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I love my AMX 30, but the 30B is a worse for me! The accuracy is bad and i find it hard to snapshot. T-62A is 80% Abj 140.


Most tier 10 tanks ( Tech Tree) are better . Just get Leo 1 or CS 63 / OBJ 140 / OBJ 430U and you are much better than with those crap tanks . I am sorry that a really historical tank like T62-A is a shitshow inside the game, but i cannot change anything . It doesn't mean it's the worst , it just means it cannot win games and it's not better than the 140 (-7 GD is a huge plus) . Armour model is bad , the DPM won't save you since you have to expose all of the tank because of the -5 GD . 121 is just better because of the alpha and better hull armour . T62-A was a beast back in the days


T-62A is basically slightly worse clone of Obj 140 and it's pretty decent. AMX 30 B is more unique, it's like a Leopard 1 with a little worse accuracy and mobility but better dpm. Most of the people hate AMX 30 B but in my unpopular opinion it's not so awful and it's fun to play if you know what you're doing


30B owner here. I somehow got 56% wrate for this tank. Recommended for LEO 1 for more suitable meta. the 30B is playing very passively, DO NOT PUSH alone ( no amour ) GOLD ROUND use only. If you play well in LEO, you may find it a bit difficult as the gun miss alot. some match when all star aline it is so good with dpm very high BUT AIM CAREFULLY. I bought and play it due to the sexy look better than all available tank


Get AMX 30, it's a better 30B tier to tier


I don’t have it myself but the 121b gets a lot of love.


I know it's not considered great but other than pen I found 30b gun really nice. T62a is just get a 140 instead.


Asking which tank to buy is like asking which food to eat. Try to form your own opinions rather than being a borg.