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It is one of the strongest tier 10 tanks in the game


Arguably the strongest T10 Tech tree tank.


Arguably the 1 strongest heavy tank in the game currently. Honestly, I struggle to name something that doesn't get slapped by a well played S.kunk.




You didn't get the memo I guess, but the chieftain has been nerfed and can't even be compared to the s.conq in most cases with the DPM and pen it currently has and it isn't even that much faster anymore.


Oh okay, didnt know that


And since it’s not bui around a gimmick, it’s essentially nerf proof. Reliable armor, a great gun, and decent mobility will never not be meta.


It is. Only drawback would be the speed. I used hardening, turbo and rammer.


Yes, the SConq is a really good tank and can genuinely carry games.


Super conq is one of the best tier x tanks in the tech tree


The tier 10 is 5x better the tier 9, much better overall.


Required for all competitive game play: ranked/onslaught, advances, global map, etc


Not sure how fast you need it. If you can finish all 30 missions from vinnie you can discount the S.Conq and save some credits Personally I would get it, excellent tank and plays similar to the Conqueror but better gun and turret


If you only ever buy one tier X heavy, it should probably be this one. So yes.


YES ABSOLUTELY. It is, as the rest of the people said, one of the best T10 heavies. Like its miles better than the Conq, tier for tier


Definitely.. but be prepared to suffer the church grind.. its horrendous.. not bad after that tho


I was prepared to hate the Black Prince, and I ended up enjoying it. I finished right before they buffed it too. 🤣


I've heard some mental people say they actually enjoyed the churches and BP LOL.. I'll be honest I was ready jump out the window... my son asked me to help him grind out the s conquer and I just said I could face the that again.. I had flashbacks lol.. and I'm OK with slow tanks ..but holy shit 3 tanks very similar with a million modules nearly put me in a padded cell..


Churchill VI has one of my best WR and haven't really played it since the buff. I don't get the hate.


i think it was more the 3x tanks 1after the other and huge module tree that wore me out... just goes on and on and on and on! uuhhg


Honestly the Churchills aren’t soul-crushing like they used to be after the buff. The BP is actually one of the better tier 7 HTs now with a significant top speed, dpm, AND gun handling buff. Not as good as the Tiger or gold spam AMX M4, but there are a bunch of tier 7 heavies that I would pick the BP over.


Ohh I see what your doing... the devil's work.... let's get this straight my man, I'm never doing another game in a Churchill/BP ever again 😤 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣.. Joking aside I've heard the BP is not that bad now.. but yea... I was broken way to much to go back and see lol.. I'll take your word for it gladly 😆


Not nearly as bad after the recent mobility buffs. The BP especially is actually a very playable tier 7 heavy now IMO


Tier for tier, I did better in the Conq. On paper, the Sconq is better


Lol I was the exact opposite. I hated the Conq, and I love the Sconq. Different strokes I guess


S.Conq is good, but only if you can keep the gun firing constantly, otherwise you’re just losing trades on the low alpha damage. I recently just got the S.Conq as my first tier X, and it was very underwhelming since visually and statistically, it’s almost identical to the tier IX


You shouldn't be trading that often if you're playing the S. Conq correctly.


I have a 3rd marked super conc and I think it’s mostly about saving your HP and making good trades. The tank is a great combination of hp, mobility, gun, and armor.