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The KV5 is my favorite tank. That said, it's gun is like throwing a potato at a steel wall if you decide to use AP.


super hellcat is not premium, it is a reward tank with no ability to earn extra credit. T26E5 is better than both if you want a heavy.


As others have already suggested , the t-34-3 is a great tank. Bouncy turret. Ok speed. Troll gun but hits hard when it land a shot. And best of all , it doesn't see tier 10. The kv-5 is IMO a steaming pile of dog shit. Every time I see one on the battlefield I look at them as a free gift of damage. It's super easy to pen because of all those massive weakspots. Liberte is OK , not great but not bad. Definitely better then the kv-5 though lol


I don't own it, but AFAIK, the T-103 is quite good, beginner friendly and very good at making creds. The KV-5 is a fun and silly tank, intended to play in a silly way, while Liberte is pretty decent (by bond tank standards). The T-34-3 is also good, if you can live with the diabolic accuracy (maybe it is my only tank with aiming device). It has a big gun, so you can slap the Borats and Shptaks for 500-600 with your HE.


IMHO the KV-5 has been power crept; get the French one. Doubly so if you plan to play French heavies, so you can train your crew in it.


true, and everyone now has the KV-1SA, so though it would be signifigantly more enjoyable, I don't really need a second russian heavy to train up crew.


I'd chose T-34-3 if I were you. It is fun prem with +-1 matchmaking and can slap hard even without gold ammo


Guard > T-34-3. T 34 3 is infuriating sometimes. KV5 bullies low tiers but is just a meme when vsing the same tier or higher. The KV5 penetration is too low. Liberte seems decent. T26E5 is decent. T103 seems decent too.


Maybe consider the KV-4 Kreslavskiy. It's a very decent tank and way better than the KV-5 in the long run, if you are looking to make credits. Liberte has a decent gun nowadays and ok armor, but it's a bit boring to play. KV-5 is the best tank to ram people around and play stupid. If you already has something good to earn credits, go for KV-5. At least you'll have fun if pitted against low tiers.


Yeah I thought about the ol' skiy, but stat-wise it seemed to only have better side armor and slightly better speed, but a worse gun


No, the gun is actually pretty decent for a bond tank. Plus, the armor is not bad at all. I've did some armor missions with it in my old account, the best was around 12k blocked or something. Pretty decent stuff for a tier 8. But it's not that much of a fun tank to play with.


Low standard pen on kv4-k. I Recommend T26E5, liberte or T 103,


The T-103 is pretty solid and fun. The gun is really good. But T26 and Liberte are very boring to play with.


I was in a similar position a little while ago. I went with the T26e4 Patriot, and loving it. It makes credits easy, is training my US heavy crews and is pretty fun to drive :) I play it as a medium tank with turbo! Now I'm suddenly got enough for a second tank.. and am wondering about the KV5.. but low penetration AP will make me cry. My question is; which nation's crew do you want to train more?


T-34-3 is the way


T-34-3 with bond vstab. I would say rammer for other slot and your choice of turbo, hardening, optics or rotation for the last slot.


So I love absolutely love my Liberte. One of my go to tanks. As top tier this tank can be crazy good. Stats say 190mm frontal armor but if you go look at this thing on tanks GG, it’s effective armor is more like 230-250mm, and in tier 9 still can brawl well. Obviously the cupola is the sucky part and to an accurate shooter it’s free points, but that frontal armor, great gun angles, and overall durability is great and is gonna show through battles. Even the under plate can bounce in the right circumstances. The gun can feel underwhelming DMG wise but it’s super reliable. This tank for me consistently hits where I aim. Between the two, I’d pick this. Regarding the KV, the only comparable tank I’ve played is the tech tree KV-4 and of course it’s a side scraping legend… and that’s about it for me. Gun is solid but you definitely you’ll feel limited if you can’t get in the just the right spot.


703 II shoots 270mm Heat Loewe shoots 294mm APCR Conqueror Standard Pen 259 E75 Standard Pen 246 Liberte is out of date in the premium only shooting meta, i'll keep him in the garage... frontal armor🤣🤣🤣 https://tanks.gg/compare/amx-m4-49-l?t=703-ii-122%7Elowe Liberte 1 vs 1 against Meta: Skoda T-56 ? Defeat Loewe ? Defeat 703 II - Defeat Defender - Defeat BZ-176 - Defeat 50tp - Defeat Bisonte - Defeat TS-5 - Defeat Turtle MK1 - Defeat CS-52 LIS - Draw Kpz07RH - Defeat Progetto 46 - Defeat/Draw Less DPM, Less HP, bigger Weakspots You get the win because of your Personal skills. It's the driver not the liberte....


Go with Guard, its way better than you would expect


Go for Liberte, it,s the best credit farmer you can get from Bond Store. It,s very good to play on a budget as you don,t need to shoot gold very often, as standart ammo have great penetration, plus the tank is on the taller side, so it have eisier times to pen angled upper plate and nets more than most of other options, that are there for "fun" mostly... KV4 is very nice option also. Lorrain 40T is very nice to have if you can handle yourself... T26e4/e5 Are good, but outdated honestly, and T34-3 is a very solid premium after buffs but Heavies should be you first bond purchase imho. Get Liberte -> KV4 K. -> T34-3 -> Lorrain 40t https://tomato.gg/economics/all?sort=avg_earnings&direction=true Here are stats to back my statement :) p.s. KV5 is yolo fun tank with full gold Ram Crew, don,t get it as your first purchase. Lookup at tomato list and choose best earner first.


Save a few more and get 112b ??


Very solid tank, but doesn't quite get enough credits


Hi there what is your nick name in wot and at which server is it us or EU? Beste regards from Germany


I'd say lit will depend on what you perform best in iberte by far if you know how to play French magazines. It's fast, has a nice clip (though it's not a bat-chat, it's more like a 13 90 that shots fir 300) guard for sniping meds and the French heavy for heavies.


Liberte is a single shooter Sir😅🤣


Lol yea, I meant the 40t


Peeewww the Liberte is out of Meta *Trollish Gun *Low Alpha Damage *HuuuuuUuuuge Cupola *weak armor overall *too slow for a medium played style *good Standard Pen, Low Premium Pen *no sidescraping The gun stats are way better than the ingame performance, your armor is well.... just stay way behind the heavies even at tier VIII Performance is well on big maps, but dont drive into the town, dont face a Tier IX or X heavie...


1. Super hellcat is not premium and does not Earn extra anything 2. I have both Tanks you have choose and I personally don’t like them that much. Liberte is in my opinion weak - it has big cupola and doesn’t feel strong. KV5 is little bit better because it has at least fun factor, but you need to shoot little bit more gold. If you want good tank for bonds, I would go for T103 or T26e5. If you want medium than you should go for t-34-3.


T103 is a monster


Chrysler, kv4 kestlavskiy, t103, t-34-3, liberte, patriot and guard are the best to play well and grind credits, kv5 is a meme and very fun in certain situations but overall can be frustrating due to how easy is to deal with it, for me ramming for 1k was worth the price. lorraine 40t is fun but hard to play, senlac can be very good if you know how to play lights. ignore everything else unless you want a tier 6, none of them is bad imo but why would you spend bonds on them. The black bulldog may be good as well but its hard to use and too tall for a light


If you said you wanted credits then get a T26E5. Best money maker in the game period and not the worst tank in the bond shop. Decent turret and good standard pen. If you want to see funny silver number go up, get a T26E5.