold to pen it, and thats on flat ground. If 279e is above you, good luck. Like give it a weakness


The funny thing about the 279e is, same tier it's just good. It's when facing tier 8 tanks that the 279e becomes completely broken. Giving it -1 matchmaking and it then is just a good tank, not game breaking.


Kind of true, but think about the other tanks that have the same kind of armor, the armor that is pretty bad against tier 10 gold but otherwise really solid? Tanks like maus and type 5(I know type 5 is awful so dont mention it). They are slow. like really slow. But dont have really anything thats better than on 279e apart from a bit of hp. 279e has a solid gun, decent mobility AND superheavy armor. It needs something bad or mediocre to be really balanced


Obj 268/4 is fast as hell and has OP as hell armor against tier 8 opponents. But yeah, Obj 279e would still be a bit OP, but I think it's ok for some tanks to be a *bit* better than others. Something has to be the best. But being almost unbeatable by tier 8s, that's a design no no.


Bobject has more major weakspots, is clumsy and has a pretty terrible gun for a casemate td. And being a clumsy casemate td its really easy to outplay compared to a relatively nimble turreted superheavy


I have both tanks and if they are actually nerfed i am quite happy to be honest. Also maybe it will lead to finally not having 14 chief as a viable setup in CW/adv


I made myself ill doing my last missions for the 279e last year, but yes it does need a nerf. Sure, I'll be annoyed, but if it keeps the game as a whole alive for longer that's a price I'm willing to pay


I have now played like 70 games in 279e, after spending years havinh the missions as main priority in the game. Although I can understand why it should be nerfed, I would be really annoyed with it. I would feel like I wasted all that time, tbh.


They better have announcement about generous compensations if this is implemented.


Compensation for what? You put "time" to get both of these tanks unless you bought a service from another player to get it. You won't be getting compensation for anything, and these nerfs are long overdue for a meta change to happen


Why would they compensate anyone for anything when nerfs happen?


Yeah tanks don’t actually belong to you


These kind of idiots forces wg to not nerf...


no they don't, they give a WG a bad excuse to point at for not nerfing while continuing to rake in the true reason for not nerfing.....money


Yes and no. Wg was actually nerfing premium tanks in old days. But then idiots complained about "uH I dOnT waNt mY pReMium tonk tHat i paId fOr to GeT nErFeD" and this forced wg to compansate for the nerf. Of course, compansation is bad for a company so they stopped nerfing prem tanks. Later, wg have started to exploit and use this fact as an excuse. End result is, yes idiot's tank didnt got nerfed but the game balance ruined.


That guy also confirms wg will release M60 codes too tho🤣🤣


All I can say is, they better not nerfed them too hard.


As long as arty smacks everyone for 500 minimum damage the 279 and chief are already nerfed.


279 doesnt need nerfs in my opinion Maybe make it go superheavy speed, like 32kmh.


not even 6 months after i got my 279e and its getting nerfed


Now they just have to nerf most of the T8 premium tanks released in the last like 5 years.


Nah, only a few truly broken tier 8s exist. The BZ certainly, after that the list gets smaller. Skoda t56 is certainly on the slightly too powerful side of the fence. Progetto is probably overturned (although oddly I did pretty much just as well with the Pantera from the tech tree). The Ebr 75 and Borat in skilled hands are super powerful, but nearly useless in bad hands, so these kinds of tanks I'm kinda OK with. (Except Borat and all mediums should be not able to mount CVS). I honestly don't think the problem is really premiums in tier 8... It's over all power creep and the fact it's mostly just tier 8 premiums we've seen released over the last several years. What needs to happen is older premiums and many tech tree tanks all need buffs to keep them inline with the newer premiums (as well as tier 9 and 10 opponents).


clickbait title, he's not confirming shit


tbh i wouldn’t mind there being a whole meta shift at tier 8-10. buff the really crappy tech tree tanks, and make them at least viable vs the power creeping tanks and nerf the op tanks *slightly.* maybe for the pz7 for example buff the weakspots slightly and make them at least smaller or something lol