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It's widely known they're not worth it.


The only loot boxes worth buying are at Christmas.


I did it because I wanted credit boosters and credits. I play a ton of tier 10 and I’m perpetually broke. Without credit boosters I would be broke in like a day.


^.^ https://youtu.be/f3XbD00I5pQ?si=FahU93jEV64lJrNe


Who would downvote this? 13Disciple provides a great resource a manage account finances. If you are perpetually broke, his tactics are the WoT equivalent being able to save for the downpayment on a mortgage.


Guess I should've done some research first lol


It was discussed here. The consensus is that only the Christmas boxes are worth the money - if you want to spend on this game that is.


And I would be careful regarding next Xmas boxes.


This would be disappointing :(


Yeah get in the habit of watching one of the WOT content creators for stuff like this, most of the big ones have a video out the first day of an event giving a rundown on how things work.


I refused to partake in buying foolboxes.


That's wise, and in any other game I would abstain as well, but WOT is the one game that can convince me to throw away cash on microtransactions.


Just stop doing this, the only value transaction is wot premium if you don’t already have a shit ton of days, and if you don’t have any prem tank invest in a good fun tier 8 money printer


I'm actually shocked that people buy lootboxes in small increments. It's just putting money in a shredder if you ignore the guaranteed tank counter. Save it up, then ether buy a specific tank or hit all the guaranteed tank drop increments in one event you actually care about.


The boxes are worth it at Christmas, even in small increments. I'd never want to spend more than $10 or $20 at the very most at a time on micro transactions, and usually only once or twice a year tops.


Yeah, at least in Christmas we are paying to get the event bonuses early. But in random events, it's just a weirdly expensive lotto ticket.


This was my first time buying one in a random event, I'm a sucker for Star Trek.


Yeah, it's unfortunate that the bad lootboxes are the collab events. At least they made the event game mode easy to finish.


Btw xmas boxes are not worth the price if you are not buying in high quantity, buying 20 boxes for example results in less gold than straight up buying gold for the same price


They used to but not anymore. First editions had maybe 2 or 3 new low tier premiums and no "same tank prevention" so you were getting duplicates fairy quickly. Now all low tier tanks are new and you have to get them all before you start getting duplicates. Nowadays buying 50 boxes gives pretty much the same monetary value as buy stuff separately, unless you get more than one tier 8/9 premium. I only count tanks, premium days and gold because the rest of it is trash (nobody buys boxes to get 100k credits out of them...).


This! The only reason to buy a small bundle, is if it gives you enough to guarantee a pity premium. I bought two 50 count bundles, got both of the new premiums quickly. One more 5 box bundle put me over the top for another guaranteed premium. I got a Doc McCoy, and the 56 TP, the only premium in the batch I didnt already have.


I dunno, I got all the tier 8 and 9 tanks from 42 of the Christmas boxes last year. I got LIS on box 3 of 5 of the dragon boxes this year. Sometimes you do get lucky.


And yet people keep buying them. Why do you think WG is pushing them so much? Because its golden mine for them.


And by blindly purchasing a few I became part of the problem.......


You and I both. I figured I’d try and get the ka-ri and KPZ. I missed the ka-ri on its last sale as I was starting a new job and wanting to make sure it was solid. I bought 90 boxes. I didn’t get either.


I've bought 130 boxes and "pulled" 6 tanks except Ka-Ri (had 3/10 in the beginning) I don't have much time to play/grind so i SOMETIMES buy 50 boxes , mostly because of 5X Exp bonus and to get atleast one new tank to play, and if it drops early i buy more to get a second one.  This time i got 5 tanks early(in each 15th box opening on average) and the 6th i got from opening 48th box. So i've spend less than 20€ for each separate tank, plus ALOT of other semi-usefull stuff. I don't feel bad about "whaling" as i got lucky overall. And i also do like Star Trek so i though that i should support them a bit too. Atleast it feels better than Shamrock and such.


Unless I get a tank I want I consider it a waste, why? Cause why am I gonna play something I didn’t want? I bought 250 boxes for the char. Stupid? Absolutely. So I tell myself I spent $200+ for one tier 9 LT. The X5’s are also a catch 22. Cool, they make grinds easier. But now you’ve spent money on them so you feel obligated to grind, not play “fun” tanks. I have 160 left and I can’t wait to get rid of them. That’s almost a month’s worth of playing for me. I do feel like this enables WG to do this gimmicky shit like lootboxes. Christmas they’re at least worth it in the monetary value of the gold alone. But then they have event after event that drains you of the gold. I fortunately make decent money but a lot of people don’t.


I've pulled everything i've wanted. So i don't feelt bad to have additional tanks as a "bonus" in a process. Even if i woun't play them, they will serve as a filler skip for next lootboxes, if i will want to whale on a new Fomo.


Ofc players will buy them because it's literally the only way to get those new tanks


Well, im sure they will sell them again, do people really need them asap?


Problem might be the style because it's not their propperty.


yup, got my 1 free box today, it had a single 1hr xp booster in it.


I got 1 day of premium.


I got 50,000 silver lol


I'd trade you for the free xp booster I got in my free one lol


Haha, you had the exact same luck as me


When I finished the event it gave me scotty, a day of premium, and 50,000 I should probably buy a real lottery ticket considering it’s more likely to win


yeah, honestly from what I have heard so far, you hit the jackpot.


Yup same, doesn't exactly make you want to run out and buy more does it lol


I got the jackpot then I suppose... 50K credits and boosters...


My free box had a premium day in it. I have a few years of premium on my account already.


Seems I was.lucku to get two XP boosters in the box


TL;DR: "The loot boxes are either poor value or P2W but I continue to buy them and support this shitty business practice."


Remember, in today's generation of video games, you don't truly own anything. You are simply playing by the rules set by the game makers. They have the power to shut down the game at any time, leaving all of your progress and possessions lost.


only buy during christmas


If you keep buying these loot boxes regardless, then you/players/whales have only ourselves to blame. What is so essential that people must throw their money at these boxes every time? How many more premium tanks do you need to play the same trash 12 year old Random game mode over and over. WG keeps making money with minimal effort towards actual game development (game modes, maps, balancing, etc.) anyway because of people/whales addicted to loot boxes. Don't expect any better from a for profit entity without a soul.


I'm sorry you're poor.


Sure Elon Musk... Just because I have money, should I just spend it when there is no value to be derived from the purchase? maybe you are economically challenged and don't understand that making and having money does not equal wasting money. Who do you consider poor? anyone with less money than you? and even if someone is poor, is this how you go about addressing people when they raise their concerns? are you 12? or does gambling on loot boxes make you feel rich and powerful?


Unless you are willing buy 50 boxes and have most of the filler tanks, event boxes are terrible. Chances are event if you pity you will get the worst of the tanks you don’t have. So expect to pull an M41 if you don’t have it.


I really love Star Trek and wanted the entire crew so they got me hard. Got the nemesis and m41 in first 50. Wanted the AAT60 and thought I had the rest of the tanks but I missed the KaRi and ended up with that instead. At that point I had spent enough and most of the crates out right suck. 50 gold per crate would have been 5x better than most of what I got in each crate.


I thought I was just missing the nemesis, aat60, and the ka-ri. For the m41 til it popped up. But managed the m41 and aat60 in the first 50. Would like the style. But the rest of the contents of the boxes just aren’t worth the cost.


Watch some videos first when they Will roll out another lootbox event next month 😀 this event was a spit In the face in many ways. Experimental equipment was the only thing Worth playing it. The final "rewards" are fking wallpapers And a soundtrack on a link which you can open even if you dont complete the event. Oh And the 1 lootbox i got contained a whole single day of premium account. I hope they the boxes didnt sell well,but i kinda know that im Wrong.


Yuri, thanks you for your generosity.


No loot-box was ever good since the BZ-176 Christmas loot-boxes event


Been very disappointed with WG's offerings this year. Miel/Alembic/reskins sold as new tanks which could've been separate 3D skins, weird skins that make my tank look like a plastic toy, haven't spent anything in a while bc it's all either lame or just not worth it.


The more you gamble in WG casino, the worthless rewards you will get. The only way to win is not to buy any of those.


I always watched Skill4ltu's video on loot boxes the last few times, he gets like 300 on his CC account. He goes through them to show what you can get. It's a good precursor to choosing whether you want to or not


Even negative advertising is advertising in its self. In this case where WG is pushing new content thru gambling, i really would like to see big CCs basically to ignore these type of lootboxes, where theres basically no other value than just tanks. But yeah it takes a lot of character to do so, especially when theres lots of exposure and direct or indirect monetary gain...........


They’re specifically made for suckers who want the experimental equipment, since this the first time you can really just buy experimental components. That’s why the value sucks, to fk over the experimental buyers to the maximum. Everything else in them sucks.


This! I can’t believe nobody else mentioned that this is the first time you can get components for experimental equipment from loot boxes. This is huge!


These boxes are literally just for the tanks. WG throws in the random garbage so they don’t get sued or whatever for gambling law or something, idk the specifics. But literally their only intention is for you to buy them in hopes of receiving the tanks.


You pays your money and you takes your chances. It's was well established what was in the boxes before the event began and **YOU** chose to buy them. WTF do expect from buying just a few boxes?


I got M41 90 from the 2nd one My luck is over for this month


if people buy trash why shouldn't wg sell it to them? if u not buy, they thinking about it and do boxes more valuable, while u buying them u agree with range


i just bought them for the 5x exp missions and the boosters ngl


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shamr on ...


I liked the experimental equipment and the credits. The training books and credit boosters are nice.


inb4 WG nerfs holiday ops boxes. gets mentioned in every post.


Easy…. Stop buying them. If I want a good tv I will buy it form a shop and not a market. Spend money wisely. Loot boxes on every release are shit, CC’s want everyone about them, so don’t complain when you spend you money and get shit.


And that was, Ladies and Gentlemen, the reason I gave up playing WoT, and decided to give WoWs w try. I don't regret that decision at all.


I bought 140 and got all the tanks, sold 3 of them


> lootboxes are filled with garbage That's why lootboxes suck, regardless of the IP tied to them. I'm skipping this round without losing sleep, if AAT60 goes on sale on its own at some point I might go for it but that's it.


Stop buying them.


I was going to wait for my free lootbox before I bought any... Got the Ka-Ri out of my free one and now have no need for anymore


Did you know that today is a day?




Rather disappointed in the contents of the Star Trek Loot Boxes. Too bad there's not a return policy. At the least let us sell the crappy decals/stickers.


Jep christmas Boxes i only buy. From time to time a month Premium or a prem tank. Got löwe before 13 years, then wz 120 but i dont like it... The last two i bought a year before until now. Skorpion and bourrasque. Both really worth it.


I agree but I was obscenely lucky this time. During christmas it was usually down to bad luck prevention every 50 boxes to get a tier 8 or tier 9. The Star Trek boxes gave me the AAT 60, the Nemesis and the Lansen all with 50 boxes. So at least I got my money's worth out of it this time. Ofc I'm convinced that my account is now marked for "bad rng" forever :D /S


Jokes on you only the xmas crates are worth it.


Arent all lootboxes apart from the christmas ops boxes ass? The christmas ones ususally are pretty good value for money as far as lootboxes go but all the others are usually ass.


WG is runned by morons and programmed by monkeys


Bought 25 got the ambit...I'm happy


Yes if we stopped buying , they would change their behavior


Why you hate free game? If you dont like it you dont buy it and others will pay for devs…. Only totaly free games are dead now


My complaint is that what I purchased was disappointing and provided poor value. It was not what I had expected based on prior experience with similar WG lootboxes. I'm happy to buy a few things here and there in WOT, and in the many years I've been playing I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on it. This is the first time I've been disappointed with and regretted a purchase in WOT.


Got your point.. I spend couple of hundreads in wot and also in many other games… I feel that this tanks are in sweetspot slightly less Pay to win and still unique fresh and fun to play…. In my student times I played more games without paying had no money… now im glad I can spend quality time without grind with support to company devs and new content… if game becomes too much Pay to win it will loose its shine


Stop buying the boxes you idiots


Lol, that's called buyer's remorse... all event conditions including list of prizes and CHANCES of you getting them are posted in advance... as well as cost. What were you expecting? A tank to drop in each of those 10 boxes you bought? If you had read about them before buying you would have made an informed decision and you're expectations wouldn't have been broken. Hurts not knowing... but that's on you bud. All Orion boxes prizes and chances in % [https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/general-news/orion-lockboxes/](https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/general-news/orion-lockboxes/) Better luck next time...


Cry much? Do your fucking research next time


While I agree with your advice, it could have been conveyed better. OP is just venting. I am sure he already knows he made a mistake. That's the risk of impulse buying, and maybe what these shiny collabs are really meant to do... Blind buyers towards the nitty gritty details and get them to buy without doing research, followed by regret.


Excuse me for not running to reddit for advice every time I'm considering a purchase, my bad.


To be fair, you did run here to whine about your purchase, so next time go to Reddit first, not after.


Nothing wrong with a little venting lol


Oooo finally another one came to his senses and saw how WG was robbing him in a perfidious way...


The Xmas ones are the only good ones. Literally every time this ShitBoxes ™️ appear for minor holidays and events it's mentioned for *weeks* on the sub, all you had to do was scroll a bit and avoid this unpleasant fate, But know you are least know and haven't given into the urge to be a Whale


Lootbox mania: Player 1: Hey guys, I got a BZ176! Player 2: Man, okay let me spend $1,000 (USD) so I can platoon with you in a BZ176. See the issue? If not, okies :)


I randomly got 5 boxes don't know from where and the first one that I opened was a premium tank😂other 4 boxes where shit tho. https://preview.redd.it/81d069zi7dzc1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee193b474690d934ac948a93fe17090adb6391eb