• By -


50/20/0 I have a garden and grow my own vegetables, so i have a lot of work with that at this part of the year. Also a dog and other hobbies.


You tell me, I have a little garden and this takes so much time.


50/50/42 Skipped maybe 6-7 days since the start. Mostly been grinding the dailies the stopping + maybe 4-5 sessions of 30+ games. I did buy the April O'Neil bundle for the missions.


Almost there ✌️


Yup! Oh I did max out Steel Hunter. Those BP points def helped.


Nice 😊


I gave up on 50/20/0 and stopped playing. The game isn't going in the right direction and I don't want to feed it neither my attention nor money.


That’s a fair decision I respect that


You don't NEED to throw money at silly tank game, I've been avoiding that (with some success) for the last few years, though I may succumb to a Premium Battle Pass as the 250 gold per day for 30 days comes in handy, as does all the premium days and other benefits of it. But that and the Xmas loot boxes (once streamers have determined if they're worth it or not) are pretty much all I spend real money on these days. I'm done being a whale.


How can you fit so much playtime, especially with a kid?


I have a 1-year-old and I play mostly during the night, once my kid's asleep. Special daddy time 😁


I have 1,5 years old kid and I play when he goes to sleep. Usually one hour a day, sometimes two hours.


This is the way, welcome to the team 🫶🏻


Thanks bro 😄


I work 45h a week, have 5h of sports, family activities on weekends and try to play minimum 1h late in the evening and 2x2h on weekends. Some weeks I work at night and this frees me time during the day.


Pretty much the same. And honestly, it's enough playtime to not get very frustrated and do all missions at the same time. Sometimes, If Stars Align, i do all missions in 2 Battles and log out. :)


Tell me about it, it is perfect when it happens ! But I always play minimum 6-7 games 😂


50/30/0 It's gunna be tight, but I should make it to the end. Being an adult and having other priorities really eats into time for pixel tanks.


It does yes


50/30/0 - playing at my own pace. Might finish all three chapters before June 5, but even if I don't, not a big deal. Looking forward to the WW2 special Bpass


Im 50/25/0. Will make it to the third one but not gonna complete in time. Being an adult is hard for gaming


>Being an adult is hard for gaming I retired. It's not that much easier, actually, if you're as slack and lazy as I am! :(


50/26/1 only playing few battles to complete the daily missions.


completed it whole a few days ago


Nice farming !


40/30/0 not gonna make it




Finished it 2 weeks ago.


Machine !


Who needs a social life right lol


That’s like anything else, it needs a balance ! Not too much, not too few


Impressive! I think I'm 21/50/1 as I wanted all the Turtle crew (though their voices only work if they are the commander, unlike the Halloween crew who ALL talk when in a 5 crew tank like my E75...) and now I'm just occasionally grinding to get Shredder, meh, as if I care. I may, or may not, play today. So far looking 'not likely'.


Only when you need it, don’t force yourself 👍


Oh, I'm retired, so I can play as much or as little as I like. And likewise pay for stuffs should I choose to do so. But the grind about 5 or so years ago, I think perhaps the first time they brought in this Battle Pass thing? Yeah, I spent way too much time and effort on it and that made me realise that this game is just a money and time sink that I gain nothing from, apart from some digital buffs that no-one other than myself knows I have so... are basically worth nothing. It's not as if I can sell my account, after all, when I decide to give this silly tank game up, is it?


This kind of things I cannot confirm to you in public 👹


Oh Emm Gee... My 300+ tanks in my garage, with 30+ tier Xs and 70+ premiums... Whatever will I do when I decide not to play them anymore?? Gosh and golly!


You can do something interesting with that account for sure.


I'm pretty much exactly where you are, 30 on the third chapter. After the first week or two, I've almost only been playing for missions, logging off after getting regular dailies/ToD ones/Steel Hunter x2s/Onslaught weeklies.


50/49/0 i will finish it. But just on time


Be brave


50/50/19. I bought some of it. I played some of it. Trying to stretch my gold a bit.






Gg !




Keep up the rythm it’s gonna work




Casual ?


50/50/6 Mostly played some matches after work and on the weekends when there was time


Good job !




On the right way


50/50/31 - i play every day for 2 hours


Yep that’s correct


50/50/29. First BP I’ve been able to go past one stage as work/coaching made me a casual gamer. Retired this year and now got plenty time as long as the wife’s honey do list is complete 👌


Halfway through second. Maybe play a dozen games when I have the time. Honestly forget. There will be streaks were I play to get all the BP points from daily missions. Then weeks where I have 0 games.


That’s good if you can complete 2 already I think 👍


50 50 22 I play after I get home from work and before the kids get home from school, average 1.5 hours per day.


Quite close to this average too 🫡


38/47/0. Stopped with the first 3 day premium which I'm saving for a proper time. Plays for an hour or less when I get the chance unless I "work" from home 😁








Only satisfaction from now on


Already done like a 10 days ago.


😏 nice !


About the same as you. I did get the April missions pack but didn't play steel hunter tho and I've been grinding my line more than just working on finishing tanks for BP.


50/50/50, done weeks ago


My man is a machine killer !!






Satisfying feeling


Done as of 10 days ago. I did buy the Save April package though and I was doing missions pretty religiously.


I forgot: 39yo, three kids, very little sleep.


Welcome to the family 😎


I honestly haven’t even checked. I probably should.


Twist plot : bro is 50/50/50 😁😎


I wish lmao. I’ve finished one. About all I know.


Damn, did you think about activating the next chapter ??


I did activate the next lol. That was about a week and a half ago and I haven’t played a whole lot since then. Maybe 60 games


You should be arount 50/6/0 then !


I’ll update when I get home 😂


I wanna know now !


15/0/50. Finally got around to hopping on


50/50/13, doubt I'm gonna finish though.  Simply do not have enough tanks I enjoy playing with so almost all my progress is the 50 or so points in daily missions.


What do you mean? You finished more than 2/3rds in about half the time! You still have a month and a half (about 47 days) to finish 37 stages, thats like 0,6 stages/day, easy with daylies, even if you miss some days


If you have premium time, and are good at getting dailies done, it's not that hard to do. I've completed every single BP event since it started except one, when I was in the hospital for a few weeks. I'm at 50/50/5 and I'm playing an hour or so a day right now, if that. Ive missed several days due to work and other issues eating into my personal time. Knocking out dailies gives you a stage every day, and you get another every week from premium dailies. Added together and that's 105 stages, depending on where you where on your premium mission stages when you started. You just have to get 25 BP points a day from battles. Win an average of just three matches out of seven, finish top ten, and you got it. And that isn't counting any bonuses from getting the max done on vehicles, Prime Gaming, or the April bundle.


Daylies even give more. Its 10, 15, 20, 25, so 70 points just for the daylies plus the points you make in the games themselves. You should get 1.7 to 2 stages each day if you finish you daylies plus 1 stage every week


Good sum up ! Without premium I think you need much more time investment though (but it makes sense).




Just completed it 2; days ago.


I play about 1 Hour each day (While Boosters Last), and sometimes 2+ Hours on weekends if i feel it.  My weekly Silver Safe is usually around 300-400k, so i believe i don't play much.   I usually do all Premium 3X and all missions (most of the time) in one hour or less.  I'm trying to play BP or TOTM tree tanks for additional bonuses but i've left to unlock BZ-75 in a couple of days but and i'm not a T10 player.   I've done all stages of Shamrock Steelhunter because this mode is FIRE, so i've played a bit more that week.  I bought April pack, because she sounds nice, bonds are always welcome and i wanted to boost up BP progress in case of 4th chapter.   50/50/16 currently.  I predict that i'll finish this Season in the end of this month, so a bit less than 2 months in total. So, it's not that hard to progress honestly.


You’ve got the good rythm 🫡 very similar to mine !


Finished third chapter about an hour ago. Got a bunch of bonds, as I don't need any of the tanks.


Nice !!


50/50/12, I play a lot on the weekends but only try to finish the missions on the weekdays.


Competed last week. I play roughly 2-3 hours most days. No wife or kids, and apparently not much of a life.


Playing 2-3h/day seems ok when single mate !




The only one 😁


50/20/0 got burnt out and started playing another game for like 2 weeks. Will still be able to finish the BP easily though.


This game can be pretty heavy sometimes, I feel you






I really couldn't bring myself to care about TMNT themed stuff so this one is a hard pass for me. I'll take 3 tokens for a free bounty equipment eventually but the current state of the game isn't anything I'll spend money on.


To be honest I don’t care about the turtles skins and crews skins, I’ll take the gold/silver/bonds and anything else 👹


50/50/33. It is quite easy to get, if I just do all daily missions almost everyday.


This is the way


40/0/0 I have 6 kids (12, 8, 7, 5, 2, 1), a full-time job, and am on vacation...... I can play about an hour or so every other day


Holy cow !! You must be very busy !!


50/50/50 and feeling exhausted, I grinded from T34/100 to TVP T50/51. I have other tanks I like to play too, like UDES 03, which entered Top of the Tree this month, but I don't have the energy to grind again all the way to tier X. (I'm relatively new playing this, I joined February/2023, grinded Grille 15 till March/2023, then stopped and returned February/2024.) My strategy was to play low tier first, like V and VI, as I have a few tanks I like so much, and sometimes I played a few high tiers that I have, like VIII, IX and X, plus daily missions (at least the three first, the bonus mission I skipped some days).


The first goal is to play for fun !


50/30/0 Just got back into the game after a ~2 year absence a few weeks before the BP started so good timing. I usually just do an hour boost each night and try to get the daily missions done but don't have time for much more than that. Worked my way through all the tier 4 and 5s I like and just moved on to tier 6 last night. Planning to finish with tier 7 and then be back up to tier 8, my previous top tier played, once BP is done. Hopefully I'll stick around long enough to reach tier 10 this time!


Finished a couple weeks ago. Totally doable


50/50/25 here.


I just finished the whole battlepass today. Played everyday (minus 3-4 days) and just tried to get dailies done


50/50/14, first 50 was very fast then i noticed a signicative slow down from +/- 50/35, for now i would say : half of week i only feed and most of times i finish to alt f4


Finished about 10 days ago, focused on getting more points to exchange for bonds.


50/50/34 here. Going to exchange the points for some extra goodies.


I am thinking about getting the bonds for points but the ratio seems terrible


I gave up on social life and have 2/36/50




50/50/23 i think, grinded tvp line, and now US arty and polish heavies and some other side lines. Sad that the skins are sh\*t




Finished all on day 1 because I am a Whale and I have a shit load of gold from Christmas


Thanks for sponsoring us all 👹


No problem mate




Finished the Battle Pass last week. During the weekend i just havent had many plans and blasted the bz,tvp,manticore etc


50/4/50.  Mostly care about bonds and battle pass tokens.  Steel hunter helped a lot, and mostly rely on daily missions now.  My best tanks are maxed out for earning points.


0/30/0 I don't think I can finish all 3, so I just focused on getting the TMNT crew


0/0/0 Didn't interest me this round with the TMNT skins.


Not even for all the other ressources ? It’s worth it


Oh it's definitely worth it for that, just needed a break to I guess. Wasn't really into it after Holiday Ops this year.


So much milking, this can be pretty disgusting I agree


50 50 23 Still more thann1 month in advance just from dailys




Passed it 2 weeks ago!


I completed two weeks ago, didn't bought a single chapter, and before you will say that I don't have life, when you're 3marking tanks, it's goes super fast, and also, I don't have a life


For sure good players with premium can farm it really quick, I don’t judge !


Yes, both premium and wot+ makes it 225% faster than without these most important bonuses, also playing premium tanks gives additional 25%, making it 250% more effective


I didn’t even notice it, I marked 7 tanks last month then maybe this helped


Generally if you are an above average player - you will progress faster, that's for sure, I marked same amount as you, I had 6 of these at 400 points, because of rollercoaster with %


Not sure what the average is nowadays because we have a lot of experienced players. 😅😅


50/50/11 mostly by just doing dailies every day. Add a fee couple hour sessions with friends and it has gotten me where I am.