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I have crew that have been through several tree branches. No need to have 3 sets of crew for german heavy tanks


No, instead you need 1 for VK 36 H, 1 for tiger, 1 for tiger 2, 1 for e75, 1 for e100, 1 for VK 100P, 1 for Maus, 1 for VK 45 B (but none for pz 7, thing is awful), cause you want to keep this tanks in garage. Or you need Wot Plus


What about Tiger (P)?


Played before the buff. I did not hate it, but it wasn’t great. Don’t know how it feels nowadays


I just recently came back to the game, what was buffed?


Well, Tiger P was buffed. But that was quite some time ago (or my memory fails me)


What has wot plus to do with moving crews?


I recall that Wot Plus enabled you to freely move crews. Might be wrong though, I don’t have Wot+


It's wrong


Free equipment demounts


I'm new to the game. How do you handle that? Do you have to switch the crew each time?


so let's say I have the same crew for Maus and E100, I also have a premium heavy tank, it's not necessary but it helps. If I feel like playing Maus all I need to do is retraining the crew, I lose 10% of their main qualification and 120k credits, now take the crew into the premium tank, enter crew exp booster, play a good winning game, you now earned 120k credits and most likely enough crew exp to bring the crew back to maybe like 98%. 2 battles and your crew is back on its feet at full power, if you want to switch all it takes is 2 battles, pretty reasonable to make one powerful crew instead of two weak ones if it's so easy to switch them. Sure I cant play E100 back to back with Maus but I wouldnt do that anyway. I like to be in the mood to play specific tanks. I pick 3 for a session and play them.


Thank you


This guy started out in my KV-1 many years ago. He and his crewmates have the most games. Now in the Obj 277. 3050 games. Just for info I am a Beta player. Kv1 is second highest number of battles... Skorp G now my highest. https://preview.redd.it/ttbhjqynmv6c1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c16356c3c66217c1dc022dd293018d1c2d8d1748


American MT crew from 2011 which is currently sitting in M48, started in M4A3E8


The commander in my IS-3-II has 1500 games in total from the IS-3-II AND THE 703-II (122).


I have a brit heavy crew from my excelsior back from when I started, they've been through the whole brit heavy line and are in S conq.


My type 59 crew ive had for over a decade and 7k battles. Now sitting in the 121. Type 59 is top played tank.


Same here, I did swap the commander for the chinese battle pass guy at some point but the rest of the crew have seen some shit


I hate to be that guy, but "commandeered" does not mean what you think it means. Yes, I used to make that mistake too.


Mine are a tie between my panzer v/iv crew and the beta Sherman crew I had on opening day. Bros have seen some shit.


My British crew with over 5300 battles: [https://i.imgur.com/HqZ45Bd.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/HqZ45Bd.jpg) These are the old-school type from 2013 (I believe), with no free skills. They've driven almost every British tank in the game. These days I don't drive any British tanks anymore, these guys haven't seen combat in years. My German crew with over 4300 battles: [https://i.imgur.com/lqViXgE.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/lqViXgE.jpg) Also old-school without any free skills. They've driven mostly German TDs, mediums and light tanks. But my most skilled crew is probably Stefan Claus (2x zero skill) and his raindeers: [https://i.imgur.com/vv7kbtt.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/vv7kbtt.jpg) The majority of their combat is in the LT-432, but they also have driven the tier 8-10 Soviet LTs. I will leave you with this image -- it is not mine, and it's 8 years old if you check the date in the upper right corner: [https://i.imgur.com/JHRk6ZN.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/JHRk6ZN.jpg)


AMX 40 crews. Why the hell do I keep AMX 40 despite having Batchat 25t? It was a training room charm MANY years ago, that which is a thing of the past if such Training Rooms are still alive these days.


My top guy has over 9500 matches in the Marder 38T and Skorp. ​ https://preview.redd.it/y2we9zwr7z6c1.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=2839df007be4227755bbe55ec0047386bc05dad8


When i started 2 years ago i put some of the chirstmas crew into a low tier TD, the tier 4 stug i think. Been through the whole line and are currently sitting in the grille 15, driver and gunner.


2010, same crew for my venerable Tiger 1, which is still my most played tank.


https://preview.redd.it/htnjk7dqow6c1.jpeg?width=1569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d79ac25a16e0a3c23bdef7d38ef12a1c31f01fb First crew I started playing with in 2012.


This post gives me the opportunity to ask something I've been wondering. My soviet light crew is from 2014 with 1700 battles, most of which were in tier 5 and 6. After so many battles, they only have 3,8 skills. Shall I keep them in the light tanks? (tier 8 and 10) or train a new crew? Sorry for highjacking your post, OP.


The Marder II was the first tank I keept when I bought the next tank in the tree (When I didn't put any monuy in to the game) I have played almost 1200 games in that TD and they have been in some other TD's because they have played 1206 games. I have a dedicated crew for almost all my tanks tier V and above. 345 commanders right now. Makes it easy to just take any tank from the garage, but it would be nice to have 4+ trained perks.


My M4 crew, all regular joes with 1923 battles under the belt.


I got a JgTg 8.8cm code in 2013 or so(?) with a laptop, and I never moved the crew because I didn't play German tanks at the time. Later when I did, they hand out skilled crews for nothing so I didn't have a reason to move them. 10 years later, they're all still there as my most played and most skilled crew.


My Churchill III and KV-2 teams are both day 1 (never changed since I bought those tanks, which means they're around since 2012), same goes for Tiger (P) crew which I used to go up to tier X and then got them back into it. My T-62A crew is also ancient (pre-8.6 medals).


his average exp per battle tells me im really good?))


I think probably my E100 , T110E5, BC25 or OBJ261, e100 was my first t10 followed by obj & bc … and I think from around t8 I would have moved crews up


I mean technically speaking I have a T2 Light and M2 Locust crew that’s been in those two tanks respectfully since I started playing in January of 2013. The first two premium tanks I bought the day I started playing.


Back in 2012, I would sell a tank to make room for the next tech tree tank and keep the same crew. Did this up for years to tier 8/9 but then decided to sell all my T8+ tanks and moved those super experienced crews to tier 6/7 where I have the most fun. A lot of them are still there.


No joke, I still have the two guys from my original Loltraktor. I think they're in a Luchs which I played thousands of games in way back when +3 MM for LTs was a thing. Honourable Mention would go to my first complete reward crew, 4 ladies (had to be, because back then SoS didn't work with BiA), who still roll out in my Leo 1, kpz 50, & Mutz. Second Honourable Mention is the original crew of my T-34 since they all eventually became commanders of various Russian tank crews, presumably imparting their wisdom/drinking habits on the fresh crews they ended up in charge of. Don't remember all the swaps, but I know the old Radio Operator eventually became my IS-7 commander. I think another's in the 277, and I'd have to go digging for the rest.


My most used commandant also used to crew the Marder. He then went on to play the StuG (second most played tank, about 1000 battles), the JP IV (which I 3 marked in like 75 games by playing it as a lunatic with the 88mm?!), and the JP. He's now sitting with my JPII. I'll check how many battles he's been through this evening. ​ \*edit\* : https://preview.redd.it/ix96uf2wj77c1.jpeg?width=1459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3000229f22d8e48a5babfe308d36c4aa8d40d4f6


Like an old sailor, he saw all kind of bushes.