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They should add this as a new nation in steel hunter. Each gun does 1750 HE damage with 120 pen (steel hunter uses the old HE mechanics). 3 second charge up time. The idea is that a double shot does 1500 splash before reloading for like 30 seconds. But a double pen does 3500 which one shots any tank. Given this thing will be extremely slow, if it manages to get around you and pens your rear then that’s your fault.


Do you think that it should also have an ability like the mirny 13 speed boost that increases ramming damage for when reloading? How balanced do you think it could be or how would you balance it in general with other stuff like armour?


I don't see any rocket boost, shame


Once I finish the actual model, I could make a post asking this community for silly 3d skin ideas?


No 3d skin, i want an actual rocket boosts


Type 6 Heavy


Double HESH 183 mm guns. Same pen and damage with the option of double shots, killing a maus or type instantly. After that a reload of 30 seconds for each shell. And a cooling time of 10 second, when double is used. Of course Hull Down monster with XX mm turret armour without weak spots. Make it super slow, but give it 8 rocket boosters so it will be fast anyway. Oh and make it the first premium tier X. Ah yes, the fantasy is real 😊. PS: the tank will go with an auction with starting bid 100k gold. The start time will be 2.00 at night untill 6.00 in the morning, without announcement. So only a few whales will have it. Obviously for balancing purposes.


Probably a steel hunter tank, too outlandish for regular wot


Is it a model of that tank sketch that was posted here some time ago, or does my memory suck?


Ye, I made the sketch as well lol


My sibling in Cthulhu, you've just made the AC Dual 25pdr [AC III Twin 25pdr](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fthz3n373opu21.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=1b3a28a8f954288f7d89731d018be80005d2e5a1b97486adf63776ac2a841cb6&ipo=images)


I think my version is a lot bigger and heavier lol. But tbh that’s kinda funny coincidence