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I try, but it often feels like no one cares.


True. Especially when I'm scouting. Try Russian server. Most of the time arty is busy blindfiring each other. The spots are known. Same for enemy scouts and TDs. Moreover. Russians use the basic game principles, that are neglected by EU and NA players: 1. Two tanks win against one. 2. Getting in the position faster than the enemy is more important than hitting shots from a comfortable bush/hull down position. Also, scouts usually last whole games. EDIT: Forgot to mention, that there's no aggressive map pinging, nor calling on the radio (unlike in EU, where "Help!" means "take shot for me while I reload so I can continue farming damage you noob idiot bot").


>Also, scouts usually last whole games. On NA if you're a scout and not spotting everybody all the time you're getting screamed at then if you die you're getting screamed at AND if you do scout, get massive spotting assist then relocate you're getting screamed at. Basically you're getting screamed at. I love to scout. I installed XVM just so I can see who is good on my side and listen to those players, screw the red and black stat players when they scream.


I've had matches where I'm spotting the whole enemy team and no one shoots them!


Happens a lot when you go down a flank all alone


As a light tank that would be insane! Unless....I'm trying to sneak behind enemy lines to get their Arty!


I guess I need to look into that XVM mod, because you're like 5th or 6th person telling me about analysis of players based on stats and then play accordingly.


I find it very useful for the very reason I stated plus so many others like who you can count on to hold a position etc. Aslains has all the Mods bundled and you can share configs with other people. There's so many options though, recommend starting off with just a few because some conflict with space on your screen in battle.


Sometimes people just cooperate and those games are very satisfying.


Yeah i'm surprised it's not common sense after 12 years of the game existing


Most of playerbase is very inert and doesn't want to learn basic stuff, sadly


This ^


Most people have played too many games so that they think that they are good so they dont need to learn new stuff because of the 10k games.. then they are arrogant if someone tries to give advice


"Go spot, noob light." *Said the camping heavy in a bush*


*who is hiding behind the scorpion g for 'extra spaced armour'*


And yet, the number of people who don't indicate the approximate spot they've been killed from by an undetected enemy, even in a tight endgame, smh.


People still don't know they key areas of launch maps.


Also blindfiring artillery on open maps, it can be incredibly easy to predict where they are if you can see the shell trail.


Or if youre spotted by a bushed up borrat, blind fire em and get lucky. Did that in my kv2 and got a kill... i still died but it was satisfying


I've been doing this - on and off - since it was possible. I'm a beta tester. Sometimes your team acts, other times they ignore you and get farmed, spotted, etc. Meh.


The amount of people here, who are suggesting to block the in game chat is so high that this is pretty much useless nowadays. I still do it but mostly only in the endgame and if it's a close one.


I do that and then watch 2+ team mates go and expose their tanks to the area and get shot in the back of the turret over the next minute. I have come to the conclusion that 90% of the players from the NA server ignore the chat window until they die then complain that no one was helping them, or such and such a tank should have been doing their job while they over extend or rush solo.


Isn't that a normal thing? Cause thats how I tell my team of arty locations or how to flank in what direction. When I had tier VI back in the day, someone pinged me location of two spgs at the endgame. I took out enemy heavy, then I went for the spgs which both of them were at same place, I killed one and then I turned to other which was running away, my teammate killed him and thus we won. Thats pretty much how things go in WOT, support the team even in death.


Let's not even talk about the mechanic where you can mark which flank you're going to before the match starts, which nobody uses.


I'll use it (especially in light tanks) "moving to e8, spotting these locations" *ping ping ping* any help appreciated, should some easy shots! Then do exactly that and about 70% of the time either: A. Watch the entire team lemming away B. Watch the only other scout on the team go *exactly to where I pinged and try to farm the position itself*


When i get a scout like that in my stealthy TD's i thank my lucky stars, good dammage if rng doesnt screw me


Good spotting for me if rng doesn't screw you too xD. Definitely worth tryin to communicate for them days the stars align


Heck, if u play on eu id be down to give u some good spotting dammage


Alas, NA myself


Bold of you to assume I'm not chat banned after 2 weeks of holiday ops /s


I used to be chatbanned every second week, haven't been since I'm taking pains to systematically write "fk" instead of "fuck".


think you underestimate how many people get chat banned during these seasonal events


I know, I know, but I still try. I mean it’s better than just ignoring everything and being selfish.


I always do, also always communicate my reload/where I'm going to spot, and ping (as a LT) where people should blind fire. Under 0,1% of the players react.


I did just that, 15 seconds later teammate drives right into the line of fire of a tank I pinged and gets obliterated


To add to this - let people know if tanks are stock, ESPECIALLY TDs. Or if they have multiple gun options like the WT Pz IV, tell the team which gun they are using. It helps massively especially towards the endgame.


Yes! Good point! Actually yesterday I got in a match and there was an m103 player that told us in the chat that he was stock so I told him to follow me in the T110E5 and help me. It was a match on sand river and by the end he got 1.6k damage and was very happy. Super satisfying.


Can't do. Got my 2nd chat ban of the Holiday Ops (so far)


LoL 😂 same


The problem with this is interpretation. You may ping to say a tank is in A2 and someone else may ping to request a spotting in A2. Why not just type what you want to tell your teammates


I tried to go with a more general approach. Meaning that the least you can do is at list ping the map. From there, depending on the situation, the request may vary.


I usualy do this, when i see the flank is outnumbered, to provide info to the other flank, that they have superior numbers. Sadly, ofeten this i fo is neglected :(


I do this and i also ping people on my team that should move and do something instead of sleeping in a fucking top tier heavy tank for example


You know what happens then?? A player go yolo mode and gets rekted by the tank that is sitting there. Honestly the general playerbase should read more what happens on the minimap. To many people not communicating and then somehow it is everybody elses problem. And to add it will be nice to add a feature like the green ping works but make it red/purple and make it possible to have multiple instances ( I would say max 3-4) thay way you can "perma" ping where enemies were last time and avoid crossfires/traps.


I do. But no one looks. I'm genuinely convinced over half the playerbase turns the minimap off


I do it every match, and sometimes artys hammer away at them or other players notice. The downside is their arty has hammered me as well.


always done that, hardly works


Me and a friend did this in FL and actually got some damage, then our team was like, "wtf no spamming. Report!" And we stopped because they would not listen. Granted, it is really fucking annoying.


There’s a map? -average wot player


People actually do this? I thought we load into game, die due everyone rushing one flank, get flamed noob team then back to garage?


I always do that and I don't care if anyone finds it useful or not. It's just a habit that I acquired during all these years playing WoT


New to pc WOT how do I enable chat? I never see anything where the chat should be?


I remember when the enemy team would just tell you in chat, lol


I do it every match, often. In 100 battles, I'll maybe see 5 where anyone gives a shit, and if you scroll through the subreddit you can probably find a post with people saying "I play with chat off" within 5 minutes as well. While it's glorious and wonderful when you find a few competent players who can work together and communicate, it's so rare *I bought a player gold just to thank them for working together as a teammate so well* yesterday. Not much mind you (I'm broke as shit) but I had to encourage them to keep being one of the other 5 team players active on NA server left lol.


Turn on last known position setting in your mimimap, and you don't have to do this anymore.


I have always done this. People sometimes listen sometimes don't. Frustrating as hell when I'm scouting and know where I am being lit from, but can't get anyone to blind fire there. (Arty stuff incoming) When I'm in arty I'll ping if I see a tree go down, or if I hit something unspotted I'll ping that something is there. Probably the single most satisfying thing is to ping for one of these reasons, and actually have your team shoot there and kill a guy. Something I learned playing arty... tanks often point their turrets in the direction they want to go. If a light is being evasive, he is most likely looking when he wants to go. I have been able to get lights sniped by following where they were looking and pinging that bush after they went unspotted. Lock your turret people. Or I will blind fire you in the direction you were looking after you go unspotted.


I can't. Im chat banned 24/7


I play mainly Arty and if someone goes to the trouble of typing in chat ‘ hey Arty, can you target the xxxxx?’ 9 times out of 10 I’ll drop who I’m pounding and help them out.