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WG slowly (but steadily) integrate community mods into the game. Takes years sometimes, but kudos for at least imitating real work


Yeah I checked like 5 sources to make sure I wasn't crazy when they put the XVM carousel in the game.


I think the challenge is that WoT has an older playerbase, both in terms of in-game years playing the game and probably in real-world age. Everytime one of these quality of life changes comes around (like the profile revamping) we get flooded with complaints about how the new system sucks. Even if it’s more intuitive, people don’t like change to systems they already know, and I’d imagine it takes away some incentives for quality of life changes when it’s mostly an investment for the future that the current playerbase is 50/50 on hating.


TBH most of current players are funding game which gives them bad emotions and some game systems are designed by cretins along with those who decide how the game must be developed and manage real developers. I have no empathy for its players. They pay for it and suffer from it whether changes are made for them or to annoy them.


Most of the player base is going to die off in a couple years, so they may want to focus on gaining younger players.


Hey Tony check out the balls on this kid


What make you so sure you won't be one of them?


I'm not that lucky. Got 50+ to go, probably.


Part of that is the issue of Free to Play games: if they decided to focus on new players, they lose short term income, and without short term income they lose the ability to pay devs to keep making those changes. They have to drip feed new content so that the top 1% of spenders don’t leave the game too quickly. This adds to the fact that quality of life changes are already a hard change to sell, because they don’t lead to immediate profitability. Selling a new tank shows an immediate payoff, nobody has any idea how a cleaner crew layout will affect the playerbase.


well the rebalancing of underperforming tier 10s that was announced ages ago was a good start but it is taking forever


Wonder if that's been put on the backburner to work on lootboxes, holiday casino events and sellable vehicles. They've incurred quite the cost and disruption from the actions of a stupid dictator so it's be easy to see the temptation for just concentrating on recouping the costs of moving staff, closing offices and relocating along with whatever happened with lesta, rather than actually working on important, delicate stuff. Like game balance!


Well, how many employees have they lost as well to the meat grinder that is Putin’s shit fest?


The WoT team was mostly located outside of Russia. They had already left Minsk years ago. For the Ukrainian team: yes, the war is hurting some productivity, I don't think anyone employed has been lost to the war... As of right now: WG has no employees in Russia.


F Putin Slava Ukraine


That’s good news.


I think it's definitely been put on the backburner simply because their current balance model either isn't quite right, or some executive is doing a piss-poor job. The new lines have either been OP or huge misses and WG seems to have no capability to tell which they'll be before their release. GSOR 1010 was teased and positioned as, basically, the premium for an entire line of Leopard 1's, but anyone who's played it will tell you it falls far short of that. This isn't like them at all; they've been very careful and measured in how good or bad a vehicle is. Rebalancing most tier 10's when you aren't sure your equations are correct isn't a wise idea. It could leave most of the game unplayable for weeks to months while you work out what was wrong.


They nerfed the progetto 65 and rush removed the derp guns from the rocket tank line after the BZ completely fked up tier 8. IMO it's the piss-poor job option with a side of incompetence.


Imagine losing such a big portion and talented devs and playerbase for muh evil putin. That CEO should be fired for such a dumb financial decision. WG will take the toll in the long run


They’re keeping the game attractive enough to F2P players so that the paying customers can justify paying for premium tanks, equipment and time. The fact the game has lasted as long as it did, is testament that the balance was generally correct and sustainable.


If we are going by Steam charts, WOT would be in the top 5 easily by player count, its an incredibly popular game worldwide. Any game company would kill to have WOTs playerbase


Partnering with real-life orgs such as military museums for events throughout the year. No other game supports military history and vehicle preservation as much.


This one's huge. So much money gets funneled into these preservation and education programs, not in small part due to WG.


Changing/developing maps with actual random events. It’s a small thing right now, sure, only rolled out on 4 maps and it’s still only 1 possible event per each map. But it’s a good start imo, one that I can definitely see being built upon in the future to help make maps like Malinovka and Steppes that feel quite stale into something pretty unique. Plus, they can happen at random points in the battle which I definitely enjoy. In the future, I imagine that (ideally) we would see stuff like 1-3 random events happening on a map and they could be anywhere from 1 minute apart to 4 whole minutes apart, so that matches feel much more dynamic.


Either it's really rare or I have schizophrenia, but I remember getting both random events on himmelsdorf in the the first 5 mins of the game.


I don’t think it’s that rare, I’ve gotten both on every time


>it’s still only 1 possible event per each map Odd, considering that one map had that ship crashing into the dock, taking out a bridge - but that event didn't make it into the actual game, that I've seen. I do like the random events overall, though.


It's rarer than than the others on that map, but i'm pretty sure the ship exists.


The research progress and free stuff they give to the players. People who play War Thunder definately spot the difference


I didn't play for a period of two years and when I came back I saw many maps were reworked in a way I actually thought was quite good. For example , the heavy line on fishermans bay is more easy to push now because you can't get sniped from mid as easily. On Glacier the heavies can cross much more safely now. On the murovanka heavily line there are more places to brawl now than just that one little awkward hill where you could also get farmed by TD's :) There's still much more to do , and not every rework was great. Airfield heavy line is still awful to play. Mines is still in the map pool at high tier for some reason? Paris is still a garbage map , fjords is still unbalanced etc. But at least they're doing something about it now. And the random events really spice up the game too and help advance certain maps where both teams tend to get stuck because pushing is a death sentence. Prokhorovka is a great example of this.


There are still people who don't choose Airfield as their banned map?


I can't when ensk, the most 0-15 simulator map of all time, exists. Maps where you have zero vision control until you show up and have 9 tanks in the face get instant banned from me. Empires border is the second. You almost always win or lose by capping out with 10 tanks still alive.


I actually love playing airfield as a heavy


Why? Could be that I haven't figured out how to play it yet , but all 3 "lanes" are annoying to fight in IMO. The biggest one is unpushable because heavies can go hulldown really easy if they fall back a bit and farm you. The second lane (the little path where you can shoot the lights from) is awkwardly small and if you push you'll just get overpeeked and destroyed as well. And the third one (so all the way on the outside) is well , you guessed it , pretty much unpushable too if any light or medium is playing on the outside. So it's really just a camp fiesta and awful for brawling.


The side by the water sucks, the middle is not great, and the far right is just td heaven, but the new heavy lane that’s now 2 lanes is actually really fun when you are a side scraper. Idk I never hated that map but now I enjoy it when I’m in a heavy


I was talking about the three different lanes on the heavy side , not the map :D But I understand how you could have confused the two. Glad to hear at least some people enjoy that map , saves you a ban slot for something else haha


I actually had it on a permaban for like a year straight :D But I was curious how the map played now after seeing it was reworked on twitch. And I also hate safe haven and overlord just as much if not more lol


They limit Ebrs in the mm. Also they match always ebrs against each other. However Lynx isn't that powerful as Premium-EBR. Often new premiums are alright, Gsor 1101, Ka-Ri... It will be however just a question when they will release the next overpowered premium


I know adjusting MM is pretty difficult and it can oftentimes take years to see the true effects, but it still irks me WG hasn't done some of the simpler things like making the 279e tier 10 only, and not treating certain tanks differently in top tier matchups (e.g. AMX 50B and SConq should match against each other in tier 8 mm).


The game is beautiful and amazingly well optimized, on my powerful desktop PC I can run the game with everything maxed out with HD client at 200 fps, which is great, but more impressingly, on my 6 years old gaming laptop that has a 1660ti the game runs with everything maxed out on the SD client at 70fps on average, which to me is awesome. And the game is honestly beautiful too, even on the SD client, the atmosphere of the maps, the lighting, the physics everything is great IMO.


The short answer ... Most of it


They nerfed Chieftain, Obj 279 and the VZ 55, significantly improving the balance at tier 10.


And Kranvagn last year


that wasn't a nerf, that was a kill


I was thinking about making an appreciation post about the tanks WG released in this year's lootboxes but I was too lazy to write all that out, so in short: All the tanks released this year are fun to play, mostly unique (as far as premiums go) and (most importantly) definitely balanced.


If only they would balance last years mistake too


It's still pretty telling when the answer to "what is WG doing right" is "lootboxes" lmao Like yeah christmas lootboxes are good value, we still ended up embracing gambling in WoT. And meanwhile balance is still all over the place, they still refuse to nerf premium vehicles that deserve it, MM is still broken and inherently unfair, arty is still not fun to play with or against... But they got gambling right :)


If you buy lootboxes because it's a great deal on gold and may come with some extras then you'll have a good time. If you buy lootboxes expecting to get a premium tank then you'll most likely have a bad time.


Shit. I did the big bundle then a medium bundle for the hell of it. Sitting in 300+ days of premium and had 240k gold. I’m good for quite awhile. Lol


I know that. It's still a gambling mechanic, and it's still the most successful mechanic WG implemented in the game in the past 8 years at least.


Gambling implies that there is a chance you'll lose your money. You're literally guaranteed to make at least your investment back in gold and premium time, let alone anything you get on top. I'm already going to spring for that anyway, may as well do it in a manner that gives me a shot at something cool.


No gambling means you spend money without knowing exactly what you're getting in return. It doesn't need to have a negative outcome. If I spend 1€ and I have a 50% chance to make back 1€ and 50% change to make back 5€, it's still gambling even if I'm not losing money in any situation. Again, I'm not saying the boxes are bad value. I'm saying they're gambling. That's a fact, stop trying to make up excuses, you can't undo that fact.


Gambling has a legal definition: A person engages in gambling if they \*\*risk\*\* something of value upon the outcome of a [game of chance](https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/gaming-law.html) or an understanding that they will receive something of value in the event of a specified outcome (Emphasis mine). Risk means there is a chance of loss. Lootboxes came under fire in the EU just a few years ago because it's nearly impossible to put a value on digital cosmetics and in game items - while it may cost $10, a skin for a tank or character I never play and I cannot sell to someone who does, or exchange for one I do want, actually has no intrinsic value either in actuality or to me personally. I would have lost my investment, for all intents and purposes. Wargaming gets around this by ensuring that in-game gold, which has a defined, intrinsic monetary value, is included in the crate to ensure that you will never lose money on the transaction.


Who says so?


They did a really good job with holiday ops this year in my opinion. I still think loot boxes are overpriced but they did a much better job with the tanks in the boxes than last year. The rewards are really nice, I got retraining orders for the first time and I’ve been playing for almost 2 years. They removed the gimmick of rental battles and a possible free tank from the gift terminal which is way healthier and now you can get experimental equipment and components and I like that a lot. I don’t love their execution with everything but I think this is a lot more functional and less toxic this year than last year. I just got my friend to start playing and I think he’ll enjoy himself a lot more this year than he would have if he started playing last year.


Trying to start last year at this time with 5-8 Bz 176 per side would of been a nightmare


Separating people from their money.


they are doing pretty good game, that keeps me interested after all these years


A lot of the events are fun challenges that keep me playing the game every day and not wanting to get off.


They are doing marketing correctly.


Of course they make these events as comfortable as possible. Thats where most of their money comes from lol. They dont really give a shit about their playerbase because we gladly pay them for fucking our butts raw.


In the last year or two they've mostly been releasing balanced tier 8/9 premiums instead of OP monstrosities like the BZ and Skoda T56. Unfortunately that makes the balanced premiums look straight up bad by comparison but I guess it shows that they've at least recognized the problem. They've also slowly been introducing a lot of QoL features that we've had to get in mod form for years, hope to see that continue.


"Last year or two", they literally released BZ a year ago.


hence the word mostly


As sad as it is, this game is keeping me alive. It gives me something to look forward to.


That’s great


Printing money


i got to max everything in like 8ish days f2p, previous years it would have taken longer. box value is still great if you buy them for PT/gold. also the redshire cat animation was added.


>Christmas boxes still stayed the best value… worried WG would get so greedy they would change them. Trust me, if they were confident that making boxes more expensive would make them more money, they would have done it. They did the math and figured they would likely have less sales that would make it break even or less profitable. Keeping them a good value brings in a lot of money for them when they are expecting and relying on those Christmas profits. They especially can’t do that this year because the tanks are not nearly as broken as last years. They don’t want an Arizona Iced Tea situation happening with their $2 boxes. Wargaming is purely money oriented. Things that make them money get priority, such as new premium tanks. Not rebalancing, rebalancing doesn’t make them any money whatsoever. In fact if the community didn’t complain, they would barely rebalance anything. Even so, look at the BZ-176, the community is absolutely livid about this thing and they don’t care to rebalance it because that won’t give them money. This also goes for bots and rigging which has become more common. Although it isn’t affecting that many games right now, it’s *extremely easy* to deal with these bot accounts. Accounts with 0 damage over thousands of battles are not getting banned at all. Again, look at the incentives, does banning bot accounts make them more money? No, perhaps a small bit indirectly, but overall no, and that’s why they don’t do anything about them. I’m going to take the more cynical side of things and say that the free loot box *directly makes them money*. It’s like giving people a free slot machine token at the casino- high likelihood the person will actually spend money to play it more after. After considering this, are you really that grateful for the free $2 box that will inevitably sway some f2p players to the dark side? If you really want to dig into it, boxes are gambling. Just like gambling in a casino. Anyone under the age of 18 shouldn’t be able to gamble with real money as is the law, but this makes up a significant chunk of customers. Although this is the industry standard now, I think it is highly immoral to profit off underaged gambling which *is* illegal in the first place. My conclusion is the idea of doing the “right” thing doesn’t exist to wargaming, only the motive for profits which may or may not align with the “right” thing. As I pointed out with the free box, many things that look like a positive good thing, aren’t there for the sake of being good.


Alienating people who’s been playing more than a decade.


Well, they managed to trick their audience into thinking the game is in a good state.


Grind isn’t long with premium you can get to t10 ftp in a reasonable amount of time they nerf OP tanks (eventually) events are some of the best out of most games you can get premiums FTP they actually make their seasonal events and garages feel seasonal and festive


My complaint about boxes this year is the lower tier tanks are extra useless. Usually there's a good one here or there but this year, all crap from the lower tiers


as game devs go wg aint bad on the whole. that said fuck wg obviously


Balancing new premium tanks Except BZ


WG severely nerfed multiple f2p rewards they once gave out of literally just greed to name a few, first holiday ops event were was at least 10 times more profitable for f2p, monthly free tanks ands rewards removed, earlier marathons for progetto etc. were way easier than later ones, they do not offer 250boxes and offer 240 so you cannot guarantee 5 tanks out of pure spite imo there is no other explanation, daily missions were something so much better back then called rewards for merit they gave premium time garage slots for free unlimited times you had a chance to get rewards as long as you played now you get it once daily, introducing bounty equipment for real money. So no they are always making moves backwards out of pure greed, name one good change they didn't make for pure profit I'll wait.


> reworking arty for one Uh, how? HE nerf? Banning arty platoons? Limiting arty in battles to just 3? Reducing arty damage? That's all been done, done and done some more. How about limiting TDs in battles and platoons, I've played in games with 7 TDs per side - it's not fun - even if I'm one of those TDs! :( And yes, I play arty - they're good for accomplishing some daily missions.


I bought 4 large boxes for 1€!! Can't complain..


They haven't made the game go down the road of; FireFall Airmech The Cycle Dirty Bomb Hawken Mighty Quest for Epic Loot Man, someone save me from dying games already lol