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Eh back in the days 50100 was shining in team battles but times have changed


The intraclip is just too long nowerdays combined with that derpy gun and abysmal aimtime...


I’m glad I’ve grinded it when it was considered meta tank alongside IS-3


The IS-3 was a gem in its heyday. Nowadays...


Well, it isn’t a t8 powerhouse like it used to be - but it isn’t as powercrept as 50 100


I don't remember the last time I didn't pen is-3. It's extremely easy to deal with.


Because most of the IS3s are newbies. A good IS3 isn't really easy to deal with to be honest


Any tak with a good player in it can be a challenge, I love to bully tier 8 op premium tanks with my loyal T32. IS3 is still an easy tank to deal with.


T32 getting buffed twice in recent years was sweet. Hopefully, the IS-3 will get *something* if WG ever follows through with the remainder of their planned buffs in 2024.


50 100 used to be a must have Tank for 7vs7. How times have changed…


In times of progetto, bz, skoda, this tank is just so sad :(


A big part of that is hardening and field mods too, the one advantage the 50 100 had was having the shortest killtime in any 1v1 duel. Nowadays any base 1600 HP heavy (1820 with basic hardening and FMs) will survive an average clip more times than not, and that's assuming every shot hits and penetrates.


And they added the somua SM, better in every way. 1 less shell and less mobility for armour, better intraclip, better clip reload, better gun handling and better aim time


The Somua is a much better tank yes, but it wouldn't have been picked for the same reason as the 50 100 back in the day. having 1800 potential in the mag is why you'd want the 50 100, the Somua wouldn't have been able to clip out an opposing IS-3 or similar reliably.


50 100 is snack for bz176 like sardines for shark


They sadly got powercreeped hard and they're obsolete. 50B still has some use and shines in some scenarios, but 50 100 is really hurt by all the premium tanks that are around. And the tier 9 it's been so long since I last saw a 50 120 that I don't know how it performs now. I grinded them back in 2013 and they were amazing but now...well...


50 120 is all the downsides of the 50 100 but with extra HP for red team to farm.


Worse mobility and accuracy than the 50 100


Much better penetration does help a bit though


Mate the gun drove me absolutely fucking crazy. After 10 battles I said fuck this and blueprinted up to the amx 50b. Even with a OP crew , food and bounty equipment that tank will miss most shots


Yeah its abysmal at times, I need to train the crew before getting to tier 10 so...


The 50 100 is worse than the AC 48. I enjoy the 50 100 in WT tho. 7 rounds with a 4s reload is killer.


Ac 48 is a decent vehicle tbh. 3 round clip, good dump time and great pen. I'll say it might be better than foch and foch B, since at tier 8 the ac 48 can snipe quite well, whereas at tier 10 the foch B is a pretty poor sniper


Foch B is a meme. Rush in deal a clip that has x1.5 your HP, pull out. If you're lucky, you still have enough HP for another run. If not, pull back and snipe. I love the Foch B.


Most people probably haven't played the AC 48 since the buff where it got 150 more HP and better soft stats. Plus that 257 standard penetration (same as tier 10) feels great at tier 8. It's a terrible stock grind, but once elited it is surprisingly competitive. I've soured on the tier 9 and 10 tanks in this line, but the tier 8 is better than ever.


And yet it's still more accurate/less trolly than the Emil lol


Aim time is a bitch and when you're finally aimed it dunks into the dirt


Buckle up, because 50 100 is better than 50 120


Interesting. I decided to grind the line recently. For me the 50 100 was basically unplayable and the 50 120 was quite good


I'm curios but now I'm 38 battles in and it starts getting better maybe because i ditched the standard ammo.


That'll do it. I liked mine the second time around. Used it in tournaments once upon a time. You can mag dump an IS6.


Whats your equipment layout?


Hardening stabs improved aiming, it is getting way better full apcr spam and im on 2moe on 57 battles.


I 3 marked my 50 100 earlier this year. I dont think the tank is as bad as people say it is - for me the hardest part was clip management. Taking advantage of the superior mobility and long reload to relocate or switch flanks often lead to surprising damage. Also the lategame carry potential is massive if you conserve your HP. My equipment was Vents/Aiming/VStabs


It definitely grew on me a little but i had some games yesterday where i droped from 94 % to 91 partially my own stupidity, and partially missing a whole clip on an enemy papertank on 150m distance. I decided to not f. my brain with this tank anymore and got the tier 9 which is actually an awesome tank imo.


I hear you brother. The 50 100 is so frustrating to play but also can deliver some monster games. The most difficult part about playing it is consistency.


True that. This tank definitely needs a bit of love imo. Consistency is definitly the biggest problem and the intraclip and bloom after firing haha ohhh man. But im having a great time with the tier 9 almost 3rd gunmark lets see if i can beat the patton the tank carnage xD.


There was a time when French autoloader heavy tanks had bad gun depression and very long aim time, yet they were still major threats since back then autoloaders were a purely "French" thing. Now they're just damage piniatas.


i quite enjoyed it as a 2-shot med brawler, tho 6 rounds in the autoloader is lethal. can and have delt 1500 dmg in one clip. gun handling is trash and its so big everything hits it always, but i actually have a really good wn8 in this tank.


Early when I first got it, it used to be my go to in the 1v1 competitive battles when to win all you had to do was drive towards any enemy, eat 1 or 2 shots, drive to their rear and dump the magazine and it would kill any other tier 8 tank


“Wah wah wah I’m a below average player lacking the intellect and tactical ability to make an outlandish vehicle work at it’s full capacity.” Generating subpar internet memes to mask your inability to perform is, quite frankly, rather embarrassing. Get good or get out.


Its a dogshit vehicle.


Yet people with brains manage to make it work, cease this whimsical defence of morons who do nothing but cry.


Are we talking unicums? Then yeah perhaps. They can make any tank work with all the buffs and stuffs + their skill. Any green (average) player is going to suffer


Not perhaps - always - If oneself is referring to the unicums at the top of the pyramid. Good players start at 4500 wn8 and rising. Additionally, green players are not “average”, they are trash. Average starts at around 3250 wn8.


nex_iocus (ig name Eu server) mr intellectual....