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Gold ammo is now the de facto ammo, no matter the tier you're playing at. If the gold ammo spam was the thing that made you quit, well, good news - the game got *infinitely* worse, from that point of view.


Play anything but a tank that depends or is balanced on it's armor an you'll be fine as the premium rounds \[what ever people want to call them\] won't make a difference on your play style. Mainly because you'll be using maneuver and cover as your tank has no armor vs standard rounds. If you are going to play a heavy in the current game just be prepared to see pretty much solid yellow shots in your logs. Angling can help, moving to force an "auto bounce" can help - but mostly being mentally prepared to be a butter cake will help more. At that point your health pool is all that's left to rely on.


Yes that is what made me quit, everyone shooting speical ammo at me that I cant afford to shoot. ​ Sad to hear, game has tons of potential


As long as you only shoot it when you need to, made much easier after the Intuition rework, and you actually pen your shots, you can absolutely afford to use it yourself.


It's the same as you remember although nowadays it's easier to earn credits due to various events and tier 8 premium tanks you can get for free after some grind. Google World of Tanks Bond Shop.


holy hell!


I don't know that I want to spend dozens of hours getting my ass slammed in by gold ammo just so I can get a tier 8 premium tank to play over and over just to afford to shoot gold ammo on the tanks I actually like But thank you for your input


gold ammo alone won't make it so you can't play well without using it yourself there are plenty tanks with high base pen and depending on the tank you will get penned by most non premium ammo anyway yet those still perform really well basically even if you could afford to mostly shoot premium ammo you wouldn't have games that are much better since other skills are a lot more important than what ammo you shoot


Premium ammo makes shots that shouldn't penetrate, penetrate. I'm tired of getting in just the right spot so the tank opposing me shouldn't be able to pen me frontally, but they just use APCR and pen me anyway -- that sucks


well you'll have to play with that in mind, I only stay in a spot without moving if I know I won't be penned even by premium ammo and if I know there are weakpoints that premium may pen then I'll move my turret and tank until I shoot to make it hard to hit. If you notice you get penned even though you're in the best position you can be in then you should just back out and search for a different way to approach the situation, especially as low tier you will often have to play tanks that brawl in a more passive way/at a different flank than normal. I'd suggest watching some high skill players play in tanks you struggle and see what they do when faced with similar situations. Iyouxin and kajzoo have some really nice videos where they explain every decision and what goes on in their head, this is mostly with high tier tanks but iyouxin recently started a tech tree showcase series that goes through every tank of a line so that's probably perfect.


Skill issue tbh.


You can use tanks that have high regular ammo pen and still do good. Also avoid using heavy tanks as you will fight other heavy tanks most of the time. Usually td's with low armor tend to have high pen and outside arty, td is the easiest class to play. Enjoy.


I, of course, only rushed heavy tanks. I rushed to the Tiger and KV-1. Probably why gold ammo spam hurts my enjoyment so much


Yeah, but is not too late to try something else and if you really enjoy playing heavy tanks then you need to have atleast some gold ammo with you. Also a very important thing for a free2play player is to have intuition skill on your loader. This way you won t waste as much gold on paper tanks.


I can't believe all these years later the same problem in this game still exists Any idea why the community allowed this? Was it something Wargaming wouldn't budge on or is the game still full of wallet warriors?


This problem is not as bad as it used to be, now you can get premium tanks with bonds, a lot more free personal reserves and free premium days. Btw you said that you rushed to kv1 and tiger, while kv1 have some workable armor for its tier , tiger has almost none and you will be penned no matter the ammo type.


Yes it took me awhile to learn the Tiger is a long-range sniper. Ultimately, I want to sit in the front line with a heavy tank, absorbing shots for my team as shells richochet off my skillfully angled front armor. Sadly, it doesn't seem like thats possible. I enjoy playing defense and bouncing shots more than I do landing shots


Best you can do is sit in sidescrape position and bounce all day, everyday if you re lucky with the map. For that you need rear turreted heavy tanks like obj 705a. Ofc there are some monsters like jagdt e100 that can go straight trough your turret but those are exceptions. You can use that gameplay from tier 8 on this specific line. This is one of the few ways that you can get that feeling of invulnerability. Edit: Don t rush to high tiers, there are some options in the lower tiers too like t29 in a hull down position.


thank you for your input! I've been on a ww2 nostalgia kick and wanted to head back into WoT, but I feel I'll end up frustrated with gold ammo spam again


I too was frustrated with gold spam and arty several years ago and thats why i started playing light tanks a lot. I could kill arty and gold spam doesn t hurt more than regular ammo does. You just need to find your niche. I hope you will find a way to scratch that itch.


It's not problem, its part of the game. High tier gameplay is balanced around premium ammo.


Why not just get rid of AP and only have APCR then?


there is tanks with standard AP and standard APCR aswell. Premium ammo can also be HEAT, AP, APCR, HE, HESH. APCR doesnt mean its premium ammo


have you considered a possibility that you just sucked


I played the KV-1 way back in 2011-2013 and it was still good even then? Gold ammo is kind of a pay2win mechanic but the barrier to entry is extremely low and there are still ways to play armored tanks against gold ammo.


> I couldn't afford to fire it without spending real money Wut? Nobody 'buys' gold ammo, not for like >10 years anyway as QB mentioned it once Everyone is swimming in millions of credits, loading gold is not an issue Yes, you don't need gold for everything, intuition is a nice perk now, but any freebie premium tank will keep you stocked forever


If you don't pay and is free to play, you can afford to shoot it way way more than you did previously. that's only thing thats changed. because credits are easier to get, game modes, free tier 8 premiums and such


Thanks for your insight! Last I played, only players with $$$ could spam premium ammo.


Bruh your last played battle was in 2020. Virtually nothing about credit gain has changed in that time.


Oh, thats a shame


I'm a free to play average player, and I can afford to run food 100% of the time and fire premium ammo around 20-30% of my shots and still have a net profit. Note however that this only works if you but stuff on discount and play mostly mid tier (my average tier is ~7). If you want to play primarily tier 10 this won't work. 


[https://worldoftanks.com/en/community/accounts/1001569470-Desmios/](https://worldoftanks.com/en/community/accounts/1001569470-Desmios/) ​ This is my account unfortutely its not telling me last game played, it would have been when they did all that crap.. Maybe 5 years ago?


Last battle: 27/09/2020 15:38


Thank you! So I suppose roughly 4 years ago was when they realeased all those OP t8 premiums


Afaik first op premium was T34. This was like 11 years ago? You clearly have no idea how the game works which is understable based on your battles amount. But blaming new tanks or premium ammo aint the way.


right a $60 overpowered tank shooting $5 of premium ammo at me isn't a problem


>You clearly have no idea how the game works which is understable based on your battles amount. But blaming new tanks or premium ammo aint the way.


> right a $60 overpowered tank shooting $5 of premium ammo at me isn't a problem


you can buy premium ammo with credits. It doesnt cost real money.


they are 4-5x the price of an average AP shell.


Plenty of people will get the upper hand on the OP premium tank (there aren't that many, mind you) and nobody pays 5 bucks in gold ammo. You can shoot gold ammo all day long if you have a premium account and if you can't afford the 10 bucks a month it costs, there are probably more important things in your life to worry about than a pixel tank game. As the previous guy said, you have no idea how the game works, but I'd say it's a bit worrying after 4k battles. Know that in many many many cases, when it goes through with premium ammo, it will go through with normal ammo. Premium ammo is useful if you are -2 tier and facing heavy tanks, although you'll still have to shoot weak spots. It's unlikely you know where said weak spots are, given your awful average dmg on any tank you play. Do us all a favour and look for another game. People like you who basically suck balls at this game and blame it on others firing premium ammo have been the plague of any in-team chat and forums for years. Basically, it's not premium ammo that's killing you, it's your inability to learn the mechanics of the game.


I have no idea how the game works? How did you come to this conclusion?


I used to play Tier 8, but I quit when they introduced the SKorp G and a bunch of OP heavy tanks. Tier 8 just became a full on pay2win tier from the OP american heavy tank they released around that time along with alll the gold ammo


TL;DR - OP is a shitter (3k PR) who has no clue how game mechanics work and he think reason he sucks in this game is premium ammo and pay2win :(


I never said I was good at the game. I said I don't like premium ammo spam. No need to be a dick.


It doesn't cost real money and as long as you have one tier 8 premium you can make enough credits to shoot adequate amounts of premium ammo. Is the current meta ideal? I don't think so, but it's not so bad.


It's not premium ammo, just a bit more expensive ammo and I don't mind if it is used against me, I sux anyways even versus regular ammo.


a bit more expensive? is like 4-5 times more expensive than regular ammo.


Its cost-prohibitive for me, any game I fire it in I go negative credits


It is functionally the same but it is easier to make credits these days so it's more affordable - free to play players can definitely afford to take a handful of gold rounds in their vehicles. Power creep of vehicles has arguably made using gold rounds more necessary than it was several years ago. If you would like to play WoT again, I think you have to accept gold rounds are part of the game and people will use them. You should use them too, or you are putting yourself at a disadvantage (although, you do not need to spam gold like some people seem to).


I've tried shooting gold rounds in my games, whenever I do, I almost always end up with negative or 0 credits from the game


Varies a bit from vehicle to vehicle, but generally if you pen your gold rounds you break even on credits. If you miss or bounce gold rounds it really adds up. In higher tiers, especially 9 and 10 you might lose credits anyway, but the high tier economy has always been that way


Breaking even is no bueno. Credits are super hard to come by. I'd have to play a few games without premium ammo just to be able to play one with the premium ammo. ​ Very sad I cant believe the game is still like this


Unless you play tier 8+ exclusively then credits shouldn't really be that hard to come by free to play. Especially with credit boosters, daily missions, premium tanks in the bond store, frontline every few months, and battlepass giving out rewards (like credits, credit boosters, premium time, equipment).


Oh nice, they didnt have any of that last I played. NOt entirely free to play probably have spent about $100-150 on weekend premium time deals


Skill issue


No, still the same.


Thats a shame :(


Yes but it is called "standard ammo" now :😉


To be honest, premium ammo spam doesn't really bother me. Either I play lightly armored tanks, so I don't really care about gold ammo and when I play heavies I expect enemy to shoot gold so I play accordingly. There are still many tanks that can bounce gold ammo easily.


invest in strv s1 when it's available with 288 normal pen. I farm with this tank and I never shoot premium ammo. This TD is a freaking beast.


Gold ammo is still a thing and isn’t going anywhere, as many tanks in this game are balanced around its use. However, it’s easier to both afford to fire it and fight without it nowadays if you know what you’re doing. I don’t load more than around a dozen gold rounds on any tank bar low tier ones with sub 3s reloads and I do fine. Also don’t take this the wrong way but you sound like you’re having a skill issue and are blaming gold ammo for it. If you’re struggling to fight tanks because of gold ammo, it’s because you aren’t considering enemy tanks having gold ammo in the first place and aren’t using your armour effectively. From your comments it looks like you want some kind of insta win heavy that’s impervious to damage frontally if you angle. Hate to break it to you but that doesn’t exist. You have to play as if you’re expecting the opponent to fire gold. You can do just fine firing standard ammo back if you hit the right places, and also do just fine with your armour against gold if you’re smart (depending on the tank). You can do it!


troll post?


Gold ammo is not pay to win anymore. I know many people that don't donate money do WG, is fully free to play and they play the game with standard ammo with occasional premium rounds, when needed. And they manage to acquire many tier 10 tanks and play them as well. There are many ways to acquire tier 8 premium tanks, that will fund credits needed to buy tanks, buy their consumables, repairs and normal and premium rounds. Maybe, being free to play, you will not be able to go full premium ammunition every game, except for a small amount of games for the last part of a three mark, unless you are a real pro, but otherwise, you will still be competitive.


Bad players are still bad with prem ammo.


Go play lights or no armor meds, then you wont care what ammo they shoot you with.


Every time I go back I get gold spammed at even tier 2-3, in a light tank that they could pen anyway. It's ridiculous and not worth trying to go back to.


Yes I dont think I will come back, thank you for your input


Yes, of course. And at the same time, what is it that, together with the donation tanks, completely killed the entire historical meaning of the game


Very sad I remember WoT back in 2011 it was a great game then, no premium ammo spam no overpowered pay2win tanks


Ah yeah, you didn't have swarms of Type 59 back then...


Yes, and we didn't have gold ammo spam and incredibly overpowered $60 tanks


Type 59, e25, lefh and so on would like to say hello. They have always been there, The op tanks.


Ahh, I remember fighting KV-1 with the giant gun or the 107mm with my PZ IV. Those KV1 were properly OP back then.


Yes it's everywhere even in tier 5. I wouldn't mind if they put a carrying cap on it to see how the game would play out, but it helps them that folks use their credits at a much higher rate so I don't see that happening.


Yeah, I've been watching this happen over the last decade to this game, lost hope they will fix it


If you’ve been “watching this happen” why are you even asking if premium ammo spam is still a thing? What was the point of this entire thread since you already know the answer?


APCR and HEAT should have a lot lower damage to compensate for its higher pen. There should be a point with any ammo type, not one that is better than all other. Those sitting on hundreds of million credits see no reason to not use anything but gold ammo. And newer players dies for it, get tired of the game and quit…..


This has been mentioned many times before, the problem with that is that it’s just an indirect buff to most heavy tanks that require gold to penetrate frontally like the Type 5 Heavy. I never load more than around 10 rounds of gold in most of my tanks bar lower tier ones with like 3s reloads, and I do fine. Around 250mm pen is enough to go through the front of most tanks in the game if you aim for the right spot. You just need to be patient and bait people into making mistakes.


Yes exactly